Economic Geography and Spatial Economics

Seminar Series

The Economic Geography and Spatial Economics seminar series brings together scholars that work at the intersection between spatial and urban economics and the more institutionally-oriented fields of economic geography.

Irrespective of the specific methodological approach, research presented in the series is anchored in a shared culture and core research values, which place strong emphasis on theoretically-informed, policy-relevant and evidence-based research.

Some of the seminars are co-hosted by the Department of Geography and Environment and the Centre for Economic Performance.

The series is organised by Dr Felipe Carozzi, Prof Riccardo Crescenzi, Dr Davide Rigo and Prof Olmo Silva. Please contact the organisers with any questions.

These research seminars are a series of expert-led discussions. Unless otherwise noted, they take place on Thursdays, 12.30pm-2pm in CKK.3.15.

If you wish to attend any of the seminars, please email

Winter Term 2025

Thursday 20 February
Catherine van der List (University of Essex)
'Reshaping the Economy? Place-Based Policies and Regional Reallocation'

Thursday 13 March 
 unfortunately, this seminar is cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances.
Ron Martin (University of Cambridge) 

Autumn Term 2024

Thursday 3 October
Giorgio Presidente (Bocconi University)
'Death of Distance? Remote Collaboration and Productivity in Scientific Research'

Thursday 10 October 
*CANCELLED* unfortunately, this seminar is cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances.

Elvira Uyarra (Manchester Business School)
'Place matters: rethinking mission-oriented innovation policy through a spatial lens'

Thursday 17 October
Tommaso Ciarli (UNU-MERIT)
'The employment impact of emerging digital technologies'

Thursday 24 October
Mercedes Delgado (Copenhagen Business School)
'Are Female Inventors Geographically Constrained? Gender Differences in Team Collocation'

Thursday 31 October
Carolina Castaldi (Utrecht University)
'Out of sight? Revealing creativity-led innovation in rural regions'

Thursday 14 November
Raven Molloy (Federal Reserve Board)
'Reexamining Lackluster Productivity Growth in Construction'

Tuesday 17 December 
Dr Daria Taglioni (World Bank Group)
'Technologies, Innovation Diffusion, and Global Disruptions'

Previous seminars 

Spring Term 2024

Thursday 2 May
Max Nathan (UCL)
'Multipliers from a major public sector relocation: the BBC moves to Salford'

Thursday 9 May
Carolin Hulke (LSE)
'Adjust, Build, Collaborate: Elastic Governance and Social Upgrading in the Namibian Horticulture Regional Value Chain'

Thursday 16 May
Elena Renzullo (LSE)
'The Battle of the Sexes for Mayoral Re-election: Gender Differences in Early Childcare Provision'

Thursday 23 May
Hans Koster (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
'Endogenous land use regulation and welfare: Evidence from England'

Winter Term 2024

Thursday 8 February
Ana Varela Varela (LSE)
'Distributional Impacts of Carbon Capture in the U.S. Power Sector'

Thursday 15 February
Jesse Matheson (University of Sheffield)
'Do Remote Workers Deter Neighborhood Crime? Evidence from the Rise of Working from Home'

Autumn Term 2023

Thursday 28 September
Philip McCann (University of Manchester)
'Capital Shocks in US and UK Cities and Regions'

Thursday 5 October 
Daniel Arribas-Bel (University of Liverpool)
'Decoding urban form and function in Great Britain'

Thursday 12 October
Enrico Vanino (University of Sheffield)
'Renewable Energy Transition and the Local Economic Development of Lagging-behind Regions: Evidence from Offshore Wind Energy in the UK'

Thursday 19 October
Maria Savona (University of Sussex)
'Nearshoring in Europe: Implications for Employment'

Thursday 16 November
Roberta Rabellotti (University of Pavia)
'Taking advantage of Global Value Chains to spread green energy technologies across countries'