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Public Panel-session
'A new 10-year plan for the NHS: what should be in it?'

Thursday 27 March 2025, 6.00pm - 7.30pm


Hugh Alderwick, The Health Foundation
Caroline Clarke, NHS London
Dr Jennifer Dixon DBE, The Health Foundation
Professor Kamila Hawthorne MBE, RCGP Council
Professor Andrew Street, LSE Department of Health Policy
Nick Timmins, Institute for Government

Venue: LSE Campus (Wolfson Theatre, CKK Building)

Hosted by LSE Health, the LSE Department of Health Policy, and the Health Foundation

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Public Panel-session
'The NHS at 77: A national treasure or system in crisis?'

Wednesday 4 June 2025, 6.00pm - 8.00pm

Dr Michael Anderson, University of Manchester
Dr Jennifer Dixon DBE, The Health Foundation
Dr Catherine Henderson, LSE CPEC
Professor Sir Julian Le Grand, LSE Marshall Institute
Professor Alistair McGuire, LSE Health
Professor Andrew Street, LSE Health Policy

Chair: Professor Elizabeth Stokoe, LSE Academic Director of Impact

Venue: LSE Campus (Sheikh Zayed Theatre, CKK Building)

This event forms part of the celebrations for LSE Health's 30th Anniversary at the School!

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Latest News


Lesong Conteh awarded Wellcome Trust Career Development Award 

We are delighted to announce that our colleague, Dr Lesong Conteh, has been awarded a highly prestigious Wellcome Trust Career Development Award for her project ‘A new era in the African market for diagnostics: capturing health and economic benefits’.

Read more about the project here 



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Prof. Alistair McGuire addressed the Sustainability in Health Summit at the House of Lords

On the 12th September, Chair of LSE Health, Prof. Alistair McGuire, joined parliament discussions on key issues surrounding the sustainable use of natural and medical resources in healthcare.

The event was organised by Policy Connect's Sustainability and Health teams and chaired by Labour Peer Baroness Margaret Ritchie.

Read about the event here


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LSE Health are now on LinkedIn!

Connect with us to learn more about research news, upcoming events, vacancies and our partners.

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The Health Inequalities Lab launches!

Our new lab, spearheaded by Dr Emilie Courtin, is dedicated to studying and addressing the impact of social inequalities on health outcomes and health care service use.

Find out more here


Past Events and News Highlights 

 2015 - 2024

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LSE Health Annual Lecture
'Social justice and health equity'

Monday 17 March 2025, 6.30pm - 8.00pm

Speaker: Professor Sir Michael Marmot, Professor of Epidemiology at UCL and Director of the Institute of Health Equity

Chair: Professor Larry Kramer, President and Vice-Chancellor, LSE

Venue: Hybrid Online & LSE Campus (Old Theatre)

This year's Annual Lecture kickstarts the celebrations for LSE Health's 30th Anniversary at the School!

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Public Lecture
'Understanding the economic burden of AMR'

Tuesday 21 January 2025, 6.00pm - 7.30pm

Speaker: Anthony McDonnell, Policy Fellow at the Centre for Global Development

Discussant: Dr Michael Anderson, Visiting Senior Fellow, LSE Health

Chair: Professor Elias Mossialos, Director of LSE Health

Venue: Online public event

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Workshop for early-career researchers
Interdisciplinary Funding for Ageing Research

Tuesday 26 November, 10.00am - 4.00pm

Venue: LSE Campus. 

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Public Lecture
'What's next for the future of global immunisation, and why does it matter? 

Wednesday 20 November, 6.30pm - 8.00pm

Speaker: Dr. Sania Nishtar, CEO of Gavi, the Vacine Alliance

Chair: Professor Alistair McGuire, Chair of LSE Health

Venue: Online public event

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Panel Discussion
'Financing Global Cancer Care'

Tuesday 12 November 2024, 6.30pm - 8.30pm

Speakers: Rachel Hargest (RCS), Dr Rifat Atun (Harvard), Rob Yates (LSHTM), Dr Martilord Ifeanychi (GSPU)

Chair: Dr Rocco Friebel, GSPU

Venue: Hybrid online and LSE Campus (MAR 1.08)

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Submissions for presentations open for the AHIL & PARC workshop on Family and Ageing

Read more about the call and submission process here. The deadline for applications to participate is the 15th September 2024.


LSE and Imperial College Team Publishes Special Issue in Transplant International

A combined team from LSE Health, the LSE Department of Health Policy, and the Department of Surgery and Cancer at Imperial College London, led by Professor Elias Mossialos and Professor Vassilios Papalois has published a Special Issue in Transplant International: "Maximising Potential in Organ Donation and Transplantation: Transferrable Paradigms."

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GSPU Public Talk 
In conversation with Dr Hergeye, Director General of the Ministry of Health Development of Somaliland: Shaping health policy in resource-limited environments

Tuesday 23rd April 2024, 17.30 to 18.30

Speaker: Dr Mohamed Abdi Hergeye (MBBS) - Director General of the Ministry of Health Development, Somaliland

Chair: Dr Rocco Friebel, LSE Health

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Global Surgery Policy Unit lecture
Enugu State, Nigeria: New political leadership, bold economic vision - spotlight on health and education

Thursday 14th March 2024, 18.30 to 20.00

Speaker: His Excellency, Dr. Barr. Peter Ndubuisi Mbah, Executive Governor of Enugu State, Nigeria

Chair: Dr Rocco Friebel, LSE Health

Venue: In person and online public event (Marshall Building 2.10)

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Lunchtime Seminar
Using Polygenic Scores to Observe the Genetic Lottery for Premature Mortality

Tuesday 20th Feb, 1.00pm to 2.00pm (lunch served from 12.30pm)

Speaker: Dr Sam Trejo, Princeton University

Chair: Dr Emilie Courtin, LSE Health

Venue: COW 1.11

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The legacy of Richard Titmuss: social welfare fifty years on

Monday 27 November 2023, 6.30pm to 8.00pm

Speakers: Ann Oakley, Professor of Sociology and Social Policy, UCL Social Research Institute
Chris Renwick, Professor of Modern History, University of York
Sally Sheard, Andrew Geddes and John Rankin Professor of Modern History, University of Liverpool
John Stewart, Emeritus Professor of the History of Healthcare, Glasgow Caledonian University

Chair: Lucinda Platt, Professor of Social Policy and Sociology, Social Policy Department,LSE

Venue: In-person and online public event (Hong Kong Theatre, Clement House, LSE)

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*Hosted by LSE Health and Department of Social Policy

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Dr Rocco Friebel at the UK House of Lords

Dr Rocco Friebel talked at a panel discussion at the UK House of Lords on 22 November 2023. The event was organised by Kids Operating Room, to raise awareness on the need to include global children's surgery on the UK global health and international development agenda. 

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Workshop on Healthy Ageing and Adult Caregiving

Wednesday 25 & Thursday 26 October 2023 (Online)

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*Co-organised by the Ageing and Health Incentives Lab (AHIL) at LSE & the Population Aging Research Center (PARC) at UPenn


NHS Current State and Prospects: a Discussion with Dr Rocco Friebel, Henry Bonsu, and Jason Reed on Times Radio.

LSE Health Deputy Director, Dr Rocco Friebel, was a guest on Henry Bonsu's Times Radio show on 23rd June, where he engaged in a conversation about the prevailing state of the NHS, including its existing challenges and potential prospects for enhancement and reform. Joining the conversation was Jason Reed, who serves as the UK lead for Young Voices. To tune in to the complete audio debate, please follow this link.


The Future of the Nigerian Health System

Tuesday 2 May 2023, 6.00pm-7.30pm

Speaker: Mahmuda Mamman, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Health, Nigeria

Chair: Rocco Friebel, Co-Director of the Global Surgery Policy Unit

Venue: Online & In-person (AUDITORIUM, CENTRE BUILDING, LSE)

*Hosted by the The Global Surgery Policy Unit

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Global Surgery through the Gender Lens: challenges and the way forward

Thursday 2 March 2023, 6.30pm-8.00pm

Speaker: Dr Preethi John, Deputy Director - MBA Health, Global Business School for Health, University College London

Chair: Rocco Friebel, Co-Director of the Global Surgery Policy Unit

Venue: Online & In-person (Marshall Building, MAR.1.04, LSE)

*Hosted by the The Global Surgery Policy Unit

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LSE Health Annual Lecture
The New Normal: a dual track approach to health strategy and policy

Monday 13 February 2023, 6.30pm -8.00pm

Speaker: Dr Hans Kluge, WHO Regional Director for Europe

Chair: Alistair McGuire, Head of Department, Health Policy at LSE

Venue: Online & In-person (Auditorium, Centre Building) 

*Ηosted by LSE Health

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The Future of Global Surgery: Inaugural Event of the Global Surgery Policy Unit 

Friday 27 January 2023, 6.30pm-9.00pm 

Keynote Speaker: Abebe Bekele, Dean of the School of Medicine, University of Global Health Equity

Lesong Conteh, Associate Professorial Research Fellow, LSE Health
Sherry Wren, Vice Chair, Department of Surgery, Stanford University
Malik Zaben, Associated Professor of Neurosurgery; Advisor to the President of the Arab America University of Palestine
Tihitena Negussie Mammo, Global Clinical Director, Lifebox Foundation

Rocco Friebel, Co-Director of the Global Surgery Policy Unit
Rachel Hargest, Co-Director of the Global Surgery Policy Unit

Venue: Online & In-person (The Great Hall, LSE Marshall Building) 

*Hosted by the The Global Surgery Policy Unit

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Professor Elias Mossialos awarded the 2022 Helen Clark-JoPPP Award

Elias Mossialos, Vera Lucia Luiza  (Sergio Arouca National School of Public Health, Brazil) & Pauline Norris (University of Otago, New Zealand) have been presented with the 2022 Helen Clark-JoPPP Award based on the scientific merit of their work, as well as the impact of their work on patients, decisions makers and on governments. 

The award recognises the talents of exceptional individuals, who are making a significant contribution to the field of pharmaceutical policy and practice.

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Equity in Global Surgery - Challenges and Opportunities 

Friday 9 December 2022, 6.00pm -7.30pm

Speaker: Mala Rao, OBE, Director of the Ethnicity and Health Unit, Health Imperial College London 

Chair: Rocco Friebel, Assistant Professor of Health Policy, LSE

Venue: Online & In-person (Wolfson Theatre, NAB)

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Hosted by the The Global Surgery Policy Unit

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Improving Surgical Outcomes in Low Resource Settings 

Tuesday 8 November 2022, 6.30pm- 8.00pm 

Speaker: Andrew Leather, Professor of Global Health and Surgery, King's College London

Chair: Dr Rocco Friebel, Assistant Professor of Health Policy, LSE 

Venue: Online & In-person (LSE Lecture Theatre, CBG)

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Hosted by the Global Surgery Policy Unit

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Meta-research: latest developments for evaluating and improving research practices

Thursday 27 October 2022, 6.00pm- 7.30pm 

Speaker: Dr. John A.P. Ioannidis, Professor of Medicine and of Epidemiology and Population Health, Stanford University

Chair: Dr Huseyin Naci, Associate Professor of Health Policy, LSE 

Venue: MAR 1.04, Marshall Building

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Hosted by LSE Health

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Population Health in the 21st Century: path to progress

Monday 24 January 2022, 5.00pm- 6.00pm 

Speaker: Harlan Krumholz, Cardiologist and Scientist at Yale University and Yale New Haven Hospital; founder and Director of the Yale Center for Outcomes Research and Evaluation (CORE)

Chair: Alistair McGuire, Head of Department and Chair of Health Economics at the Department of Health Policy

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COVID-19: the impact on the UK's ethnic minority populations

Kehinde Andrews, Professor of Black Studies at Birmingham City University
Dr Miqdad Asaria, Assistant Professorial Research Fellow, LSE Health
Lucinda Platt, Professor of Social Policy and Sociology in the Department of Social Policy, LSE
Ross Warwick, Research Economist at the Institute for Fiscal Studies
Heidi Safia Mirza, Emeritus Professor of Equalities Studies, UCL Institute of Education and Visiting Professor of Race, Faith and Culture at Goldsmith’s College, University of London
Armine Ishkanian, Executive Director of the Atlantic Fellows for Social and Economic Equity programme at the International Inequalities Institute and Associate Professor in the Department of Social Policy, LSE

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Hosted by LSE's public event series - COVID-19: The Policy Response

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COVID-19: the health policy and care response

Dr Miqdad Asaria, Assistant Professorial Research Fellow, LSE Health, LSE
Dr José-Luis Fernandez, Director of the Care Policy and Evaluation Centre, LSE
Alistair McGuire, Professor of Health Economics, Department of Health Policy, LSE
Brian Abel-Smith, Professor of Health Policy, Department of Health Policy, LSE
Dr Clare Wenham, Assistant Professor of Global Health Policy, LSE

Chair: Elias Mossialos, Director, LSE Health

Watch the video

Hosted by LSE's public event series - COVID-19: The Policy Response


LSE Department of Health Policy Launch Event

Tuesday 30 April 2019, 11.00am- 7.45pm

The event celebrated the Department’s achievements to date, and explored some of the most pressing contemporary issues in health policy globally.

The agenda included keynote addresses from two Nobel Prize winners, Sir Christopher Pissarides and Dr Denis Mukwege, and interactive panel discussions chaired by leading experts and LSE faculty.

The event closed with a round table discussion led by LSE Director Dame Minouche Shafik with a group of high-profile guests from government and international institutions, including the UK’s Chief Medical Officer, the Chief Advisor to the Director General of the WHO, and the EU Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management.


The Future of Healthcare: Staying healthy in the 21st Century - A View from Greece

Thursday 4 October 2018, 6.30pm- 8.00pm

Speaker: Dr Vassili G. Apostolopoulos, CEO, Athens Medical Group
Chair: Elias Mossialos, Brian Abel-Smith Professor of Health Policy, London School of Economics (LSE)
Venue: Wolfson Theatre, NAB

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Hosted by the Hellenic Observatory and LSE Health

new way to evaluate new medicine

LSE delivers high-level training on Negotiation for Medicines Strategic Procurement under the auspices of the World Health Organisation

2 March 2018

LSE Health - Medical Technology Research Group (MTRG) in collaboration with the World Health Organisation Regional Office for Europe (WHO Europe) has successfully completed the second training workshop on ‘Negotiation for Medicines Strategic Procurement’ delivered in Copenhagen on 20-22 February 2018. 

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New study describes the development of a new value framework for evaluating new medicines

9 September 2017

A new milestone study by LSE Health’s Aris Angelis and Panos Kanavos. The research describes the development of a new value framework for the evaluation of new health care interventions and has been published in the journal Social Science & Medicine.

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Real-World Evidence in Oncology: Towards Innovative and Affordable Patient Care

Thursday 6 July 2017

The theme of the conference was Using Real-World Evidence in Oncology Treatment. Speakers shared their views on current application and future innovations in this area. 

Co-chaired by
Elias Mossialos, Brian Abel-Smith Professor of Health Policy, London School of Economics (LSE)
Alistair McGuire, Professor in Health Economics, LSE
Ashley Woolmore, Vice President, Real World Insights, QuintilesIMS

Venue: Mary Ward House, London

Hosted by QuintilesIMS and the London School of Economics


LSE announces new Department of Health Policy

21 June 2017

The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) has launched a new Department of Health Policy, consolidating the School’s existing work and building on its teaching and expertise in the Health Policy field.

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New study exposes major flaws in drug approvals

12 June 2017

A new study led by Huseyin Naci of LSE Health has exposed major flaws in the fast tracking of some drugs available to the American public without any stringent clinical evidence of their benefits.

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LSE Global Health Initiative Internal Launch 

Thursday 18 May 2017, 5.30pm- 7.30pm 
Venue: Wolfson Theatre, New Academic Building, followed by drinks and poster exhibition in the NAB LG foyer

The LSE hosted the internal launch of the Global Health Initiative on the 18 May. The launch included a seminar on current Global Health research at the LSE followed by drinks and a poster and abstract display, showcasing current Global Health research across the School.


LSE Health Director to co-Chair key WHO public health, innovation and intellectual property review panel

29 March 2017

LSE Health Director, Professor Elias Mossialos has been elected to co-Chair a new review of the WHO’s global programme work in public health, innovation and intellectual property. 

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Elias Mossialos to lead evaluation of Austrian social insurance system

25 January 2017

LSE Health Director, Elias Mossialos, has been engaged by the Austrian Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection to lead an evaluation of Austria’s social insurance system. 

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Value in cancer drug spending: new LSE Health research        

4 January 2017

New research by LSE Health’s Sebastian Salas-Vega and Elias Mossialos finds that while most new cancer drugs approved between 2003 and 2013 extended overall survival or improved the quality of life of cancer patients, their clinical benefits vary widely. 

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Inaugural International Health Policy Conference 2017

16 -19 February 2017 

LSE Health & Social Care and the LSE’s Department of Social Policy announced a call for papers for the inaugural International Health Policy Conference, that was held at the LSE from 16 to 19 February 2017.

This unique conference seeks to bring together academics and policy-makers from a wide range of disciplines to take a multi-disciplinary approach to key health and social care issues.

Venue: London School of Economics 


LSE Health signs MOU with leading Chinese Cardiovascular Centre                

16 December 2016

LSE Health and the National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases (NCCD) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding in the presence of the UK Secretary of State, Jeremy Hunt and the Chinese Vice Minister, Cui Li. 

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LSE Health awarded major European grant for big data project   

24 November 2016             

LSE Health has been awarded its first major European big data grant. From January 2017 it will coordinate 36 organisations in a public-private consortium with a total budget of 7.2 million Euros. Read more 


Kosovo's Health Minister visits LSE 

23 June 2016

Kosovo's Health Minister, Dr Imet Rrahmani gave a public lecture at the LSE on the revival of Kosovo’s health system. The event was part of a week-long visit to the UK by a delegation from the Ministry, facilitated by LSE Health. 

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Impact of Brexit on the NHS

6 June 2016

Britain's withdrawal from the EU would negatively affect the NHS in a number of ways, a report by academics at the LSE and Imperial College London has warned. 

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New transatlantic partnership

6 June 2016

LSE and the University of Chicago have signed a Memorandum of Understanding aiming to create the world's first transatlantic partnership in global health policy and economics. 

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Chinese partnership approved 

20 May 2016

LSE Council has approved the establishment of an institutional partnership with Fudan University. LSE Health and Fudan's School of Public Health signed an MoU in November 2015 to work together on collaborative research, and the development of collaborative Executive education in hospital management. 

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EU Commissioner Stylianides visits LSE

23 March 2016

European Commissioner Christos Stylianides met with faculty from a range of LSE departments on March 15 at an informal discussion event hosted by LSE Health. Commissioner Stylianides, the EU Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management and the EU's Ebola Coordinator, kicked off discussions with an overview of the EU response to the refugee crisis. 

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Transparency, big data and international cooperation at the heart of Korean health system success

A transparent system, data analysis and active international cooperation are at the heart of Korea's successes in health system development said Dr Myongsei Sohn (pictured right), President of the Korean Health Insurance Review and Assessment Centre (HIRA) at a public lecture hosted by LSE Health last night (Monday 16 November). Read more... 17 November 2015


NHS health check programme wasting £450 million a year, says new report

21 September 2015

The NHS health check programme is ineffective and currently wasting £450 million a year in scarce resources, according to a new report from LSE and the University of Liverpool. However, according to the report, Invited Debate. NHS Health Checks—a naked emperor?, published in the Journal of Public Health, the NHSHC programme fails to achieve both of its primary objectives. 

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