Research Seminars

Seminars take place throughout term time. Some are organised solely by the department, some are led by PhD students, and some are organised jointly with research centres.

Department seminars

Economic Geography and Spatial Economics

These seminars bring together scholars working at the intersection between spatial and urban economics and the more institutionally-oriented fields of economic geography.

Human Geography

These seminars are organised as part of a series of expert-led discussions. The seminars are open to all.

Perspectives Unbound: GY Faculty Tackle Today’s Big Questions

This seminar series brings together our departmental faculty to explore critical issues facing our contemporary world. The seminars are open to Geography and Environment students and staff only.

Progressing Planning

MSc Regional and Urban Planning Studies has teamed up with LSE London to organise a series of events on housing, planning, and sustainability. Progressing Planning aims to foster connections among LSE students, alumni and academics.The seminars are free and open to all. Events are in person and no ticket or pre-registration is required. 

Social Life of Climate Change

These research seminars are interdisciplinary discussions around contemporary debates in the humanistic social sciences of climate change and the environment. Events take multiple formats, including standard seminar format as well as more engaged discussions of relevant readings and works in progress. The seminars are open to all. 

PhD seminars

Research seminars in Economic Geography and Environmental Economics and Quantitative Environmental Social Science take place throughout term time. They are led by PhD students and are used to showcase their work throughout their PhD.

Joint seminars

GRI/G&E Research Seminar Series

The Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment hosts academic seminars for LSE and non-LSE researchers to exchange ideas about state-of-the-art research on climate change and environmental issues. Seminars are organised jointly by the Institute and the Department of Geography and Environment.

CEP/Geography Trade and Urban Seminars

This series is part of the CEP's Urban programme.