Join us on 30 April to mark the launch of LSE's new Department of Health Policy.
The event will celebrate the Department's achievements to date, and explore some of the most pressing contemporary issues in health policy globally.
The day's agenda includes keynote addresses from two Nobel Prize winners, Sir Christopher Pissarides and Dr Denis Mugweke, and interactive panel discussions chaired by leading experts and LSE faculty.
The event will close with a round table discussion led by LSE Director Dame Minouche Shafik with a group of high-profile guests from government and international institutions, including the UK’s Chief Medical Officer, the Chief Advisor to the Director General of the WHO, and the EU Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management.
The day will culminate in a drinks reception.
11:00 – 11:15
Health Policy at LSE: Achievements and Future Direction - Professor Elias Mossialos, Professor of Health Policy and Head of Department
11:15 – 12:00
Keynote address by Sir Christopher Pissarides, Professor of Economics, LSE, Winner, Nobel Prize for Economics 2010
12:00 – 13:00
Measuring performance in health systems
Chair: Lord Patrick Carter of Coles, Non-Executive Director, NHS Improvement
Panel discussion with:
Dr Rocco Friebel, Assistant Professor of Health Policy
Dr Irene Papanicolas, Associate Professor of Health Economics
Professor Andrew Street, Professor of Health Economics
13:30 – 14:30
Moving social care forward
Chair: Professor Martin Knapp, Professor of Social Policy and Director, Personal Social Services Research Unit (PSSRU)
Panel discussion with:
Dr Adelina Comas-Herrera, Assistant Professorial Research Fellow
Dr Joan Costa-Font, Assistant Professor of Political Economy
Dr Jose-Luis Fernandez, Associate Professorial Research Fellow and Deputy Director, PSSRU
Dr Juliette Malley, Assistant Professorial Research Fellow
14:30 – 15:30
Improving access to high quality care and medicines worldwide
Chair: Dr Piroska Ostlin, Acting Regional Director for Europe, World Health Organisation
Panel discussion with:
Dr Panos Kanavos, Associate Professor of International Health Policy
Dr Mylene Lagarde, Associate Professor of Health Economics
Dr Ranjeeta Thomas, Assistant Professor of Health Economics
Dr Olivier Wouters, Assistant Professor of Health Policy (incoming September 2019)
15:45 – 16:45
Perspectives on global health
Chair: Professor Lord Kakkar, Professor of Surgery, UCL
Panel discussion with:
Dr Pepita Barlow, Assistant Professor of Health Policy (incoming September 2019)
Dr Elisabetta De Cao, Assistant Professor of Health Economics
Dr Justin Parkhurst, Associate Professor of Global Health Policy
Dr Clare Wenham, Assistant Professor of Global Health Policy
Dr Lucy Kanya, Assistant Professorial Research Fellow
17:00 – 17:45
Keynote address by Dr Denis Mukwege, Winner, Nobel Prize for Peace 2018
17:45 – 18:45
Contemporary challenges in health and social care
Chair: Dame Minouche Shafik, Director, LSE
Round table discussion with:
Professor Dame Sally Davies, UK Chief Medical Officer
Professor Senait Fisseha, Chief Advisor to the Director General, WHO
Professor Alistair McGuire, Deputy Head, LSE Department of Health Policy
Christos Stylianides, EU Commissioner, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management
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