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PSS awards 2025


LSE Values In Practice Awards Successes!

We're thrilled to share that our amazing Professional Services team members were awarded THREE awards at this year's LSE Values in Practice Awards! 

The Values In Practice Awards were created to celebrate the outstanding contributions and commitment of Professional Services staff at the School. We’re so proud of our team’s incredible achievements! 

Awards go to:

Creative Innovator - Winner: Tash Dalling

EDI Champion - Highly Commended: Xiaoran Xu

EDI Champion - Commended: Konstantina Davaki

In addition, our wonderful colleagues—winner Jacqueline McAndrew and runner-up Hayley Briars for the Student Experience Ambassador Award 2024 also made a surprise appearance in this year's opening video! 

Huge congratulations to all of our PSS team members nominated! We’re incredibly proud of each and every one of you. 




Prof. Alistair McGuire addressed the Sustainability in Health Summit at the House of Lords

Prof. Alistair McGuire joins parliament discussions on key issues surrounding the sustainable use of natural and medical resources in healthcare.

The event was organised by Policy Connect's Sustainability and Health teams and chaired by Labour Peer Baroness Margaret Ritchie.

Read more.


Rocco Friebel and Laia Maynou

WED 20 MARCH 2024

Dr Rocco Friebel and Dr Laia Maynou talked at the 67th Session of the United Nations Commision on Narcotic Drugs

At the 67th Session of the United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs today,  Dr Friebel and Dr Laia Maynou gave a talk about increasing trends in opioid prescribing and opioid-related public harms in England, Spain, and Germany.



SUN 17 MARCH 2024

Professor Joan Costa-Font interviewed on Sunday Morning Show on recent research

Professor Joan Costa-Font spoke at Sunday Morning Show on how adopting habitual exercise can add up to life expectancy.

Professor Costa-Font’s research mapped the behaviour of more than one million people in the UK and South Africa over a decade and found taking at least 5,000 steps three times per week for two years added between 2.5 years life expectancy for men, and 3 years for women.

Listen to the interview from here. 


Dr. Barr. Peter Mbah

THUR 14 MARCH 2024

Global Surgery Policy Unit hosted Dr. Barr. Peter Mbah, Govenor of Enugu State Government, Nigeria 

Global Surgery Policy Unit at LSE Health recently welcomed His Excellency Dr. Barr. Peter Mbah as part of a lecture series.  

As Executive Governor of Enugu State Government, Nigeria, Dr. Mbah outlined his political vision for strengthening the health and education sector. 

Click here to learn more about Global Survery Policy Unit. 


VIP Award Group Photo Health Policy


Professional Services Team wins TEAM OF THE YEAR at VIP Awards

The department's Professional Services Team takes home the win for TEAM OF THE YEAR at the 10th Values in Practice Awards. 

The team is recognised for their outstanding contributions and commitment to LSE.

Jackie McAndrew and Hayley Briars are also winner and runner-up for the STUDENT EXPERIENCE AMBASSADOR award.

Amanda Gaddes is runner-up for the INSPIRATIONAL LEADERSHIP award.

Congratulations to the team for their well-deserved awards! 


LSE Health Policy Alumni Network Site


Executive MSc Alumni Network Site Launch

The department recently launched the Health Policy Executiuve MSc alumni network site.

The site provides a dedicated space for our expanding global network of talented executives from across the sectors, and for participants and alumni to make meaningful connections during and after their time at LSE. 

Access Executive MSc Alumni Network Site from here. 



TUE 10 OCTOBER 2023 

Dr Rocco Friebel welcomed delegations of senior leaders from Nigeria public sectors

In collaboration with the Public Services Institute Nigeria, Dr Rocco Friebel welcomed 2 esteemed delegations of senior leaders from Nigeria's public sector to discuss vital topics including hospital management, the nuances of value-based investments, and transformational leadership. 

The dialogues will bolster evidence-based decision-making across various tiers in Nigeria's healthcare system and the wider public sector.


Zafer Denis BASL annual meeting


Executive MSc graduate presented research at the British Association for the Study of the Liver annual meeting 

Zafer Denis, graduate to Executive MSc Health Economics, Policy and Management, recently presented his thesis at the British Association for the Study of the Liver annual meeting. The research will also be published in the BMJ Gut.

Commeting on the achievement:

'My time at the LSE has been invaluable in giving me the critical skills and knowledge to engage in such a project where there was a substantial need for further investigation to improve health outcomes in the related sphere. I am particularly grateful to the Department of Health Policy.’


Wuhan University Delegation

TUE 13 JUNE 2023

Professor Andrew Street welcomed Wuhan University delegation

The department welcomed a delegation from Wuhan University, led by Professor Jian Wang.

Professor Wang gave a presentation to our Executive MSc participants on Evolution of Health Policy in China. The session welcomes thought-provoking discussions around financing, payment reform, quality of care, drug policy, ageing health, and big data in health throughout various stages of health policy in China.


Ali McGuire BBC interview


Professor Alistair McGuire interviewed on BBC News 

Head of the department, Professor Alistair McGuire was recently interviewed on BBC News on the pressure currently facing the NHS, and what lessons can be learned from other European health systems.  

Professor McGuire points out the NHS expenditure has for a long time not been able to keep pace with demand. Countries including Germany, France and Ireland are spending more per person on health care than the UK. The situation has heightened with further impact of COVID-19 and Brexit. Apart from lack of capital investment, existing waitlists and backlogs in the system will require time to be cleared before the NHS is able to keep up with demand and move forward. 


Elias Mossialos 200x200


Professor Elias Mossialos awarded the 2022 Helen Clark-JoPPP Award

Elias Mossialos, Vera Lucia Luiza  (Sergio Arouca National School of Public Health, Brazil) & Pauline Norris (University of Otago, New Zealand) have been presented with the 2022 Helen Clark-JoPPP Award based on the scientific merit of their work, as well as the impact of their work on patients, decisions makers and on governments. 

The award recognises the talents of exceptional individuals, who are making a significant contribution to the field of pharmaceutical policy and practice.

Find out more.


new damien and eeshani image

THURS 30 JUNE 2022

The Department welcomes speakers from The World Bank on latest policy research

The Department welcomed Damien de Walque and Eeshani Kandpal from The World Bank Group to publicise their latest policy research report, “Improving Effective Coverage in Heath: Do Financial Incentives Work?”. The speakers were joined by the Executive MSc in Evaluation of Health Care Interventions and Outcomes candidates at the Department of Health Policy, and audience from online. 

The speakers started discussing a status quo facing Low- and Middle-Income countries (LMICs) – coverage in healthcare has increased in the last decades, yet health outcomes have remained poor.

Performance based financing (PBF) projects held appeal for development agencies and donors because of their explicit links to transparency and accountability. Despite primary analysis showing that PBF leads to some improvements in terms of coverage, this latest research report found limited and mixed evidence that PBF has a significant impact on effective coverage or quality of care.The mixed results on the effectiveness of PBF interventions highlight the complexities of a PBF intervention. The evidence discussed highlights that supply-side incentives, specifically performance pay for frontline health workers and facilities, can yield limited results, but the goal of financing the frontlines is not a marginal one. The question is how to achieve the goal of universal health coverage in a sustainable, effective, and efficient manner.

From a forward-looking perspective, the speakers concluded 5 key principles for sustainable health financing reform:

Read more about this policy research report here.



    THURS 12 MAY 2022

    The Department celebrates outstanding REF 2021 Results

    We are delighted that our outstanding contribution to the Unit of Social Work and Social Policy has been recognised by the 2021 Research Excellence Framework (REF).

    The results of the 2021 Research Excellence Framework reflect the Department's outstanding contribution to health and social care policy. Our research and the research of our affiliated Research Centres made up nearly half of the submission to the Unit of Assessment "Social Work and Social Policy", in which LSE ranked 1st overall.

    Highlights include:

    • We were ranked 1st overall amongst UK institutions submitted under the Social Work and Social Policy Unit of Assessment
    • 99% percent of our research outputs were graded world-leading (4*) or internationally excellent (3*)
    • Over 70% were graded world-leading (4*)
    • Our Research Environment was graded world-leading full score at 100%   
    • All our submitted case studies (3) were awarded world-leading (4*) grade

    The outstanding results reflect the top-quality research taking place within our department, and our mission to influence and improve health and social care policy design, implementation and evaluation, and to strengthen health policy governance around the world by applying rigorous social science research to existing and emerging national and global health challenges. 

    Our research demonstrates strong influence on policy and practice, from restructuring social insurance systems, contribution to efforts to prevent mental health problems to improving the lives of people who experience mental illness. For more details, please see our impact case studies.

    Head of Department, Professor Alistair McGuire commented:

    "These are excellent results for LSE as a whole, and in particular for the REF Unit of Assessment that the Department of Health Policy contributed to. We are particularly delighted that the Department’s affiliated Research Centres (CPEC and LSE Health) contributed 50% of the assessed impact case studies to REF2021 and that these have all been ranked 4*. This, along with our highly rated published outputs and research environment, reflects the top-quality research taking place within our department."



    MON 28 MARCH 2022

    UNAIDS Report: Key populations are being left behind in universal health coverage

    A recently published UNAIDS report provides a landscape review of health insurance schemes in the Asia-Pacific region, arguing that positioning of the HIV response within universal health coverage is set out to improve coverage, scope, financial protection and access for people living with HIV and people from key populations. Authored by the Department's Dr Divya Srivastava, the report proposes recommendations in three areas: benefits package responses, fiscal responses and partnership responses. 

    Read the full report here



    TUE 4 JANUARY 2022

    Prof Martin Knapp in New Year Honours List 2022

    Professor Martin Knapp, of the Department of Health Policy, has been made a Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) for services for Social Care Research. 

    Professor Knapp’s research interests are in the areas of social care, child and adult mental health, dementia and autism. Much of his work uses economic arguments and evidence to inform policy discussion and influence practice development.

    Commenting on the award, Professor Knapp said that he was delighted and honoured to have this recognition for the research that has been taking place for 26 years at LSE's Care Policy and Evaluation Centre (CPEC) .

    Read more here



    MON 13 DECEMBER 2021

    Dr Divya Srivastava in collaboration with LSE100

    International and UK regulators are facing challenges in regards to the deployment of artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare. 

    In this video collaboration with LSE100, Dr Divya Srivastava assesses the deployment of AI in the health sector and discusses issues of effectiveness, data privacy, generalisability and accountability. 

    Watch it here



    TUE 5 OCTOBER 2021

    Dr Jonathan Cylus speaks to APPG on Coronavirus

    The UK has adopted a much less risk-averse approach to re-opening, compared to other countries with similar vaccination rates, according to Dr Jonathan Cylus, head of the London Hubs of the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies and a Senior Research Fellow at LSE Health.

    He spoke to the  All Party Parliamentary Group on Coronavirus to provide insight on how the UK's Winter Plan compares to the strategies of other European countries.

    Watch the recording here.

    Read Jonathan's reflections in the LSE Global Health Blog



    WED 22 SEPTEMBER 2021

    LSE Health Talks Podcast goes live

    The LSE Health Talks podcast series, which aims to contribute to an informed and evidence-based discussion of health policy issues, is now available for streaming on multiple platforms.  

    Hosted by Dr Rocco Friebel and co-hosted by LSE alumni Meskerem Kebede, Tom Hannah, and Robin Forrest , the podcast covers a range of topics from antimicrobial resistance and the COVID-19 pandemic to the health benefits of a Universal Basic Income. The speakers line-up includes Dame Sally Davies, Dr Irini Papanicolas, Prof Matthew Johnson and many more. 

    A new episode of LSE Health Talks will be released each fortnight. 

    Click here to subscribe.




    Richard Titmuss biography awarded 2021 Peter Townsend Prize by the British Academy

    Professor John Stewart has been awarded the 2021 Peter Townsend Prize for his book Richard Titmuss: A Commitment to Welfare. The Prize is awarded biennially for outstanding work with policy relevance on a topic to which Townsend made a major contribution. 

    The book was published in June 2020, as part of our LSE Social Policy Pioneers biography series. It is the first full-length biography of Titmuss and examines his influence on welfare and policy in post-war Britain. 

    Read its review in the New Left Review.


    Onassis Foundation_July2021

    FRI 16 JULY 2021

    Landmark report sets out plan for a new national organ donation and transplantation plan for Greece

    A comprehensive plan to improve rates of organ donation and transplantation in Greece, led by academics from LSE and Imperial College London, has been accepted by the Greek Government.

    The Report for a New National Solid Organ Donation and Transplantation Plan in Greece was commissioned by the Onassis Foundation, which has undertaken a national initiative for the renaissance of the transplant sector in Greece.



    THURS 6 MAY 2021

    Once-in-a-generation opportunity to strengthen the NHS and invest in the health and care of the UK’s population

    Post-pandemic, there is a historic opportunity to strengthen the NHS and improve health and care for all, according to a new LSE-Lancet Commission on the future of the NHS. The report is the first comprehensive analysis of the initial phases of the COVID-19 response and the main opportunities and challenges facing the NHS.

    The Commission, formed in 2017, brings together 33 leading research, policy, management, and clinical experts from the four constituent countries of the UK. It is published alongside four health policy papers published in The Lancet and The Lancet Digital Health, and an editorial from The Lancet.

    Read the full report and accompanying Health Policy papers here.

    Read the press release here.

    Click here to watch the event recording.


    Clare W 2

    FRI 30 APR 2021

    Dr Clare Wenham publishes by invitation article with The Economist

    Dr Clare Wenham was recently invited by The Economist to provide a special commentary on why vaccine passports harm society. This was published to a section of The Economist that invites eminent figureheads to write commentary pieces.

    Read Clare's article here.



    THURS 29 APR 2021

    Arush Lal made ACT-Accelerator Health Systems Connector Community & Civil Society Representative 

    Arush Lal, a PhD student in the Department, has been selected as an ACT-Accelerator Health Systems Connector Community & Civil Society Representative. 
    This pillar - co-convened by WHO, World Bank, and Global Fund for AIDS, TB, and Malaria and co-led by STOP AIDS, Global Fund Advocates Network, and WACI Health - aims to support the integration of the other COVID-19 response tools (COVAX/vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics) across the health system in an accessible and equitable way.

    Congratulations, Arush!



    TUES 6 APR 2021

    Longer Hospital Stay and Greater Medical Costs in Patients Undergoing Laminectomy Late in the Week and Discharged to Specialty Care

    New research by a team from the Cleveland Clinic and the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) has determined that surgeries performed late in the workweek, and those culminating in discharge to a specialty care facility, are associated with higher costs and unnecessarily longer stays in the hospital following a common elective spine surgery.


    Huseyin Naci 200x200

    FRI 26 MAR 2021

    Huseyin Naci appointed to NICE’s Medical Technologies Advisory Committee

    Congratulations to Huseyin Naci, Associate Professor of Health Policy, on his appointment to NICE's Medical Technologies Advisory Committee. (MTAC). Huseyin's 3-year term will start on 1 April 2021.

    MTAC makes recommendations to NICE on medical devices with the potential to make improvements in:

    • patient outcomes
    • patient experience of treatment
    • recovery efficient use of resources



    FRI 12 MAR 2021

    Universal testing and treatment for HIV in southern Africa is an economically efficient strategy to help control the HIV epidemic, suggests new analysis

    An economic evaluation of the largest ever HIV prevention trial (HPTN 071 PopART) suggests a package of HIV prevention interventions, including community wide home-based counselling and testing can be delivered at low annual cost per person and is an efficient strategy to control the HIV epidemic in southern Africa.

    Dr Ranjeeta Thomas, Assistant Professor of Health Economics at LSE and lead author of the study, said: “These results show that a population level combination HIV prevention strategy that includes home-based HIV testing can be delivered at low unit cost. Universal test and treat generates substantial health gains compared to standard health facility-based provision. Our results provide crucial evidence on the costs and cost-effectiveness of this strategy for countries looking to control the HIV epidemic.”

    Read the full release here.



    WED 10 MAR 2021

    New Health Economics and Policy Online Course begins

    The Department’s new online short course, Health Economics and Policy, began this month with its first 90 students. Course leaders Laia Maynou-PujolrasMiqdad Asaria and Alistair McGuire will provide our students with an analysis of the challenges facing the health sector and explore policy proposals designed to address health inequalities. Visit the course page to learn more. 



    THURS 4 MAR 2021

    Future trade deals could threaten plans to tackle child obesity, says new report

    Government plans to tackle obesity could be at risk from future trade deals, according to a new report published by Sustain to coincide with World Obesity Day (4 March). The research was led by the Department's Dr Pepita Barlow:

    ”This report brings together many years of research on the impacts of trade deals on diets and obesity. Our research has consistently identified increases in unhealthy food consumption after countries sign FTA with major processed food exporters, including the US. What is more, these deals have made it more difficult for governments to regulate food in attempts to address obesity, because the clauses within them are being used to threaten governments with very costly legal disputes when they attempt to take action. In short, if the government is serious about effectively tacking obesity, it will need to avoid both flooding the country with processed food imports and signing away its ability to regulate these products.”

    Read the report here.



    THURS 4 MAR 2021

    The Private Healthcare Information Network (PHIN) and London School of Economics (LSE) establish research partnership 

    Today the Private Healthcare Information Network (PHIN) announced a research partnership with the Department of Health Policy, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). The partnership – one of the first academic partnerships focusing on private provision of healthcare in the UK – will look at maximising the use of PHIN data for understanding the quality of care within sector. 

    The research partnership will draw upon a combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches and initially focus on three projects, including patient reported outcome measures (PROMs), adverse events, and the substitution of care between the public and private healthcare sector. 

    Through the partnership PHIN and LSE will produce high-quality and impactful research that will benefit patients and demonstrate the potential of the unique data PHIN holds to a wider audience. The partnership has begun with the secondment of a research officer from LSE to PHIN, Dr Michael Anderson, who is also a practising NHS GP and currently undertaking a PhD in health economics and health policy. 

    Read the full PHIN press release here.



    MON 22 FEB 2021

    Many cancer drugs approved in the US fail to meet England’s standards : LSE News

    Many cancer drugs that received accelerated approval based on “reasonably likely” evidence in the United States from 1995 to 2017 were either not reviewed or were denied use by European regulators and England’s drug assessment agency because of insufficient safety, clinical benefit, or cost-effectiveness, according to a new study published in JAMA Internal Medicine.

    The study, by researchers from the Department, Harvard (United States) and Queen’s University (Canada), evaluated the discordance between regulators in the US and England over the harms and benefits of cancer drugs receiving accelerated approval.


    Aurelia Nguyen

    WEDS 17 FEB 2021

    Former Health Policy student featured on TIME100 Next 2021 list : TIME Magazine

    Aurélia Nguyen has been named on the second annual TIME100 Next list, which highlights 100 emerging leaders who are shaping the future.

    As managing director of the COVAX Facility, it is Nguyen's job to ensure that the lifesaving and pandemic-ending vaccines developed against COVID-19 reach as many people around the world as possible.



    SAT 13 FEB 2021

    COVID-19 vaccination potential will not be achieved without increased production, affordable pricing, global availability, and successful rollout : LSE News

    Vaccines have to be affordable and available to all countries, and governments must have the administrative and political capacities to deliver them locally to ensure an effective global immunisation strategy against COVID-19, says an article, authored by LSE and other leading academics, published in The Lancet.

    Lead author, the Department's Dr Olivier Wouters, was interviewed on several major media outlets over the weekend, including BBC News, Sky, Times Radio and ITV, about the study, which includes findings a 32-country survey of potential acceptance of COVID-19 vaccines (involving almost 27,000 adults), conducted by the authors between October 2020 and December 2020.



    TUES 2 FEB 2021

    Lagos traffic creating 'life or death' situations for women trying to reach hospital – report : The Guardian

    A new study led by LSE Health's Dr Aduragbemi Banke-Thomas was picked up byThe Guardian in a recent article. The study of pregnant women travelling to health facilities found journeys in Lagos took up to four times longer than online maps due to heavy traffic and bad roads. Dr Banke-Thomas recommends leveraging tools that allow integration of local and context-specific factors to make travel time estimation more relevant for supporting evidence-based service provision for maternal health.

    Read Dr Banke-Thomas' blog here.

    Read the paper here.



    MON 28 DEC 2020

    Bright Futures team named World Champions

    We are delighted to announce that the UK team Bright Futures won the 2020 World Evaluation Case Competition. The team comprised students from the LSE Department of Health Policy, King's College London and UCL:

    Brian Li Han Wong, UCL (PhD)
    Marine Delgrange, LSE / LSHTM (MSc HPPF)
    Camille Bou, LSE (PhD)
    Arush Lal, LSE (PhD)
    Ade Adeyemi, King's College London (PhD)

    Coach: Dr Mylene Lagarde, LSE

    Teams from 16 countries worked on an evaluation case and submitted their analyses. An international panel of judges reviewed the teams’ submissions. Bright Futures (UK) won the title with their "strong and convincing proposal".

    Find out more here.



    THURS 17 DEC 2020

    Clare Wenham recognised on THE "People of the Year: who mattered in Higher Education in 2020"

    Dr Clare Wenham, Assistant Professor of Global Health Policy, was recognised by Times Higher Education (THE) as someone who mattered in Higher Education in 2020. Clare appeared alongside esteemed virologists, modellers and Dr Jill Biden.

    While Clare was being interviewed live on BBC News about access to testing data in July, her daughter appeared in the background waving a picture of a unicorn and asking for her mother’s opinion on where best to display it. Exhibiting superhuman patience and professionalism, Dr Wenham managed to deal with the situation with good humour and care, and Scarlett was soon happily getting on with her day while leaving her mum to finish the interview.

    THE wrote: "For the millions around the world attempting to juggle childcare with working from home, it was a moment that showed them it was OK to be struggling and also spoke to the reality that many women were being acutely affected."

    Access the article here.



    THURS 10 DEC 2020

    Commonwealth Fund publish its 2020 International Health Care System Profiles report

    The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the central importance of a well-functioning health care system. Nations that ensure affordable, efficient, and equitable access to quality care are at a clear advantage when it comes to mitigating the virus’s destructive power.  

    The 2020 edition of International Profiles of Health Care Systems is a resource for learning about health care systems around the world. Edited by Roosa Tikkanen and Robin Osborn of The Commonwealth Fund and Elias Mossialos, Ana Djordjevic, and George Wharton of the LSE, the report includes information on how nations organise, govern, and finance their health systems; efforts to improve quality of care, contain costs, and reduce racial and ethnic disparities; innovations in health care delivery; and other recent reforms.

    Access the full report here.



    WEDS 25 NOV 2020

    LSE and WHO launch platform to promote evidence-informed health policy in the African region

    The World Health Organization Regional Office for Africa (AFRO), in collaboration with LSE and the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, has launched a new partnership which will improve generation of evidence on health systems and knowledge transfer in the African region.

    The African Health Observatory Platform on Health Systems & Policies (AHOP) will provide a forum for those working on African national and regional health systems to share experiences, and encourage greater use of high-quality evidence by decision makers. The new platform, hosted by AFRO within the integrated African Health Observatory, seeks to strengthen the design and performance of national and regional health systems.

    Read the full press release.




    WEDS 18 NOV 2020

    LSE Health Policy participates in Geneva Health Forum

    As part of the Partnership on Health Systems Sustainability and Resilience (PHSSR), Professor Alistair McGuire chaired a panel discussion at the 2020 Geneva Health Forum. The panel of health experts across academia, private and public sectors discussed how we learn from our experiences of COVID-19 and how we can use this knowledge to develop health systems to respond better to future crises. Click here to watch a recording.

    The outcomes of this and other sessions from the Geneva Health Forum will feature on the World Economic Forum's COVID Action Platform.




    MON 16 NOV 2020

    Partnership for Health System Sustainability and Resilience (PHSSR) launch

    In collaboration with AstraZeneca and the World Economic Forum (WEF), the LSE Department of Health Policy has launched a partnership which aims to make a significant, lasting contribution to global health, particularly in:

    • Health system resilience – the ability of health systems to prevent, mitigate, overcome and rebound stronger from crises, both chronic and acute. This includes the COVID-19 pandemic, natural disasters and the climate emergency.

    • Health system sustainability – the ability of these systems to maintain, generate resources and provide services, and learn and improve in their ability to do so.

    Click here to find out more about the project.




    MON 19 OCT

    Evaluating the benefit of new medicines

    An innovative new methodology for evaluating the benefits of new medicines has been shown to be an effective support tool following tests by a team of researchers led by health economics and policy experts from the Department of Health Policy at LSE. 

    The Advance Value Framework, developed by Aris Angelis and Panos Kanavos of the Department of Health Policy and LSE Health, was tested in practice with decision-makers from different European drug evaluation bodies to measure the benefits of three new prostate cancer drugs. It enabled participants to reflect on certain value dimensions and incorporate these more explicitly in the deliberation process.

    Read the press release here and their paper here.




    WEDS 14 OCT 2020

    Challenges of Social Health Insurance in Low- and Lower-Middle Income Countries

    The vast majority of people living in low- and lower-middle income countries (LMICs) where governments are not providing universal health coverage (UHC) and without financial protection coverage, must rely on out-of-pocket payments in cases of health emergencies or serious illness. But how feasible are these recommendations in practice, and do LMIC governments and ministries of health have the tools at hand to raise the funds needed without discounting the potentially large administrative burden of premium collection? The Department's Rocco Friebel and Rebecca Forman, in collaboration with the Center for Global Development and independent researchers, present a project that aims to understand the cost of collecting health insurance contributions, particularly from the informal sector, and its determinants. 



    David McDaid award

    THURS 1 OCT 2020

    2019 Spinal Cord Awards

    David McDaid and A-La Park from CPEC, together with co-authors Angela Gall, Mariel Purcell and Mark Bacon, have received the Readers’ Choice Award for Best Original Research paper at the  2019 Spinal Cord Awards. Their paper focused on understanding and modelling the economic impact of spinal cord injuries in the United Kingdom.

    The Readers’ Choice Awards are determined by the number of downloads of papers in the first six months following publication. 




    WEDS 30 SEPT 2020

    LockedDown project chosen for LSE Lean Accelerator

    The LockedDown project led by the team from LSE Health Policy has been selected for the LSE Lean Accelerator which helps develop innovative ideas into businesses. The team is led by Dr. Leeza Osipenko and supported by two students currently studying on the Executive MSc in Health Economics, Outcomes and Management in Cardiovascular Sciences - Dr. Bernardo Perez and Dr. Sultan Alotaibi - and two of the Department's alumnae - Alexandra Schuster and Kseniia Prudyus.

    The project started in April 2020 during the lockdown and collected more than 30k responses in 17 languages from university students and staff about their experiences in the pandemic. With no funding in place, this accomplishment was possible through a large network of volunteers brought together by the team. The LockedDown built a network of 25 university departments from around the world working in health and social policy and received attention from Unesco Higher Education. Congratulations to the team for taking this work forward and exploring commercialisation and social impact frontiers!




    FRI 18 SEPT 2020

    Department hosts latest European Health Policy Group meeting

    On Friday 18 September 2020, the Department hosted an online meeting of the European Health Policy Group (EHPG). The EHPG is a multidisciplinary network that aims to stimulate international collaboration and learning through comparative analysis of changes to health care systems in Europe. The focus of the latest meeting was the impacts of COVID-19 on health and health care systems in Europe. Four papers were presented, followed by a review by the discussant and a group discussion. 

    You can find session recordings and slides on our website here.




    SUN 30 AUG 2020

    Care homes in England had greatest increase in excess deaths at height of the COVID-19 pandemic

    A study – co-ordinated from the University of Stirling’s Management School – found that care homes in England recorded a 79 percent increase in excess deaths, compared to 66 percent in Wales, 62 percent in Scotland and 46 percent in Northern Ireland.

    Professor David Bell is lead author of the research, which analysed excess deaths in care homes – those above the five-year average – in each country. The findings form part of a larger study offering crucial insights into the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the UK’s care sector. 

    The report – ‘COVID-19 mortality and long-term care: a UK comparison’ – is published by the International Long Term Care Policy Network. Co-authors also include the Department's Adelina Comas-Herrera (Care Policy and Evaluation Centre, London School of Economics and Political Science).

    You can read the full press release here.




    TUES 11 AUG 2020

    Unsupported threats from the food and beverage industry on the use of international agreements to combat frontal warning labeling

    The food and beverage industry uses international agreements to argue against public policies that are not aligned to its commercial interests. Recently, this tactic has been used to try to block, delay and dilute the implementation of front warning labels in various countries in the Latin American region, including Mexico.

    On Tuesday 11 August, the Department's Pepita Barlow joined a panel of international and national experts at an event to discuss their research in this area to identify recommendations and solutions to this issue.

    You can watch a recording of the event here.




    TUES 11 AUG 2020

    Elias Mossialos named Scientific Advisor of the Pan-European Commission on Health and Sustainable Development

    The WHO Regional Office for Europe is convening a Pan-European Commission on Health and Sustainable Development to rethink policy priorities in the light of pandemics. The Commission will be chaired by Professor Mario Monti, President of Bocconi University and former Prime Minister of Italy and a former European Commissioner. Professor Elias Mossialos will be Scientific Advisor. 

    The Commission will be composed of former heads of states and governments, distinguished life scientists and economists, heads of health and social care institutions, and leaders of the business community and financial institutions.




    WEDS 10 JUNE 2020

    How Health Care Works Around the World: New and Updated Profiles of Health Care Systems

    For a decade, the Commonwealth Fund and the London School of Economics have collaborated to produce the International Profiles of Health Care Systems that show how health systems across the world are organized. 

    We are delighted to announce the release of the 2020 profiles, which feature 20 countries across North and South America, Europe, Asia and Australasia. While the profiles do not directly address pandemic preparedness, they do offer context for understanding how countries have responded to COVID-19.

    Click here to view the profiles.




    TUES 26 MAY 2020

    High cost of new cancer drugs in US not related to their effectiveness shows international comparison by LSE

    The high costs of recently licensed cancer medicines in the United States –  as compared with those in Australia, France and the UK -  do not translate into improved survival, quality of life, or safety for patients, according to new research from LSE's Department of Health Policy.

    The paper, published in the journal Social Science and Medicine shows that in the US, new drugs cost, in their first year of marketing, on average, US$68,255 per each patient’s course of treatment. This makes them between 1.2 and 1.9 times more expensive than in Australia, France and the UK where costs average US$35,499, US$35,114, and US$55,616 respectively.

    Click here for the full story.




    TUES 28 APR 2020

    LSE global initiative to capture experience of university students and staff during COVID-19 pandemic

    The LockedDown survey will capture how measures to combat the pandemic are affecting staff and students’ educational, professional and financial lives, as well as their wellbeing - socially, mentally and physically. This will include the effect of the different types of actions which have been implemented internationally and their impact in different cultural, social and economic circumstances.

    The survey takes just five minutes to complete and is available at A version of the survey can also be taken by members of the wider public.

    Click here for the full story.




    TUE 17 MAR 2020

    Former EU Commissioner Christos Stylianides to join LSE Department of Health Policy

    Christos Stylianides, a former EU Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management and EU Ebola Coordinator, has been appointed a Visiting Professor in Practice at LSE’s Department of Health Policy.   

    Mr Stylianides will take up the position from Monday, 16th March. As Visiting Professor in Practice he will play an active part in the Department, delivering lectures to students and the public, participating in expert workshops as well as undertaking his own work.

    Click here for the full story.




    TUE 03 MAR 2020

    How much do drug companies spend on research and development to bring a new medicine to market?

    This study provides an estimate of research and development costs for new therapeutic agents based on publicly available data; differences from previous studies may reflect the spectrum of products analyzed and the restricted availability of data in the public domain.

    Full release here.




    TUE 03 MAR 2020

    How much money did the pharmaceutical and health product industry spend on lobbying and campaign contributions in the US from 1999 to 2018? 

    Read the full paper published by Jama here. 



    Nurse 200x200

    THU 28 NOV 2019

    NHS stretched as it is challenged to meet similar needs of EU and OECD countries with less staff

    Fewer doctors and nurses means the NHS goes above and beyond managing to treat similar numbers of patients while maintaining good level of access in this paper by LSE Health Policy’s Irini Papanicolas, Elias Mossialos and collaborators.

    While mortality rates for certain conditions like strokes & AML are going down, they are higher comparators – suggesting more progress needs to be made.

    Read the paper here     




    MON 25 NOV 2019

    First evaluation of European Medicines Agency’s (EMA) Priority Medicines Scheme (PRIME), a new program aimed at getting promising medicines for severe conditions to market quickly.

    The paper, by LSE Health Policy’s Huseyin Naci, Emilie Neez and collaborators, examines the evidence base on which EMA determines PRIME eligibility. The paper has various interesting conclusions including, ‘EMA relies on weak study designs to determine eligibility of drugs in PRIME’.

    Read the paper here.




    WED 30 OCT 2019

    Could much touted virtual primary care (VPC) services lead to the fragmentation of the health system?

    Virtual primary care (VPC) services, in which patients consult with a doctor or nurse via email, text, phone, or video are presumed to offer a number of advantages over traditional, brick-and-mortar general practitioner (GP) services, particularly in terms of accessibility and cost. However, evidence of their effect on clinical outcomes and quality of care is scant. 

    Read full paper here.



    Brian 2

    TUE 22 OCT 2019

    Lifetime Achievement Award honours contributions to health and social welfare

    We are proud to announce the creation of the Brian Abel-Smith Lifetime Achievement Award to honour the work of the influential social welfare pioneer. The award will recognise individuals who, like Abel-Smith, have during their lifetime made a significant intellectual contribution to the field of health policy and social welfare and achieved notable policy impact. 

    Recipients of the biennial award will receive a prize of £10,000 and deliver an award lecture at the LSE. 

    Read full article here.




    THU 17 OCT 2019

    New study tests in practice a new emerging methodology for measuring the benefits of new drugs with national decision-makers.

    Two years ago Aris Angelis and Panos Kanavos published the development of the Advance Value Framework for HTA. Following a collaboration with TLV, AETSA, AOTMiT and INAMI under the auspices of the EU Advance-HTA project, they have just published its empirical testing with decision-makers from different countries, describing a full MCDA cross-country pilot (open access, uncorrected proof version).

    Read the study here.




    FRI 11 OCT 2019

    Does the World Bank’s pandemic financing scheme serve private sector interests at the cost of global health security?

    LSE Department of Health and Policy's Bangin Brim and Clare Wenham contend that the World Bank’s pandemic financing scheme serves private sector interests at the cost of global health security. The Ebola outbreak in west Africa in 2014-16 exposed many flaws in the global response to infectious disease.12 In particular, it highlighted the gap between countries’ commitments for outbreak preparedness, detection, and response, as required under the International Health Regulations, and their actual ability to respond when needed.

    Read the full article here.




    FRI 04 OCT 2019

    Does blockchain have the potential to improve clinical trials?

    Leeza Osipenko argues that there’s more to this tamperproof technology than bitcoin in her article for The BMJ. It could be used to improve the administration of clinical trials, ensuring transparency and yielding better quality data.

    Read the article here.




    FRI 04 OCT 2019

    What constitues good governance in antimicrobial (AMR) resistance?

    Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is one of the major challenges facing the world today. The drivers behind AMR lie across multiple sectors. Therefore, strengthening governance is essential. A new paper published by Michael Anderson, Elias Mossialos and colleagues from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) in The Lancet Infectious Diseases, presents the development of the first example of a published AMR governance framework. This tool offers practice guidance to countries seeking to strengthen governance and can be used for both the development and assessment of national action plans on AMR.

    Read the article here.




    FRI 04 OCT 2019

    Bernie Sanders references 2018 Health Affairs policy by Elias Mossialos and Martin Wenzl 

    The Sanders campaign referenced and linked to the study following his recent stent operation. The study contends that prices for cardiac implant devices may be up to six times higher in the US than in some european countries. 

    Read the article here. 




    FRI 30 AUG 2019

    Eurohealth: Digital Health Systems

    The latest edition of Eurohealth focuses on Digital Health Systems, with articles on policy to support AI, secondary use of personal health data, digital health driven prevention and case studies from the UK, Israel, Estonia, Denmark & Kazakhstan.

    Read it here.




    MON 12 AUG 2019

    Why your healthcare costs so much

    Healthcare spending in the US is much higher than other countries with similar economies. In this TEDMED 2018 talk, Irene Papanicolas explains why taking a comparative approach reveals new insights into the factors that influence spending.

    Watch it here.




    FRI 9 AUG 2019

    The implications of high bed occupancy rates on readmission rates in England: A longitudinal study

    The percentage of hospital beds that are occupied at any one point in time has increased in England, though little research has examined the impact of this change. A new paper, published in Health Policy by Rocco Friebel and colleagues, finds that following nights of high bed occupancy rates, more patients are being discharged with a small increase in the risk of readmission within 30 days. Hospitals are, however, successfully prioritising early discharge amongst least vulnerable patients.

    Read it here.



    Zika centrifuge

    WED 7 AUG 2019

    Securitizing Zika: The case of Brazil

    In a new article in Security Dialogue, Clare Wenham and Deborah BL Farias explore how Zika provides new opportunities for understanding global health security and securitization more broadly.

    Read it here.  




    THU 18 JUL 2019

    Dr Laia Maynou wins best paper presented by a young researcher at the 2019 Spanish Health Economics Association Meeting

    The creep of the robots, written with Alistair McGuire, Victoria Serra-Sastre and Georgia Troutman, draws on data on prostatectomy for England to explore how robotic-assisted surgery is diffused throughout the NHS and the effects of this new technology on health outcomes.

    Read the abstract.




    WED 17 JUL 2019

    People are struggling to save for social care: LSE research

    People find saving for social care too difficult and feel the current system needs an overhaul, a recent study published in Health and Social Care has found.

    Read more.




    WED 17 JUL 2019

    Healthy Minds: the positive impact of a new school curriculum

    As the UK government prepares to make personal, social, health and economic education compulsory, a recent trial shows how these subjects can be taught successfully. In an article for CentrePiece, Grace Lordan and Alistair McGuire evaluate the effects of Healthy Minds – a new four-year curriculum for secondary schools – on physical health, emotional health and behaviour.

    Read it here.



    A portrait of a patient at the SL Psychiatric Hospital in Kissy, Sierra Leone Credit - World Bank and Dominic Chavez

    FRI 12 JUL 2019

    Meeting SDG3: The role of economics in mental health policy

    A chapter in The Routledge Handbook of International Development, Mental Health and Wellbeing explores the economic impacts and drivers of mental health issues, approaches to measuring cost-effectiveness, and how various methods can inform decision-makers in meeting the Sustainable Development Goals in the context of mental health.

    Read it here.



    200x200_Elderly Timorese in Suai Loro_UN Photo Martine Perret

    WED 10 JUL 2019

    Effectiveness of interventions for dementia in low- and middle-income countries

    Despite dementia placing a significant burden on societies in lower and middle-income countries, recommendations for interventions are largely based on evidence from high income countries. A new paper in the British Medical Journal outlines an approach for filling this evidence gap.

    Read it here. 




    WED 12 JUNE 2019

    LSE launches the Department of Health Policy with Nobel Peace Prize winner Dr Denis Mukwege

    On 30 April, LSE formally marked the launch of the Department of Health Policy with an all-day event in the Old Theatre. The event attracted an impressive array of speakers, including the 2018 winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, Dr Denis Mukwege.

    Read it here.




    TUE 14th MAY 2019

    Education may not be the solution to reducing female genital cutting

    New research by the LSE and University of South Florida has found no evidence that an increase in the education levels of mothers in Nigeria changed the likelihood of them supporting the practice of female genital cutting, or their daughters being victims of it.

    Read more here.




    THU 14 MAR 2019

    An EU-wide approach to HTA: An irrelevant development or an opportunity not to be missed?

    Editorial on proposed new EU-wide cooperation on Health Technology Assessment (HTA) in the European Journal of Health Economics by Dr Panos Kanavos and Dr Aris Angelis. 

    Read it here.



    Adura Banke-Thomas PhD

    FRI 8 MAR 2019

    Dr Aduragbemi Banke-Thomas wins grant from AXA Research Fund

    Dr Banke-Thomas has been awarded €125,000 for a project on timely and quality access to emergency obstetric care in Sub-Saharan Africa. 

    Read more here.




    WED 6 MAR 2019

    Big Data, Algorithmic Governmentality and the Regulation of Pandemic Risk

    Dr Stephen L Roberts investigates the rise of algorithmic disease surveillance systems as novel technologies of risk analysis used to regulate pandemic outbreaks in an era of big data. 

    Read more here.




    MON 4 MAR 2019

    Investing in health R&D: where we are, what limits us, and how to make progress in Africa

    Global R&D pipelines for diseases that disproportionately affect African countries appear to be inadequate.

    Read more here




    WED 27 FEB 2019

    Cuban healthcare offers many lessons for global health security

    Cuba has never been seen as leading in health security, yet the country’s medical internationalism and integrated healthcare system have proved remarkably successful in preventing and controlling infectious-disease threats. 

    Read more here 




    TUE 26 FEB 2019 

    Perspectives of stakeholders on emergency obstetric care training in Kenya: a qualitative study

    The value of emergency obstetric care training in improving the capacity of health care providers and outcomes for mothers and newborns is not just ascribed but felt by beneficiaries.

    Read more here 





    THU 14 FEB 2019

    Health related quality of life aspects not captured by EQ-5D-5L

    New international study shows that 51% of patients don’t feel that existing Health Related Quality of Life tool sufficiently captures problems such as fatigue and medication side effects.

    Read more here




    FRI 8 FEB 2019

    Experts call for different methods to tackle inequality in global health

    Engaging with feminist theory and feminist research is vital to diminish the structural barriers women face in the global health agenda, new comment in The Lancet co-authored by LSE's Dr Clare Wenham shows.

    Read more here.




    THU 7 FEB 2019

    New research on how organ donation is affected by drug-related deaths in the United States

    Article co-authored by Dr Sara Machado explores trends and statewide variation in the number of donor organs recovered from people who have died from drug intoxication. 

    Read more here.




    TUE 29 JAN 2019

    New research on the social return on investment of emergency obstetric care training in Kenya

    Using social return on investment methodology, Dr Adura Banke-Thomas asesses the social impact and/or value for money of emergency obstetric care training in Kenya.  

    Read more here.




    FRI 25 JAN 2019

    The Global Fund must back up impact claims with transparent, rigorous methods

    The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria asserts they and their partners have saved 27 million lives—but more rigorous evidence and data is needed to back-up that claim, according to a new analysis published in The Lancet this week.

    Read more here.




    THU 24 JAN 2019

    New research on the impact of the Greek economic adjustment programme on household health expenditure

    What happened to spending on health in Greek households when they experienced the “triple hit” of decreased availability and capacity of the public health system, increased user charges, and lower ability to pay for health care?

    Read more here




    TUE 14 JAN 2019

    LSE Health Policy research makes Editor's Pick for 2018

    An article comparing prices for cardiac implants between the US and Europe by Professor Elias Mossialos was among the Editor-In-Chief of Health Affairs' top picks for 2018.

    Read more here. 




    MON 13 JAN 2019

    Global health security and universal health coverage: from a marriage of convenience to a strategic, effective partnership

    Global health security and universal health coverage have often been considered two sides of the same coin. But is this really true?

    Read more here.






    WED 19 DEC 2018

    Exercise may be as effective as drugs to cut high blood pressure

    Exercise may be as effective as prescribed drugs to lower high blood pressure, according to a new analysis of health data led by Huseyin Naci.

    Read more here.



    THU 6 DEC 2018

    Achieving high-quality universal health coverage: a perspective from the NHS in England

    Governments across low-income and middle-income countries have pledged to achieve universal health coverage by 2030. This research explores what can be learnt from the past 70 years of the NHS. 

    Read more here.



    THU 29 NOV 2018

    LSE Health awarded €4.6 million for health technology assessment research

    The project contributes to the understanding of variations in costs and health outcomes within and across countries, the rationale and criteria for decision-making across different settings as well as the factors and preferences that shape HTA recommendations. 

    Read more here.



    THU 15 NOV 2018

    Professor Andrew Street appointed Specialist Advisor

    Professor Andrew Street has been appointed Specialist Advisor to the House of Commons Health and Social Care Committee when they hear evidence on the budget promise of £20bn extra funding for health and social care next week.

    Read more here.



    SAT 27 OCT 2018

    Review of the NICE Medical Technologies Guidance

    A new paper by Dr Huseyin Naci, Dr Leeza Osipenko and Professor Elias Mossialos reviews the first 9 years of NICE's assessment pathway for medical devices. 

    Read more here.



    FRI 26 OCT 2018

    Productivity in the NHS: why it matters and what to do next

    Professor Andrew Street and his co-authors argue that a clear strategy for increasing productivity is vital for a sustainable NHS in this article in the BMJ. 

    Read more here.



    THU 12 JUL 2018

    Launching our Executive Master's degree in collaboration with the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence

    Professor Elias Mossialos and Sir Andrew Dillon, Chief Executive of NICE announced our new Executive MSc programme for professionals looking to gain skills in health services research, health economics, outcomes research and health policy.

    Read more here.



    WED 4 JUL 2018 

    “Breaking down borders between politics and health” - The Lancet profiles Elias Mossialos

    The latest edition of The Lancet includes an in-depth profile of LSE Health Policy Department Head, Professor Elias Mossialos. Drawing on inputs from a range of academics and policy makers who have worked closely with him over the years, the profile looks back over Mossialos’ varied career, his drive to translate research into real change for health systems, and his priorities for the future.

    Read more here.



    TUE 8 MAY 2018

    National Health Stories on BBC Radio 4

    Sally Sheard, author of the recent biography of social policy pioneer Brian Abel-Smith, commissioned by LSE, leads a new series on BBC Radio 4 chronicling the stories and individuals behind the establishment of the National Health Service.

    Listen to the programme.



    THU 15 MAR 2018

    LSE and the Lancet announce major commission on 'The Future of the NHS'

    The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and the Lancet have announced a joint commission to examine The Future of the NHS. The LSE-Lancet Commission is the first of its kind to study the NHS across the whole of the UK, assessing evidence from across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

    Read more here.


    LSE Health-WHO

    MON 5 MAR 2018

    LSE Health delivers training for the World Health Organisation

    LSE Health has collaborated with the World Health Organisation Europe to deliver a training workshop on Negotiation for Medicines Strategic Procurement for senior decision-makers across the WHO European region and the European Commission.

    Read more here.




    Modern, globalised lifestyles fuelling obesity epidemic

    A new LSE study suggests that our 21st century, globalised lifestyles are fuelling the rise of obesity. 

    Read more.



    Cognitive abilities of low birth weight children show dramatic improvement

    The gap between the cognitive abilities of children born with a low birth weight and those born with a normal weight has decreased by 50 per cent over the last 40 years or more, according to new research from LSE and the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research. 

    Read more.



    Professor Mossialos joins expert advisory board to support the Global AMR Innovation Fund 

    Professor Elias Mossialos, Brian Abel-Smith Professor of Health Policy within the Department of Social Policy and Director of LSE Health, has been appointed to an expert advisory board to support the Global Antimicrobial Resistance Innovation Fund (GAMRIF).

    Professor Mossialos will join 11 other board members and will advise how the UK can best spend an additional £50 million over the next five years to work with global partners to fund innovative initiatives that tackle drug resistant infections, which includes resistance to antibiotics.



    LSE Health awarded major European grant for big data project

    LSE Health has been awarded its first major European big data grant. From January 2017 it will coordinate 36 organisations in a public-private consortium with a total budget of 7.2 million Euros. 

    Read more.



    Mental health interventions in pregnant women and new mothers have benefits

    There are clear economic and societal arguments for investing in mental health interventions for women during pregnancy and immediately after birth, a new report by the Personal Social Services Research Unit (PSSRU) at the London School of Economics and Political Science suggests. 

    Read more.



    Childhood bullying places 'long term strain' on UK mental health services

    Lead researcher Dr Sara Evans-Lacko, an Associate Professorial Research Fellow from LSE’s Personal Social Services Research Unit, said: “The impact of childhood bullying on mental health services is most notable at an early age, but the association remains significant at 50. 

    Read more.



    Is intergenerational living the secret to good mental health in old age?

    Intergenerational cohabitation (parents and adult children living in the same household) may have contributed to curbing high rates of depressive symptoms among older people during the Great Recession, according to new research from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and King’s College London. 

    Read more.



    Dementia toolkit to help patients, carers and healthcare workers

    A comprehensive web tool bringing together scientific evidence on dementia care and treatment has been developed by researchers at LSE's Personal Social Services Research Unit (PSSRU). 

    Read more.



    LSE Health outlines reforms for China's pharmaceutical system

    China’s pharmaceutical system will struggle to cope with the twin challenges of a rapidly aging population and increases in non-communicable diseases, such as diabetes and heart and lung disease. 

    Read more.



    LSE Health publish study on antibiotic innovation

    LSE Health has published a study, commissioned by the Dutch government, outlining a range of policy recommendations for improving the global research and development agendas for antibiotics. 

    Read more.



    Leaving the EU poses 'critical threat' to NHS

    Britain’s withdrawal from the EU would negatively impact the NHS in a number of ways, a new briefing report by academics from LSE and the Institute of Global Health Innovation at Imperial College London has warned. 

    Read more.



    LSE partners with University of Chicago to create global health programme

    LSE and the University of Chicago have signed a Memorandum of Understanding aiming to create the world’s first transatlantic partnership in global health policy and economics. 

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    Nature versus nurture in obesity: New evidence from adoptee data

    Obesity, particularly in children, is a major health concern in many developed economies, where it presents a costly risk to health services. Dr Joan Costa-i-Font, Professor Mireia Jofre-Bonet and Professor Julian Le Grand examined the intergenerational transmission of overweight and obesity using a unique sample of English adoptees. 

    Read more.



    New brain-training tool to help people cut drinking

    Professor Paul Dolan, internationally-renowned LSE expert on happiness and behaviour has launched a free online tool to help people who want to cut down on alcohol. 

    Read more.



    Huge investment in cancer drugs leads to £14 billion net benefit for UK patients

    The UK has more than doubled its spending on cancer drugs over the past decade, leading to a £14 billion (2014 GBP) net economic benefit in terms of increased life outcomes for cancer patients, according to new research published by LSE Health. 

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    Youth mental health neglect a 'moral scandal and enormous economic mistake', says LSE report

    More than half of teenagers and young people with mental health problems do not receive any clinical treatment, amounting to a ‘’moral scandal and enormous economic mistake,’’ according to a new LSE study. 

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    Measles and migrants

    In the past two years, Europe has recorded more than 22,000 cases of measles: a sharp reversal of the 96% decline of the last 20 years. Why is it happening and who is at risk? 

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    First born children of women in their thirties perform best in tests of mental development and psychological well-being

    The firstborn children of mothers in their thirties score more highly on measures of mental development and psychological well-being than children born to other first time mothers reveals new research. 

    Read more.



    Government regulation and industry practices stalling drug development finds new report

    The majority of new medicines entering the market offer few clinical advantages over existing alternatives according to a new analysis article published in the British Medical Journal

    Read more.



    Heavy drinkers and drugs users underestimate their levels of consumption compared to others

    Heavy drinkers and users of illegal drugs downplay their relative levels of consumption, when comparing themselves to others, reveals research by LSE and South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust. 

    Read more.



    Older hospital patients face "widespread and systematic" pattern of poor care

    One million older people are affected by poor or inconsistent care in hospitals, according to new research by Dr Polly Vizard and Dr Tania Burchardt  from CASE. 

    Read more.



    LSE report shows dementia costs Wales £1.4 billion a year

    A new LSE report commissioned by the Alzheimer’s Society, and led by Professor Martin Knapp from PSSRU, reveals the hidden cost of dementia in Wales is estimated at £1.4 billion, an average cost of £31,300 per person each year. 

    Read more.



    Research Funding News

    Professor Martin Knapp, from PSSRU, has received funding from Mind to undertake an economic analysis of their peer support programme and to model the health economic impact of each programme component.



    Research Funding News

    Professor Elias Mossialos, from LSE Health and Social Care, has been awarded funding from LSE’s Kuwait Programme to examine the causes of some of the most prevalent chronic diseases and to study the main determinants of access to, utilisation of, and satisfaction with the healthcare system in Kuwait.



    Paying people incentives to make healthy choices only works in the long term if they are paid to NOT do something

    Monetary incentives to encourage people to live healthier lifestyles only work in the longer term when they are designed to stop negative behaviour, rather than promote positive choices, suggests new research undertaken by Dr Matteo M Galizzi and Professor Paul Dolan. 

    Read more.



    Can't help falling in love? Why divorce and separation might not be that bad for your health

    Middle-aged men and women who have experienced the upheaval of separation, divorce and remarriage are almost as healthy as couples in stable marriages, according to a new study involving Professor Emily Grundy. 

    Read more.



    Primary health care should play bigger role in treating chronic kidney disease

    Healthy eating, regular exercise and blood pressure and cholesterol control are among the most effective ways of managing the early stages of chronic kidney disease (CKD). 

    Read more.



    LSE Research News- Professor Martin Knapp awarded funding

    Professor Martin Knapp from PSSRU, has received funding from the Shirley Foundation to conduct research to examine the economic case for interventions for people with autism spectrum disorders (ASD).



    Thousands miss out on palliative care due to unfair health system

    The UK’s palliative care system needs a major overhaul, according to an LSE report, which reveals widespread inequities and a lack of services for non-cancer patients. 

    Read more.



    Family beliefs a barrier to aged care health reform

    New research by Dr Joan Costa-i-Font shows that older people are avoiding taking out long-term care insurance, fearing their children will desert them in old age. 

    Read more.




    More generous state unemployment benefits may protect the health of unemployed men

    Men who lose their job in US states that provide generous unemployment benefits are at lower risk of poor health, according to new research. 

    Read more.



    Ethical Dilemmas of vaccination

    How relevant are gender and age when making policies  about vaccination and does this leave governments open to claims of discrimination?

    Read more.



    Does having children make us any happier?

    The birth of a first and a second child briefly increases the level of their parents’ happiness, but a third does not, according to new research from LSE and Western University, Canada. 

    Read more.



    Sex and fertility versus health in AIDS stricken Africa

    How do you reconcile the basic sexual and fertility needs of 25 million Africans with the stark reality of HIV/AIDS? The impact is devastating and extends way beyond a health crisis, with far reaching effects on the African workforce, family, education system and the economy in general. 

    Read more.



    New Research Unit Launch: ALPHA- Ageing, Lifecourse and Population Health Analysis

    The LSE ALPHA research unit undertakes and promotes quantitative research on lifecourse, socio-economic and intergenerational influences on individual and population health using a range of large scale, predominantly longitudinal datasets.



    Dementia costs the UK £26 billion a year

    A new report which has been co-authored with The Alzheimer's Society, LSE and the King's College London has found that dementia costs the UK £26 billion a year - enough to pay the energy bills of every household in the country. 

    Read more.



    Professor Martin Knapp awarded Fellowship at King's College London

    Professor Martin Knapp has been awarded a fellowship as an Honorary Professor of Health Economics at the Institute of Psychiatry at King's College London.



    Twins and short spaced births are linked to premature death among parents

    The findings, published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, suggest that the accumulated physical, emotional and financial stresses of raising children close in age could have long-term health implications. 

    Read more.



    Dr Adam Oliver discusses the policy battle to reduce the nation's expanding girth.

    With obesity levels in the UK now the third highest in Western Europe, political leaders are struggling to find a solution to the nation’s expanding girth. 

    Are nudge policies the way to go?



    Dr Ernestina Coast presented findings of a systematic review on maternal and newborn health to the WHO in Geneva

    Dr Ernestina Coast, a member of the Guideline Development Group for the World Health Organization's Technical Consultation on health promotion interventions for maternal and newborn health,  presented in Geneva 15-17th July 2014 the findings of a systematic review, led by herself and involving a team from the LSE including Eleri Jones and Sam Lattof.



    Autism costs the UK £32 billion a year

    Research led by Professor Martin Knapp has highlighted that autism costs the UK £32 billion a year; more than any other medical condition, and greater than cost of cancer, stroke and heart disease combined. Affecting more than 1% of the population, care for those affected can last for 60-70 years. 

    Read more.



    Savings on sanity

    It is increasingly recognised across the world that intervening early in mental illness not only spares millions from untold misery but can save millions in finances. Professor Martin Knapp provides an overview of a field of study that could transform this century and in which LSE leads the way in the Summer 2014 edition of LSE Alumni's Connect magazine. 

    Read more.



    Research funding: women's health in the Occupied Palestinian Territory

    Dr Coast, Dr Leone, Prof Lewis have been awarded funding by the Middle East Centre for a research project with the Institute of Community and Public Health at Birzeit University. The research project will generate new data and analyses to better understand women's health over the lifecourse, with a particular focus on those women currently under-served or neglected by the health system.



    LSE Health awarded research grant

    LSE Health together with 12 other institutional partners have been awarded a € 3 million research grant by the European Commission under DG Research's 7th Framework Programme for their project entitled ADVANCE-HTA, commencing in January 2013 for 3 years. LSE Health will act as the principal investigator and coordinator, led by Panos Kanavos, reader in International Health Policy, bringing together a team of high-level experts with extensive experience in the area of health policy, health economics, health and research methodologies, access to medicines, pharmaceutical policies, medical devices and health technology Assessment (HTA).



    PSSRU at LSE and Kent partnership

    PSSRU at LSE and Kent are delighted to be part of a partnership that has been awarded by the NICE Collaborating Centre for Social Care (NCCSC). The partnership is led by the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE), and also involves Evidence for Policy and Practice Information and Coordinating Centre (EPPI-Centre), Research in Practice (RIP) and Research in Practice for Adults (RIPfA).