Abstract photograph of the LSE Government building with clouds reflected in the glass architecture.

Job Market Candidates

Find out more about the research and skills of our PhD Candidates entering the job market.

Photo of Vanessa Cheng-Matsuno

Vanessa Cheng-Matsuno

Research interests: Quantitative political economy | Political behaviour | Experiments | Causal inference

Portrait photo of Asli Ceren Cinar

Asli Ceren Cinar

Research interests: Political Behaviour | Representation | Gender | Experiments

 Photo of Vincent Harting

Vincent Harting

Research interests: Normative Political Theory | The History of Socialist Political Thought | Constitutionalism | Democratic Innovations | Theories of Economic Justice

Portrait photo of Nick Lewis

Nick Lewis

Research interests: Online political communication | Online political behaviour | Online political psychology | Social media

Photo of Stephanie Wanga

Stephanie Wanga

Research interests: Statehood & Anarchism in Africa | Utopia in the history of African political thought | African political economy

Photo of Antoine Zerbini

Antoine Zerbini

Research interests: Non Democratic Politics | Formal Theory | Modern Technologies | Media

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