Policy and Care session
Session Report [Word]
Chair: Guiseppe Gesano Rapporteur: Giorgio Di Gessa
Intergenerational Support and the Welfare State in Western and Eastern Europe Martina Brandt, Christian Deindl [Abstract] [Presentation PDF]
Care of parents and care regimes Klaus Haberkern, Marc Szydlik [Abstract] [Presentation PDF]
Homecare Demand of the Elderly: Family, Friends and the State Adriaan Kalwij and Giacomo Pasini [Abstract] [Presentation PDF]
Who gives whom? An inquiry of support to and from the elderly Małgorzata Kalbarczyk, Anna Nicińska [Abstract] [Presentation PDF]
Family care for the elderly in Slovenia Joe Ramov, Ksenija Ramov, Simona Hvalič Touzery, Ivana Vusilović [Abstract] [Presentation PDF]
Matching expectations: Care supply to older persons by immigrants in Madrid, Spain Vicente Rodriguez, Silvia Marcu, Eva Martin Coppola, Santiago Ramos, Fermina Rojo, Gloria Fernández-Mayoralas, Raúl Lardies [Abstract] [Presentation PDF]
Trends in the care potential of personal networks of older people between 1992 and 2009 in the Netherlands Marjolein Broese van Groenou, Theo van Tilburg [Abstract] [Presentation PDF]
Workplace characteristics and workplace behaviour of informal caregivers. Findings form a large-scale empirical study of informal carers Ulrike Schneider, Birgit Trukeschitz, Richard Muehlmann, Ivo Ponocny [Abstract] [Presentation PDF] ^ Back to top