Professor Elizabeth  J Z Robinson

Professor Elizabeth J Z Robinson

Professor of Environmental Economics and Acting Dean of the Global School of Sustainability

Department of Geography and Environment

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Key Expertise
Environmental economics, Climate, Food security and health

About me

Liz Robinson is currently Acting Dean of the LSE’s new Global School of Sustainability, seconded from her role as Director of the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment. She is an environmental economist, working primarily on climate change and health, with a focus on food security and undernutrition in a changing climate, and heat and worker rights. She was on the UK Defra Economic Advisory Panel for five years; was Specialist Advisor to the UK House of Lords Select Committee on Food, Poverty, Health, and Environment; working group one lead for the Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change from 2016 to 2024; and is currently Chair of the Economics Advisory Group for CCRA4 for the UK’s Climate Change Committee; and on the Scientific Committee of the Regenerative Society Foundation.

Liz previously worked at the University of Reading, the University of Oxford as a Lecturer in the economics department and Tutorial Fellow at St Hugh's College, the Boston Consulting Group, the World Bank, Rockefeller Foundation, and the Natural Resources Institute at the University of Greenwich. She has a first class degree in Engineering, Economics, and Management from Oxford University, and a PhD in Applied Economics from Stanford University.

Liz works as an applied economist undertaking policy-relevant research at the nexus of climate, health, and the environment, mainly around how climate change is affecting food security and nutrition, and worker health. Much of her work is in low and middle-income countries, where she has spent considerable time living and undertaking research.


American Agricultural Economics Association Outstanding Ph.D. Dissertation Honourable Mention (second best Agricultural Economics PhD in the US, 1997).

Maurice Lubbock Prize, awarded to top student in Engineering, Economics, and Management (EEM) at University of Oxford, 1990; Deloitte Prize for Economics, EEM (shared), 1990; Institute of Production Engineers/Unipart Industries Prize, EEM, 1990.

Selected publications

  • Howarth, C. and Robinson, E.J.Z., 2024. Effective climate action must integrate climate adaptation and mitigation. Nature Climate Change, pp.1-2.
  • Dasgupta, S. and Robinson, E.J.Z., 2024. Climate, weather, and child health: quantifying health co-benefits. Environmental Research Letters, 19(8), p.084001.
  • Robinson, E.J.Z., 2023. Climate friendly public health policies make economic sense. bmj, 383.
  • De Maria, M., Robinson, E.J.Z and Zanello, G., 2023. Fair compensation in large-scale land acquisitions: Fair or fail?. World Development, 170, p.106338.
  • Dasgupta, S. and Robinson, E.J.Z., 2023. Climate, weather and child health in Burkina Faso. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 67(4), pp.576-602.
  • Dasgupta, S. and Robinson, E.J.Z, 2022. Attributing changes in food insecurity to a changing climate. Scientific Reports 12(1). 1-11
  • Albers, H.J., Preonas, L., Capitán, T., Robinson, E.J.Z. and Madrigal-Ballestero, R., 2020. Optimal Siting, Sizing, and Enforcement of Marine Protected Areas. Environmental and Resource Economics, 77(1), pp.229-269.
  • McNamara, J., Robinson, E.J.Z., Abernethy, K., Iponga, D.M., Sackey, H.N., Wright, J.H. and Milner-Gulland, E.J., 2020. COVID-19, systemic crisis, and possible implications for the wild meat trade in Sub-Saharan Africa. Environmental and Resource Economics, 76(4), pp.1045-1066.
  • Robinson, E. J Z. 2016. Resource-dependent livelihoods and the natural resource base, Annual Review of Resource Economics, 8(1), pp281-301.
  • Robinson, E. J Z; Albers, H. J.; Lokina, R.; Ngeleza, G. 2014. Insiders, outsiders, and the role of local enforcement in forest management: An example from Tanzania, Ecological Economics, 107: 242-248.
  • Robinson, E. J. Z.; Albers, H. J.; and Williams, J. C. 2011. “Sizing reserves within a landscape: The roles of villagers' reactions and the ecological-socioeconomic setting,” Land Economics 87(2): 233-249.
  • Robinson, E. J. Z.; Albers, H. J.; and Williams, J. C. 2008. “Spatial and temporal modelling of community non-timber forest extraction”, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 56: 234-245.