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LSE Department of Health Policy

Executive MSc Information Sessions

We hold information sessions and experience events throughout the year for those interested in applying to our Executive MSc programme.

These sessions give prospective applicants the opportunity to meet with Programme Directors, learn about programme offerings, how to application, and funding information.

My thinking became much more critical and rigorous. Also it’s very enjoyable to be in London, to be with other students from around the world, and the quality of the teaching is exceptional.

Dr Mark Sopher, Executive MSc Health Economics, Outcomes and Management 2017


Executive MSc Health Economics, Outcomes and Management and Clinical Sciences In-Person Executive Experience

Friday 19 July, 2.00-4.00PM UTC

Technopark Zürich, Switzerland

Join Dr. Alex Carter, Associate Professor (Education) at LSE, for an insightful lecture on ‘Estimating Costs and Benefits in Clinical Sciences’ as part of our Executive MSc in Health Economics, Outcomes, and Management in Clinical Sciences offering.

ZurichClinical Event Invitation 19 July 2024

The session will cover:

  • The importance of estimating costs and benefits: Focus on both established and emerging technologies and services within health systems.
  • Economic andFinancial implications: Understand how these affect decision-making, impacting health outcomes and resource allocation.
  • Methodologies for calculation: Learn about the various approaches and innovative techniques used to calculate costs and benefits, tailored for the dynamic healthcare landscape.

Spaces are limited, so we encourage you to secure your spot as soon as possible. Register via the button below, or scan the QR code at the right corner on the event card.

Register now


Executive MSc Health Economics, Policy and Management

Tuesday 11 June, 12.30-1.30PM BST (UTC+1)

Join our upcoming info session and learn more about the esteemed EMSc Health Economics, Policy and Management.

Hear from George Wharton, programme co-director and learn about this EMSc offering a comprehensive interdisciplinary toolkit with trainings around health economics, policy process, health services research, and health management.

Applications are now open to join and study alongside full-time work from December 2024.

Executive MSc Health Economics, Outcomes and Management in Clinical Sciences

Tuesday 30 April, 1-2PM BST (UTC+1)

Join our upcoming info session with experts from LSE and the European Society of Cardiology (ESC).

Hear from Dr Alexander Carter, programme co-director, about this Executive MSc programme designed for busy executives to accelerate and refocus their career around full-time work.

Dr Radu Huculeci and Aino Bannwart will explain ESC's involvement in this programme and discuss ESC scholarship opportunities.

Current participant and ESC scholarship awardee, Dimitra Antonakaki, will share her experiences in the programme.

What our executive students say

Kishore Iyer profile picture

Kishore Iyer

Director, Intestinal & Multi-visceral Transplant, Professor of Surgery & Pediatrics, Mount Sinai Medical Center

The LSE/NICE Executive Program has turned out to be a very stimulating mix of very well-organized classes and seminars taking us rapidly and seamlessly from the basics to real-world challenges. The pace is fast but with abundant time for discussion. The mix of LSE faculty and NICE’s technical experts is particularly valuable as it allows for translating theory into practice. The best aspect of the class though is the benefit of the unique perspectives from my truly global classmates who each brings his or her own unique experiences to bear on the discussions.



Pierre Roca
External Relations Officer, World Health Organization

The excellent courses and the intensive work with the dissertation opened new perspectives and gave me new skills that helped me transition to a new phase of my career. After working in the pharmaceutical industry, I moved on to work in the United Nations system and also held a position in the European Commission. Furthermore, I expanded my network of relevant health economics and policy experts and I made many new friends with whom I am still in contact.



Maddalena Lettino

Cardiology Director, San Gerardo Hospital 

I gained the important knowledge and skills needed to become a director in my hospital. I learnt how to measure my work’s impact, to improve quality of care, to understand the financial aspects of the healthcare system and to manage an effective team.



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Cowdray House, London School of Economics and Political Science, Houghton Street, London

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