On the 8th of February, 2019, CIBL held a grand New Year reception and a graduation ceremony for March 2018 intake CBCL students at the House of Lords of the British Parliament.
The guests of the event included members from various fields, graduates as well as their family members. More than 200 people joined this event.
The New Year's reception was chaired by Professor Jinghui Wang , new China Director of CIBL. Baroness Faulkner, a member of the House of Lords and alumnus of the London School of Economics, began her welcome speech, followed by Mr. Jianhui Xia, Education Counsellor of the Chinese Embassy in the UK and Mr. Richard Chenggaredi, the representative of the Advisory Board. They all highly praised the achievement of CIBL and its contribution to the promotion of cultural and business exchanges between China and the UK.
The most important session of the event, the student's graduation ceremony, was presided over by Dr. Xiang, UK director of CIBL and the event was conclude by Dr. Neil McLean, the former UK director.
This is the eighth time that CIBL held a Spring Festival celebration at the House of Lords of the British Parliament and the first time that a grand graduation ceremony was held for students of CIBL in this ancient British Parliamentary hall. Both the Confucius Institute staff and the staff of the House of Lords attach great importance to the event. There were two volunteers who were to go back China on Saturday, also came to help with the event! The supervisor of the House of Lords who usually wore black uniforms, switched to a set of red colored uniform to accompany us in celebrating the Chinese New Year!
This reception and student graduation ceremony not only provided a good platform for people who are concerned about China and Sino-British relations, but also successfully established and promoted the new brand of CBCL organized by CIBL. We wish and trust that participants and graduates will play a more important role in the development of Sino-British relations in the future.
新年酒会由新任中方院长王敬慧教授主持。英国上议院议员,同时也是伦敦政治经济学院校友福克纳男爵夫人首先致辞,随后,中国驻英使馆教育参赞夏建辉先生,顾问委员会代表理查德·程嘉瑞狄先生应邀作了热情洋溢的发言,高度赞扬了伦敦商务孔子学院在促进中英文化及商务交流方面所做出的杰出贡献。此次活动的重要环节——学生的毕业典礼由伦敦商务孔院英方院长项骅博士主持,最后CIBL 前英方院长尼尔·麦克林(Neil McLean)做结束致辞。