the London School of Economics and Political Science



EAPs/MAP2030 workshop

Programme and presentations

Future Projections session

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Future Projections session

Chair: Emily Grundy
Rapporteur: George Ploubidis

A projection of future family and kinship networks in Britain to 2030
Michael Murphy [Abstract] [Presentation PDF]

Projecting family support needed to assist older Canadians living in the community, 2006-2031 (Projections)
J. Keefe, Y. Decarie, P. Charbonneau, J. Legare [Abstract] [Presentation PDF]

Projections of the dependent elderly population by age, sex, and living arrangements in Poland
Anita Abramowska-Kmon [Abstract] [Presentation PDF]

Growing gap between supply of and demand for informal care? The case of The Netherlands
Klarita Sadiraj, Isolde Woittiez, Alice de Boer, Joost Timmermans [Abstract] [Presentation PDF]

Consequences of increased austere care on family support. Scenarios for care for the elderly in the Netherlands in 2030
Jedid-Jah Jonker, Isolde Woittiez, Klarita Sadiraj, Evelien Eggink [Abstract] [Presentation PDF]

When Prophecy Fails. Or does it? Predicting future access to caregivers. A Swedish case study
Bo Malmberg, Gerdt Sundström [Abstract] [Presentation PDF]

How could ageing be counteracted? Building a simplified comparative model to assess the future impact of population ageing, employment trends and immigration up to 2030 in the EU-27 Member States
Fernando Gil Alonso [Abstract] [Presentation PDF]

Families and migrants on the foundations of the Spanish Welfare State. A diversion towards informality in the carework for the dependent people
Raquel Martínez Buján, Antía Pérez Caramés [Abstract] [Presentation PDF]

Some overview on the assisted living residences for seniors after the approval of the Spanish Dependency Act 2006
María Luisa Gómez Jiménez [Abstract] [Presentation PDF]


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