LSE Academics & Experts

The academics and experts we work with are highly experienced in qualitative and quantitative research methodologies – from literature reviews, stakeholder interviews or surveys to statistical modelling.

Meet our experts:

Education and Skills

Nick Barr

Professor Nicholas Barr
Professor of Public Economics

Expertise: economic theory of the welfare state; finance of higher education; health finance; pensions; public economics; social insurance

Will Bartlett

Dr Will Bartlett
Visiting Senior Fellow, LSEE Research Unit on South East Europe (European Institute)

Expertise: economic development of the Western Balkans; labour market reforms; education system reforms; health system reforms; social inclusion

Marina Cino-Pagliarello

Dr Marina Cino Pagliarello
Senior Research Associate, LSE Consulting

Expertise: European Political Economy; European politics; public policy; education policy; civic education; social policy; comparative education; teachers and trainers continuous professional training; apprenticeship 

Anne Corbett

Dr Anne Corbett
Senior Associate, LSE Consulting

Expertise: Bologna Process participant countries; Brexit; EU higher education policy; national higher education policies in EU 28 and Bologna 49; the Bologna Process; the European Union Member States

Niccolo Durazzi2

Dr Niccolo Durazzi
Research Associate, LSE Consulting

Expertise: higher education; skill formation and labour market policy; comparative political economy; comparative social policy

Claire Gordon

Dr Claire Gordon
Head of LSE Teaching and Learning Centre

Expertise: conflict management; East European politics; minority policy; role of conditionality

Ruth Kattumuri

Dr Ruth Kattumuri
Co-Director, India Observatory; Associate, Grantham Research Institute; Fellow, Academy of Social Sciences

Expertise: climate change; education and skills; sustainable growth and inclusion, sustainable cities; food security; health policy; population and development

Vassilis Monastiriotis

Professor Vassilis Monastiriotis
Professor of Political Economy at the European Institute;
Eleftherios Venizelos Chair in Contemporary Greek Studies;
Deputy Director of LSE Research on South East Europe

Expertise: applied spatial econometrics and GIS; Greece and South East Europe; Greek macro-economic policy and performance; labour market flexibility; regional labour markets; regional policy and performance; spatial economics; unemployment; wage and income disparities

Anne West

Professor Anne West
Professor of Education Policy, Department of Social Policy

Expertise: early years education and care policies; school-based education policy and reforms; education and early years policy in comparative perspective; families and children

Environment and Energy

Simon Dietz

Professor Simon Dietz
Professor of Environmental Policy

Expertise: climate change; environmental economics; sustainable development

Simona Iammarino

Professor Simona Iammarino
Professor of Economic Geography

Expertise: geography of innovation and technological change; multinational corporations; location and innovation strategies; local economic development; regional development policy; regional systems of innovation

Stefania Lovo

Dr Stefania Lovo
Associate Professor in Economics, University of Reading

Expertise: environmental economics; development economics; decentralisation; environmental regulation; international trade; firm productivity

Luca Taschini

Dr Luca Taschini
Associate Professorial Research Fellow, Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment

Expertise: environmental economics; energy economics; industrial organisation; market‑based policy instruments; regulatory impact analysis; policy instrument choice under uncertainty; carbon markets; climate finance; sustainable finance

Grace Wang-800x1110

Dr Grace Yuehan Wang
Visiting Fellow, Department of Media and Communications

Expertise: Entrepreneurship and technological innovation; Digital economy; Development; AI governance; Gender; Climate change; China and Southeast Asia; Qualitative methods; Digital storytelling

EU Policies

Robert Basedow

Dr Robert Basedow
Assistant Professor in International Political Economy

Expertise: EU trade policy; trade agreements; EU international investment policy; investment arbitration; investor-to-state dispute settlement (ISDS); investment liberalisation; World Trade Organisation; Non-Tariff Barriers; international regulatory cooperation

Steve Coulter

Dr Steve Coulter
Guest Teacher in European Political Economy at the European Institute

Expertise: Labour Markets; Industrial Strategy; Skills; Sustainability; Varieties of Capitalism

Riccardo Crescenzi

Professor Riccardo Crescenzi
Professor of Economic Geography

Expertise: Brexit; economic geography; EU economic growth; EU policies; global restructuring; innovation; knowledge economy; local economic development; regional disparities; regional economic development

Kevin Featherstone

Professor Kevin Featherstone, AcSS
Eleftherios Venizelos Professor of Contemporary Greek Studies; Professor of European Politics

Expertise: comparitive politics, public policy; political economy; politics of Brexit; politics of EU; Greek politics; European politics

Max Fras

Dr Max Fras
Visiting Fellow, European Institute

Expertise: EU foreign policy; EU development policy; EU enlargement; Eastern Europe; South Caucasus; Eastern Partnership; Western Balkans; Middle East; Africa; education; youth; youth policy; civil society; research policy; human rights; Council of Europe; United Nations

Elitsa Garnizova

Dr Elitsa Garnizova
Associate Director of Trade Policy Hub, LSE Consulting

Expertise: international trade; European trade policy; trade negotiations; non-tariff measures; regulatory issues; preferential trade and investment agreements; sustainable development; sustainability impact assessments; human rights

Bob Hancke

Dr Bob Hancké
Associate Professor of Political Economy, European Institute

Expertise: advanced capitalist societies; institutions and macro-economic policy; labour relations; political economy; transition economies

Hosuk Lee-Makiyama

Hosuk Lee-Makiyama
Fellow, Department of International Relations; Director of ECIPE; Business Adviser at the Trade Policy Hub, LSE Consulting

Expertise: European Union; EU trade agreements; EU single market; trade defence; healthcare; digital economy; WTO and globalization; far-east; North-America; Russia & Eurasia; South Asia & Oceania

Martin Lodge

Professor Martin Lodge
Professor of Political Science and Public Policy; Director, Centre for Analysis of Risk and Regulation (CARR)

Expertise: British public policy; EU public policy; German public policy; government; institutional analysis; political science; public policy

Vassilis Monastiriotis

Professor Vassilis Monastiriotis
Professor of Political Economy at the European Institute;
Eleftherios Venizelos Chair in Contemporary Greek Studies;
Deputy Director of LSE Research on South East Europe

Expertise: applied spatial econometrics and GIS; Greece and South East Europe; Greek macro-economic policy and performance; labour market flexibility; regional labour markets; regional policy and performance; spatial economics; unemployment; wage and income disparities

Ian Roxan

Dr Ian Roxan
Associate Professor, LSE Law School

Expertise: civil law countries; corporate finance; corporate taxation; EU VAT; European taxation; international taxation; stamp duty; tax policy; taxation; trustee investments; trusts

Waltraud Schelkle

Dr Waltraud Schelkle
Associate Professor of Political Economy, European Institute

Expertise: European integration; European Monetary Union; financial markets and social policy; United Germany

Julius Sen

Julius Sen
Associate Director and Senior Programme Advisor, LSE Enterprise

Expertise: EU history, institutions, policies and processes; EU integration policies and processes; Single Market, EU trade policies and completing Economic and Monetary Union (EMU); the EU and other regional trade agreements compared; EU relations with emerging economies

Arnaud Vaganay

Arnaud Vaganay
Research Associate, LSE Consulting

Expertise: comparative political economy; employment and social policies; programme and policy evaluation; research methods (mixed methods); role of evidence in policy-making; social experiments


Paul De Grauwe

Professor Paul De Grauwe
John Paulson Chair in European Political Economy, European Institute

Expertise: European political economy; international economics; foreign-exchange markets; international monetary relations; monetary integration; open-economy macroeconomics

Robyn Klingler-Vidra

Dr Robyn Klingler-Vidra
Lecturer in Political Economy

Expertise: venture capital; innovation; industrial policy; East Asia; economic competitiveness; entrepreneurship; entrepreneurial finance; rationality; inclusive innovation; social impact

Ian Roxan

Dr Ian Roxan
Associate Professor, LSE Law School

Expertise: civil law countries; corporate finance; corporate taxation; EU VAT; European taxation; international taxation; stamp duty; tax policy; taxation; trustee investments; trusts


Aris Angelis

Dr Aris Angelis
Assistant Professor in Health Economics, LSHTM
Visiting Fellow at the Department of Health Policy, LSE

Expertise: access to medicines; biomedical innovation; decision analysis; economic evaluation; health economics; health policy; health technology assessment; multiple criteria decision analysis; pharmaceutical economics; pharmaceutical policy; pharmaceutical regulation; priority setting; value assessment

Jennifer Beecham

Professor Jennifer Beecham
Professor of Health and Social Care Economics

Expertise: adults; children; eating disorders; economic evaluation; intellectual disabilities; mental health; social care; social services; unit costs

Eva-Marie Bonin

Eva-Maria Bonin
Assistant Professorial Research Fellow, Care Policy and Evaluation Centre (CPEC; formerly PSSRU)

Expertise: child and adolescent mental health; healthcare; health economics; interventions for children; mental health service provision; social cost of mental health; social care

Joan Costa-i-Font

Dr Joan Costa-Font
Professor of Health Economics an Co-director of the MSc International Health Policy, Department of Health Policy

Expertise: behavioural incentives; ageing, long term care, health disadvantage; healthy lifestyles; smoking, obesity, sleep, food , exercise; gender, family and health

Jose-Luis Fernandez

Dr José-Luis Fernández
Associate Professorial Research Fellow, Care Policy and Evaluation Centre (CPEC; formerly PSSRU); Director of CPEC

Expertise: community care; consumer directed care; elderly; health economics; social care economics

Matteo Galizzi

Dr Matteo M Galizzi
Associate Professor of Behavioural Science; Co-Director of Executive MSc in Behavioural Science

Expertise: behavioural economics; experimental economics; health economics; experimental design; behavioural experiments in health; behavioural spillovers; behavioural data linking; external validity, generalizability, and replicability of economic experiments

Jennifer Gill

Dr Jennifer Gill
Associate Director, Medical Technology Research Group (MTRG)

Expertise: pharmacology; genetics; project management; health communication; knowledge transfer; public health; pharmacy policy; chronic pain; population ageing; cancer; MS

Panos Kanavos

Dr Panos Kanavos
Associate Professor of International Health Policy, Department of Health Policy

Expertise: health economics; health technology assessment; economics of medical technologies; pharmaceuticals; disease management; quality of care

Martin Knapp

Professor Martin Knapp
Professor of Social Policy, Department of Health Policy; Director of NIHR School for Social Care Research

Expertise: community care policy; dementia; health economics; health policy; long-term care; mental health; mental health economics; social services; social care

Professor of Health and Social Care Policy
Grace Lordan

Dr Grace Lordan
Associate Professor, Department of Psychological and Behavioural Science; Research Affiliate, Centre of Economic Performance (CEP)

Expertise: diversity and inclusion; discrimination; worker wellbeing; gender; inequality; health economics; labour economics

Ali McGuire

Professor Alistair McGuire
Head of Department of Health Policy
Professor of Health Economics

Expertise: economics; health care; health economics; social care; social policy

Elias Mossialos

Professor Elias Mossialos
Deputy Head, Department of Health Policy
Director of LSE Health
Professor of Health Policy

Expertise: antibiotics; cancer care and policy; European health policies; health systems and policy; funding health care; pharmaceutical policies; private health insurance 

Huseyin Naci

Dr Huseyin Naci
Assistant Professor of Health Policy, Department of Health Policy

Expertise: cardiovascular disease; comparative effectiveness research; health care; health policy; health technology; pharmaceutical regulation; research design; systematic reviews

Ken Shadlen

Professor Ken Shadlen
Professor of Development StudiesDepartment of International Development

Expertise: Latin America; World Trade Organization (WTO); debt and developing countries; industrial policy; intellectual property rights; international institutions; patents; pharmaceuticals; politics; trade and industrial strategy

Michela Tinelli

Dr Michela Tinelli
Assistant Professorial Research Fellow, Care Policy and Evaluation Centre (CPEC; formerly PSSRU)

Expertise: chronic disease; health care; health economics; health policy; pharmaceutical chemistry; public health; social care; socioeconomics


Bert Provan

Dr Bert Provan
Senior Policy Fellow and Knowledge Broker, CASE (Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion)

Expertise: French and European housing policies; housing and rough sleeping; neighbourhood renewal; social impact of regeneration; social return on investment

Kath Scanlon

Kathleen Scanlon
Distinguished Policy Fellow, LSE London
Deputy Director, LSE London

Expertise: housing finance; housing policy; urban policy

Christine Whitehead

Professor Christine Whitehead
Professor Emeritus in Housing Economics

Expertise: housing economics; housing finance; housing policy; privatisation; urban land markets; urban policy


Tania Burchardt

Dr Tania Burchardt
Director of CASE (Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion)

Expertise: equality; welfare policies; social inclusion; social policy; theories of justice

Joan Costa-i-Font

Dr Joan Costa-Font
Professor of Health Economics an Co-director of the MSc International Health Policy, Department of Health Policy

Expertise: behavioural incentives; ageing, long term care, health disadvantage; healthy lifestyles; smoking, obesity, sleep, food , exercise; gender, family and health

Neil Lee

Professor Neil Lee
Professor of Economic Geography

Expertise: economic geography; local and regional development; innovation; SME finance; technological change; future of work; inequality; labour markets; inclusive growth

Grace Lordan

Dr Grace Lordan
Associate Professor, Department of Psychological and Behavioural Science; Research Affiliate, Centre of Economic Performance (CEP)

Expertise: diversity and inclusion; discrimination; worker wellbeing; gender; inequality; health economics; labour economics

Vassilis Monastiriotis

Professor Vassilis Monastiriotis
Professor of Political Economy at the European Institute;
Eleftherios Venizelos Chair in Contemporary Greek Studies;
Deputy Director of LSE Research on South East Europe

Expertise: applied spatial econometrics and GIS; Greece and South East Europe; Greek macro-economic policy and performance; labour market flexibility; regional labour markets; regional policy and performance; spatial economics; unemployment; wage and income disparities

Kitty Stewart

Dr Kitty Stewart
Associate Professor, Department of Social Policy; Associate Director, CASE (Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion)

Expertise: child poverty; early years policy; EU regional disparities; inequality; low skilled employment; social exclusion

International Development

Max Fras

Dr Max Fras
Visiting Fellow, European Institute

Expertise: EU foreign policy; EU development policy; EU enlargement; Eastern Europe; South Caucasus; Eastern Partnership; Western Balkans; Middle East; Africa; education; youth; youth policy; civil society; research policy; human rights; Council of Europe; United Nations

Ruth Kattumuri

Dr Ruth Kattumuri
Co-Director, India Observatory; Associate, Grantham Research Institute; Fellow, Academy of Social Sciences

Expertise: climate change; education and skills; sustainable growth and inclusion, sustainable cities; food security; health policy; population and development

Robyn Klingler-Vidra

Dr Robyn Klingler-Vidra
Lecturer in Political Economy

Expertise: venture capital; innovation; industrial policy; East Asia; economic competitiveness; entrepreneurship; entrepreneurial finance; rationality; inclusive innovation; social impact

Stefania Lovo

Dr Stefania Lovo
Associate Professor in Economics, University of Reading

Expertise: environmental economics; development economics; decentralisation; environmental regulation; international trade; firm productivity

John Morrow

Dr John Morrow
Senior Lecturer in Economics

Expertise: international trade; international economics; political economy; industrial development

Ken Shadlen

Professor Ken Shadlen
Professor of Development StudiesDepartment of International Development

Expertise: Latin America; World Trade Organization (WTO); debt and developing countries; industrial policy; intellectual property rights; international institutions; patents; pharmaceuticals; politics; trade and industrial strategy

Labour Markets and Employment

Will Bartlett

Dr Will Bartlett
Visiting Senior Fellow, LSEE Research Unit on South East Europe (European Institute)

Expertise: economic development of the Western Balkans; labour market reforms; education system reforms; health system reforms; social inclusion

Steve Coulter

Dr Steve Coulter
Guest Teacher in European Political Economy at the European Institute

Expertise: Labour Markets; Industrial Strategy; Skills; Sustainability; Varieties of Capitalism

Niccolo Durazzi

Dr Niccolo Durazzi
Research Associate, LSE Consulting

Expertise: higher education; skill formation and labour market policy; comparative political economy; comparative social policy

Bob Hancke

Dr Bob Hancké
Associate Professor of Political Economy, European Institute

Expertise: advanced capitalist societies; institutions and macro-economic policy; labour relations; political economy; transition economies

Vassilis Monastiriotis

Professor Vassilis Monastiriotis
Professor of Political Economy at the European Institute;
Eleftherios Venizelos Chair in Contemporary Greek Studies;
Deputy Director of LSE Research on South East Europe

Expertise: applied spatial econometrics and GIS; Greece and South East Europe; Greek macro-economic policy and performance; labour market flexibility; regional labour markets; regional policy and performance; spatial economics; unemployment; wage and income disparities

Law and Criminology

Conor Gearty

Professor Conor Gearty
Professor of Human Rights Law, LSE Law School

Expertise: human rights; terrorism; civil liberties

Jan Kleinheisterkamp

Dr Jan Kleinheisterkamp
Associate Professor of Law, LSE Law School

Expertise: international arbitration; trade agreements; international investment law; investor-state-dispute settlement (ISDS); commercial contracts; international transactions; EU law; international law; comparative law

Andrew Lang

Professor Andrew Lang
Professor of Law, Chair in International Law and Global Governance

Expertise: international law; international trade law; international economic law; world trade organization; global governance; WTO; free trade agreements; international investment agreements

Ian Roxan

Dr Ian Roxan
Associate Professor, LSE Law School

Expertise: civil law countries; corporate finance; corporate taxation; EU VAT; European taxation; international taxation; stamp duty; tax policy; taxation; trustee investments; trusts

Edmund-Philipp Schuster

Edmund-Philipp Schuster
Associate Professor, LSE Law School

Expertise: corporate law; harmonisation of company law on European level; finance; takeover regulation

Media and Communications

Alexander Grous

Dr Alexander Grous
Academic Associate, LSE Enterprise

Expertise: aerospace; betting and gaming; broadcasting; DRM; e-commerce; ERP; franchising; information systems; internet; mobile and satellite telecommunications; new media; P2P; programme management; software

Sonia Livingstone

Professor Sonia Livingstone
Professor of Social Psychology, Department of Media and Communications

Expertise: children and new media; internet use; media audiences; media literacy; mediated participation; online risks and safety; public engagement with communication regulation

Grace Wang-800x1110

Dr Grace Yuehan Wang
Visiting Fellow, Department of Media and Communications

Expertise: Entrepreneurship and technological innovation; Digital economy; Development; AI governance; Gender; Climate change; China and Southeast Asia; Qualitative methods; Digital storytelling

Organisations and Management

Christine Cote

Dr Christine Côté
Associate Professorial Lecturer, Department of Management

Expertise: international trade and investment policy and negotiation; international investment agreements and investment arbitration; globalization and its impact on national regulation; foreign direct investment and the internationalization strategies of firms

Saul Estrin

Professor Saul Estrin
Professor of Managerial Economics and Strategy; Head of the Department of Management

Expertise: institutions in emerging markets and their impact on foreign direct investment and entrepreneurial activity; state owned firms, business groups and social enterprises in emerging markets; internationalisation of firms in emerging markets; early stage entrepreneurial finance; equity crowdfunding and angel investing

Kari Koskinen

Dr Kari Koskinen
LSE Fellow, Department of Management

Expertise: digital innovation; digital platforms; open innovation; technology innovation and entrepreneurship in the global South; qualitative methods in management research; digital data production and usage; socio-technical systems

Arnaud Vaganay

Arnaud Vaganay
Research Associate, LSE Consulting

Expertise: comparative political economy; employment and social policies; programme and policy evaluation; research methods (mixed methods); role of evidence in policy-making; social experiments

Psychological and Behavioural Science

Michael Bruter

Professor Michael Bruter
Professor of Political Science and European Politics, Department of Government

Expertise: electoral psychology; electoral ergonomics; political behaviour, political science; voter's psychology

Joan Costa-i-Font

Dr Joan Costa-Font
Professor of Health Economics an Co-director of the MSc International Health Policy, Department of Health Policy

Expertise: behavioural incentives; ageing, long term care, health disadvantage; healthy lifestyles; smoking, obesity, sleep, food , exercise; gender, family and health

Matteo Galizzi

Dr Matteo M Galizzi
Associate Professor of Behavioural Science; Co-Director of Executive MSc in Behavioural Science

Expertise: behavioural economics; experimental economics; health economics; experimental design; behavioural experiments in health; behavioural spillovers; behavioural data linking; external validity, generalizability, and replicability of economic experiments


Professor Alex Gillespie
Professor, Department of Psychological and Behavioural Science

Expertise: behavioural science; fieldwork in health care; psychological science

Sarah Harrison

Dr Sarah Harrison
Assistant Professorial Research Fellow, Department of Government

Expertise: electoral psychology, elections, electoral behaviour, electoral ergonomics, political participation, youth, democratic frustration, quantitative & qualitative methodologies

Grace Lordan

Dr Grace Lordan
Associate Professor, Department of Psychological and Behavioural Science; Research Affiliate, Centre of Economic Performance (CEP)

Expertise: diversity and inclusion; discrimination; worker wellbeing; gender; inequality; health economics; labour economics

Michael Muthukrishna

Dr Michael Muthukrishna
Associate Professor of Economic Psychology

Expertise: assimilation; behavioural sciences; corruption; cross-cultural psychology; cultural and social change; data science; democracy; economic psychology; entrepreneurship; human evolution; innovation; intelligence; multiculturalism; cultural evolution

Tom Reader

Dr Tom Reader
Associate Professor in Organisational Psychology

Expertise: decision-making; human error; leadership; non-technical skills; oil and gas; organisational culture; patient safety; safety; situation awareness; team mental models; teamwork

Chris Tennant

Dr Chris Tennant
Visiting Teacher

Expertise: classical languages; climate change; driverless cars; neuroscience; philosophy

Public Policy and Regulation

Nick Barr

Professor Nicholas Barr
Professor of Public Economics

Expertise: economic theory of the welfare state; finance of higher education; health finance; pensions; public economics; social insurance

Michael Bruter

Professor Michael Bruter
Professor of Political Science and European Politics, Department of Government

Expertise: electoral psychology; electoral ergonomics; political behaviour, political science; voter's psychology

Conor Gearty

Professor Conor Gearty
Professor of Human Rights Law, LSE Law School

Expertise: human rights; terrorism; civil liberties

Sarah Harrison

Dr Sarah Harrison
Assistant Professorial Research Fellow, Department of Government

Expertise: electoral psychology, elections, electoral behaviour, electoral ergonomics, political participation, youth, democratic frustration, quantitative & qualitative methodologies

Jan Kleinheisterkamp

Dr Jan Kleinheisterkamp
Associate Professor of Law, LSE Law School

Expertise: international arbitration; trade agreements; international investment law; investor-state-dispute settlement (ISDS); commercial contracts; international transactions; EU law; international law; comparative law

Martin Lodge

Professor Martin Lodge
Professor of Political Science and Public Policy; Director of CARR (Centre for Analysis of Risk and Regulation)

Expertise: British public policy; EU public policy; German public policy; government; institutional analysis; political science; public policy

Ian Roxan

Dr Ian Roxan
Associate Professor, LSE Law School

Expertise: civil law countries; corporate finance; corporate taxation; EU VAT; European taxation; international taxation; stamp duty; tax policy; taxation; trustee investments; trusts

Waltraud Schelkle

Dr Waltraud Schelkle
Associate Professor of Political Economy, European Institute

Expertise: European integration; European Monetary Union; financial markets and social policy; United Germany

Julius Sen

Julius Sen
Associate Director and Senior Programme Advisor, LSE Enterprise

Expertise: public policy processes compared; the Treasury Green book and the public policy cycle; the role of regulations in creating markets; assessing costs and benefits of regulations and policies; regulation and growth; regulation and inequality; regulation and climate change.

Edmund-Philipp Schuster

Edmund-Philipp Schuster
Associate Professor, LSE Law School

Expertise: corporate law; harmonisation of company law on European level; finance; takeover regulation

Tony Travers

Professor Tony Travers
Director of LSE London; Visiting Professor, Department of Government

Expertise: city government; local government; London; public finance; schools' finance

Technology and Innovation

Christian Busch

Dr Christian Busch
Author; Professor; Co-founder

Expertise: Entrepreneurship, Future of Business, Innovation, Purpose-driven Leadership, Serendipity, Social innovation

Riccardo Crescenzi

Professor Riccardo Crescenzi
Professor of Economic Geography

Expertise: Brexit; economic geography; EU economic growth; EU policies; global restructuring; innovation; knowledge economy; local economic development; regional disparities; regional economic development

Alexander Grous

Dr Alexander Grous
Academic Associate, LSE Enterprise

Expertise: aerospace; betting and gaming; broadcasting; DRM; e-commerce; ERP; franchising; information systems; internet; mobile and satellite telecommunications; new media; P2P; programme management; software

Robyn Klingler-Vidra

Dr Robyn Klingler-Vidra
Lecturer in Political Economy

Expertise: venture capital; innovation; industrial policy; East Asia; economic competitiveness; entrepreneurship; entrepreneurial finance; rationality; inclusive innovation; social impact

Kari Koskinen

Dr Kari Koskinen
LSE Fellow, Department of Management

Expertise: digital innovation; digital platforms; open innovation; technology innovation and entrepreneurship in the global South; qualitative methods in management research; digital data production and usage; socio-technical systems

Simona Iammarino

Professor Simona Iammarino
Professor of Economic Geography

Expertise: geography of innovation and technological change; multinational corporations; location and innovation strategies; local economic development; regional development policy; regional systems of innovation

Neil Lee

Professor Neil Lee
Professor of Economic Geography

Expertise: economic geography; local and regional development; innovation; SME finance; technological change; future of work; inequality; labour markets; inclusive growth

Michael Muthukrishna

Dr Michael Muthukrishna
Associate Professor of Economic Psychology

Expertise: assimilation; behavioural sciences; corruption; cross-cultural psychology; cultural and social change; data science; democracy; economic psychology; entrepreneurship; human evolution; innovation; intelligence; multiculturalism; cultural evolution

Edmund-Philipp Schuster

Edmund-Philipp Schuster
Associate Professor, LSE Law School

Expertise: corporate law; harmonisation of company law on European level; finance; takeover regulation

Ken Shadlen

Professor Ken Shadlen
Professor of Development StudiesDepartment of International Development

Expertise: Latin America; World Trade Organization (WTO); debt and developing countries; industrial policy; intellectual property rights; international institutions; patents; pharmaceuticals; politics; trade and industrial strategy

Carsten Sorenson

Dr Carsten Sørensen
Associate Professor (Reader) in Digital Innovation, Department of Management

Expertise: digital infrastructures; digital innovation; distributed ledger technologies, blockchain, crypto currencies, non-fungible tokens, information services automation; mobile platforms; mobile technologies; the future of work

Will Venters

Dr Will Venters
Associate Professor of Information Systems

Expertise: digital innovation; digital platforms; cloud computing; digital interfaces and ecosystems; business agility; artificial intelligence within business; digital systems development

Grace Wang-800x1110

Dr Grace Yuehan Wang
Visiting Fellow, Department of Media and Communications

Expertise: Entrepreneurship and technological innovation (with a focus on Asia-pacific and Africa); Digital economy; Development (with a focus on Asia-Pacific and Africa); AI governance; gender; climate change (narrative discourse and clean energy); China and Southeast Asia; Qualitative methods (elite interviews in a cross-cultural setting); Digital storytelling

Trade and Investment

Robert Basedow

Dr Robert Basedow
Assistant Professor in International Political Economy

Expertise: EU trade policy; trade agreements; EU international investment policy; investment arbitration; investor-to-state dispute settlement (ISDS); investment liberalisation; World Trade Organisation; Non-Tariff Barriers; international regulatory cooperation

Christine Cote

Dr Christine Côté
Associate Professorial Lecturer, Department of Management

Expertise: international trade and investment policy and negotiation; international investment agreements and investment arbitration; globalization and its impact on national regulation; foreign direct investment and the internationalization strategies of firms

Paul De Grauwe

Professor Paul De Grauwe
John Paulson Chair in European Political Economy, European Institute

Expertise: European political economy; international economics; foreign-exchange markets; international monetary relations; monetary integration; open-economy macroeconomics

Swati Dhingra

Dr Swati Dhingra
Assistant Professor of Economics

Expertise: industrial policy; globalisation; international economics; trade policy; industrial organisation

Saul Estrin

Professor Saul Estrin
Professor of Managerial Economics and Strategy; Head of the Department of Management

Expertise: institutions in emerging markets and their impact on foreign direct investment and entrepreneurial activity; state owned firms, business groups and social enterprises in emerging markets; internationalisation of firms in emerging markets; early stage entrepreneurial finance; equity crowdfunding and angel investing

Elitsa Garnizova

Dr Elitsa Garnizova
Associate Director of Trade Policy Hub, LSE Consulting

Expertise: international trade; European trade policy; trade negotiations; non-tariff measures; regulatory issues; preferential trade and investment agreements; sustainable development; sustainability impact assessments; human rights

Jan Kleinheisterkamp

Dr Jan Kleinheisterkamp
Associate Professor of Law, LSE Law School

Expertise: international arbitration; trade agreements; international investment law; investor-state-dispute settlement (ISDS); commercial contracts; international transactions; EU law; international law; comparative law

Andrew Lang

Professor Andrew Lang
Professor of Law, Chair in International Law and Global Governance

Expertise: international law; international trade law; international economic law; world trade organization; global governance; WTO; free trade agreements; international investment agreements

Hosuk Lee-Makiyama

Hosuk Lee-Makiyama
Fellow, Department of International Relations; Director of ECIPE; Business Adviser at the Trade Policy Hub, LSE Consulting

Expertise: European Union; EU trade agreements; EU single market; trade defence; healthcare; digital economy; WTO and globalization; far-east; North-America; Russia & Eurasia; South Asia & Oceania

Stefania Lovo

Dr Stefania Lovo
Associate Professor in Economics, University of Reading

Expertise: environmental economics; development economics; decentralisation; environmental regulation; international trade; firm productivity

John Morrow

Dr John Morrow
Senior Lecturer in Economics

Expertise: international trade; international economics; political economy; industrial development

Gianmarco Ottaviano

Professor Gianmarco Ottaviano
Professor of Economics

Expertise: economic geography; economics; foreign direct investment; immigration; international trade; multinationals; urban economics

Thomas Sampson

Dr Thomas Sampson
Assistant Professor, Department of Economics

Expertise: international trade; Brexit; economic growth and development 

Julius Sen

Julius Sen
Associate Director and Senior Programme Advisor, LSE Enterprise

Expertise: debt and policy reform; growth strategies for developing countries; globalisation; India; international economic management; international trade; political management; WTO and Regional or Preferential Trade Agreements; new generation of trade agreements

Ken Shadlen

Professor Ken Shadlen
Professor of Development StudiesDepartment of International Development

Expertise: Latin America; World Trade Organization (WTO); debt and developing countries; industrial policy; intellectual property rights; international institutions; patents; pharmaceuticals; politics; trade and industrial strategy

Stephen Woolcock

Dr Stephen Woolcock
Visiting Associate in LSE International Trade Policy Unit, Department of International Relations

Expertise: EU trade and investment policies; European trade; international investment policy; international trade; preferential trade and investment agreements; trade negotiations; trade policy; World Trade Organization

Urban and Regional Development

Riccardo Crescenzi

Professor Riccardo Crescenzi
Professor of Economic Geography

Expertise: Brexit; economic geography; EU economic growth; EU policies; global restructuring; innovation; knowledge economy; local economic development; regional disparities; regional economic development

Elitsa Garnizova

Dr Elitsa Garnizova
Director of Trade Policy Hub, LSE Consulting

Expertise: international trade; European trade policy; trade negotiations; non-tariff measures; regulatory issues; preferential trade and investment agreements; sustainable development; sustainability impact assessments; human rights

Neil Lee

Professor Neil Lee
Professor of Economic Geography

Expertise: economic geography; local and regional development; innovation; SME finance; technological change; future of work; inequality; labour markets; inclusive growth

Simona Iammarino

Professor Simona Iammarino
Professor of Economic Geography

Expertise: geography of innovation and technological change; multinational corporations; location and innovation strategies; local economic development; regional development policy; regional systems of innovation

Vassilis Monastiriotis

Professor Vassilis Monastiriotis
Professor of Political Economy at the European Institute;
Eleftherios Venizelos Chair in Contemporary Greek Studies;
Deputy Director of LSE Research on South East Europe

Expertise: applied spatial econometrics and GIS; Greece and South East Europe; Greek macro-economic policy and performance; labour market flexibility; regional labour markets; regional policy and performance; spatial economics; unemployment; wage and income disparities

Philipp Rode

Dr Philipp Rode
Executive Director, LSE Cities; Associate Professorial Research Fellow

Expertise: architecture; cities and climate change; city design; global cities; public space; strategic planning; transport; urban policy; urban regeneration; urban sustainability

Kath Scanlon

Kathleen Scanlon
Distinguished Policy Fellow, LSE London
Deputy Director, LSE London

Expertise: housing finance; housing policy; urban policy

Tony Travers

Professor Tony Travers
Director of LSE London; Visiting Professor, Department of Government

Expertise: city government; local government; London; public finance; schools' finance

Savvas Verdis

Dr Savvas Verdis
Senior Research Fellow, LSE Cities; Co-director of Executive Masters in Cities, LSE Cities

Expertise: public leadership & narrative; measuring city economies; urban economic development

Grace Wang-800x1110

Dr Grace Yuehan Wang
Visiting Fellow, Department of Media and Communications

Expertise: Entrepreneurship and technological innovation; Digital economy; Development; AI governance; Gender; Climate change; China and Southeast Asia; Qualitative methods; Digital storytelling

Christine Whitehead

Professor Christine Whitehead
Professor Emeritus in Housing Economics

Expertise: housing economics; housing finance; housing policy; privatisation; urban land markets; urban policy