Dr Velislava Hillman

Dr Velislava Hillman

Visiting Fellow

Department of Media and Communications

Bulgarian, English, Russian, Spanish
Key Expertise
Education technologies

About me

For the past ten years Dr Hillman has researched at the intersection of learning, digital technologies, children and young people with focus on their personal perspectives, uses and experiences. She has researched in the area of learning and creativity through the use of digital tools in formal and informal learning environments. During her fellowship in Berkman Klein Centre for Internet & Society at Harvard University between 2018 and 2019, Dr Hillman investigated the implications of data collection in K12 education on children’s basic rights and freedoms to self-expression. 

More recently, Dr Hillman's interests are in the integration of AI systems in schools, data-driven decision-making and the role and participation of children and young people in increasingly digitised learning environments. As a Visiting Fellow she will focus on identifying what kind of AI systems are used in compulsory education; learners’ experiences, perceptions and attitudes towards AI systems; the role of such systems in the instruction, learning and assessment processes; and the rights and freedoms of children and young people in relation to AI systems’ diagnostics and learner profiling. 

While at LSE, Velislava will continue to research and advocate for regulating edtech and datafication in education, lead her project EDDS, which is an interdisciplinary research initiative that aims to audit and evaluate edtech and AI products coming into the K-12 classroom. From this autumn VH will be teaching as an associate lecturer at Goldsmiths University and Brunel University London.

Additionally, Velislava is working on her first book with Bloomsbury Academic on governing (ed)tech with publication date in October 2024.

From this autumn Dr Hillman will be teaching as an associate lecturer at Goldsmiths University and Brunel University London.

During her time at LSE, Dr Hillman will be working with Professor Nick Couldry.

Expertise Details

education technologies; educational data; digital media literacy; children and young people’s digital rights; creativity; mediated learning.