Dr Grace Yuehan Wang

Visiting Fellow, Department of Media and Communications 

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Dr Wang is the founder & CEO of Network Media, a consulting and media storytelling firm with a focus on making bridges between the global south and the global north. She is an appointed LSE visiting scholar and an appointed research fellow at the Department of Journalism at Stellenbosch University in South Africa. Dr Wang was the South Africa National Research Foundation grant holder, and she was the only Asian recipient awarded the Joint Research Funding by Cape Higher Education Consortium / Western Cape Government (WCG) for her research proposal on digital economy in South Africa. Dr Wang has been a visiting researcher to the Media and Law policy program at Oxford University and she was the recipient of Frank Andrews International Fellowship in Survey Research Center at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

Dr Wang’s research and expertise are in the intersection of media and communication, development studies, entrepreneurship and innovation. Her longitudinal research is focused on technological innovation and entrepreneurship in Asia-pacific and Africa, examining how local governance, policy, and culture affect innovation ecosystems and regional development, compared to innovative and creative cities in Western countries. Her AI governance and digital economy research also have a focus on Asia and Africa regions.

Dr Wang’s research records and personal background make her gain international recognition, particularly in Asia and Africa. During her consultancy with the Aspen Institute, she consulted NGOs in Southeast Asia and Africa with regards to digital divide and youth development. Her article in the Diplomat magazine, Linking Together Asia's Digital Future, examines digital development and connectivity in Asia. Dr Wang also publishes in high-level Chinese speaking media, for instance, her article with Singapore headquartered Lian He Zao Bao (联合早 报), on China’s AI created animation and soft power.

Her deep experience in engaging multiple stakeholders in corporates, governments, and NGOs in a cross-cultural setting makes her an expert in elite interviews in qualitative research methodology.

Expertise: Entrepreneurship and technological innovation (with a focus on Asia-pacific and Africa); Digital economy; Development (with a focus on Asia-Pacific and Africa); AI governance; Gender; Climate change (narrative discourse and clean energy); China and Southeast Asia; Qualitative methods (elite interviews in a cross-cultural setting); Digital storytelling