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Who's who in the Department of Media and Communications

Department Leadership Team

Myria Geogiou 2023

Head of Department

Professor Myria Georgiou


Deputy Head of Department (Education)

Dr Omar Al-Ghazzi


Deputy Head of Department (Research)

Dr Seeta Peña Gangadharan


Department Manager

Nicole Garnier

Academic staff


Dr Omar Al-Ghazzi
Associate Professor, Deputy Head of Department (Education)

Interests and expertise: global communication; comparative journalism; digital activism; collective memory; popular culture; media and war; Middle East and North Africa


Dr Asif Ali Akhtar
LSE Fellow

Interests and expertise: media anthropology; histories of communication technologies and regulations; postcolonial media systems; democratisation of media and political discourses; surveillance and data privacy; governance systems and media policy frameworks

Nick Anstead head shot May 2024

Dr Nick Anstead
Associate Professor

Interests and expertise: Campaigning; Citizenship; eCampaigning; ePolitics; elections; internet; new media; political participation; political parties


Professor Shakuntala Banaji
Professor of Media, Culture and Social Change

Interests and expertise: Bollywood; Hindi cinema; South Asia; audiences; children; creativity; film studies; international media; media education; media literacy; misinformation and disinformation; online participation; social media, toxic speech and hate speech; youth civic participation

Charlie Beckett 2023

Professor Charlie Beckett 
Professor of Practice, Director of Polis 

Interests and expertiseartificial intelligence (AI); broadcasting; digital; emotions; ethics; future of news; governance; international media; journalism; media economics; networked journalism; newspapers; social media; start-ups; terror reporting; US media; WikiLeaks


Professor Bart Cammaerts
Professor of Politics and Communication

Interests and expertise: media strategies of activists; media representations of protest; alternative media and counter-cultures; media histories; political theory and broader issues relating to power, participation and public-ness


Professor Lilie Chouliaraki
Chair in Media and Communications

Interests and expertise: corporate communication and branding; humanitarian communication; media ethics; public sphere and civil action; media representations of suffering and violence


Professor Nick Couldry 
Professor of Media, Communications and Social Theory

Interests and expertise: media and data ethics; media audiences; media and platform power; reality media; social theory; sociology of culture; voice and listening

Simidele-Dosekun 2023

Dr Simidele Dosekun
Assistant Professor 

Interests and expertise: gender and media; race and ethnicity; Africa; consumer and popular cultures; representation; globalisation; feminist theory; qualitative research methodologies; knowledge politics


Professor Lee Edwards
Professor of Strategic Communications and Public Engagement

Interests and expertise: critical approaches to strategic communication and public relations; postcolonial theory, critical race theory, intersectionality and public relations; PR as a professional field; promotional industries and cultures; strategic communications, public engagement and democracy; copyright policy and public engagement


Dr Seeta Peña Gangadharan
Associate Professor, Deputy Head of Department (Research)

Interests and expertise: communication rights and technologies; data profiling; surveillance; privacy; data and discrimination; democratic communication; digital inclusion; media justice; public participation in comms/tech policy

Myria Geogiou 2023

Professor Myria Georgiou
Professor of Media and Communications, Head of Department

Interests and expertise: audience research; diaspora; migration and the media; identity and the media; media and the city; transnational communities and networks

Suzanne Temwa Gondwe Harris

Dr Suzanne Temwa Gondwe Harris
LSE Fellow in Media, Communication and Development

Interests and expertise: media, race and ethnicity; coloniality; ethnic minority media, foreign aid.


Professor Ellen Helsper
Professor of Digital Inequalities, Doctoral Programme Director

Interests and expertise: digital inequalities; information and communication technologies (ICTs); interpersonal mediated communication; media and everyday life; methodologies in media and communications research


Dr César Jiménez-Martínez
Assistant Professor

Interests and expertise: media and the nation; nation branding; public diplomacy; soft power; protests and contestation; promotional cultures; branding; Latin America; visibility


Professor Sonia Livingstone OBE
Professor of Social Psychology

Interests and expertise: media and everyday life; media audiences; children and digital media; media literacy; children’s rights in the digital environment; mediated participation; online risks, privacy and safety; media regulation in the public interest


Professor Emerita Robin Mansell
Professor Emerita of New Media and the Internet

Interests and expertise: media and communications regulation and policy; internet governance; privacy and surveillance; digital platforms; data and information; social, political and economic impacts of innovation and digital technology applications

Bingchun Meng 2022

Professor Bingchun Meng 
Professor of Media and Communications

Interests and expertise: gender and the media, political economy of media industries, communication governance, comparative media studies, media and communication in China


Dr Dylan Mulvin
Associate Professor

Interests and expertise: media history; media theory; infrastructure studies; science and technology studies; history of science and technology; visual culture; screen technologies; gender studies; disability studies; 20th century history; cultural studies


Dr Rachel O'Neill
Assistant Professor

Interests and expertise: gender and sexuality; media and culture; labour; consumption and embodiment; feminist theory; knowledge politics; ethnography 

Shani portrait 2017

Professor Shani Orgad
Professor of Media and Communications

Interests and expertise: gender, feminism and media; motherhood; globalisation; media representations; narrative; ethnographic research methods


Dr Jean-Christophe Plantin
Associate Professor, Exam Board Chair

Interests and expertise: politics of platforms; data and knowledge; media infrastructures


Dr Alison Powell
Associate Professor

Interests and expertisetechnology design and policy; public sector technology; digital futures; epistemic justice; participatory research; creative methods; public participation; technology in health and care


Professor Terhi Rantanen 
Professor of Global Media and Communications

Interests and expertise: media globalization; news agencies; media history; national and global news; comparative research


Dr Philipp Seuferling
LSE Fellow

Interests and expertise: media and migration; borders; media technologies; media history; media theory; cultural histories of science and technology; critical cultural studies


Dr Damian Tambini
Distinguished Policy Fellow 

Interests and expertise: broadcasting; regulation; telecommunications; public sphere; freedom of speech; intellectual property; the commons 

Wendy Willems

Dr Wendy Willems 
Associate Professor

Interests and expertisepostcolonial/decolonial approaches to media and communication; global media and communication studies; urban communication; digital publics and history; racialised publics; global knowledge production; intellectual histories


Dr Jungmo Youn
LSE Fellow

Interests and expertisecritical cultural studies; cultural history; media history; media political economy; history of mentality; conceptual history


Professional services staff

Education and Student Experience Team


Ben McDonald - Team Lead
Deputy Department Manager


Ask me about: planning and operations for departmental education and student experience


Salma Akhtar
Programmes Coordinator


Ask me about: MSc double degree programmes; MSc alumni; MSc general queries; MSc admissions queries; undergraduate study

Ethan Liu photo

Ethan Liu
Programmes Coordinator


Ask me about: MSc programme and course regulations; MSc assessment, coursework and exams


Claudia Pikali - Team Lead
Programmes Coordinator


Ask me about: MSc admissions; MSc student experience, events and activities; MSc teaching support


Monika Walker
Departmental Senior Student Advisor


To book an appointment with Monika, please visit the DSSA webpage

Research Operations Team


Leo Beattie - Team Lead
Research Manager


Ask me about: pre- and post- research award management; research finance support; REF preparations; departmental research environment; knowledge exchange and impact


Danielle Blasse
PhD Programmes Coordinator

Contact: (for PhD queries) or (for Visiting Academic queries)

Ask me about: PhD administration; including admissions; current students and alumni; visiting academic staff


Lwam Tesfay
Events and Communications Coordinator


Ask me about: Public events; Online communications; Website management; Social media; Research communications

Department Management


Nicole Garnier
Department Manager


Ask me about: Departmental strategy and resources; Leadership of departmental professional services; Management of human, financial and physical resources; Departmental strategic development; Departmental policy and procedure; Oversight of compliance, legal issues and critical incidents

Guest teaching staff

Alessandro Castellini

Dr Alessandro Castellini
Guest Teacher

Interests and expertise: Gender; Sexuality; Motherhood; Postpartum depression; Emotions; Japan; Film theory; Psychoanalysis; Philosophies of translation; Critical pedagogies


Dr Yael Gordon
Guest Teacher and Visiting Fellow 

Interests and expertise: Refugees; Refugee voice; Refugee representation in media; Refugee use of social media


Dr Leslie Haddon 
Guest Teacher and Visiting Senior Fellow

Interests and expertise: ICT consumption and domestication; Children and the Internet; Mobile phones; Social shaping of technology

Visiting and associate staff

eyup al

Professor Eyüp Al
Visiting Fellow

Interests and expertise: Time-Space in Communication Technologies, Information Technologies, Digital Surveillance, Surveillance Society

tamer al najjar trujillo

Dr Tamer Al Najjar Trujillo
Visiting Fellow

Interests and expertise: Alternative media;  Journalism of social change; Discourse analysis; Humanitarian communication 

ana maria garcia

Dr Ana Garcia Arranz
Visiting Fellow

Interests and expertise: Sociology of Health and Illness; Critical Marketing Studies; Quantitative Methods


Dr Meghanne Barker
Visiting Fellow

Interests and expertise: Media and semiotic anthropology; Postsocialism; Childhood


Professor Sarah Banet-Weiser
Associate Faculty

Interests and expertise: Gender; Feminist theory; Race and ethnicity; Consumer culture; Neoliberal capitalism; Branding; Popular culture; Social media; Youth culture

bendetta brevini

Professor Bendetta Brevini
Visiting Senior Fellow

Interests and expertise: Political economy of communications; Climate change and the media; Environmental communication; Platform capitalism; AI and sustainability;Greening AI; Media reforms; Public interest and public service media


Dr Fabian Broeker
Visiting Fellow

Interests and expertisedigital ethnography, social media, platforms, dating apps


Dr Patricio Cabello
Visiting Senior Fellow

Interests and expertise: digital skills; social uses of media; digital media and education; student wellbeing


Dr Helena Chmielewska-Szlajfer
Visiting Fellow

Interests and expertise: political communication; journalism; political commentary


Professor Meena Dhanda 
Visiting Professor

Interests and expertise: Identity, Caste, Anti-racism, Social justice, Gender quotas 


Dr Yael Gordon
Guest Teacher and Visiting Fellow

Interests and expertise: Refugees; Refugee voice; Refugee representation in media; Refugee use of social media


Dr Leslie Haddon 
Guest Teacher and Visiting Senior Fellow

Interests and expertise: ICT consumption and domestication; children and the Internet; mobile phones; social shaping of technology

Velislava Hillman

Dr Velislava Hillman
Visiting Fellow

Interests and expertise: education technologies; educational data; digital media literacy; children and young people’s digital rights; creativity; mediated learning

Baharul Islam

Professor Baharul Islam
Visiting Professor

Interests and expertise: communications strategy; media; films; public policy; governance; information and communications planning

Beeban preferred photo hi res (1)

Baroness Beeban Kidron OBE
Visiting Professor in Practice

Interests and expertise: children's rights in the digital age; internet policy; data protection

Jim UTS Photo

Professor Jim Macnamara 
Visiting Professor

Interests and expertise: Measurement; evaluation; organisational listening; public communication


Dr José-Carlos Mariátegui
Visiting Senior Fellow

Interests and expertise: art and technology; media archaeology; digitisation; memory organisations; media industry


Dr Ewa Majczak
Visiting Fellow

Interests and expertise: Cameroon; West Africa; gender; photography; digital economies; visual technologies; intimacy; emotions; affect; digital capitalism

Hannu Nieminen 2020

Professor Hannu Nieminen
Visiting Professor

Interests and expertise: communication and democracy; theories of the public sphere; European media and communications policy; media regulation; communication rights

Kruakae Pothong

Dr Kruakae Pothong
Visiting Fellow

Interests and expertise: design-led research; deliberative methods; human-computer interaction; digital ethics; internet of things; internet and related policies; user research


Dr Maggie Scammell
Visiting Senior Fellow

Interests and expertise: political communications, especially political campaigning; media and elections; governments and news management; political marketing and political journalism


Professor Philip Schlesinger
Visiting Professor

Interests and expertise: cultural policy; digital cultures; post-truth and the politics of expertise; creative and cultural industries; collective identity

hannele seeck

Professor Hannele Seeck
Visiting Professor

Interests and expertise: organisational communications; crisis communications; ideology; discourse; propaganda; Foucault; governmentality; critical management studies


Professor Julian Sefton-Green
Visiting Professor

Interests and expertise: media education; creativity; digital childhoods; informal learning


Professor Kevin Smets
Visiting Senior Fellow

Interests and expertise: migration, film, politics, identity


Dr Johanna Sumiala
Visiting Fellow

Interests and expertise: media and social theory; ritual; death; religion; digital anthropology


Dr Grace Yuehan Wang
Visiting Fellow

Interests and expertiseGlobal South; digital economy (with a focus on Africa and Asia); development and policy; technology and innovation; creative culture; digital storytelling


Dr Yan Yi
Visiting Professor

Interests and expertiseHumanitarian communication; mediation; issue framing; political symbolism; media events; Chinese international communication; Chinese political communication

Research and project staff


Emma Goodman
Policy Officer, Media@LSE

Interests and expertise: media policy; fake news; e-campaigning; national and international news journalism; media and development

diego martinez

Diego Martinez 
Research Fellow, REMEDIS project 

Interests and expertise: digital inclusion; ICT4D; digital literacy

Pablo Morales

Dr Pablo Morales
UKRI Postdoctoral Fellow, CICLA project

Interests and expertise: globalisation; media flows; China; Latin America

Esra Ozkan

Esra Ozkan
Table Co-Director, Justice, Equity and Technology

Interests and expertise: social justice; anti-racism; social action; movement building; network development

Didem Ozkul

Dr Didem Özkul
Research Officer, Digital Futures for Children

Interests and expertise: communication technologies; critical data studies; privacy; surveillance


Sanne Stevens
Table Co-Director, Justice, Equity and Technology

Interests and expertise: politics of data-driven automation; demystifying technologies; digital welfare state; organising; social justice; anti-racism; repression


Dr Kim R. Sylwander
Research Officer, Digital Futures for Children

Interests and expertise: media culture and identities; communication, technology rights and justice; children’s rights in digital environments; children’s digital lives


Dr Mariya Stoilova
Research Officer, Global Kids Online

Interests and expertise: digital technologies, well-being, and family support; social change and transformations of intimate life; citizenship and social inequalities


Tshepo Tshabalala
Project Manager, JournalismAI

Interests and expertisejournalism, media innovation, social media

PhD researchers and alumni

Job opportunities

  • We welcome enquiries from exceptional postdoctoral candidates who wish to join the Department with a funded Early Career Research Fellowship. See here for more information about fellowships we are able to host.