London St Paul's at night

About us

Welcome to the Department of Geography and Environment at LSE

We're a friendly and welcoming department based in the Cheng Kin Ku Building opposite Lincoln's Inn Fields in the heart of London.

A unique opportunity to study Human Geography, Economic Geography and Environmental Social Science/Policy.

geography staff dec 2022

We offer a unique opportunity to study Human Geography, Economic Geography and Environmental Social Science/Policy in a university with a worldwide reputation as a centre of academic excellence in the social sciences.

Our courses are designed to benefit from and complement the strengths and aspirations of LSE. You'll find a healthy balance of experienced and younger academics within the department. Many of our staff have well-established international reputations in their fields of expertise.

We're highly regarded both nationally and internationally. We are consistently ranked 2nd globally for Geography in the QS World University subject rankings. We've had 3 holders of the highly competitive Philip Leverhulme Prize Fellowships for researchers under 36.

We're a medium-sized department with major specialities within the economic, development, urban, regional planning and environmental social science aspects of geography, all with a strong emphasis on application and policy issues.