cities and urban form

City Economies

Our research explores the multifaceted aspects of urbanisation, dissecting the intricate dynamics that shape our cities into vibrant, yet complex, systems.

We are experts in urban economics, local economic growth and development, uneven development and regional Inequality, global value chains and FDI, housing inequality, and land use management and regulation.

Our research methodologies span a wide spectrum, embracing both quantitative approaches influenced by urban economics and data science, as well as qualitative methods rooted in human geography and planning. This interdisciplinary approach allows us to gain comprehensive insights into the diverse facets of urban life. 

A fundamental aspect of our work is its relevance and potential impact. We actively engage with policy makers and policy frameworks, striving to influence decision-making processes. Our goal is to unravel the underlying causes and effects of urbanisation and city structures. We seek to identify the primary drivers of the benefits that urban life offers, such as productivity gains and access to amenities, while also scrutinizing the costs, including exacerbated inequalities and societal tensions. 

By addressing these fundamental questions, we shed light on the enigmatic appeal of cities and their inherent complexities. We provide valuable answers to why cities are simultaneously remarkable and challenging places to inhabit. Our collective efforts contribute to a deeper understanding of urban phenomena and pave the way for informed interventions that can enhance the quality of urban life for all. 

Key research areas

led growth square

Local Economic Growth and Development 



political economy square

Political Economy of Urbanisation



urban econ square

Urban Economics



Related research centres and units 

Our experts work closely with LSE's world-leading research centres. These include:

Related research seminars

We organise expert-led research seminars that take place throughout the year. Many are open to the public. These include: