
Upcoming Events

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The School of Public Policy frequently hosts public and private events encompassing a broad range of public policy topics, with both a national and international focus.

Upcoming Events

25.03.31- PSPE Annual Lecture 200x200

Political Economy Public Lecture with Professor Ethan Bueno de Mesquita
Monday 31 March, 6.00pm to 7.00pm

Speaker: Ethan Bueno de Mesquita, Dean and Sydney Stein Professor, University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy, and Faculty Associate, University of Chicago Department of Political Science

Chair: Stephane Wolton, Professor in Political Science, Department of Government, LSE

Hosted by the LSE School of Public Policy and STICERD (PSPE group)

In-person (Wolfson Theatre, CKK, LSE) and online public event

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25.04.03 - Robert Kaplan 200x200

Waste Land: A World in Permanent Crisis
Thursday 03 April 2025 6.30pm to 8.00pm

Speaker: Robert D. Kaplan, bestselling author on foreign affairs and travel

Chair: Alexander Evans, Professor in Practice of Public Policy and Associate Dean, LSE School of Public Policy 

Hosted by the LSE School of Public Policy

In-person (MAR.1.04, Marshall Building) and online public event

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25.03.24 - Should the world fear china 200x200

Should the world fear China?
Monday 24 March, 6.30pm to 8.00pm

Speakers: Zhou Bo, Senior Fellow, Centre for International Security and Strategy, Tsinghua University; Nigel Inkster, Senior Advisor, International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) and Director for Geopolitics and Intelligence, Enodo Economics; Tian Shichen,  Founder and President, Global Governance Institution

Chair: Alexander Evans, Professor in Practice of Public Policy and Associate Dean, LSE School of Public Policy 

Hosted by the LSE School of Public Policy

In-person (CLM.3.02, Clement House, LSE) and online public event

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25.03.20- Leopoldo Lope

Unchaining Venezuela: a struggle for democracy
Thursday 20 March, 7.00pm to 8.30pm

Speaker: Leopoldo López, General Secretary of the World Liberty Congress and former Venezuelan opposition leader

Chair: Andrés Velasco, Professor of Public Policy and Dean of the School of Public Policy, LSE

Hosted by the LSE School of Public Policy and the LSESU Spanish Society 

In-person (LSE campus, venue TBC to ticketholders) 

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25.03.18 - Women and Work 200x200

Women and Work
Tuesday 18 March, 6.30pm to 8.00pm

Speakers: Gabriel Leite-Mariante, PhD candidate in Economics, LSE; Shani Orgad, Professor of Media and Communications, LSE; Margaux Suteau, Fellow in the Department of Social Policy, LSE

Policy respondent: Dame Maria Miller, former Minister for Women and Equalities (2012-14), former Secretary of State for Culture (2012-14), Media and Sport and MP for Basingstoke (2005-24)

Chair: Almudena Sevilla, Professor of Economic and Social Policy, Department of Social Policy, LSE 

Hosted by the School of Public Policy and LSE Press

In-person (CLM.4.02, Clement House, Aldwych) and online public event

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25.02.27 James Kariuki  200x200

The UN at 80: does the world still need the UN?
Thursday 27 February, 6.30pm to 8.00pm

Speakers: James Kariuki, UK Deputy Permanent Representative, United Nations, New York; Natalie Samarasinghe, Advisor, Global Challenges Foundation

Chair: Alexander Evans, Professor in Practice of Public Policy and Programme Director of the MPA in Data Science, LSE School of Public Policy

Hosted by the School of Public Policy and LSE IDEAS

In-person (MAR.1.04, Marshall Building) and online public event

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25.02.26-  Guillermo Lasso Mendoza 200x200

Populism and challenges for democracy in Latin America
Wednesday 26 February, 6.30pm to 8.00pm

Speaker: Guillermo Lasso Mendoza, Former President of Ecuador

Chair: Andrés Velasco, Professor of Public Policy and Dean of the School of Public Policy, LSE

Hosted by the School of Public Policy 

In-person (MAR.2.04, Marshall Building) and online public event

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24.12.09 - hoffmann 200x200

AI, society, and our world order
Monday 9 December 2024 6.30pm to 8.00pm

Speaker: Reid Hoffman, Co-Founder, LinkedIn and Inflection AI and author of Superagency

Chair: Larry Kramer, President and Vice Chancellor, LSE

In-person (LSE campus, venue tbc to ticketholders) and online public event 

Hosted by the School of Public Policy

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Lecture Series Luis Garicano

Reimagining Capitalism Lecture Series
Innovation and Inequality
Monday 2 December, 6.00pm to 7.30pm GMT

Speaker: Xavier Jaravel, Associate Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, LSE

Chair: Luis Garicano, Professor of Public Policy, LSE School of Public Policy

This event is part of the Reimagining Capitalism lecture series and is open to LSE staff and students only

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New world, new rules: what works for global governance
Monday 25 November, 6.30pm to 8.00pm GMT

Speakers: George Papaconstantinou, Acting Director, Florence School of Transnational Governance; Jean Pisani-Ferry, Senior Fellow, Bruegel;

Discussant: Andrés Velasco, Professor of Public Policy and Dean of the School of Public Policy, LSE

Chair: Kirsten Sehnbruch, British Academy Global Professor and Distinguished Policy Fellow, International Inequalities Institute, LSE

Venue: In-person (Hong Kong Theatre, Clement House) and Online Public Event

Hosted by the LSE School of Public Policy

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Lecture Series Luis Garicano

Reimagining Capitalism Lecture Series
Economics of Social Enterprises

Monday 25 November, 6.00pm to 7.30pm GMT

Speaker: Maitreesh Ghatak, Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, LSE

Chair: Luis Garicano, Professor of Public Policy, LSE School of Public Policy

This event is part of the Reimagining Capitalism lecture series and is open to LSE staff and students only.

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24.11.21 - SPP Annual Lecture 200x200

How to get government and the private sector to work together for the common good - SPP 2024 Annual Lecture 
Thursday 21 November, 6.30pm to 8.00pm GMT 

Speaker: Dame Sharon White, former John Lewis Partnership Chairman (Feb 2020 - Sep 2024) 

Chair: Andrés Velasco, Professor of Public Policy and Dean of the School of Public Policy 

Venue: In-person (Great Hall, Marshall Building, LSE) and Online Public Event

Hosted by the LSE School of Public Policy

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Lecture Series Luis Garicano

Reimagining Capitalism Lecture Series
Lecture 8
Monday 18 November, 6.00pm to 7.30pm GMT

Speaker: Oriana Bandiera, Professor of Economics, and Sir Atkinson Chair of Economics, Department of Economics, LSE

Chair: Luis Garicano, Professor of Public Policy, LSE School of Public Policy

This event is part of the Reimagining Capitalism lecture series and is open to LSE staff and students only

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Lecture Series Luis Garicano

Reimagining Capitalism Lecture Series
The Corporation and its purposes

Monday 11 November, 6.00pm to 7.30pm GMT

Speaker: Professor David Kershaw, Dean of the LSE Law School

Chair: Luis Garicano, Professor of Public Policy, LSE School of Public Policy

This event is part of the Reimagining Capitalism lecture series and is open to LSE staff and students only

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24.11.05 AI in public policy 200x200

AI in public policy: opportunities and challenges
Tuesday 5 November, 6.30pm to 8.00pm GMT

Speakers: Helen Margetts,Professor of Society and the Internet, University of Oxford; Andrew Murray, Professor of Law at LSE; Dorottya Sallai, Associate Professor (Education) of Management, LSE Department of Management; Chloe Smith, former minister (2010-2023)

Chair: Ken Benoit, Director of the Data Science Institute, LSE and Professor of Computational Social Science in the Department of Methodology

Venue: In-person (Auditorium, Centre Building) ) and Online Public Event

Hosted by the LSE School of Public Policy and Data Science Institute

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Lecture Series Luis Garicano

Lecture 6:Cohesive Criminal Justice
Monday 4 November, 6.00pm to 7.30pm GMT

Speaker: Nicola Lacey, Professor of Law, Gender and Social Policy, LSE Law School

Chair: Luis Garicano, Professor of Public Policy, LSE School of Public Policy

This event is part of the Reimagining Capitalism lecture series and is open to LSE staff and students only

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Lecture Series Luis Garicano

Reimagining Capitalism Lecture Series
Neoliberalism and its critic
Monday 28 October, 6.00pm to 7.30pm GMT

Speaker: Luis Garicano, Professor of Public Policy, LSE School of Public Policy

This event is part of the Reimagining Capitalism lecture series and is open to LSE staff and students only

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24.10.24 Ian Goldin 200x200

The Shortest History of Migration
Thursday 24 October, 6.30 to 8.00pm BST

Speakers: Ian Goldin, Professor of Globalisation and Development, Oxford University and founding Director, Oxford Martin School

Chair: Kristin Surak, Associate Professor of Political Sociology, LSE

Venue: In-person and online public event (Marshall Building, MAR.1.04, LSE) 

Hosted by the European Institute and the LSE School of Public Policy

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24.10.22 michael manley 200x200 change

Michael Manley: Visionary Leader and Global Thinker – A Commemorative Lecture
Tuesday 22 October, 7.00pm to 8.00pm BST

Speakers: Anthony Bogues, Professor in the Department of History of Art and Architecture, Brown University; Visiting professor of African and African Diaspora Thought, Free University of Amsterdam; Visiting Professor and Curator,University of Johannesburg; Francisco H. G. Ferreira,  Amartya Sen Professor of Inequality Studies and Director of the International Inequalities Institute, LSE

Chair: Andrés Velasco, Professor of Public Policy and Dean of the School of Public Policy

Venue: In-person (Old Theatre, Old Building) and Online Public Event

Hosted by the LSE School of Public Policy 

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Lecture Series Luis Garicano

Reimagining Capitalism Lecture Series
Understanding the Populist Backlash
Monday 21 October, 6.00pm to 7.30pm BST

Speaker: Professor Andrés Velasco, Dean of the LSE School of Public Policy

Chair: Luis Garicano, Professor of Public Policy, LSE School of Public Policy

This event is part of the Reimagining Capitalism lecture series and is open to LSE staff and students only

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Lecture Series Luis Garicano

Reimagining Capitalism Lecture Series
Advanced Capitalisms Reinvented: Innovation-driven Companies, Superstar Clusters and American Dominance

Monday 14 October, 6.00pm to 7.30pm BST

Speaker: David Soskice, Emeritus Professor, Department of Government, LSE

Chair: Luis Garicano, Professor of Public Policy, LSE School of Public Policy

This event is part of the Reimagining Capitalism lecture series and is open to LSE staff and students only

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Lecture Series Luis Garicano

Reimagining Capitalism Lecture Series
Zero-Sum Thinking and the Roots of Political Differences

Monday 7 October, 6.00pm to 7.30pm BST

Speaker: Sandra Sequeira, Associate Professor in Development Economics, Department of International Development, LSE

Chair: Luis Garicano, Professor of Public Policy, LSE School of Public Policy

This event is part of the Reimagining Capitalism lecture series and is open to LSE staff and students only

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24.10.07 - Samir Puri 200x200

Are we entering a 'Westless' world?
Monday 7 October, 6.30 to 8.00pm BST

Speakers: Lindsey Hilsum, News International Editor, Channel 4; Rohan Mukherjee, Deputy Director, LSE IDEAS; Samir Puri, author, academic and former UK civil servant 

Chair: Alexander Evans, Professor in Practice of Public Policy and Programme Director of the MPA in Data Science, LSE School of Public Policy

Venue: In-person (MAR.1.08, Marshall Building, LSE) and Online Public Event

Hosted by the LSE School of Public Policy 

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24.10.02 Andréa M Maechler 2002

Monetary policy in an era of more challenging supply conditions - Do the old principles still stand?
Wednesday 2 October, 6.00pm to 7.15pm BST

Speaker: Andréa M Maechler, Deputy General Manager, Bank for International Settlements

Chair: Ricardo Reis, A.W. Phillips Professor of Economics, LSE 

Venue: In-person (Wolfson Theatre, Cheng Kin Ku Building, LSE) and Online Public Event

Hosted by the Centre for Macroeconomics and the LSE School of Public Policy

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Lecture Series Luis Garicano

Reimagining Capitalism Lecture Series
What is Capitalism?
Monday 30 September, 6.00pm to 7.30pm BST

Speakers: Tim Besley, Professor of Economics and Political Science and W. Arthur Lewis Professor of Development Economics, Department of Economics, LSE; Larry Kramer, President and Vice Chancellor, LSE

Chair: Luis Garicano, Professor of Public Policy, LSE School of Public Policy

This event is part of the Reimagining Capitalism lecture series and is open to LSE staff and students only

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24.10.18 symposium gender studies

Multidisciplinary approaches and policy innovation in gender research 
Wednesday 18 September, 9.30am to 3.40pm BST

This event is an LSE Public Policy Review Symposium and is open by invitation only.

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24.07.04 election night

LSE Election Night Party 2024
Thursday 4 July, 9.15pm to 2.00am BST

Hosted by the London School of Economics and Political Science and supported by the Department of Government and the School of Public Policy

Venue: In-person (LSE Campus) and Online Public Event 

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lse festival 200x200

100 days to kickstart Britain: what should the government's priorities be? | LSE Festival
Tuesday 11 June, 6.30pm to 7.30pm BST

Speaker: Soumaya Keynes, Economics Columnist, Financial Times; Eshe Nelson, Reporter, The New York Times; Sam Richards, campaign director and CEO, Britain Remade; Danny Sriskandarajah, Chief Executive, New Economics Foundation

Chair: Richard Davies, Professor in Practice, LSE School of Public Policy and Director of the Harvard-LSE Growth Co-Lab and the UK’s Economics Observatory

Hosted by the Growth Co-Lab and the LSE School of Public Policy as part of the LSE Festival: Power and Politics

Venue: In-person (Sheikh Zayed Theatre, CKK Building, LSE) and Online Public Event

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5th LSE Workshop on Political Economy of Turkey
Friday 7 June, 9.00am to 6.00pm BST

Speaker: Ufuk Akçiğit, Arnold C. Harberger Professor of Economics, University of Chicago

Hosted by the Contemporary Turkish Studies, LSE European Institute, LSE School of Public Policy and LSE Systemic Risk Centre 

Venue: In-person public event (CBG.1.01, Sumeet Valrani Lecture Theatre, Centre Building, LSE)

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24.05.08 home 200x200

Beveridge 2.0: AI and Data Science for Public Policy Symposium
Wednesday 8 May, 9.00am to 4.40pm BST

Venue: In-person (MAR 1.04, Marshall Building) and Online Public Event

Hosted by the LSE Data Science Institute and the LSE School of Public Policy

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24.05.01 200x200

Lessons for monetary policy from the latest inflationary-disinflationary episode
Wednesday 1 May, 6.30pm to 7.30pm BST

Speaker: Pablo Hernández de Cos, Governor of the Banco de España and member of the Governing and General Council, ECB

Chair: Ricardo Reis, Director, Centre for Macroeconomics and Arthur Williams Phillips Professor of Economics, LSE

Venue: In-person (Hong Kong Theatre, Clement House) and Online Public Event

Hosted by the Centre for Macroeconomics and the LSE School of Public Policy

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24.02.15 -asian-superstates-200-200

Governing Superstates: China and India 
Tuesday 26 March, 6.30pm-8.00pm GMT

Speakers: Mukulika Banerjee, Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, LSE; Kerry Brown, Professor of Chinese Studies and Director of the Lau China Institute, King's College London; Sir Vince Cable, Visiting Professor in Practice, LSE School of Public Policy

Chair: Luis Garicano, Professor of Public Policy, LSE School of Public Policy

Venue: In-person (Sumeet Valrani Lecture Theatre,Centre Building, LSE) and Online Public Event

Hosted by the LSE School of Public Policy 

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24.03.21 100x100 speaker

Getting schools to work better: Insights and reflections from China and India
Thursday 21 March, 6.30pm to 8.00pm GMT

Speaker: Mobarak Hossain, Assistant Professor in the Department of Social Policy, LSE; Yifei Yan, Assistant Professor in Public Administration and Public Policy, University of Southampton

Chair: Shuang Chen, Assistant Professor in International Social and Public Policy, Department of Social Policy, LSE

Venue: In-person (MAR.1.08, Marshall Building) and Online Public Event

Hosted by the LSE-Fudan Global Public Policy Hub and the LSE School of Public Policy

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24.03.20 - ambassador

Geopolitics and Trade: Opportunities for Colombia and Latin America
Wednesday 20 March, 5.00pm to 7.30pm GMT

Speakers: Roy Barreras, Ambassador of the Republic of Colombia to the Government of the United Kingdom; José Antonio Ocampo, Professor at the School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University; Vanessa Rubio-Márquez, Associate Dean for Extended Education, LSE School of Public Policy; Kirsten Sehnbruch, British Academy Global Professor and Distinguished Policy Fellow, International Inequalities Institute, LSE

Moderator: Michael Reid, Visiting Professor in Practice, LSE School of Public Policy 

Chair: Luis Garicano, Professor of Public Policy, LSE School of Public Policy

Venue: In-person (Hong Kong Theatre, Clement House) 

Hosted by the LSE Colombian Society, LSE School of Public Policy and the Embassy of Colombia in the UK

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John C Williams_300x300

Connecting Academics to Policy: A Conversation with New York Fed President John C. Williams
Friday 8 March, 12.00pm to 1.00pm GMT

Speaker: John C. Williams, President and CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Chair: Ricardo Reis, Director, Centre for Macroeconomics and Arthur Williams Phillips Professor of Economics, LSE

Venue: In-person (LSE Lecture Theatre) and Online Public Event

Hosted by the Centre for Macroeconomics and the LSE School of Public Policy

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24.03.05 - 200x200

Beveridge 2.0: changing labour markets and the future of social protection
Tuesday 5 March, 6.30pm to 8.00pm GMT

Speakers: Stephen Machin, Professor of Economics and Director of the Centre for Economic Performance, LSE; Alison McGovern, Labour MP for Wirral South; Kirsten Sehnbruch, British Academy Global Professor and Distinguished Policy Fellow, International Inequalities Institute, LSE; Anna Valero, Director of the Growth Programme and Distinguished Policy Fellow,Centre for Economic Performance, LSE

Chair: Luis Garicano, Professor of Public Policy, LSE School of Public Policy

Venue: In-person (CKK.2.04, Cheng Kin Ku Building) and Online Public Event 

Hosted by the LSE School of Public Policy

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Shaping major cities - The challenges of being a Mayor
Thursday 29 February, 6.30pm to 8.00pm GMT

Speaker: Marvin Rees OBE, Mayor of Bristol

Chair: Alexander Evans, Professor in Practice of Public Policy and Programme Director of the MPA in Data Science, LSE School of Public Policy.

Venue: In-person (Auditorium, Centre Building) and Online Public Event 

Hosted by LSE Cities and the LSE School of Public Policy

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24.02.15 -asian-superstates-200-200

Climate, Net Zero and Asian Superstates

Thursday 15 February, 6.45pm to 8:15pm GMT

Speaker: Vince Cable, Visiting Professor in Practice at the School of Public Policy, LSE; Isabel Hilton, journalist and Founder of The China Dialogue Trust; Lord Nicholas Stern, IG Patel Professor of Economics and Government, Chairman of the Grantham Research Institute and Head of the India Observatory, LSE ;

Chair:Tony Travers, Associate Dean, LSE School of Public Policy

Venue: In-person (Hong Kong Theatre, Clement House) and Online Public Event 

Hosted by the LSE School of Public Policy 

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Recent advances in the understanding of human sociality. 

Thursday 1 February, 6.30pm to 8pm GMT 

Speaker: Joseph Heath, Professor of Philosophy, University of Toronto and Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and the Pierre Elliot Trudeau Foundation

Chair: Nikhil Venkatesh, LSE Fellow, Department of Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method

Venue: In-person (Auditorium, Centre Building) and Online Public Event 

Hosted by the LSE Department of Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method and the LSE School of Public Policy.

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City of Hope - Lessons from Cape Town for the future of South Africa and African cities 

Tuesday 23 January, 6.30pm to 8pm GMT

Speaker: Geordin Hill-Lewis, Mayor of Cape Town

Discussant: Desné Masie, Visiting Senior Fellow, Firoz Lalji Institute for Africa, LSE

Chair: Suzanne Hall, Professor of Sociology and Head of Department, LSE

Venue: In-person (Hong Kong Theatre, Clement House) and Online Public Event 

Hosted by LSE Cities and the LSE School of Public Policy 

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Laura Gilbert_100x100

Changing the Status Quo - data and radical transformation at the heart of government

Wednesday 6 December, 6.00pm to 7.30pm GMT

Speaker: Laura Gilbert, Director of Data Science, Number 10 Downing Street, and joint Chief Analyst, Cabinet Office

Chair: Alexander Evans, Professor in Practice and Programme Director, MPA in Data Science for Public Policy, School of Public Policy, LSE

Hosted by the LSE School of Public Policy

Venue: In-person (MAR.1.10) and Online Public Event

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Promo Box China India 747x560

China, India and the Global Order (or Disorder)

Thursday 23 November, 6.30pm to 8.00pm GMT

Speakers: Vince Cable, Professor in Practice, School of Public Policy, LSE; Niall Ferguson, Milbank Family Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University and Visiting Professor, School of Public Policy, LSE; Rebecca Nadin, Director, Global Risks & Resilience programme, ODI

Chair: Andrés Velasco, Professor of Public Policy and Dean of the School of Public Policy, LSE

Hosted by the LSE School of Public Policy

Venue: In-person (Hong Kong Theatre, Clement House) and Online Public Event 

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Conference 2023 image square

Public Policy Priorities and Challenges for China and the World
LSE-Fudan Annual Conference 2023

 21 and 22 November 2023

Keynote Speakers: Dr Keyu Jin (LSE); Professor Shiping Tang (Fudan University); Professor Xiaojun Yan (University of Hong Kong)

Hosted by the LSE-Fudan Global Public Policy Hub

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Making good law in a time of polycrisis 200x200

Making good law in a time of polycrisis

Speaker: Lord John McFall, Baron McFall of Alcluith and Lord Speaker of the House of Lords

Chair: Tony Travers, Associate Dean, School of Public Policy, LSE

Hosted by the LSE School of Public Policy and the Department of Government, LSE

Venue: In-person and online public event (Sheikh Zayed Theatre, Cheng Kin Ku Building, LSE)

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Elections in Argentina: a dialogue ahead of the presidential runoff

Wednesday 15 November, 6.30pm to 8.00pm

Speakers: Ingrid Bleynat, Senior Lecturer in International Development, King’s College London; Pilar Elizalde, Department Lecturer in Law and Public Policy, Blavatnik School of Government; Fabrício Mendes Fialho, Research Fellow, International Inequalities Institute, LSE; Victoria Paniagua, Assistant Professor in International Political Economy, LSE

Welcome remarks: Sebastián Cera, founder and President, Fundar UK. 

Moderator: Michael Reid, Visiting Professor in Practice, LSE School of Public Policy

Chair: Andrés Velasco, Professor of Public Policy and Dean of the School of Public Policy, LSE 

Hosted by the Fundar UK and the LSE School of Public Policy

Venue: MAR.2.08, Marshall Building, LSE

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Demographic and the aging - the impact of ageing on pension systems and on labour markets

Wednesday 15 November, 12.00pm GMT

Speakers: Nicholas Barr, Professor in Public Economics, LSE; Daiji Kawaguchi, Professor of Economics, University of Tokyo; Ito Peng, Professor of Sociology and Public Policy, Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy

Chair: Bruno Palier, CNRS Research Director, Sciences Po

Hosted by the Global Public Policy Network (GPPN)

Venue: Online event

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Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan: Crisis and Conflict in the Context of a New Cold War

Tuesday 07 November, 6.30pm to 8.00pm GMT

Speaker: Niall Ferguson, Milbank Family Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University and Visiting Professor, School of Public Policy, LSE

Chair: Andrés Velasco, Professor of Public Policy and Dean of the School of Public Policy, LSE

Hosted by the LSE School of Public Policy

Venue: In-person and online public event (Alumni Theatre, Cheng Kin Ku Building, LSE)

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How did Britain come to this? The accidental logics of Britain's neoliberal settlement

Speakers: Gwyn Bevan, Emeritus Professor of Policy Analysis, Department of Management, LSE; Abby Innes, Associate Professor in Political Economy, European Institute, LSE; Ros Taylor, presenter and contributing editor, Podmasters

Chair: Patrick Dunleavy, Emeritus Professor and Editor-in-Chief of LSE Press, LSE

Hosted by the LSE Press and the LSE School of Public Policy

Venue: In-person and online public event (Hong Kong Theatre, Clement House, LSE)

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Should central banks have an equality mandate?

Tuesday 31 October, 6.30pm to 8.00pm GMT

Speaker: Roberto Chang, Visiting Professor, School of Public Policy and Distinguished Professor, Rutgers University

Chair: Andrés Velasco, Professor of Public Policy and Dean of the School of Public Policy, LSE

Hosted by the Centre for Macroeconomics and the LSE School of Public Policy

Venue: In-person event only (Hong Kong Theate, Clement House, LSE)

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Keyu Jin_400x400

China and India: economic fall and rise?

Tuesday 17 October, 6.30pm to 8.00pm BST

Speaker: Vince Cable, Professor in Practice, School of Public Policy, LSE; Keyu Jin, Associate Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, LSE; Rathin Roy, Managing Director, Overseas Development Institute

Chair: Alexander Evans, Professor in Practice and Programme Director, MPA in Data Science for Public Policy, School of Public Policy, LSE

Hosted by the LSE School of Public Policy

Venue: In-person and online public event (MAR.2.04 Marshall Building, LSE)

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Mikael Damberg 200x200

The transition paradox: navigating the path to becoming the world's first fossil-free welfare state

Monday 09 October, 6.45pm to 8.15pm BST

Speaker: Mikael Damberg, Former Minister of Finance, Government of Sweden

Chair: Andrés Velasco, Professor of Public Policy and Dean of the School of Public Policy, LSE

Hosted by the LSE School of Public Policy and the LSE European Institute

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Identity Trap 200x200

The identity trap: a story of ideas and power in our time

Friday 06 October, 6.00pm to 7.30pm BST

Speaker: Yascha Mounk, Professor of Practice of International Affairs, Johns Hopkins University

Chair: Andrés Velasco, Professor of Public Policy and Dean of the School of Public Policy, LSE

Hosted by the LSE School of Public Policy

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Latin America's labyrinth: economic stagnation, populism and the weakening of the democratic centre

Thursday 05 October, 6.30pm to 8.00pm BST

Speaker: Michael Reid, Visiting Professor, School of Public Policy, LSE

Chair: Andrés Velasco, Professor of Public Policy and Dean of the School of Public Policy, LSE

Hosted by the LSE School of Public Policy

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Ukraine: the war that changed the world

Speakers: Chris Alden, Professor of International Relations and Director of LSE IDEAS; Robert Falkner, Professor of International Relations, LSE; Eleanor Knott, Assistant Professor in Qualitative Methods, Department of Methodology, LSE; Tomila Lankina, Professor of International Relations, LSE

Chair: Michael Cox, Professor Emeritus of International Relations and Founding Director, LSE IDEAS

Hosted by the LSE School of Public Policy

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LSE Festival | Rethinking Retirement: public policies to support life changes

Monday 12 June, 1.00pm to 2.00pm BST

Speakers: Vince Cable, Professor in Practice, LSE School of Public Policy; David Sinclair, Chief Executive, International Longevity Centre; Susan Scholefield, Former Director General, Ministry of Defence UK.

Chair: Alexander Evans, Professor, LSE School of Public Policy.

Hosted by the LSE School of Public Policy as part of the LSE Festival: People and Change.

Venue: Marshall Building LSE.

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Helen Thompson_200x200

Geopolitics of Energy in the 21st Century

Monday 22 May, 6.30pm to 8.00pm BST

Speaker: Helen Thompson, Professor of Political Economy, Cambridge University.

Chair: Omar Hammoud-Gallego, Fellow in Political Science and Public Policy, LSE School of Public Policy.

Hosted by the LSE School of Public Policy.

Venue: In-person event (MAR.1.08, Marshall Building, LSE).

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EVENT CANCELLED | Ravenous: How to get ourselves and our planet into shape

Tuesday 16 May, 6.30pm to 8.00pm BST

Speakers: Henry Dimbleby, co-founder and former CEO of LEON restaurants; Jemima Lewis, weekly columnist for the Telegraph.

Chair: Tony Travers, Associate Dean, LSE School of Public Policy.

Hosted by the LSE School of Public Policy.

Venue: In-person event (MAR.2.04, Marshall Building, LSE).

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How Might China Navigate the Challenges Ahead?

Monday 15 May, 6.30pm to 7.45pm BST

Speaker: Tao Wang, Head of Asia Economic Research, UBS.

Chair: Ricardo Reis, Arthur Williams Professor of Economics, LSE

Hosted by the Centre For Macroeconomics and the LSE School of Public Policy.

Venue: In-person event (Wolfson Theatre, New Academic Building, LSE).

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Beveridge 2.0: Labour Markets and Social Protection Symposium

Thursday 11 May, 9.30am to 17.30pm BST

Hosted by the LSE School of Public Policy and the LSE International Inequalities Institute.

Venue: MAR.2.04, Room 4, Floor 2, Marshall Building.

Admission to LSE Staff and Students only.

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Shaping a 21st Century Policy Consensus

Thursday 4 May, 6.00pm to 7.30pm BST

Speakers: Pranab Bardhan, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Economics, University of California, Berkeley; Diane Coyle, Bennett Professor of Public Policy, University of Cambridge; Nicholas Stern, IG Patel Professor of Economics and Government, LSE; Leonard Wantchekon, Professor of Politics and International Affairs, Princeton University.

Chair: Minouche Shafik, President and Vice Chancellor, LSE.

Hosted by the LSE School of Public Policy.

Venue: In-person and online public event (Auditorium, Centre Building).

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Fiscal rules in the EU: looking forward

Tuesday 21 March, 6.30pm to 8.00pm

Speakers: Marco Buti, Head of Cabinet of Commissioner Paolo Gentiloni, European Commission; Ethan Ilzetzki, Associate Professor, LSE; Gene Frieda, Executive Vice President, PIMCO; Federica Romei, Associate Professor, Oxford University

Chair: Ricardo Reis, Arthur Williams Phillips Professor of Economics, LSE

Hosted by Centre For Macroeconomics and the School for Public Policy

Venue: Hong Kong Theatre, Clement House

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Vicky Pryce 200x200

How to be a Successful Economist

Monday 13 March, 6.30pm to 8.00pm

Speakers: Ian Harwood,Economic Adviser Redburn Partners; Vicky Pryce, Chief Economic Adviser, Centre for Economics and Business Research; Andy Ross, Visiting Professor, Birkbeck University of London

Chair: Tony Travers, Associate Dean, School of Public Policy.

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy.

Venue: Online and in-person (MAR.2.08, Marshall Building LSE).

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Spectrum Auctions: designing markets to benefit the public, industry and the economy

Speakers: Geoffrey Myers, Visiting Professor in Practice School of Public Policy; Paul Milgrom, Professor at Stanford University; Martin Ballantyne, General Counsel at Ofcom; Inge Hansen, Senior Vice President Corporate Affairs at TDC NET.

Chair: Julia Black, Strategic Director of Innovation at LSE

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy, LSE Press and Centre for Analysis of Risk and Regulation

Venue: Online Public Event (Zoom)

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Follow the Money: how much does Britain cost?

Tuesday 7 March, 6:30pm to 7:30pm

Speaker: Paul Johnson, Director, Institute for Fiscal Studies

Chair: Andrés Velasco, Professor of Public Policy and Dean of the School of Public Policy.

Hosted by the Department of Government and the LSE School of Public Policy.

Venue: Online and in-person public event (Sheikh Zayed Theatre, New Academic Building).

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Global Challenges and regional opportunities for Latin America and the Caribbean

Speakers: Ilan Goldfajn, President, Inter-American Development Bank; Kathryn Hochstetler, Professor, Department of International Development LSE.

Chair: Francisco H. G. Ferreira, Amartya Sen Professor of Inequality Studies, LSE

Hosted by LSESU Brazilian Society, LSE International Inequalities Institute, LSE School of Public Policy

Venue: In person public event (Sheikh Zayed Theatre, New Academic Building)

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Emerging Europe's chronic distrust: Lessons from the region's COVID puzzle

Speakers: Christopher Dann, PhD student, Stanford University; Joan Costa-i-Font, Professor of Health Economics, Department of Health Policy; Piroska Nagy Mohácsi, Visting Professor in Practice, Firoz Lalji Institute for Africa; Előd Takáts, Visiting Professor in Practice, School of Public Policy.

Chair: Andrés Velasco, Professor of Public Policy and Dean of the School of Public Policy.

Hosted by the Corvinus University of Budapest, LSE School of Public Policy and the LSE European Institute.

Venue: In-Person (LSE Lecture Theatre, Centre Building LSE) and Online.

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Artificial Intelligence: a new frontier for public policy

Monday 13 February 2023, 6:30pm to 8:00pm

Speakers: Frank Muci, Policy Fellow at the School of Public Policy; Gabriela Ramos, Assistant Director-General for Social and Human Sciences, UNESCO; Vanessa Rubio-Márquez, Associate Dean for Extended Education at the School of Public Policy.

Chair: Andrés Velasco, Professor of Public Policy and Dean of the School of Public Policy.

Hosted by UNESCO and the LSE School of Public Policy.

Venue: Online and in-person (MAR.2.04, Marshall Building, LSE)

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Inside the Deal: how the EU got Brexit done

Speakers: Stefaan De Rynck, Senior Adviser to Michel Barnier, European Union's Chief Negotiator for Brexit; Vicky Pryce, Chief Economic Adviser, Centre for Economics and Business Research.

Chair: Tony Travers, Associate Dean, School of Public Policy.

Hosted by the LSE European Institute and the LSE School of Public Policy.

Venue: Online and in-person (Old Theatre, Old Building LSE).

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The Strange Survival of Liberal Britain

Thursday 2 February, 6:30pm to 8:00pm

Speakers: Vernon Bogdanor, Professor of governemnt, King's College London; Polly Mackenzie, UAL Chief Social Purpose Officer.

Chair: Tony Travers, Associate Dean, School of Public Policy.

Hosted by the LSE School of Public Policy.

Venue: Online and in-person public event (MAR.2.08, Marshall Building LSE)

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Growth for Good: reshaping capitalism to save humanity from climate catastrophe

Tuesday 17 January 2023, 6:30pm to 8:00pm

Speakers: Alessio Terzi, Lecturer, HEC Paris and Sciences; Anna Valero, Senior Policy Fellow at LSE's Centre for Economic Performance.

Chair: Angelo Martelli, Assistant Professor, LSE European Institute.

Hosted by the LSE School of Public Policy and the LSE European Institute.

Venue: Online and In-Person (Auditorium, Centre Building LSE)

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Beveridge 2.0: tax justice

Tuesday 29 November, 6:30pm-8:00pm GMT

Speakers: Professor Jonathan Hopkin, Professor of Comparative Politics, Department of Government at LSE; Professor Andy Summers, Associate Professor of Law, LSE Law School; Dr Kate Summers, British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Methodology at LSE.

Policy respondent: James Murray MP, Labour and Co-operative MP for Ealing North and Shadow Financial Secretary to the Treasury.

Chair: Professor Francisco Ferreira, Amartya Sen Professor of Inequality Studies and Director,  International Inequalities Institute at LSE.

Hosted by International Inequalities Institute, LSE School of Public Policy and Beveridge 2.0.

Venue: In-Person (Hong Kong Theatre, Clement House) and Online.

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The Future of Liberalism: In conversation with Zanny Minton Beddoes

Thursday 24 November, 6:30pm-8:00pm GMT

Speaker: Zanny Minton Beddoes, Editor-in-Chief, The Economist.

Chair: Professor Andrés Velasco, Professor of Public Policy and Dean of the School of Public Policy at LSE

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy.

Venue: In-Person (Auditorium, Centre Building LSE) and Online.

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Stabilizing the Social Contract: the Case of Chile

Wednesday 23 November, 6.30pm-8.00pm GMT

Speakers: Guillermo Larrain, Associate Professor, University of Chile; Javier Sajuria, Associate Professor, Queen Mary University of London; Kirsten Sehnbruch, Distinguished Policy Fellow, LSE International Inequalities Institute.

Chair: Professor Andrés Velasco, Professor of Public Policy and Dean of the School of Public Policy at LSE

Hosted by Queen Mary’s School of Politics and International Relations, LSE School of Public Policy and LSESU Chile Society.

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LSE-Fudan Annual Conference 2022

Global Public Policy: Challenges and Prospects

Thursday 17 November, 10:00am-2:00pm GMT

Speakers: Professor Zhimin Chen, Vice President, Fudan University; Professor Yijia Jing, Professor of Public Policy and Management, Fudan University; Professor Susana Mourato, Pro-director of Research, LS;, Professor Andrés Velasco, Dean of School of Public Policy, LSE.

Chair: Professor Bingchun Meng, Professor of Media and Communications.

Hosted by LSE-Fudan Research Centre for Global Public Policy, LSE-Fudan Global Public Policy Hub and the School of Public Policy.

Venue: Online.

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The Global Trading System in Crisis

Wednesday 16 November, 5:00pm-6:00pm GMT

Speakers: Professor Dani Rodrik, Professor of Economics, University of Massachusetts Amherst; Ignacio Garcia Bercero, Director of Multilateral Affairs, Strategy and Economic Analysis, European Commission; Professor Michael Pettis, Professor of Finance, Guanghua School of Management, Peking University.

Hosted by LSE IDEAS and the School of Public Policy.

Venue: Online.

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How to Be a Politician: in conversation with Vince Cable 

Tuesday 15 November, 6:30pm-8:00pm GMT

Speaker: Sir Vince Cable, Professor in Practice, School of Public Policy at LSE.

Chair: Professor Andrés Velasco, Dean of the School of Public Policy at LSE.   

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy. 

Venue: In-Person (MAR.2.08, Marshall Building LSE) and Online

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Pension Policy and Governmentality in China: Manufacturing Public Compliance

Monday 07 November, 6:00pm-7:30pm BST

Speakers: Dr Carrie Friese, Associate Professor in Sociology; Dr Yan Wang, Research Fellow at LSE-Fudan Global Public Policy Hub; Professor Noam Yuchtman, Professor of Managerial Economics and Strategy.

Chair: Professor Patrick Dunleavy, Head of LSE Press.

Hosted by LSE-Fudan Global Public Policy Hub, School of Public Policy and LSE Press

Venue: In-person (MAR 2.10, Marshall Building) and online.

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The UK's 2022 Autumn Economic Crisis: Why did it happen and what next?

Tuesday 01 November 2022 6.30pm-8.00pm BST

Speakers: Professor Sir Charles Bean, Professor of Economics at LSE; Professor Alexander Evans, Professor in Practice at the School of Public Policy; Stephanie Flanders, Senior Executive Editor for Economics at Bloomberg; Gene Frieda, Senior Visiting Fellow at the School of Public Policy.

Chair: Professor Tony Travers is Associate Dean of the School of Public Policy at LSE

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy.

Venue: Auditorium, Centre Building, LSE.

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gvc event

Global Value Chains for Regional Development: Mobilising Trade and FDI for Economic Development

Thursday 27 October, 6:30pm-8:00pm BST

Speakers: Peter Berkowitz, Policy Director, Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy, European Commission; Professor Riccardo Crescenzi, Professor of Economic Geography, LSE; Oliver Harman, Cities Economist for the International Growth Centre’s (IGC) Cities; Ana Novik, Head of the Investment Divison at the OECD; Joaquim Oliveira Martins, Special Advisor to the EU Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms.

Chair: Professor Vanessa Rubio-Márquez, Associate Dean for Extended Education, School of Public Policy LSE

Hosted by the Department of Geography and Environment and the School of Public Policy

Venue: Online and in-person (Auditorium, Centre Building, LSE).

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Chip War: the Battle to Control Semi-Conductors

Monday 24 October, 6:30pm-8:00pm BST

Speaker: Dr Chris Miller, Associate Professor of International History, The Fletcher School.

Chair: Professor Alexander Evans OBE, Professor in Practice, LSE School of Public Policy.

Hosted by the Department of International Relations and LSE School of Public Policy. 

Venue: Wolfson Theatre, New Academic Building LSE.

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In Conversation with Ray Dalio: Looking at Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order and Why Nations Succeed and Fail

Monday 26 September, 7:00pm-8:00pm BST

Speaker: Ray Dalio, Founder, Co-CIO & Member of the Board of Bridgewater Associates.

Chair: Baroness Minouche Shafik, Director of LSE.

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy.

Venue: Online Public Event.

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The Consequences of the Invasion of Ukraine on Europe and Italian Politics

Speakers: Dr Angelo Martelli, Assistant Professor in European and International Political Economy at the LSE European Institute; Dr Lia Quartapelle, Italian MP for the Democratic Party (PD) since 2013. 

Chair: Dr Omar Hammoud Gallego, researcher and social data scientist, currently a Fellow in Political Science and Public Policy at the LSE School of Public Policy. 

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy.

Venue: LSE campus.

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Reforming Global Tax Event 200 x 200

Reforming the Global Tax System

Speaker: David Bradbury, Head of the Tax Policy and Statistics Division of the Centre for Tax Policy and Administration at the OECD; Professor Francisco H. G. Ferreira, Amartya Sen Professor of Inequality Studies and Director of the International Inequalities Institute at the London School of Economics; Gabriel Zucman, Director of the James M. and Cathleen D. Stone Center on Wealth and Income Inequality at the University of California at Berkeley.

Chair: Dr Tasha Fairfield, Associate Professor in Development Studies, LSE.

Hosted by LSE IDEAS and the LSE School of Public Policy.

Venue: Online. 

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Ukraine's Wartime Economy and Financial Challenges

Speaker: Valeria Gontareva, Former Governor of the National Bank of Ukraine and Visiting Senior Fellow at the School of Public Policy at LSE

Chair: Professor Andrés Velasco, Dean of the School of Public Policy.

Hosted by the LSE European Institute and School of Public Policy.

Venue: LSE campus.

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The Avoidable War: The dangers of a catastrophic conflict between the US and Xi Jinping's China

Friday 24 June, 6:00pm-7:00pm BST

Speaker: Kevin Rudd, former Prime Minister of Australia and President and CEO of Asia Society.

Chair: Professor Tony Travers, Associate Dean of the LSE School of Public Policy. 

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy.

Venue: Online and In-Person.

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LSE Festival: Financing Social Care

Thursday 16 June, 6:30pm-7:45pm BST 

Speakers: Professor Nicholas Barr, Professor of Public Economics in the European Institute at the LSE; Andrew Dilnot, Warden of Nuffield College Oxford; Michelle Dyson, Director General for Adult Social Care; Lord Nicholas MacPherson, served as the Permanent Secretary to the Treasury from 2005 to 2016.

Chair: Dr Tania Burchardt, Associate Director of the Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion (CASE), Deputy Director of STICERD, and an Associate Professor in the Department of Social Policy at LSE. 

LSE Festival: How Do We Get to a Post-COVID World?, LSE School of Public Policy and Beveridge 2.0.

Venue: Online and In-Person.

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How We Dollarized Ecuador

Monday 06 June 2022, 5:30pm-7:00pm BST

Speakers: Jamil Mahuad, former Minister of Labor, representative of the National Congress, Mayor of Quito and President of Ecuador.

Discussants: Professor Vanessa Rubio-Márquez, Associate Dean for Extended Education at the School of Public Policy at LSE.

Chair: Professor Andrés Velasco, Professor of Public Policy and Dean of the School of Public Policy at LSE.

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy and the Latin America and Caribbean Centre.

Venue: Online.

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The UK during the 70-year Reign of Elizabeth II 

Monday 30 May, 6:30pm-8:00pm BST

Speakers: Professor Tim Besley, Professor of Economics and W. Arthur Lewis Professor of Development Economics, LSE; Dr Tania Burchardt, Associate Director of the Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion (CASE), Deputy Director of STICERD, and Associate Professor in the Department of Social Policy, LSE; Professor Michael Cox, Emeritus Professor of International Relations LSE; Sir Anthony Seldon, British educator, contemporary historian and author. 

Chair: Baroness Minouche Shafik, Director of LSE.

Hosted by LSE Department of Government and LSE School of Public Policy.

Venue: Online and In-Person (Sheikh Zayed Theatre, New Academic Building, LSE).

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Today’s Fight for Open Society 

Thursday 19 May, 4:30pm-6:00pm BST

Speaker: Mark Malloch-Brown, President of the Open Societies Foundations.

Chair: Baroness Minouche Shafik, Director of the London School of Economics and Political Science.

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy.

Venue: Online and In-Person (Sheikh Zayed Theatre, New Academic Building, LSE).

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Justice Across Ages 

Wednesday 18 May, 6:00pm-7:30pm BST

Speaker: Dr Juliana Bidadanure, Assistant Professor of Philosophy and of Political Science, Stanford University and Ludwig Lachmann Research Associate Professor of Philosophy, LSE.

Chair: Professor Alex Voorhoeve, Professor and Head of Department of Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method, LSE.

Hosted by LSE Department of Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method and LSE School of Public Policy. 

Venue: Online and In-Person (Sheikh Zayed Theatre, New Academic Building, LSE).

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The House of Contradiction

Thursday 12 May, 5:00pm-6:30pm BST

Speaker: Professor Jesús Silva-Herzog Márquez, Professor at Escuela de Gobierno y Transformación Pública (School of Government and Public Transformation) of the Tecnológico de Monterrey. 

Discussant: Professor Vanessa Rubio-Márquez, Professor in Practice at the School of Public Policy, LSE. 

Chair: Professor Andrés Velasco, Professor of Public Policy and Dean of the School of Public Policy, LSE.

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy and the Latin America and Caribbean Centre.

Venue: Online.

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Lessons from Afghanistan

Wednesday 4 May, 6:30pm-8:00pm BST

Speakers: Dr Michael Callen, Associate Professor of Economics, LSE; Professor Michael Cox, Emeritus Professor of International Relations, LSE; Dr Devika Hovell, Associate Professor of Public International Law, LSE; Nargis Nehan, former Afghan Minister for Mines Petroleum and Industries, activist and founder of EQUALITY for Peace and Democracy.

Chair: Baroness Minouche Shafik, Director of LSE.

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy, LSE Public Policy Review and Beveridge 2.0.

Venue: Online.

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Boosting the Lending Power of MDBs Through Risk Transfer

Boosting the Lending Power of Multilateral Development Banks Through Risk Transfer

Tuesday 22 March, 5:30pm-7:00pm GMT

Speakers: Simon Bessant, Director, Texel Finance; Chris Canavan, Partner, Lion’s Head Global Partners; Federico GaliziaChief Risk Officer, Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)Hassatou Diop N’ Sele, Acting Vice-President for Finance and Chief Financial Officer, African Development Bank; Nancy Lee, Senior Policy Fellow, Center for Global Development and Senior Avisor, Center for Strategic and International Studies; William Perraudin, Director of Risk Control, Risk Control; Andrew Powell, Principal Advisor in the Research Department, IDB; Timothy Turner, Senior Advisor, Trade and Development Bank. 

Opening remarks: Dr Eric Parrado, Chief Economist and General Manager of the Research Department, IDB.

Chair: Professor Andrés Velasco, Dean of the School of Public Policy at LSE.

Hosted by the African Development Bank, Inter-American Development Bank and LSE School of Public Policy.

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Knowledge Diffusion as a Cornerstone of Economic Recovery in the Post-COVID World  

Monday 21 March, 6:30pm-8:00pm GMT

Opening remarks: Professor Ricardo Hausmann, Founder and Director, the Growth Lab at Harvard Kennedy School; Dr Miguel Angel Santos, Director, the Growth Co-Lab at LSE.  

Speakers: Arben Ahmetaj, Deputy Prime Minister of Albania; Dr Omar Al-Razzaz, Former Prime Minister of Jordan; Ann Bernstein, Executive Director, Center for Development and Enterprise, South Africa; H.E. Isabel de Saint Malo, Former Vice-President of Panama.  

Chair: Professor Andrés Velasco, Professor of Public Policy and Dean of the School of Public Policy at LSE.

Hosted by Growth Lab at Harvard Kennedy School and the LSE School of Public Policy.

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One Party After Another: the disruptive life of Nigel Farage

Speaker: Michael Crick, journalist and author of One Party After Another: The Disruptive Life of Nigel Farage.

Chair: Professor Tony Travers, Associate Dean of the LSE School of Public Policy. 

Hosted by LSE European Institute, LSE Library and LSE School of Public Policy.

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China and the World in the Post-COVID Era: a new agenda of public policy

Monday 21 February, 6:30pm-8:00pm GMT

Speakers: Bill Bikales, Principal and Lead Economist at Kunlun Associates; Professor Xiaobo Lü, Ann Whitney Olin Professor of Political Science in Barnard College, Columbia University; Dr Xuefei Ren is Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology of Michigan State University; Professor Winnie Yip, Professor of the Practice of Global Health Policy and Economics at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and Director of Harvard University’s China Health Partnership.

Chair: Dr Bingchun Meng, Associate Professor in the Department of Media and Communications at LSE and Co-director of LSE-Fudan Global Public Policy Centre.

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy.

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Humane: how the United States abandoned peace and reinvented war

Monday 7 February, 5:30pm-6:30pm GMT

Speaker: Professor Samuel Moyn, Henry R. Luce Professor of Jurisprudence at Yale Law School and a professor of history at Yale University.

Chair: Professor Andrés Velasco, Dean of the School of Public Policy at LSE.

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy.

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After the Virus: lessons from the past for a better future

Tuesday 1 February, 4:30pm-6:00pm GMT

Speakers: Hilary Cooper, former government economist and senior policy maker with expertise in labour markets, children’s services and local development; Professor Simon Szreter, Professor of History and Public Policy at the University of Cambridge, researching economic, social and public health history.

Chair: Professor Andrés Velasco, Dean of the School of Public Policy at LSE.

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy.

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Reclaiming Populism: how economic fairness can win back disenchanted voters

Wednesday 26 January, 5:30pm-7:00pm GMT

Speakers: Eric Protzer, Research Fellow, Growth Lab, Harvard University; Dr Paul Summerville, Adjunct Professor, Gustavson School of Business, University of Victoria.

Discussant: Professor Vanessa Rubio Márquez, Professor in Practice, School of Public Policy at LSE.

Chair: Professor Andrés Velasco, Dean of the School of Public Policy at LSE.

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy.

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Rationalising Shopping: Are new patterns of consumption an opportunity for reinventing urbanity?

Wednesday 26 January, 1:00pm-2:00pm GMT

Speakers: Thomas Heatherwick, Designer and Founder of Heatherwick Studio; Andrew Murphy, Executive Director of Operations at The John Lewis Partnership; Ewa Westermark, Architect and a Partner and Director at Gehl.

Moderator: Jonathan De Mello, Equity Partner at CWM.

Chair: Philipp Rode, Executive Director of LSE Cities.

Hosted by LSE Cities, the Alfred Herrhausen Gesellschaft and the LSE School of Public Policy.

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Wellbeing as a Goal of Public Policy

Tuesday 18 January, 6:30pm-8:00pm GMT

Speakers: Steve Baker MP, Conservative MP for Wycombe and Deputy Chairman of the COVID Recovery Group; Professor Paul Dolan, Professor of Behavioural Science, LSE; Nancy Hey, Executive Director, What Works Centre for Wellbeing; Dr Johanna Thoma, Associate Professor at the Department of Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method at LSE.

Chair: Professor Julia Black, Strategic Director of Innovation and Professor of Law in the Department of Law at LSE.

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy and Beveridge 2.0.

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Michaelmas Term

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What kind of macroeconomics is useful when formulating policy?

Tuesday 16 November, 6:30pm-8:00pm GMT

Speakers: María Antonieta Alva, Former Minister of Economy and Finance, Peru; Ilan Goldfajn, Director, Western Hemisphere Department, IMF and Former President of the Central Bank of Brazil.

Opening and closing remarks: Professor Filipe Campante, Bloomberg Distinguished Associate Professor of International Economics at Johns Hopkins University; Professor Federico Sturzenegger, Full Professor at Universidad de San Andrés, Visiting Professor at Harvard’s Kennedy School, and Honoris Causa Professor at HEC, Paris; Professor Andrés Velasco, Dean of the School of Public Policy at LSE.

Chair: Professor Vanessa Rubio Márquez, Professor in Practice, School of Public Policy at LSE.

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy and LSE Press.

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Nicaragua’s Electoral Pantomime: how should Western democracies respond?

Monday 15 November, 6:00pm-7:30pm GMT

Speakers: Carlos Chamorro, Nicaraguan investigative journalist, Founder and Director of Confidencial; James Dauris, Head of Latin America Department and Deputy Director Americas, FCDO; Bianca Jagger, Founder and President of the Bianca Jagger Human Rights Foundation (BJHRF); Xavier Martí, Director for Ibero-America and Caribbean, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Spain.

Closing remarks: Dr Christopher Sabatini, Senior Research Fellow for Latin America, US and the Americas Programme at Chatham House.

Chair: Professor Andrés Velasco, Dean of the School of Public Policy at LSE.

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy and Chatham House.

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The Raging 2020s: Companies, Countries, People - and the Fight for Our Future

Wednesday 10 November, 6:30pm-7:30pm GMT

Speaker: Alec Ross, a Distinguished Professor at l’Universitá di Bologna.

Chair: Professor Andrés Velasco, Dean of the School of Public Policy at LSE.

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy.

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Social Unrest in Colombia and Chile: causes and cures

Panel 2

Speakers: Ricardo Lagos, former President of the Republic of Chile; Juan Manuel Santos, former President of the Republic of Colombia; Baroness Minouche Shafik, Director of the London School of Economics and Political Science.

Chair: Professor Andrés Velasco, Dean of the School of Public Policy at LSE.

Closing remarks: Dr Mauricio Cárdenas, Visiting Professor at Columbia University SIPA and Former Finance Minister of Colombia.

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy and the Latin America and Caribbean Centre.

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Social Unrest in Colombia and Chile: causes and cures

Panel 1

Friday 29 October, 4.30pm-5.45pm BST

Speakers: Professor Ana Arjona, Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science at Northwestern University; Dr Marcela Ríos, Assistant Resident Representative in Chile for the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

Discussants: Dr Mauricio Cárdenas, Visiting Professor at Columbia University SIPA and Former Finance Minister of Colombia; Professor Andrés Velasco, Dean of the School of Public Policy at LSE.

Chair: Professor Gareth Jones, Director of the Latin America and Caribbean Centre at LSE.

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy and the Latin America and Caribbean Centre.

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The Aristocracy of Talent: how meritocracy made the modern world

Speaker: Adrian Wooldridge, the Economist's political editor and author of its Bagehot column.

Chair: Professor Andrés Velasco, Dean of the School of Public Policy at LSE.

Hosted by the School of Public Policy and the Department of Government.

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Urban Age Debates: Cities in the 2020s

Changing Cultures: How are cultural institutions reframing their relationships with audiences, the community and the city?

Speakers: Elaine Bedell, Chief Executive of the Southbank Centre; Gabriella Gomez-Mont, Founder of Experimentalista; Andreas Görgen, Head of the German Foreign Office’s Culture and Communication Department.

Moderator: Adrian Ellis, Director of AEA Consulting and Chair of the Global Cultural Districts Network.

Chair: Professor Ricky Burdett, Professor of Urban Studies and Director of LSE Cities.

Hosted by the School of Public Policy, LSE Cities and the Alfred Herrhausen Gesellschaft.

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The Indian Economy: recent developments and prospects

Speakers: Shri Shaktikanta Das, Governor of the Reserve Bank of India; Dr Swati Dhingra, Associate Professor in Economics at LSE; Baroness Minouche Shafik, Director of the London School of Economics and Political Science; N K Singh, President of the Institute of Economic Growth and the Chairman of the 15th Finance Commission; Professor Nicholas Stern, IG Patel Professor of Economics and Government, Chairman of the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change at LSE; Martin Wolf CBE, Associate Editor and Chief Economics Commentator at the Financial Times.

Chair: Professor Andrés Velasco,  Dean of the School of Public Policy at LSE.

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy.

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Opportunities for Stronger and Sustainable Post-Pandemic Growth in Latin America and the Caribbean

Speakers: Dr Eduardo Cavallo, Principal Economist at the Research Department of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB); Marla Dukharan, Caribbean economist and advisor; Dr Andrew Powell, Principal Advisor in the Research Department (RES) at IDB; Professor Andrés Velasco,  Dean of the School of Public Policy at LSE.

Chair: Professor Gareth Jones, Director of the Latin America and Caribbean Centre at LSE.

Introductory remarks: Malcom Geere, Alternate Executive Director, IDB; Dr Eric Parrado Herrera, Chief Economist and General Manager of the Research Department of the IDB; Professor Susana Mourato, Pro-Director (Research) at LSE.

Hosted by the School of Public Policy, the Latin America and Caribbean Centre and the Inter-American Development Bank.

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Reciprocity and the Welfare State

Speakers: Professor Nicholas Barr, Professor of Public Economics in the European Institute at LSE; Professor Sir Tim Besley, Professor of Economics of Political Science and Sir W. Arthur Lewis Professor of Development Economics in the Department of Economics at LSE; Dr Tania Burchardt, Associate Director of the Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion (CASE) and Deputy Director of STICERD at LSE.

Policy Discussant: Gregg McClymont, Visiting Fellow at Nuffield College, Oxford and Exec. Director Public Affairs at IFM Investors.

Chair: Baroness Minouche Shafik, Director of the London School of Economics and Political Science.

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy and Beveridge 2.0.

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My Secret Brexit Diary

Speaker: Michel Barnier, European Commission's Head of Task Force for Relations with the United Kingdom from 2019 to 2021.

Chair: Professor Kevin Featherstone, Eleftherios Venizelos Professor in Contemporary Greek Studies, Professor in European Politics and Director of the Hellenic Observatory at LSE.

Introductory and closing remarks: Baroness Minouche Shafik, Director of the London School of Economics and Political Science.

Hosted by LSE European Institute and School of Public Policy.

*Part of the LSE Programme: Brexit and Beyond*

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Reset: reclaiming the internet for civil society

Speaker: Professor Ron Deibert, Professor of Political Science at the University of Toronto's Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy and Department of Political Science, as well as the Director of the Munk School's Citizen Lab.

Chair: Professor Andrés Velasco, Dean of the School of Public Policy at LSE.

Hosted by the LSE School of Public Policy and the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy.

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Seven Ways to Change the World - How To Fix The Most Pressing Problems We Face

Speaker: Gordon Brown, United Nations Special Envoy for Global Education and former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

Chair: Baroness Minouche Shafik, Director of the London School of Economics and Political Science.

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy.

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Perspectives on the COVID-19 Pandemic

Speakers: Professor Francisco Ferreira, Amartya Sen Professor of Inequality Studies and Director of the International Inequalities Institute at LSE; Professor Adnan Khan, Professor in Practice at LSE's School of Public Policy; Professor Lucinda Platt, Professor of Social Policy and Sociology and Head of Department of Social Policy at LSE.

Policy Discussant: Professor Ricardo Hausmann, Rafik Hariri Professor in Practice of International Political Economy and Director of the Growth Lab, Harvard Kennedy School. 

Chair: Dr Tania Burchardt, Associate Director of the Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion (CASE) and Deputy Director of STICERD at LSE.

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy and Beveridge 2.0.

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Haldane and LSE: applying political philosophy to public service in today's polarised politics

Speakers: John Campbell, Co-founder and Chair of Campbell Lutyens; Dr Jill Pellew, Senior Fellow of the Institute of Historical Research at the University of London; Professor Andrés Velasco, Dean of the School of Public Policy at LSE.

Chair: Professor Julia Black, Strategic Director for Innovation and Professor of Law at LSE.

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy.

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Liars: falsehood and free speech in an age of deception

Thursday 27 May 2021, 11.45am-12.40pm BST

Speaker: Professor Cass R. Sunstein, Robert Walmsley University Professor at Harvard.

Chair: Professor Andrés Velasco, Dean of the School of Public Policy at LSE.

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy.

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Rescue: from global crisis to a better world

pm-3pm BST

Speaker: Professor Ian Goldin, Professor of Globalisation and Development at Oxford University.

Chair: Professor Andrés Velasco, Dean of the School of Public Policy at LSE.

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy.

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Doom: the politics of catastrophe

Thursday 20 May 2021, 7.15pm-8.15pm BST

Speaker: Professor Niall Ferguson, Milbank Family Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, Senior Faculty fellow of the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard.

Chair: Professor Andrés Velasco, Dean of the School of Public Policy at LSE.

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy.

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Urban Age Debates: cities in the 2020s

Localising Transport: towards the 15-minute city or the one-hour metropolis?

Speakers: Professor Edward Glaeser, Fred and Eleanor Glimp Professor of Economics in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at Harvard University; Sir Peter Hendy, Chair of Network Rail; Yolisa Kani, Chief Business Development Officer (CBDO) of Transnet.

Moderator: Isabel Dedring, Global Transport Leader and Group Board Member at Arup.

Chair: Dr Philipp Rode, Executive Director of LSE Cities and Associate Professorial Research Fellow at LSE.

Hosted by LSE Cities, the Alfred Herrhausen Gesellschaft and School of Public Policy.

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Lessons Learnt from the Pandemic

Thursday 13 May 2021, 3.30pm-4.30pm BST

Speakers: Dr Mukulika Banerjee, Associate Professor in the Department of Anthropology at LSE; Professor Paul Dolan, Professor of Behavioural Science at LSE; Professor Andrés Velasco, Dean of the School of Public Policy at LSE; Dr Clare Wenham, Assistant Professor of Global Health Policy at LSE.

Chair: Professor Simon Hix, Pro-Director for Research and the Harold Laski Professor of Political Science at LSE.

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy.

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Humanising the City: can the design of urban space promote cohesion and healthier lifestyles?

Tuesday 27 April 2021, 5.30pm-7pm BST

Speakers: Elizabeth Diller, architech and partner at Diller Scofidio + Renfro (DS+R);  Rozana Montiel, founder and director of Rozana Montiel | Estudio de Arquitectura; Amanda Levete, founder and principal of Amanda Levete Architects (AL_A); Suketa Mehta, writer, critic and urbanist.

Chair: Ricky Burdett, professor of Urban Studies, Director of LSE Cities, co-founder of the Urban Age.

Hosted by LSE Cities, the Alfred Herrhausen Gesellschaft and School of Public Policy.

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Debate summary: key takeaways.

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Online Conference
Central Bank Digital Currencies: international and domestic challenges

Thursday 22- Friday 23 April 2021

Speakers: Various. Please see conference programme.

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy, Accenture and the Centre for Macroeconomics.

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Drugs and Development Policies: a discussion with the Global Commission on Drug Policy

Speakers: Juan Manuel Santos Calderón, former President of Colombia, Nobel Peace Laureate and member of the Global Commission on Drug Policy; Helen Clark, former Prime Minister of New Zealand, administrator of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and chair of the Global Commission on Drug Policy; Ruth Dreifuss, former President of Switzerland and member of the Global Commission on Drug Policy and Kgalema Motlanthe, Former President of South Africa and Member of the Global Commission of Drug Policy.

Chair: Professor Andrés Velasco, Dean of the School of Public Policy, LSE.

Hosted by The Global Commission on Drug Policy and School of Public Policy.

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Doing Good and Doing Well: Individual and Organisational Motivations for Public Benefit

Monday 22 March 2021, 5pm-6.30pm GMT

Speakers: Ellie Benton, Research Assistant at LSE Housing and Communities, CASE; Dr Joan Costa-Font, Associate Professor in Health Economics, Department of Health Policy, LSE; Professor Julian Le Grand, Professor of Social Policy at the Institute for  Philanthropy and Entrepreneurship, LSE; Dr Sara Machado, Fellow at the Department of Health Policy, LSE; Professor Anne Power, Head of LSE Housing and Communities at the Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, LSE and Dr Jonathan Roberts, Teaching Director and Senior Lecturer in Practice at the Marshall Institute, LSE.

Policy Discussant: Pamela Dow, Executive Director of the new Government Skills and Curriculum Unit in the Cabinet Office.

Chair: Professor Stephan Chambers, Director of the Marshall Institute for Philanthropy and Entrepreneurship, LSE.

Hosted by LSE Marshall Institute, School of Public Policy and Beveridge 2.0.

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UK Market Regulation After Brexit: higher, lower or stay the same?

Tuesday 09 March 2021, 5pm-6.30pm GMT

Speakers: Minette Batters, President of the National Farmers Union of England and Wales; Tony Danker, Director-General of CBI; Professor Sam Fankhauser, Director of the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change, LSE; Frances O'Grady, General Secretary of the TUC.

Chair: Minouche Shafik, Director of the London School of Economics and Political Science.

Hosted by LSE European Institute and School of Public Policy.

*Part of the LSE Programme: Brexit and Beyond*

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Vince Cable

Money and Power: the world leaders who changed economics

Tuesday 23 February 2021, 4pm-5.30pm GMT

Speaker: Sir Vince Cable, former Leader of the Liberal Democrats (2017 to 2019) and Professor in Practice, LSE Institute of Global Affairs.

Discussant: Vicky Pryce, Chief Economic Advisor, Centre for Economics and Business Research and former Joint Head of the UK Government Economic Service. 

Chair: Professor Andrés Velasco, Dean of the School of Public Policy, LSE.

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy and Institute of Global Affairs.

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How Was Brexit For You? A Reflection On What We Learnt

Wednesday 17 February 2021, 5pm-6.30pm GMT

Speakers: Professor Catherine Barnard; Professor of European Union and Labour Law, Trinity College, University of Cambridge; Baroness Catharine Hoey, former Labour MP for Vauxhall and a vocal campaigner to Leave the EU; Dr Gerard Lyons, economist and Chief Economic Strategist at Netwealth Investments; Sir Ivan Rogers, former UK Permanent Representative to the EU.

Chair: Professor Tony Travers, Associate Dean, LSE School of Public Policy.

Hosted by LSE European Institute and School of Public Policy.

*Part of the LSE Programme: Brexit and Beyond*

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Outside the EU: options for Britain

Tuesday 9 February 2021, 4pm-5.30pm GMT

Speakers: Dr Martin Westlake, Visiting Professor in Practice,  LSE European Institute; Sebastian Remøy, Executive Vice President and Global Head of Public Affairs at Kreab; Dr Sara Hagemann, Associate Professor in European Politics, LSE European Institute. 

Chair: Professor Kevin Featherstone, Eleftherios Venizelos Professor in Contemporary Greek Studies, Professor in European Politics and Director of the Hellenic Observatory.

Hosted by LSE European Institute and School of Public Policy.

*Part of the LSE Programme: Brexit and Beyond*

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David Sally

One Step Ahead: mastering the art and science of negotiation

Wednesday 3 February 2021, 4pm-5:30pm GMT

Speakers: Professor David Sally, Author and leading behavioural game theorist; Professor Kathleen O’Connor, Clinical Professor of Organisational Behaviour, London Business School.

Chair: Professor Chris Anderson, Professor in Politics and Policy, LSE European Institute.

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy. 

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How to Make COVID-19 Vaccination a Success? Policy Priorities and Implementation from Israel and Around the World

Tuesday 26 January 2021, 5pm-6.15pm GMT

Speakers: Professor Ran Balicer, Chief Innovation Officer at Clalit Health Service, Head of the Cabinet’s Coronavirus Experts, Israel; Professor Olivier Wouters, London School of Economics and Political Science, Department of Health 

Chair: Piroska Nagy-Mohacsi, Interim Director, Institute of Global Affairs, LSE School of Public Policy.

Hosted by LSE Institute of Global Affairs and School of Public Policy.

*Part of the LSE Maryam Annual Forum*

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The Impact of Brexit on Higher Education

Speakers: Professor Simon Hix, Pro-Director for Research at LSE and Harold Laski Professor of Political Science, Department of Government at LSE; Dr Beth Thompson, Head of Policy and Advocacy - UK & EU at the Wellcome Trust; Professor Wendy Thomson, Vice-Chancellor of the University of London. 

Chair: Professor Tony Travers, Associate Dean of the School of Public Policy at LSE.

Hosted by LSE European Institute and School of Public Policy.

*Part of the LSE Programme: Brexit and Beyond*

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Humanitarian dimensions of the war in Nagorno-Karabakh

Monday 25 January 2021, 4pm-5pm GMT

Speakers: Dr Laurence Broers, Caucasus Programme Director at London-based peace-building organisation Conciliation Resources; Dr Jo Laycock, Senior Lecturer in Migration History at the University of Manchester.

Chair: Professor Andrés Velasco, Dean of the School of Public Policy, LSE

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy.

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Overdraft: saving the Indian saver

Thursday 21 January 2021, 1pm-2.15pm GMT

Speaker: Dr Urjit R. Patel, Chairman, National Institute of Public Finance and Policy and former Governor of the Reserve Bank of India.

Chair: Professor Andrés Velasco, Dean of the School of Public Policy, LSE.

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy.

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Urban Age Debates: cities in the 2020s

Socialising Remote Work: will changing patterns in knowledge work reduce or amplify the human need to meet in cities?

Tuesday 19 January 2021, 1pm-2.15pm GMT

Speakers: Professor Richard Florida, Professor of Economic Analysis and Policy, University of Toronto School of Cities and Rotman School of Management; Ayesha Khanna, co-Founder and CEO of ADDO AI; Janina Kugel, Non-Executive Board Member, Senior Advisor and Speaker.

Chair: Baroness Camilla Cavendish, Broadcaster, journalist and Contributing Editor, Financial Times.

Hosted by LSE Cities, the Alfred Herrhausen Gesellschaft and LSE School of Public Policy.

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Beveridge 2.0: the supportive state

Wednesday 13 January 2021, 1.30pm-3pm GMT

Speakers: Professor Oriana Bandiera, Sir Anthony Atkinson Professor of Economics, LSE; Professor Julian Le Grand, Professor of Social Policy at the Marshall Institute for Philanthropy and Social Entrepreneurship, LSE; Dr Abigail McKnight, Director of the Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, LSE; Jonathan Reynolds, Shadow Secretary of State for Work and Pensions.

Chair: Professor Tony Travers, Associate Dean of LSE School of Public Policy.

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy and Beveridge 2.0.

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Michaelmas Term

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The 'True' Brexit: where are we now?

Thursday 10 December 2020, 5pm-6:30pm GMT

Speakers: Professor Katy Hayward, Professor of Political Sociology at Queen’s University Belfast and a Senior Fellow at ‘The UK in a Changing Europe’; Vicky Pryce, Chief Economic Advisor at the Centre for Economics and Business Research and former Joint Head of the UK Government Economic Service; Jill Rutter, Senior Research Fellow at the UK in a Changing Europe; Professor Tony Travers is Associate Dean of the School of Public Policy at LSE.

Chair: Professor Kevin Featherstone, Eleftherios Venizelos Professor in Contemporary Greek Studies and Professor in European Politics and the Director of the Hellenic Observatory.

Hosted by LSE European Institute and School of Public Policy.

*Part of the LSE Programme: Brexit and Beyond*

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IGA - Maryam Forum

Maryam Annual Forumn - One Year On: Lessons Learnt and 'New Normals' in a Post-COVID World

8, 9 and 10 December 2020, 2pm onwards GMT

Hosted by Institute of Global Affairs and School of Public Policy.

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Lives, Livelihoods and Lockdowns: debating COVID-19 policy trade-offs

Wednesday 2 December 2020, 1pm-2.15pm GMT

Speakers: Professor Dame Sally Davies, Master of Trinity College, University of Cambridge and a Special Envoy on AMR (antimicrobial resistance) for the UK Government; Professor Paul Dolan, Professor of Behavioural Science, LSE; Professor Sunetra Gupta, Professor of Theoretical Epidemiology, University of Oxford; Professor Carl Heneghan, a clinical epidemiologist and Professor of Evidence-based Medicine, University of Oxford; Professor David Hunter, Richard Doll Professor of Epidemiology and Medicine and Director of the Translational Epidemiology Unit at the Nuffield Department of Population Health, University of Oxford.

Chair: Professor Julia Black, Strategic Director of Innovation and Professor of Law, LSE.

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy

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Vince Cable

China: Engage – Avoid the New Cold World War

Tuesday 24 November 2020, 1.00pm-2.15 pm GMT

Speaker: Sir Vince Cable, former Leader of the Liberal Democrats (2017 to 2019) and Professor in Practice, LSE Institute of Global Affairs.

Discussant: Dr Linda Yueh, Visiting Professor, LSE IDEAS and Chair, LSE Economic Diplomacy Commission.

Chair: Professor Andrés Velasco, Dean of the School of Public Policy, LSE.

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy and Institute of Public Affairs.

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What It Takes: lessons in the pursuit of excellence

Monday 16 November 2020, 6.30pm-8pm GMT

Speaker: Stephen A. Schwarzman, Chairman, CEO and Co-Founder of Blackstone.

Chair: Baroness Minouche Shafik, LSE Director.

Hosted by the School of Public Policy.

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After Brexit: the UK in the North Atlantic trade triangle

Thursday 12 November 2020, 5pm- 6:30pm GMT

Speaker: Anthony Gardner, former US Ambassador to the European Union; Beatrice Kilroy-Nolan, former senior EU and trade advisor to the Prime Minister in No.10 Downing Street; Luisa Santos, Deputy Director General at BusinessEurope.

Chair: Professor Tony Travers, Associate Dean of the School of Public Policy at LSE.

Hosted by the School of Public Policy and European Institute, LSE.

*Part of the LSE Programme: Brexit and Beyond*

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Hungary and Other Emerging EU Countries in the Financial Storm

Wednesday 4 November 2020, 1pm-2pm

Speakers: Julia Kiraly, Associate Professor of Finance and Monetary Economics, International Business School (IBS) Budapest; Piroska Nagy Mohacsi, Interim Director and Programme Director, Institute of Global Affairs at the LSE School of Public Policy; Richard Portes, Professor of Economics; Academic Director, AQR Asset Management Institute at the London Business School.

Chair: Erik Berglöf, Chief Economist, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB); Professor, LSE School of Public Policy and Fellow, CEPR. 

Hosted by the School of Public Policy and Institute of Global Affairs.

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Making Global Finance Work for All – Reforming the Global Development Architecture 

Friday 30 October 2020, 2pm-3.30pm

Speakers: Jin Liqun, President, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB); Raghuram Rajan, Professor, Booth School of Business, former Governor, Reserve Bank of India; Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Senior Minister, Singapore; Ksenia Yudaeva, Deputy Governor, National Bank of Russia

Chair: Erik Berglöf, Chief Economist, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)

Hosted by the School of Public Policy, Institute of Global Affairs, CEPR and AIIB.

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COVID-19: Impact on the Economy and Central Bank Policies

Thursday 29 October 2020, 8am GMT

Speakers: Various. Please see conference programme.

Hosted by the School of Public Policy, Institute of Global Affairs and Bank of Albania.

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Ten Lessons for a Post-Pandemic World

Wednesday 28 October 2020 2:00pm to 3:00pm GMT

Speaker: Fareed Zakaria, CNN journalist, political scientist and author.
Chair: Professor Andrés Velasco, Professor of Public Policy and Dean of the School of Public Policy, LSE.

Hosted by the School of Public Policy.

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What Unites Ukrainians?

Wednesday 14 October 2020, 6.30pm

Speakers: Peter Pomerantsev, Director, Arena Research Initiative at Johns Hopkins University; Anna Chebotarova, research fellow at the School for Humanities and Social Sciences, St. Gallen University (Switzerland) and the Center for Urban History in East-Central Europe (Lviv, Ukraine); and Vira Kostenko-Kuznetsova, Ukrainian media expert.

Moderator: Ursula Woolley, Trustee of the Ukrainian Institute London.

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy, LSE Institute of Global Affairs and the Center for Governance and Culture in Europe of the University of St. Gallen.

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Mission Possible

Wednesday 14 October 2020, 1pm-2pm

Speakers: Valeria Gontareva, Senior Policy Fellow, IGA; Katarína Mathernová, Deputy Director-General, European Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations, European Commission; and Poul Mathias Thomsen, former Director, European Department at the IMF and Visiting Professor in Practice, LSE European Institute.

Chair: Piroska Nagy-Mohacsi, Programme Director, LSE Institute of Global Affairs.

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy and Institute of Global Affairs.

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Beveridge 2.0 Symposium: Doing Good: Individual and Organisational Motivations for Public Benefit

Wednesday 14 October 2020, 10.30am-4.30pm

Speakers: Dr Joan Costa-Font, Department of Health Policy, LSE; Dr Sara Machado, Department of Health Policy, LSE; Professor Maitreesh Ghatak, Department of Economics, LSE; Dr John Collins, Journal of Illicit Economies and Development (JIED), LSE Press; M.L. Dispanadda Diskul, Mae Fah Luang Foundation; Professor Anne Power, Department of Social Policy, LSE and Ms Ellie Benton, LSE Housing and Communities; Dr Adam Oliver, Department of Social Policy, LSE; Professor Naufel Vilcassim, Department of Management, LSE; Professor Ron Anderson, Department of Finance, LSE; Professor Nava Ashraf; Department of Economics, LSE; Dr Timothy Hildebrandt, Department of Social Policy, LSE; Professor Sir Julian Le Grand, Marshall Institute for Philanthropy and Social Entrepreneurship; Dr Jonathan Roberts, Marshall Institute for Philanthropy and Social Entrepreneurship.

Hosted by the School of Public Policy and Marshall Institute

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Randomized Control Trials in the Field of Development; a critical perspective

Monday 12 October, 6pm-7.30pm

Speakers: Isabelle Guérin, Senior Research Fellow, French Institute of Research for Sustainable Development and Associate, French Institute of Pondicherry; François Roubaud, Senior Research Fellow, French Institute of Research for Sustainable Development; Sir Angus Stewart Deaton FBA, Senior Scholar and the Dwight D. Eisenhower Professor of Economics and International Affairs Emeritus at the Princeton School of Public and International Affairs and the Economics Department, Princeton University; Professor Lant Pritchett, RISE Research Director, Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford. 

Chair: Professor Andrés Velasco, Dean, School of Public Policy, LSE.

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy.

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Reforming the Global Institutions: The case of the WTO

Speakers: Jonathan Fried, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Canada to the World Trade Organization; Hector Torres, former Executive Director, International Monetary Fund;  

Chairs: Professor Erik Berglöf, Chief Economist, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB); Professor, LSE School of Public Policy and Fellow, CEPR; and Piroska Nagy Mohacsi, Programme Director, Institute of Global Affairs at the LSE School of Public Policy.

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Brexit and Culture Wars: is this a new 'normal'?

Monday 5 October 2020, 5pm - 6.30pm

Speakers: Professor John Denham, Director of the Centre for English Identity and Politics at the University of Southampton and former Labour Cabinet Minister; Professor Sara Hobolt, Sutherland Chair in European Institutions and Professor in the Department of Government and the European Institute; Chaminda Jayanetti, politics, social policy and public services journalist who has been published in The GuardianThe Independent, and The Observer.

Chair: Professor Tony Travers, Associate Dean of the School of Public Policy, LSE.

*Part of the LSE Programme: Brexit and Beyond*

Hosted by the School of Public Policy and European Institute, LSE.

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Taufik Hanafi

Strong Infrastructure Governance for Strong Recovery

Friday 2 October 2020, 1pm-2.30pm

Speakers: Professor Tim Besley, Professor of Economics, LSE Department of Economics and Fellow, CEPR; Taufik Hanafi, Deputy Minister of National Development Planning for Development Monitoring, Evaluation and Control, Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas), Indonesia; Evelyn Hernandez, Head of Members and Affiliate Programmes at CoST- The Infrastructure Transparency Initiative; Abebe Aemro Selassie, Director of the African DepartmentInternational Monetary Fund (IMF).

Moderator: Piroska Nagy Mohacsi, Programme Director, Institute of Global Affairs at the LSE School of Public Policy.

Chair: Professor Erik Berglöf, Chief Economist, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB); Professor, LSE School of Public Policy and Fellow, CEPR.

Hosted by the School of Public Policy, Institute of Global Affairs, CEPR and the IMF.

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Watch the video recording here.

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Living with COVID-19: four futures, five contexts

Friday 25 September 2020, 1.30pm-3pm

Speakers: Dr Caroline Buckee, Associate Professor, Harvard University; Astrid Haas, Policy Director, International Growth Centre, LSE/Oxford; Professor Edward Holmes, University of Sydney; and Professor Gabriel Leung, Dean, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong.

Chair: Professor Erik Berglöf, Chief Economist, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB); Professor, LSE School of Public Policy and Fellow, CEPR.

Hosted by the School of Public Policy, Institute of Global Affairs, and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.

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Paul Collier

Greed is Dead: politics after individualism

Speakers: Professor Paul Collier, Professor of Economics and Public Policy, Oxford Blavatnik School of Government and a Director of the International Growth Centre, LSE; Professor John Kay, Fellow of St John's College, Oxford.

Discussant: Baroness Cavendish, Broadcaster and Journalist; Senior Fellow at Harvard’s Kennedy School and Contributing Editor,  Financial Times.

Chair: Professor Andrés Velasco, Dean, LSE School of Public Policy.

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy.

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Innovation and Inclusive Growth: COVID-19 as a window of opportunity

Friday 11 September 2020, 1pm - 2.30pm

Speakers: Gordon Brown, United Nations Special Envoy for Global Education and former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom; Professor Mariana Mazzucato, Professor in the Economics of Innovation & Public Value, University College London (UCL), and Founding Director of the UCL Institute for Innovation & Public Purpose; Lord David Sainsbury, former Finance Director and Chairman, J. Sainsbury plc, and founder of the Gatsby Charitable Foundation, and Institute for Government; Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Senior Minister in the Singapore Cabinet and former Deputy Prime Minister.

Chair: Professor Erik Berglof, inaugural Director of LSE Institute of Global Affairs.

Hosted by the School of Public Policy and Institute of Global Affairs, LSE.

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The Tyranny of Merit: what's become of the common good?

Wednesday 9 September 2020, 6pm-7pm

Speaker: Professor Michael Sandel, Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Professor of Government, Harvard University, and author.

Chair: Professor Andrés Velasco, Dean, School of Public Policy, LSE.

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy

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Populism in the Post-COVID-19 World

Thursday 23 July 2020, 1pm-2.30pm

Speakers: Professor Sara Hobolt, Sutherland Chair in European Institutions and Professor in the Department of Government and the European Institute; Dr Michael Ignatieff, Canadian author, academic and former politician, rector and President of Central European University; Rt Hon Jesse Norman, Financial Secretary to the Treasury, responsible for HM Revenue and Customs and the National Infrastructure Strategy; Professor Andrés Velasco, Professor of Public Policy and Dean of the School of Public Policy, LSE.

Chair: Professor Tim Besley, School Professor of Economics of Political Science and Sir W. Arthur Lewis Professor of Development Economics in the Department of Economics at LSE.

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy and STICERD.

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How to Reform the WTO?

Speakers: Jesus Seade, candidate for WTO Director-General, Chief Negotiator of the USMCA, and Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mexico; Sir Vince Cable, Professor in Practice at the Institute of Global Affairs, LSE, former Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills (2010-2015).

Moderator: Piroska Nagy Mohacsi, Programme Director, Institute of Global Affairs, LSE.

Chair: Professor Erik Berglof, Director, Institute of Global Affairs, LSE.

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy and Institute of Global Affairs.

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Journalism, Power and Pandemic

Wednesday 15 July 2020, 3pm-4pm

Speakers: Anushka Asthana, editor-at-large for The Guardian, and host of the daily news podcast, Today in FocusPippa Crerar, Political Editor of the Daily Mirror and Parliamentary Press Gallery chair; Annette Dittert, London Bureau Chief of ARD; Richard Horton, Editor of The Lancet; Craig Oliver, former No10 Director of Politics & Communications and Editor of BBC News at 6pm & 10pm.

Chair: Professor Charlie Beckett, Professor of Practice, Director of Polis and the Polis/LSE Journalism AI project in the Department of Media and Communications at LSE.

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy, Institute of Global Affairs and Department of Media and Communications.

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Prospects for the UK Economy and Public Spending After COVID-19: new austerity or a new economy?

Friday 10 July 2020, 11am-12.30pm

Speakers: Stephanie Flanders, Senior Executive Editor for Economics at Bloomberg and Head of Bloomberg Economics; Professor Stephen Machin, Professor of Economics and Director of the Centre for Economic Performance at LSE; Dr Gemma Tetlow, Chief Economist at the Institute for Government.

Chair: Professor Andrés Velasco, Dean, School of Public Policy, LSE.

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy and Institute of Global Affairs.

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Policies to Fight the Pandemic in Latin America and the Caribbean

Speakers: Malcolm Geere, Inter-American Development Bank Executive Director for the United Kingdom; Dr Eric Parrado Herrera, Chief Economist and General Manager of the Research Department, Inter-American Development Bank; Dr Victoria Nuguer, Senior Researcher, Inter-American Development Bank’s Research Department; Dr Andrew Powell, Principal Advisor in the Research Department (RES), Inter-American Development Bank; Professor Andrés Velasco, Dean, School of Public Policy, LSE.

Chair: Professor Gareth Jones, Director, Latin America and Caribbean Centre, LSE and Professor of Urban Geography, Department of Geography and Environment, LSE.

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy, Institute of Global Affairs and LSE Latin America and Caribbean Centre (LACC).

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From Rulership to Leadership: what lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic?

Speakers: Gordon Brown, United Nations Special Envoy for Global Education and former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (2007-2010); Lindiwe Mazibuko, public leader, speaker, writer and academic fellow, former Leader of the Opposition in South Africa; Professor Vali Nasr, Majid Khadduri Professor of International Affairs and Middle East Studies, Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University; Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Senior Minister in the Singapore Cabinet, former Deputy Prime Minister (2011-2019); Dame Minouche Shafik, LSE Director; Professor Andrés Velasco, Dean, School of Public Policy, LSE.

More speakers to be announced soon.

* Part of the Maryam Forum *

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy and Institute of Global Affairs.

Find out more.

Listen to the Opening Plenary: Defeating COVID-19 everywhere - what needs to be done NOW?

Listen to the Closing Plenary: Living with COVID-19 - what leadership do we need?

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Negotiating Our Post-Brexit Future: where are we heading?

Tuesday 30 June 2020 2:00pm to 3:30pm

Speakers: Professor Catherine Barnard, Professor of European Union and Labour Law, University of Cambridge; Dr Meredith Crowley, Reader in International Economics at the University of Cambridge and Senior Fellow at the UK in a Changing Europe (UKCE); Dr Adam Marshall, Director General of British Chambers of Commerce; Professor Anand Menon, Professor of European Politics and Foreign Affairs at King’s College London, and Director of The UK in a Changing Europe; Professor Tony Travers, Associate Dean of the School of Public Policy at LSE.

Chair: Professor Kevin Featherstone, Eleftherios Venizelos Professor in Contemporary Greek Studies and Professor in European Politics and the Director of the Hellenic Observatory. 

Hosted by the LSE European Institute and School of Public Policy.

*Part of the LSE Programme: Brexit and Beyond*

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Financing the SDGs – Can the World Avoid Failure?

Monday 29 June 2020, 1pm-2pm

Speaker: Sir Suma Chakrabarti, President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD); Amina J. Mohammed, Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations and Chair of the United Nations Sustainable Development Group.

Chair: Dame Minouche Shafik, LSE Director.

Hosted by the School of Public Policy.

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Life After COVID-19: challenges and policy response

Speakers: Michelle Bachelet, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, former President of Chile (2006–2010 and 2014–2018); Helen Clark, global leader on sustainable development, gender equality and international co-operation, former Prime Minister of New Zealand (1999 and 2008); Matteo Renzi, Italian Senator for Florence, former Prime Minister of Italy (February 2014-December 2016); Kevin Rudd, President of Asia Society Policy Institute, Australia’s 26th Prime Minister (2007-2010, 2013); Dame Minouche Shafik, LSE Director.

Chair: Professor Andrés Velasco, Dean, School of Public Policy, LSE.

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy and Institute of Global Affairs.

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Do we have the WHO we need? Global Health Governance and Reform

Thursday 25 June 2020, 1.30pm - 3pm

Speakers: Dr Lucie Gadenne, Assistant Professor, University of Warwick and Affiliate, CEPR; Professor Maitreesh Ghatak, Professor, LSE and Fellow, CEPR; Professor Rebecca Kataz, Professor and Director of the Center for Global Health Science and Security, Georgetown University Medical Center; Dr Clare Wenham, Assistant Professor of Global Health Policy, LSE.

Chair: Professor Erik Berglof, Director, Institute of Global Affairs, LSE School of Public Policy and Fellow, CEPR.

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy, Institute of Global Affairs and CEPR.

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COVID-19 in South Asia: Bangladesh, India and Pakistan

Monday 22 June 2020, 4pm- 5:30pm

Speakers: Tania Aidrus, Special Assistant to the Prime Minister, Digital Pakistan; Yamini Aiyar, President and Chief Executive of the Centre for Policy Research (CPR), New Delhi; Professor Jishnu Das, Professor at the McCourt School of Public Policy and the Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University and Professor Mushfiq Mobarak, Professor of Economics,Yale University.

Chair: Professor Adnan Khan, Professor in Practice at LSE's School of Public Policy.

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy,  Institute of Global Affairs, International Growth Centre and South Asia Centre.

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Brexit and the Post-COVID-19 Options for the Economy

Monday 22 June 2020, 2:00pm to 3:30pm

Speakers: Professor Sir Tim Besley, School Professor of Economics of Political Science and Sir W. Arthur Lewis Professor of Development Economics, Department of Economics, LSE; Wolfgang Münchau, Director of Eurointelligence and columnist for the Financial Times; Vicky Pryce, Chief Economic Advisor, Centre for Economics and Business Research and former Joint Head of the UK Government Economic Service. 

Chair: Professor Tony Travers, Associate Dean of the School of Public Policy at LSE.

Hosted by the European Institute and School of Public Policy.

*Part of the LSE Programme: Brexit and Beyond*

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Anne-Laure Kieche

Financing the Post-COVID-19 Recovery

Friday 19 June 2020, 3pm- 4.30pm

Speakers: Dr Simeon Djankov, Co-Director for Policy and Research Fellow, Financial Markets Group, LSE and deputy prime minister and minister of finance of Bulgaria (2009 to 2013); Anne-Laure Kiechel, Global Sovereign Advisory; Professor Ugo Panizza, Professor of Economics and Pictet Chair in Finance and Development, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies; Dr Jeromin Zettelmeyer, Deputy Director in the Strategy, Policy and Review Department, IMF.

Chair: Professor Andrés Velasco, Dean, LSE School of Public Policy.

Hosted by the School of Public Policy, Institute of Global Affairs, and  Financial Markets Group Research Centre.

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How did we end up here? Governance lessons from the Covid-19 pandemic

Thursday 18 June 2020, 1.30-3pm

Speakers: Professor Karolina Ekholm, Stockholm University and Fellow, CEPR; Jeremy Farrar, Director, Wellcome Trust; Professor Bengt Holmström, Paul A. Samuelson Professor of Economics, MIT; Professor Devi Sridhar, Professor of Global Public Health, University of Edinburgh.

Chair: Professor Erik Berglöf, Director, Institute of Global Affairs, LSE School of Public Policy and Fellow, CEPR.

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy, Institute of Global Affairs and CEPR.

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Crucial Role of State Capacity in Crisis Response

Tuesday 16 June, 5pm-6.30pm

Speakers: Professor Tim Besley, School Professor of Economics of Political Science and Sir W. Arthur Lewis Professor of Development Economics, Department of Economics, LSE; Professor Adnan Khan, Professor in Practice, School of Public Policy, LSE; Professor Margaret Levi, Sara Miller McCune Director of the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Professor of Political Science, and Senior Fellow of the Woods Institute for the Environment, Stanford University.

Chair: Professor Erik Berglof, Director, Institute of Global Affairs, LSE School of Public Policy and Fellow, CEPR.

Hosted by LSE's Department of Economics, Institute of Global Affairs, School of Public Policy and the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Standford University.

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Digital Currencies and Stable Coins as Crisis Management Tools

Thursday 11 June, 2pm - 3.30pm BST.

Speakers: Benoît Cœuré, Head of the Innovations Hub, Bank for International Settlements; Christina Segal-Knowles, Executive Director for Financial Markets Infrastructure, Bank of England; Professor Ricardo Reis, A. W. Phillips Professor of Economics, LSE and Fellow, CEPR.

Chair: Professor Erik Berglof, Director, Institute of Global Affairs, LSE School of Public Policy and Fellow, CEPR.

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy, Institute of Global Affairs and CEPR.

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Fiscal Policies to Support People and Growth During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Monday 8 June, 3pm-4.30pm

Speakers: Simeon Djankov, Research Fellow, Financial Markets Group, LSE; W. Raphael Lam, Senior Economist, Fiscal Affairs Department of the IMF; Catherine Pattillo, Assistant Director, Fiscal Affairs Department and Chief of the Fiscal Policy and Surveillance Division, IMF; Mehdi Raissi, Senior Economist, Fiscal Affairs Department, IMF.

Chair: Piroska Nagy Mohacsi, Programme Director, Institute of Global Affairs, LSE.

Hosted by the Institute of Global Affairs, the School of Public Policy and the Financial Markets Group Research Centre.

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Shrinking Capitalism

Thursday 4 June, 1.30pm-3pm

Speakers: Professor Philippe Aghion, Professor of Economics, College de France; Professor Samuel Bowles, Professor Emeritus, University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Professor Wendy Carlin, Professor of Economics, University College London; Professor David Soskice, Professor, LSE School Professor of Economics and Political Science, LSE.

Chair: Professor Erik Berglof, Director, Institute of Global Affairs, LSE School of Public Policy and Fellow, CEPR.

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy, Institute of Global Affairs and CEPR.

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The Political Economy of COVID-19 – what do we learn from Emerging Europe?

Thursday 28 May 2020, 1.30pm-3pm BST

Speakers: Professor Selva Demiralp, Koc University; Professor Sergei Guriev, Sciences Po and Fellow, CEPR; Professor Beata Javorcik, Chief Economist, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and Fellow, CEPR; Dr Kori Udovicki, Chair, Center for Advanced Economic Studies (CEVES) and former Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia.

Chair: Professor Erik Berglof, Director, Institute of Global Affairs, LSE School of Public Policy and Fellow, CEPR.

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy, Institute of Global Affairs and CEPR.

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Addressing the Pandemic: the pharmaceutical challenges

Tuesday 26 May 2020, 12pm-1.30pm

Speakers: Professor Kalipso Chalkidou, Director of Global Health Policy and a Senior Fellow at the Center for Global Development; Dr Panos Kanavos, Associate Professor of International Health Policy, Department of Health Policy (LSE) and Deputy Director, LSE Health; Professor Margaret Kyle, Chair in Intellectual Property and Markets for Technology, MINES ParisTech; Professor Ken Shadlen, Professor of Development Studies and Head of Department, Department of International Development, LSE.

Chair: Professor Ernestina Coast, Professor of Health and International Development, Deptartment of International Development.

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy, Institute of Global Affairs, and LSE Global Health Initiative.

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Responding to a Pandemic: the view from Latin America

Friday 22 May 2020, 4pm-5.30pm

Speakers: Fernando Henrique Cardoso, President of Brazil, 1995-2002; Laura Chinchilla, President of Costa Rica, 2010-2014; Ricardo Lagos, President of Chile, 2000-2006; Juan Manuel Santos, President of the Republic of Colombia, 2010-2018; Dr Ernesto Zedillo, President of Mexico, 1994 to 2000.

Chair: Professor Andrés Velasco, Dean, School of Public Policy.

Opening speech: Dame Minouche Shafik, LSE Director.

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy and Institute of Global Affairs.

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Recovering from COVID-19: China and global value chains

Thursday 21 May 2020, 1pm-2.30pm

Speakers: Professor Pol Antrás, Harvard University; Davin Chor, Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College; Alicia Garcia-Herrero, Natixis; Huang Haizhou, National School of Development, Peking University;Jin Keyu, LSE.

Chair: Professor Erik Berglof, School of Public Policy and Institute of Global Affairs.

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy, Institute of Global Affairs and CEPR.

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COVID-19: the economic policy response

Monday 18 May 2020, 4pm to 5.30pm

Speakers: Professor Adnan Khan, Professor in Practice, School of Public Policy, LSE; Professor Ricardo Reis, Arthur Williams Phillips Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, LSE; Professor Silvana Tenreyro, Professor in Economics, Department of Economics, LSE.

Chair: Professor Andrés Velasco, Dean, School of Public Policy, LSE.

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy and Institute of Global Affairs.

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Living with lockdowns: Early lessons from India's Covid-19 response

Thursday 14 May 2020, 1.30pm-3pm BST.

Speakers: Yamini Aiyar, Centre for Policy Research; Kaushik Basu, Cornell University; Ashwini Deshpande, Ashoka University; Maitreesh Ghatak, LSE  and CEPR; Debraj Ray, NYU and CEPR.

Chair: Erik Berglof, Institute of Global Affairs and School of Public Policy, LSE.

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The Great Reversal in the Time of COVID-19

Professor Thomas Philippon, Max L. Heine Professor of Finance, Stern School of Business, New York University; and Dr Angelo Martelli, Assistant Professor in European and International Political Economy, European Institute at LSE.

Chair: Professor Erik Berglof, Director of the Institute of Global Affairs, LSE School of Public Policy.

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy and LSE Institute of Global Affairs.

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Strategic Leadership in the Time of COVID-19

Monday 11 May 2020, 16.30-18.00

Speakers: David Petraeus, Partner at KKR and Chairman of the KKR Global Institute; Professor Michael Barzelay, Professor of Public Management in LSE's Department of Management and Dr Shirley Yu, Senior Visiting Fellow, LSE Institute of Global Affairs.

Chair: Professor Erik Berglof, Director of the Institute of Global Affairs, LSE School of Public Policy.

Hosted by LSE School of Public Policy, LSE Institute of Global Affairs and the Department of Management.

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Born Out of Necessity: a debt standstill for COVID-19

Thursday 7 May, 13:30-14:30

Speakers: Professor Patrick Bolton, Professor of Finance and Economics, Imperial College London; Professor Lee Buchheit, Honorary Professor, University of Edinburgh Law School; Professor Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas, Professor of Global Management, UC Berkeley; Professor Mitu Gulati, Professor of Law, Duke Law School, Duke University; Professor Ugo Panizza, Professor of Economics and Pictet Chair at the Graduate Institute, Geneva; and Professor Beatrice Weder di Mauro, Professor of International Economics, Graduate Institute of Geneva.

Chair: Tim Phillips, CEPR, journalist.

Hosted by Centre for Economic Policy Research, LSE Institute of Global Affairs and LSE School of Public Policy

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Coronavirus and Brexit: two cases of quarantine? 

Thursday 30 April 2020, 14:00-15:30

Speakers: Sir Simon Fraser, former Permanent Secretary at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and Head of the UK Diplomatic Service; Dr Sara Hagemann, Academic Director for the School of Public Policy, LSE; Professor Christian Lequesne, Professor at the Sciences-Po Centre for International Studies; Professor Brigid Laffan, Director of the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies at the European University Institute (EUI).

Chair: Professor Tony Travers, Associate Dean of the School of Public Policy, LSE.

Hosted by the European Institute and School of Public Policy.

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The COVID-19 Crisis Response: putting women at the centre

Wednesday 29 April 2020, 13.00-14.30

Speakers: Professor Naila Kabeer, Professor of Gender and Development, Department of Gender Studies and Department of International Development, LSE; Sanam Naraghi Anderlini MBE, Director of the Centre for Women, Peace and Security, LSE and Dr Clare Wenham, Assistant Professor of Global Health Policy, LSE.

Chair: Professor Erik Berglof, Director, Institute of Global Affairs, LSE School of Public Policy

Hosted by Centre for Women, Peace and Security, LSE Institute of Global Affairs and the LSE School of Public Policy

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Fragile States Facing the COVID-19 Pandemic

Monday 27 April 2020, 13.00-14.30

Speakers: Professor Oriana Bandiera, Economics, London School of Economics; Professor Tim Besley, Economics, London School of Economics and Dr Raphael Espinoza, International Monetary Fund.

Chair: Professor Erik Berglof, Director, Institute of Global Affairs, LSE School of Public Policy; Dr Ralph Chami, Assistant Director, International Monetary Fund  and Professor Jonathan Leape, International Growth Centre, London School of Economics.

Hosted by the Institute of Global Affairs, the International Growth Centre and the School of Public Policy

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COVID-19 and the social contract on North Africa and the Middle East

Thursday 23 April, 15:30-17:00

Speakers: Masood Ahmed, President, Centre for Global Development; Professor Melani Cammett, Chair of the Academy of International and Area Studies, Harvard Univerity; Professor Stephen Hertog, Middle East Centre, LSE; Khalid Abdulla-Janahi, Chairman, Vision 3 and former Deputy Chair of the World Economic Forum Arab Business Forum.

Chair: Professor Erik Berglof, Director, Institute of Global Affairs.

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The Swedish Exception: early lessons from Sweden's different approach to COVID-19

Wednesday 22 April, 15:30-17:00.

Speakers: Professor Peter Baldwin, New York University of California; Professor Sara Hagemann, Academic Director, LSE School of Public Policy; Professor Ole Petter Ottersen, Rector, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm; Professor Lars Trägårdh, Ersta Sköndal Bräcke University, Stockholm.

Chair: Professor Erik Berglof, Director, Institute of Global Affairs.

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Now or Never: crafting the COVID-19 response

Tuesday 21 April, 16:30-18:00

Speakers: Rt Hon Gordon Brown, United Nations Special Envoy for Global Education and former UK Prime Minister (2007-2010); Dame Minouche Shafik, LSE Director; Professor Lawrence H Summers, President Emeritus and Charles W. Eliot University Professor, Harvard University; Professor Andrés Velasco, Dean, School of Public Policy, LSE.

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Lent Term

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LSE Presents: The People vs the Social Sciences

Tuesday 10 March 2020, 18:00-20:00

Speakers: Professor Oriana Bandiera, Director of STICERD, LSE; Professor Julia Black, LSE Strategic Director for Innovation; Professor Richard Blundell, David Ricardo Professor of Political Economy, Department of Economics, UCL; Professor Conor Gearty, Professor of Human Rights Law, Department of Law, LSE; Dr Rachel Glennerster, Chief Economist, UK Department for International Development (DFID); David Halpern, Chief Executive of the Behavioural Insights Team; Professor Adnan Khan, Professor in Practice, School of Public Policy, LSE; Paul Kirby, CEO of Zinc; Dr Rachel Middlemass, Research Impact Manager, LSE; Hetan Shah, CEO of The British Academy; Professor Tony Travers, Associate Dean, School of Public Policy.

Venue: Old Theatre, Old Building, LSE.

Hosted by STICERD and the Department of Economics in partnership with the Department of Law and School of Public Policy

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The State of European Banking Union: two proposals to resurrect it

Tuesday 25 February 2020, 18:30-20:00

Speaker: Professor Luis Garicano, Member of the European Parliament and leader of Ciudadanos in Europe.

Chair: Professor Andrés Velasco, Dean of the School of Public Policy, LSE.

Venue: Hong Kong Theatre, Clement House, LSE.

Hosted by the School of Public Policy, European Institute, Centre For Macroeconomics and Financial Markets Group Research Centre.

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Windows of Opportunity: how nations create wealth

Monday 24 February 2020, 18:30-20:00

Speaker: Lord Sainsbury, Chancellor of the University of Cambridge and former Minister of Science and Innovation.

Chair: Minouche Shafik, Director, LSE.

Venue: Hong Kong Theatre, Clement House, LSE.

Hosted by the School of Public Policy.

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Chile, a Model Country Gone Wrong?

Tuesday 18 February 2020, 18:00-19:00

Speakers: Dr Robert Funk, Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Chile; and Professor Andrés Velasco, Dean of the School of Public Policy, LSE.

Venue: G.03, 32 Lincoln's Inn Fields, LSE

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Brexit and the future of British Politics 

Monday 17 February 2020, 18:30-20:00

Speakers: Professor Sara Hobolt, Sutherland Chair in European Institutions and Professor in the Department of Government and the European Institute, LSE; Professor Tony Travers is Associate Dean of the LSE School of Public Policy, LSE, and Sir Anthony Seldon, Vice-Chancellor of The University of Buckingham.

Chair: Professor Erik Berglof, Director of the Institute of Global Affairs.

Venue: Old Theatre, Old Building, LSE.

Hosted by the European Institute and School of Public Policy.

*Part of the LSE Programme: Brexit and Beyond*

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China - a Tale of Two Decades: what the shifts of the past decade mean for the next

Thursday 13 February 2020, 18:30-20:00

Speaker: Joe Horn-Phathanothai, Founder and CEO of Strategy613.

Chair: Professor Andrés Velasco, Dean of the School of Public Policy, LSE.

Venue: NAB 2.04, New Academic Building, LSE.

Hosted by the School of Public Policy.

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The Future of Anglo-German relations: beyond Brexit 

Monday 3 February 2020, 18:30-20:00

Speakers:Rt Hon Baroness Pauline Neville-Jones, Conservative peer in the House of Lords and former Minister for Security and Counter Terrorism; Sir Malcolm Rifkind, former British MP, and previous UK Defence Secretary and Foreign Secretary; and Dr Norbert Röttgen, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the German Bundestag.

Chair: Professor Tony Travers, Associate Dean of the LSE School of Public Policy and Professor in Practice, Department of Government, LSE.

Venue: Old Theatre, Old Building, LSE.

Hosted by the European Institute, School of Public Policy and the Dahrendorf Forum, a project of LSE IDEAS.

*Part of the LSE Programme: Brexit and Beyond*

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Brexit - third time lucky?

Friday 31 January 2020, 18:30-20:00

Speakers: Professor Catherine Barnard, Professor of European Union and Labour Law at Trinity College, University of Cambridge; Vicky Pryce, former Joint Head of the UK Government Economics Service; and Sir Ivan Rogers, former Permanent Representative of the United Kingdom to the European Union.

Chair: Professor Tony Travers, Associate Dean of the LSE School of Public Policy and Professor in Practice, Department of Government, LSE.

Venue: Old Theatre, Old Building, LSE.

Hosted by the European Institute and School of Public Policy.

*Part of the LSE Programme: Brexit and Beyond*

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Beveridge 2.0 Symposium: Priorities for Reforming Transfer Programmes

Wednesday 29 January 2020, 14:15-18:30

Speakers: Professor Maitreesh Ghatak, Professor of Economics, LSE Department of Economics; Dr Xavier Jaravel, Assistant Professor of Economics, LSE Department of Economics; Professor Ian Gough, Visiting Professor at the Centre for the Analysis of Social Exclusion and Associate at the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, LSE; Professor Mary Kaldor, Director of the Conflict and Civil Society Research Unit, LSE Department of International Development; Professor Sir Julian LeGrand, Professor of Social Policy, Marshall Institute for Philanthropy and Social Entrepreneurship, LSE; Dr Kitty Stewart, Associate Professor, Department of Social Policy and Associate Director of the Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, LSE; and Dr Malcolm Torry, Visiting Senior Fellow, LSE Department of Social Policy, and Director of the Citizen's Basic Income Trust.

Venue: 32 Lincoln's Inn Fields, Room 1.04

Hosted by Beveridge 2.0: Redefining the social contract.

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The Implications of Brexit for the UK Economy 

Monday 27 January 2020, 18:30-20:00

Speakers: Dr Gerard Lyons, Chief Economic Strategist at challenger wealth manager Netwealth and Board Member of Bank of China (UK); Vicky Pryce, Chief Economic Advisor, CEBR and Professor John Van Reenen, former Joint Head of the UK Government Economic Service and Ronald Coase Chair in Economics, Department of Economics, LSE.

Chair: Professor Waltraud Schelkle, Professor in Political Economy at the European Institute, LSE.

Venue: Old Theatre, Old Building, LSE.

Hosted by the European Institute and School of Public Policy.

*Part of the LSE Programme: Brexit and Beyond*

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Michaelmas Term


SPP Women's Network

Policy relating to gender-based violence 

Thursday 05 December 2019, 19:00-20:30

Speaker: Naasu Fofanah, policy advisor and advocate in Sierra Leone.

Venue: 32L.G.03, 32 Lincolns Inn Field, LSE.

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Europe 2020: the European year in review

Tuesday 03 December 2019, 18:30-20:00

Speakers: Dr Swati Dhingra, Lecturer in Economics at the LSE Department of Economics; Dr Spyros Economides, Associate Professor in International Relations and European Politics, European Institute, LSE; Dr Sara Hagemann, Academic Director for the LSE School of Public Policy, and Professor Sara Hobolt, Sutherland Chair in European Institutions, Department of Government, LSE.

Chair: Professor Chris Anderson, Professor in European Politics and Policy, European Institute, LSE.

Venue: Old Theatre, Old Building, LSE.

Hosted by the European Institute and the LSE School of Public Policy.

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Regional Economic Outlook for Latin America and the Caribbean: Stunted by Uncertainty

Monday 02 December 2019, 18:30-20:00

Speakers: Alejandro Werner, Director of the Western Hemisphere Department, IMF; Dr Veronica Rappoport, Associate Professor of Management, LSE and Second Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Argentina; Jorge Roldos, Assistant Director in the Western Hemisphere Department, Regional Studies Division, IMF.

Chair: Professor Andrés Velasco, Dean of the School of Public Policy, LSE.

Venue: CLM 4.02, Clement House, LSE

Hosted by the School of Public Policy.

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Argentina: an update on the crisis

Monday 18 November 2019, 18:30-20:00

Speaker: Professor Eduardo Levy Yeyati, Dean of the School of Public Policy at Universidad Torcuato di Tella.

Chair: Professor Andrés Velasco, Dean of the School of Public Policy, LSE.

Venue: NAB 2.04, New Academic Building, LSE.

Hosted by the School of Public Policy.

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The UK and Germany in a Changing Europe

Tuesday 12 November, 19:00-20:15

Speaker: H.E. Dr Peter Wittig, German Ambassador to the UK.

Chair: Professor Kevin Featherstone,  Eleftherios Venizelos Professor in Contemporary Greek Studies and Professor in European Politics, European Institute, LSE.

Venue: Hong Kong Theatre, Clement House, LSE.

Hosted by the European Institute and the School of Public Policy.

*Part of the LSE Programme: Brexit and Beyond*

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Women vs Capitalism: why we can't have it all in a free market economy

Monday 11 November 2019, 18:30 - 20:00

Speaker: Vicky Pryce, Chief Economic Adviser, Centre for Economics and Business Research 

Chair: Professor Tony Travers, Associate Dean of the School of Public Policy and Professor in Practice, Department of Government

Venue: Old Theatre, Old Building, LSE

Hosted by the School of Public Policy

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Changing My Mind: Margaret Trudeau on Mental Health

Wednesday 6 November 2019, 18:30-19:30

Speaker: Margaret Trudeau, author, mental-health advocate and former Canadian First Lady.

Chair: Professor Andrés Velasco, Dean of the School of Public Policy, LSE.

Venue: LSE Lecture Theatre, Centre Building.
Admissions: Free but ticketed. Open to SPP staff and students only via registration.

Hosted by the SPP Women's Network and the School of Public Policy.


Planning New York

Tuesday 5 November 2019, 18:30-20:00

Speakers: Marisa Lago, Director, New York City Department of City Planning and Chair, City Planning Commission; Professor Tony Travers, Director, LSE London, Visiting Professor, Department of Government and Associate Dean, School of Public Policy.

Chair: Professor Peter Trubowitz, Director, US Centre and Department Head of International Relations, LSE.

Venue: The Venue, Saw Swee Hock Student Centre, LSE.

Hosted by the School of Public Policy, LSE Cities and LSE United States Centre.

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Brexit Meets its Halloween? Assessing the immediate future for the UK and the EU

Thursday 31 October 2019, 18:30-20:00

Speakers: Professor Catherine Barnard, Professor of European Union and Labour Law at Trinity College, University of Cambridge; Vicky Pryce, former Joint Head of the UK Government Economics Service; Sir Ivan Rogers, former Permanent Representative of the United Kingdom to the European Union, and Professor Tony Travers, Associate Dean of the LSE School of Public Policy and Professor in Practice, Department of Government, LSE.

Chair: Professor Kevin Featherstone, Professor in European Politics and Director of the Hellenic Observatory, European Institute, LSE.

Venue: Sheikh Zayed Theatre, New Academic Building, LSE.

Hosted by the European Institute and the School of Public Policy.

*Part of the LSE Programme: Brexit and Beyond*

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TGP Sydney Winter 2014

Protecting All: Risk Sharing for a Diverse and Diversifying World of Work

Wednesday 30 October, 10:30-12:00

Speakers: Professor Nicholas Barr, Professor in Public Economics, European Institute, LSE; Dr Francesca Bastagli, Principal Research Fellow, Head of Programme - Social Protection and Social Policy, Overseas Development Institute; Truman G. Packard, Lead Economist at the World Bank Group; Michal Rutkowski, Global Director for Social Protection and Jobs, World Bank Group.

Chair: Professor Andrés Velasco, Dean of the School of Public Policy, LSE.

Welcome address: Dame Minouche Shafik, LSE Director.

Venue: Shaw Library, 6th Floor, Old Building, LSE.

Hosted by the School of Public Policy.

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Michelle King

SPP Women's Network Annual Launch

Gender Denial: The Greatest Barrier Women Face at Work

Thursday 10 October 2019, 19:00- 20:30

Speakers: Michelle King, Head of the Global Innovation Coalition for Change, UN Women; Belinda Riley, Diversity and Inclusion Lead, EMEIA TAS Talent, EY; Sevi Simavi, Associate Director and Advisor to the Vice President, EBRD; Tamara Gillan, Founder and CEO, Cherry London, and Founder, Wealthiher Network.

Chair: Dr Sara Hagemann, Associate Professor in European Politics, European Institute, LSE.

Venue: Wolfson Theatre, New Academic Building, LSE

Hosted by the School of Public Policy

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The New Approaches of the Belt and Road Initiatives

Wednesday 2 October 2019, 18:30 - 20:00

Speaker: Professor Huang Renwei, Executive Director-General, Fudan Institute of Belt and Road and Global Governance.

Chair: Professor Erik Berglof, Director, Institute of Global Affairs, LSE.

Venue:  LSE Lecture Theatre, Centre Building, LSE

Hosted by the School of Public Policy and the Institute of Global Affairs

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Prospects for Economic Development in Latin America

Monday 9th September 2019, 16:30-18:00

Speakers: Felipe Larrain, Minister of Finance, Republic of Chile;  Professor Andrés Velasco, Dean of the School of Public Policy, LSE.

Chair: Professor Silvana Tenreyro, Professor of Economics, LSE.

Venue: Wolfson Theatre, NAB building (basement)

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Spring Term

LSE's School of Public Policy's Alumni Symposium

Saturday 15 June, 2019

This event included an exciting series of panel discussions featuring our School of Public Policy alumni and faculty. Some of the topics covered included public policy, technology, Brexit, cities and climate change. The inaugural Dean of LSE's School of Public Policy, Professor Andres Velasco also delivered a keynote speech.

In conversation with Sergio Fajardo Valderrama

Tuesday 14 May, 18:30-20:00

Speaker: Sergio Fajardo Valderrama, Colombian politician and mathematician.

Chair: Professor Andrés Velasco, the Dean of the School of Public Policy.

This event was co-hosted with LSE's Latin America and Latin American Centre, with the LSE SU Colombian Society providing some financial support. 

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Exchange rates and monetary policy frameworks in EMEs: Where do we stand?

Thursday 2 May, 18:30-20:00

Speaker: Agustín Carstens,General Manager of the Bank for International Settlements.

Chair: Professor Andrés Velasco, the Dean of the School of Public Policy.

Hosted by the School of Public policy and LSE's Financial Markets Group, Systemic Risk Centre and the Centre For Macroeconomics. 

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American Diplomacy in a Disordered World

Thursday 4 April, 18:30-20:00

Speaker: William J. Burns, author of ‘The Back Channel: A Memoir of American Diplomacy and the Case for its Renewal’ and president of the Carnegie Endowment for Peace (@CarnegieEndow). He retired from the U.S. Foreign Service in 2014 after a thirty-three year diplomatic career.

Chair: Professor Christopher Coker, Professor of International Relations at LSE and Director of LSE IDEAS, LSE’s foreign policy think tank. 

This event was co-hosted by the LSE Department of Government and the School of Public Policy

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Brexit: the Constitution and the future of the UK

Tuesday 19 February, 18:30-20:00

Speaker: Vernon Bogdanor, Research Professor in the Centre for British Politics and Government, King’s College London.

Discussant: Catherine Haddon, Senior Fellow at the Institute for Government.

Chair: Professor Tony Travers, Associate Dean of the School of Public Policy and Professor in Practice in the Department of Government.

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Michaelmas Term

Avoiding the Avoidable: Comparative Approaches to Patient Safety

Thursday 13 December, 18:30-20:00

Speakers: Rob Behrens, Parliamentary Health and Service Ombudsman; Sir Liam Donaldson, Chair in Public Health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

Chair: Dr Simon Bastow, Assistant Professorial Lecturer, the School of Public Policy, LSE.  

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Policy-Making in an Age of Populism - Launch of the School of Public Policy

Thursday 29 November, 18:30-20:00

Speakers: Professor Jason Furman, Professor at the John Kennedy School of Government, Harvard; Professor Sara Hobolt, Sutherland Chair in European Institutions and Professor in the Department of Government and the European Institute; Yascha Mounk, Lecturer on Government at Harvard University and Senior Fellow at New America; Professor Andrés Velasco, Dean of the School of Public Policy.

Chair: Dame Minouche Shafik, LSE Director.

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Future Politics: living together in a world transformed by tech

Tuesday 6 November, 18:30-20:00

Speaker: Jamie Susskind, author, speaker, and practising barrister.

Chair: Professor Tony Travers, Associate Dean of LSE’s School of Public Policy and a Professor in the Department of Government.

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Spring Term

Sir Nick Clegg: flying the flag for openness: why liberalism still matters

Tuesday 12 June, 18:00-19:30

Speaker: Sir Nick Clegg, served as Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 2010 to 2015 and as Leader of the Liberal Democrats from 2007 to 2015.

Chair: Professor Tony Travers, Associate Dean of LSE’s School of Public Policy and a Professor in the Department of Government.

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Robert Peston: WTF: what the f--- happened and what happens next? 

Monday 6 November, 18:30-20:00

Speaker: Robert Peston, ITV's political editor, presenter of the politics show Peston on Sunday and founder of the education charity, Speakers for Schools

Chair: Dame Minouche Shafik, LSE Director.

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Post-Truth: why we have reached peak bullshit and what we can do about it

Wednesday 18 October, 18:30-20:00

Speaker: Evan Davis, presenter on Newsnight (BBC 2), The Bottom Line (Radio 4) and Dragons’ Den (BBC 2).

Chair: Professor Charlie Beckett, Director of LSE's Commission on Truth, Trust and Technology, and Director of Polis, LSE's journalism think-tank.

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Spring Term

Good Growth by Design – A Vision for London

Monday 10 July, 18:30-20:00

Speaker: Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London.

Discussants: Professor Ricky Burdett, Professor of Urban Studies at LSE and Director of LSE Cities and the Urban Age Programme; Sadie Morgan, founding director of leading architectural practice dRMM; Jackie Sadek, founder and Chief Executive of UK Regeneration (UKR).

Chair: Professor Tony Travers, Director of the IPA and LSE London, Professor in the Department of Government.

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Download the brochure for 'Good Growth By Design' (pdf).