
Alumni in Action

Our hugely diverse and international alumni body

SPP alumni work in a wide range of careers in policy analysis and policy management in the consultancy, development, government and NGO sectors. We are immensely proud of our alumni and the difference they make in their careers, which the SPP has equipped them to pursue.

The SPP alumni network is hugely diverse and international. It is a key strength of the department and it will support you long after graduation. We actively maintain our connections to our alumni and involve them in the School of Public Policy activities.

We're always eager to hear news about our alumni - if you would like to share your story with the SPP community, why not let us know what you've been up to?

MPA Alumni


Jose Matte

Jose is an Environment & Climate Policy and Programme Officer at the British Embassy in Bolivia

MPA, class of 2021


Mirela Kmetic-Marceau

Mirela is an Trainee for UNESCO in the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence Unit

MPA Double Degree (LSE-Toronto), Class of 2024



Derek Wong

Derek is Vice President of Government Relations and Public Affairs at Excelerate Energy, a U.S.-based energy company that operates liquefied natural gas (LNG) infrastructure around the world.

MPA, Class of 2005



Konstantinos Throuvalas

Konstantinos is an Economic Advisor at the General Secretariat of the Prime Minister of the Hellenic Republic

MPA, Class of 2021



Helene Procoudine-Gorsky

Helene is a Senior Capital Markets and Policy Officer for CDP

MPA, Class of 2018



Pablo Arriagada

Pablo is a Data Scientist at Our World in Data

MPA, class of 2019




Rebecca Kachmar

Rebecca is an Operations Analyst at IFC

MPA, class of 2023


Matt Billet

Matt Billet

Matt is a Sustainable Finance Analyst at Moody's Corporation

MPA, class of 2020



Alexandra Belias

Alexandra is Head of Product Policy & Partnerships at Google DeepMind.

MPA, class of 2011



Latoya Francis

Latoya is Vice President at Walkers

MPA, class of 2017



Maria-Theresa Sanchez

Maria is the Founder and CEO of Imperfectly Human, a life-coaching company

MPA, class of 2020


Giacomo Bagarella Square

Giacomo Bagarella

Giacomo is a Director at HR&A Advisors

MPA Dual Degree (SPP and Lee Kuan Yew School), class of 2016


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Vyana McIntyre

Vyana is a Senior Policy Advisor at the Canadian Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade 

MPA, class of 2018



Oliver Rott

Oliver is a Director (Regulatory and Market Access) at global satellite communications firm Viasat

MPA, class of 2015



Pasapong Areerak

Pasapong is the Division Director at the Office of National Higher Education Science Research and Innovation Policy Council of Thailand

MPA, class of 2015



Adrian Fossaceca

Adrian is an Economist at the International Finance Corporation

MPA, class of 2022



Kaori Sueyoshi

Kaori is an independent consultant, and the Head of Strategy at Mayday Health

MPA, class of 2019



Panagiotis (Panos) Asimakopoulos

Panos is a Senior Policy Advisor in the International department of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)

MPA, class of 2014



Sachiko Kureta

Sachiko is the Project Formulation Advisor in Costa Rica for the Japan International Cooperation Agency

MPA, class of 2020



Brendon Bonnor

Brendon is a Manager in Global Advisory for the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change.

MPA, class of 2022



Caroline Medina

Caroline is the Director of LGBTQI+ Policy at the Center for American Progress.

MPA, class of 2020


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Habiba ElKharbotly

Habiba is a Senior Economist at the Central Bank of Egypt.

MPA, class of 2018



Victoria Suarez Rubio

Victoria is a Parliamentary Assistant at the European Parliament.

MPA, class of 2021



Phoebe Yung

Phoebe is the Founder of DoggyDay, an online platform that connects dogs with dog-loving neighbours in New York City.

MPA Dual Degree (LSE and Columbia), class of 2014



Aine Stapleton

Aine is the Head of Growth at Intrigue Media (providing expert, irreverent analysis from the intersection of geopolitics, business, and tech).

MPA, class of 2021



Jettie Word

Jettie is the Director at The Borneo Project, an NGO supprting community-led efforts to defend forests, sustainable livelihoods, and human rights.

MPA, class of 2012.



Joe Wheeler

Joe is the North America Lead in Civic Engagement at WhatsApp

MPA, class of 2020



Siddharth Merchant

Siddharth is in the Blue Economy Division at World Bank Group

MPA Dual Degree (LSE and Sciences Po), class of 2016



Victor Steenbergen

Victor is an Economist at World Bank.

MPA International Development, class of 2013



Oluwagbemileke Joy Jegede

Oluwagbemileke is an Ecosystems Research Lead for the Government of Sierra Leone, in the Directorate of Science, Technology and Innovation.

MPA, class of 2020


Anastasia Sikiaridi square

Anastasia Sikiaridi

Anastasia is the Senior Livelihoods Manager at the International Rescue Committee

MPA Dual Degree (LSE and Hertie), class of 2017



Nadimah Mohammed

Nadimah is a Part-time Research Consultant at the International Labour Organisation

MPA Public and Social Policy, class of 2016


Andres Sanabria

Andres is a Policy Analyst at the OECD.

MPA Dual Degree (LSE and Sciences Po), class of 2016


Bekka Ross Russell

Bekka is the Director of The Small Things, a non-profit in Tanzania working with orphaned and vulnerable children.

MPA International Development, class of 2013



Akash Mehta

Akash is an Environmental Analyst at the World Bank

MPA International Development, class of 2020



Jaime Alejandro Urrego

Jaime is the Head of Data and Human Development Studies in the UN Development Programme in Colombia

MPA Public and Economic Policy, class of 2016



Miranda Da Costa

Miranda is a Content Operations Lead at Spotify

MPA Public and Social Policy, class of 2015



Gustavo A. Vargas Victoria

Gustavo is a Financial Analyst at the International Finance Corporation

MPA Dual Degree, class of 2015


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Jose Manuel Otero

Jose is an Analyst at the European Investment Bank

MPA Public and Economic Policy, class of 2017


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Lauren Cuscuna

Lauren is an Innovations and Insights Manager at Safe Water Network

MPA Social Impact, class of 2018


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Chelsea Phipps

Chelsea is a Consultant at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

MPA Social Impact, class of 2018



Dennis Shen

Dennis is an Economist at Scope Ratings

MPA International Development, class of 2013




Amanda Feldman

Amanda is the co-founder of Heliotropy

MPA Public Policy and Management, class of 2011



Nando Rivarola

Nando is the Cabinet Coordinator and Main Advisor for the Paraguayan Minister of Finance

MPA Public and Economic Policy, class of 2019



Alessio Terzi

Alessio is an Economist at the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs

MPA European Public and Economic Policy, class of 2011



Mollie Foust

Mollie is a Senior Counselor at the Office of the Governor of Illinois

MPA Public Policy and Management, class of 2013



Dennis Keller

Dennis is the Co-Founder and Chief Business Officer at Siam Seaplane.

MPA International Development, class of 2012



Francesco Alfonso

Francesco is a Policy Analyst at OECD

MPA Public and Economic Policy, class of 2012


Zoe Jankel

Zoe Jankel

Zoe is a Senior Analyst at Moody's Investors Service

MPA Public and Economic Policy, class of 2008


Rebecca Mann

Rebecca Mann

Rebecca is the Deputy Director in Financial Services for the Poor team, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

MPA Public and Economic Policy, class of 2012


andrew stalbaum BW

Andrew Stalbaum

Andrew is the Acting Team Leader in Development Partnerships for the Department for International Development

MPA Public and Economic Policy, class of 2015


Raphaelle Delmotte

Raphaelle Delmotte

Raphaelle is a Specialist for McKinsey & Company

MPA Public Policy and Management, class of 2011


Katie Walpole

Katie Walpole

Katie is a Senior Management Analyst for Clark County

MPA Public Policy and Management, class of 2014


Hana Chambers

Hana Chambers

Hana is a Senior Policy Advisor for the Cabinet Office

MPA International Development, class of 2016


Josephine Gantois

Joséphine Gantois

Josephine is a PhD Candidate in Sustainable Development at Columbia University

MPA International Development, class of 2013


Kenryo Mizutani

Kenryo Mizutani

Kenryo is a Juris Doctor Law student at the University of Calgary

MPA International Development, class of 2012


Rodrigo Aguilar

Rodrigo Aguilar

MPA International Development, class of 2015



MPP Alumni


Deisigan Shammugam

Deisigan is an Economist at the World Bank

Class of 2023



Salman Sabbab-square

Salman Sabbab

Salman is a Strategic Design Analyst at the UNDP

Class of 2023



Ishita Aryan

Ishita is a Sustainability and Climate Adaptation Programme Manager for Arcadis

Class of 2023



Rodrigo Rios Dordelly

Rodrigo is the Head of the International Affairs Unit at COFECE, the Mexican Federal Economic Competition Commission 

Class of 2022


Bernadita Molinasquare

Bernardita Molina

Bernardita is an Associate at the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change

Class of 2022



Fernanda García

Fernanda is the Director of Inclusive Society at the IMCO, a non-profit think tank dedicated to advocacy and research based in Mexico.

Class of 2021



Olivia Azadegan

Olivia is the Energy Transitions Director at the Clean Air Task Force, an international non-profit promoting technical and policy change for the climate.

Class of 2020



Juan Pablo Ramaciotti

Juan Pablo is the Executive Director of Centro de Políticas Migratorias (Migration Policy Centre) in Chile

Class of 2021



Gaston Kelly

Gaston is the Global Head of Operations & Customer Success for Transit at Uber 

Class of 2022



Nibedita Hatibaruah

Nibedita is a Senior Consultant at Sattva Consulting.

Class of 2022



Nik Mohamed Hussein Nik Ali

Nik Hussein is serving in the Malaysian Administrative and Diplomatic Service (PTD) and currently as the Special Officer in the Prime Minister's Department, Malaysia

Class of 2022



Nuria Rodriguez

Nuria is an Associate at the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change, and the Founder of 'Inspira Peru'

Class of 2022



Putra Adhiguna

Putra is an Energy, Economics and Policy Specialist for the Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis

Class of 2020



Anton Paukner

Anton is a Portfolio Executive for CDC Group plc

Class of 2020


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Yohann Sequeira

Yohann is a Senior Consultant at Dalberg Advisors

Class of 2021



Toluwalola Kasali

Toluwalola is an Operations Officer (Creating Markets Advisory) at the IFC Nigeria (World Bank Group).

Class of 2020



EMPP Alumni


Vicky Fearnley

Vicky is the Deputy Head of the Royal Navy's Internal Consultancy Group (UK Defence Ministry)

Class of 2022



Samuel Omolade

Samuel is the Head of the Regulatory Horizons Council Team at the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology 

Class of 2022



Jenny McInnes

Jenny is Programme Director for International Climate Finance Partnerships

Class of 2019



David Knott

David is a Senior Advisor at the National Lottery Fund.

Class of 2017



EMPA Alumni


Guillaume Cravero

Guillaume is Head of Sustainability and Public Affairs Managing Director at Ardian, a leading global private investment firm

Class of 2017



Pablo Geijo

Pablo is a Programme Manager in Energy Transition R&T at Rolls-Royce

Class of 2023



Luisa Fernanda Higuera Joseph

Luisa is a Credit Risk Senior Officer at IDB Invest

Class of 2020


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Laura Choake

Laura is a Director in Adult Social Care and Prevention at Newcastle City Council.

Class of 2018


Sade F.O.O_square

Sade Fawehinmi Olapade-Olaopa

Sade is a Senior Advisor at the Environment Agency

Class of 2018


Enrico Colettasquare

Enrico Coletta

Enrico is a Partner at EY Italy

Class of 2020



Pragya Tiwari

Pragya is the Co-Founder and Creative Director of Oijo, a consultancy based in India and operating globally.

Class of 2018



Bronwyn Meyrick

Bronwyn is a Senior Strategy Manager for Publicis Sapient, a global business consultancy firm.

Class of 2017



Marcel Fukayama

Marcel is CoFounder of Din4mo and Sistema B Brazil, Head of Global Policy at B Lab Global and, and a member of the Advisory Council for Brazil Presidency.

Class of 2017



Carmine Soprano

Carmine is a Development Economist at the World Bank, a UN consultant, and academic lecturer

Class of 2022



Rai Sow

Rai is the Executive Director at Make Every Woman Count

Class of 2022



Enrique José Garcia

Enrique is the Managing Partner at DignifAI

Class of 2020



Lola Talabi-Oni

Lola is a Special Adviser (Data Coordination & Statistical Framework) to the Honourable Commissioner, Lagos State Ministry of Economic Planning & Budget.

Class of 2019



Misha Zelinsky

Misha is a Fulbright Scholar in US-Australian Alliance Studies

Class of 2019




Karine Ataya

Karine is a Private Partnerships and Fundraising Officer for the World Food Programme

Class of 2018

Dina Kamal

Dina Kamal

Dina is a Partner at Deloitte Canada

Class of 2015

Mike Lynch

Mike Lynch

Mike is Chief Human Potential Officer at DAQRI

Class of 2016


Anikka Weerasinghe

Anikka Weerasinghe

Anikka is Head of Media Relations at the UK House of Commons

Class of 2016

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Shiri Leventhal

Shiri is an Investment Manager at Indigenous Business Australia

Class of 2016



Samir Khan

Samir is the Program Officer of the Strategy and Learning Team at the International Budget Partnership

Class of 2017