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Sustainability and Environmental Economics

Our collective efforts focus on advancing sustainable and equitable social and environmental outcomes, leveraging our expertise in climate and environmental economics, policy, and a variety of sustainability issues.

Together with LSE's Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, our department hosts one of the world's largest and most well-known research groups dedicated to environmental and climate economics and policy.

We have expertise and interests in a wide range of environmental/sustainability issues, including climate change, natural capital, green innovation, energy/electricity markets, biodiversity, forest conservation, air pollution, and sustainable finance/corporate sustainability.

We apply a range of state-of-the-art methods including econometrics/statistics, field/lab experiments, stated-preference surveys, dynamic optimization/programming, machine learning, input-output and computable general equilibrium modelling. 

Key research areas

env econ

Environmental Economics



Biodiversity, Forest Conservation, and Natural Capital Accounting



Energy and Electricity Markets


air pollution

Air Pollution


sustainable finance

Corporate Sustainability, Sustainable Finance, and Green Technological Change



Related research centres and units

Our experts work closely with LSE's world-leading research centres. These include:

Related research seminars

We organise expert-led research seminars that take place throughout the year. Many are open to the public. These include: