Professor Neil  Lee

Professor Neil Lee

Professor of Economic Geography

Department of Geography and Environment

+44 (0)20 7107 5477
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Key Expertise
Economic Geography

About me

He joined the department in 2013, having previously run a research team in a think-tank. He convenes the Cities, Jobs and Economic Change theme in the International Inequalities Institute and is Director of BSc Geography with Economics

He holds a PhD in Economic Geography from LSE and has held visiting positions at Columbia University, the University of Oxford, Science Po Tolouse, and the University of Inland Norway.

His research considers economic development, innovation, and public policy. Recent studies have included work on institutions and economic development in Africa and China, regional inequality and political polarisation in Europe and the United States, and innovation policy in Kuwait. He is working on a major ESRC funded project constructing new measures of regional inequality. His book on innovation and inclusive growth is published by University of California Press. 

He is a fellow of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR), an Associate Member of Nuffield College, Oxford, and sits on advisory boards for organisations such as the OECD. He has worked with public and private sector organisations including the World Bank, the OECD, the European Commission, NESTA, the Kuwaiti Government and the UK government.  

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Expertise Details

Cities; Creative industries; Economic Geography; Enterprise; Inequality; Innovation; Labour markets; Regional and local economic development; Urban and regional policy

Sectors and industries

Creative Industries and Culture; Policy and Regulatory Bodies; Public Administration

Selected publications

Lee, N. & Rodríguez-Pose, A. 2020. Entrepreneurship and the fight against poverty in US cities. Environment and Planning A [Ungated]

Lee, N. & Clark, S. 2019. Do low-skilled workers gain from high-tech employment growth? High-technology multipliers, employment and wages in Britain. Research Policy

Lee, N., 2019. Inclusive Growth in cities: a sympathetic critiqueRegional Studies

Lee, N. & Luca, D. 2018 The Big City Bias in Access to Finance: Evidence from firm perceptions in almost 100 countries. Journal of Economic Geography. [ungated]

Lee, Neil and Morris, Katy and Kemeny, Thomas (2018) Immobility and the Brexit vote Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society. ISSN 1752-1378

Lee, Neil (2016) Psychology and the geography of innovation Economic Geography. 1-25. ISSN 0013-0095 

Lee, Neil and Sameen, Hiba and Cowling, Marc (2015) Access to finance for innovative SMEs since the financial crisis Research Policy, 44 (2). 370-380. ISSN 0048-7333 

Countries and regions

Europe; UK; United States