

Experiments conducted in collaboration with the Behavioural Lab are often published in world class academic journals.


Kourtidis P, Fasolo B, Galizzi MM (2024). Encouraging vaccination against COVID-19 has no compensatory spillover effects. Behavioural Public Policy, 1-18.

Park, P. S., Schoenegger, P., & Zhu, C. (2024). Diminished diversity-of-thought in a standard large language model. Behavior Research Methods, 1-17.

Pils, R., & Schönegger, P. (2024). Scientific realism, scientific practice, and science communication: An empirical investigation of academics and science communicators. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science105, 85-98.

Rabie, D., Rashwan, M., & Miniesy, R. (2024). Fasting and honesty: Experimental evidence from EgyptEconomic Inquiry.

Ruggeri K, Stock F, Haslam SA, Capraro V, Boggio P, Ellemers N,..., Galizzi MM, Milkman KL, Petrovic M, Van Bavel JJ & Willer R (2024). A synthesis of evidence for policy from behavioural science during COVID-19. Nature, 625, 134-147.

Schoenegger, P., & Mintz-Woo, K. (2024). Moral hazards and solar radiation management: Evidence from a large-scale online experiment. Journal of Environmental Psychology95, 102288.

Tsvetkova, M. (2024). Experiment commensurability does not necessitate research consolidationBehavioral and Brain Sciences47, e61.

Thomas R, Galizzi MM, Moorhouse L, Nyamukapa C & Hallett TB (2024). Do risk, time, and prosocial preferences predict risky sexual behaviour of youths in a low-income, high-risk setting? Journal of Health Economics, 93, 102845.

Veltri GA, Steinert JI, Sternberg H, Galizzi MM, Fasolo B, Kourtidis P, Buthe T & Gaskell G (2024). Assessing the perceived effect of non-pharmaceutical interventions on SARS-CoV-2 transmission risk: an experimental study in Europe. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 1-9.


Attema A, Galizzi MM, Gross M, Karay Y, L’Haridon O, Hennig-Schmidt H & Wiesen D (2023). The formation of physician altruismJournal of Health Economics, 87, 102716.

Banerjee S, Galizzi MM, John P & Mourato S (2023). Immediate backfire? Nudging sustainable food choices and psychological reactance. Food Quality and Preferences, 109, 104923.

Banerjee S, Galizzi MM, John P & Mourato S (2023). Sustainable dietary choices improved by reflection before a nudge in an online experiment. Nature Sustainability. 

Bernold, E., Gsottbauer, E., Ackermann, K. A., & Murphy, R. O. (2023). Accounting for preferences and beliefs in social framing effects. Frontiers in Behavioral Economics, 2, 1147492.

Fasolo, B., Misuraca, R., & Reutskaja, E. (2023). Choose as much as you wish: Freedom cues in the marketplace help consumers feel more satisfied with what they choose and improve customer experience. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied.

Fedrigo V, Galizzi MM, Guenther B, Jenkins R & Sanders J (2023). Weakened weekdays: lockdown disrupts the weekly cycle of risk tolerance. Scientific Reports, 13, 21147.

Fedrigo V, Galizzi MM, Jenkins R & Sanders J (2023). Penumbral thoughts: content of consciousness upon waking. PLoS ONE, 18(12): e0289654.

Hodges J, Stoyanova L & Galizzi MM (2023). End-of-life preferences: a randomised trial of framing comfort care as refusal of treatment in the context of COVID-19. Medical Decision Making 43(6), 631-641. 

Kappes, H. B., Campbell, R., & Ivchenko, A. (2023). Scarcity and Predictability of Income over Time: Experimental Games as a Way to Study Consumption Smoothing. Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 8(4), 390-402.

Koundouri, P., Hammer, B., Kuhl, U., & Velias, A. (2023). Behavioral Economics and Neuroeconomics of Environmental Values. Annual Review of Resource Economics, 15, 153-176.

Kourtidis P, Fasolo B, Galizzi MM (2023). Encouraging vaccination against COVID-19 has no compensatory spillover effects. Behavioural Public Policy (in press).

Krpan, D., Booth, J. E., & Damien, A. (2023). The positive–negative–competence (PNC) model of psychological responses to representations of robots. Nature Human Behaviour, 1-22.

Lohmann, P. M., Gsottbauer, E., You, J., & Kontoleon, A. (2023). Anti-social behaviour and economic decision-making: Panel experimental evidence in the wake of COVID-19. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 206, 136-171.

Lohmann, P. M., Gsottbauer, E., You, J., & Kontoleon, A. (2023). Air pollution and anti-social behaviour: Evidence from a randomised lab-in-the-field experiment. Social Science & Medicine, 320, 115617.

Straub, V. J., Tsvetkova, M., & Yasseri, T. (2023). The cost of coordination can exceed the benefit of collaboration in performing complex tasks. Collective Intelligence, 2(2).

Tsvetkova, M., Vuculescu, O., Dinev, P., Sherson, J., & Wagner, C. (2022). Inequality and fairness with heterogeneous endowments. Plos one, 17(10), e0276864.

Upadhyaya N & Galizzi MM (2023). In bot we trust? Personality types and reciprocity in human-bot trust games. Frontiers in Behavioural Economics.

Van Roekel, Henrico, Giurge, Laura M., Schott, Carina, & Tummers, Lars. (2023). Nudges can be both autonomy-preserving and effective: evidence from a survey and quasi-field experiment. Behavioural Public Policy.

Zitek, Emily M., Giurge, Laura M. & Isaac, Smith H. (2023). Recognizing and correcting positive bias: The salient victim effect. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.



Galizzi MM (2022). Behavioural public health? Experts’ biases and responses to pandemics. Sistemi Intelligenti, 34(2), 371-401.

Galizzi MM, Lau K, Miraldo M, Hauck K (2022). Bandwagoning, free-riding and heterogeneity in influenza vaccine decisions: an online experiment. Health Economics, 31(4), 614-646.

Georganas, S., Laliotis, I., & Velias, A. (2022). The best is yet to come: The impact of retirement on prosocial behavior. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 196, 589-615.2021

Giurge, Laura M. & Woolley, Kaitlin (2022). Working during non-standard worktime undermines intrinsic motivation. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. (shared authorship).

Gsottbauer, E., Müller, D., Müller, S., Trautmann, S. T., & Zudenkova, G. (2022). Social class and (un) ethical behaviour: Causal and correlational evidence. The Economic Journal, 132(647), 2392-2411.

Krpan, D., & Dolan, P. (2022). You must stay at home! The impact of commands on behaviors during COVID-19. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 13(1), 333-346.

Lohmann, P. M., Gsottbauer, E., Doherty, A., & Kontoleon, A. (2022). Do carbon footprint labels promote climatarian diets? Evidence from a large-scale field experiment. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 114, 102693.

Psychological Science Accelerator Self-Determination Theory Collaboration (2022). A global experiment on motivating social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(22). 

Rahwan, Z., Fasolo, B., & Hauser, O. P. (2022). Deception about study purpose does not affect participant behavior. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 19302.Chicago

Steinert JI, Sternberg H, Prince H, Fasolo B, Galizzi MM, Buthe T & Veltri GA (2022). COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in 8 European countries: prevalence, determinants, heterogeneity. Science Advances, 8(17).

Velias, A., Georganas, S., & Vandoros, S. (2022). COVID-19: Early evening curfews and mobility. Social Science & Medicine, 292, 114538.

Wang F, Shreedhar G, Galizzi MM & Mourato S (2022). A take-home message: workplace food waste interventions influence household pro-environmental behaviors. Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances, 15 200106.



Banerjee S, Galizzi MM, Hortala-Vallve R (2021). Trusting the trust game: an external validity analysis with a UK representative sample. Games, 12(3), 66.

Giurge, Laura M. & Bohns, Vanessa K. (2021). You don’t need to answer right away! Receivers overestimate how quickly senders expect responses to non-urgent work emails. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.

Giurge, Laura M., Lin, Eva, & Effron, Daniel A. (2021). Moral credentials and the 2020 Presidential Primary: No evidence that endorsing female candidates licenses people to favor men. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.

Giurge, Laura M., Whillans, Ashley V., & Yemiscigil, Ayse. (2021). Gender differences in time-use & well-being during COVID-19: A multi-country perspective. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. (shared authorship).

Guenther B, Galizzi MM, Sanders JG (2021). Heterogeneity in risk-taking during the COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from the UK lockdown. Frontiers in Psychology, 64:3653.

Kappes, Heather Barry, Joe J. Gladstone, & Hal E. Hershfield (2021). Beliefs about whether spending implies wealth. Journal of Consumer Research, 48(1), 1-21.

Krpan, D., Galizzi, M. M., & Dolan, P. (2021). When the Future “Spills Under”: General Self-Efficacy Moderates the Influence of Expected Exercise on Present Intellectual Performance. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 12(7), 1264–1273. 

Lucas, Brian J., Berry, Zachariah., Giurge, Laura M., & Chugh, Dolly (2021). A longer shortlist increases the consideration of female candidates in male-dominant domains. Nature Human Behaviour.

Shreedhar G, Galizzi MM (2021). Personal or planetary health? Direct, spillover and carryover effects of benefits of vegetarian behaviour. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 78, 101710.

Tsvetkova, M. (2021). The effects of reputation on inequality in network cooperation games. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 376(1838), 20200299.

Wang, Ke, Amit Goldenberg, Charles A. Dorison, Jeremy K. Miller, Andero Uusberg, Jennifer S. Lerner, James J. Gross et al. (2021). A multi-country test of brief reappraisal interventions on emotions during the COVID-19 pandemic. Nature Human Behaviour 5, (8), 1089-1110.


Giurge, Laura M., Whillans Ashley V., (shared authorship) & West, Colin. (2020). The consequences of time poverty for individuals, organisations, and nations. Nature Human Behaviour.

Kappes, Heather Barry, Barbara Fasolo, Wenjie Han, Jessica Barnes, & Janna Ter Meer. (2020). Poor peer work does not boost student confidence. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 33(2), 139-150.

Krpan, D., & Houtsma, N. (2020). To veg or not to veg? The impact of framing on vegetarian food choice. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 67, 101391.

Reiss, M. V., & Tsvetkova, M. (2020). Perceiving education from Facebook profile pictures. New Media & Society, 22(3), 550-570.


Bradford, W. D., Dolan, P., & Galizzi, M. M. (2019). Looking ahead: Subjective time perception and individual discounting. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty58(1), 43-69.

Galizzi, M. M., & Navarro-Martinez, D. (2019). On the external validity of social preference games: a systematic lab-field study. Management Science65(3), 976-1002.

Gaertner, W., Bradley, R., Xu, Y., & Schwettmann, L. (2019). Against the proportionality principle: Experimental findings on bargaining over losses. PloS one14(7), e0218805.

Giurge, Laura M., van Dijke, Marius, Zheng, Xue, & De Cremer, David. (2019). Does power corrupt the mind? The influence of power on moral reasoning and self-interested behavior. The Leadership Quarterly.

Heasman, B., & Gillespie, A. (2019). Participants over-estimate how helpful they are in a two-player game scenario toward an artificial confederate that discloses a diagnosis of autism. Frontiers in Psychology10, 1349.

Kappes, Heather Barry, Adam L. Alter, Griffin S. Edwards & David J. Berri. (2019). Difficult training improves team performance: An empirical case study of US college basketball. Behavioural Public Policy, 1-24.

Krpan, D., & Fasolo, B. (2019). Revisiting embodied approach and avoidance effects on behavior: The influence of sitting posture on purchases of rewarding foods. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology85, 103889.

Lau K, Miraldo M, Galizzi MM, Hauck K (2019). Social Norms and Free-riding in Influenza Vaccine Decisions in the UK: an Online Experiment. The Lancet, 394(2), S65.

Noort, M. C., Reader, T. W., & Gillespie, A. (2019). Walking the plank: an experimental paradigm to investigate safety voice. Frontiers in Psychology10, 668.

Rahwan, Z., Yoeli, E., & Fasolo, B. (2019). Heterogeneity in banker culture and its influence on dishonesty. Nature, 575(7782), 345-349.

Shreedhar, G., & Mourato, S. (2019). Experimental evidence on the impact of biodiversity conservation videos on charitable donations. Ecological Economics158, 180-193.


Kappes, Heather Barry, Emily Balcetis, & David De Cremer. (2018). Motivated reasoning during recruitment. Journal of Applied Psychology, 103(3), 270-280.

Krpan, D., & Schnall, S. (2018). Close or far? Affect explains conflicting findings on motivated distance perception to rewards. Acta psychologica190, 188-198.

Misuraca, R., & Fasolo, B. (2018). Maximizing versus satisficing in the digital age: Disjoint scales and the case for “construct consensus”. Personality and Individual Differences, 121, 152-160.

Tsvetkova, M., Wagner, C., & Mao, A. (2018). The emergence of inequality in social groups: Network structure and institutions affect the distribution of earnings in cooperation games. PloS one, 13(7), e0200965.


Gosnell, G., & Tavoni, A. (2017). A bargaining experiment on heterogeneity and side deals in climate negotiations. Climatic Change142(3), 575-586.

Hawlina, H., Gillespie, A., & Zittoun, T. (2019). Difficult differences: A socio‐cultural analysis of how diversity can enable and inhibit creativity. The Journal of Creative Behavior53(2), 133-144.


Gillespie, A., & Reader, T. W. (2016). The Healthcare Complaints Analysis Tool: development and reliability testing of a method for service monitoring and organisational learning. BMJ Quality & Safety25(12), 937-946.

Gleibs, I. H., Wilson, N., Reddy, G., & Catmur, C. (2016). Group dynamics in automatic imitation. PloS one11(9), e0162880.

Kuipers, Ben, & Giurge, Laura M. (2016). Does alignment matter? The performance implications of HR roles connected to organizational strategy. The International Journal of Human Resource Management.

Soane, E., Schubert, I., Pollard, S., Rocks, S., & Black, E. (2016). Confluence and contours: reflexive management of environmental risk. Risk Analysis36(6), 1090-1107.

Voorhoeve, A., Binmore, K., Stefansson, A., & Stewart, L. (2016). Ambiguity attitudes, framing, and consistency. Theory and Decision81(3), 313-337.

Zheng, Xue, van Dijke, Marius, Leunissen, Joost, Giurge, Laura M., & De Cremer, David. (2016). When saying sorry may not help: Power of the transgressor moderates the effect of an apology on forgiveness in the workplace. Human Relations.


Open Science Collaboration. (2015). Estimating the reproducibility of psychological science. Science349(6251).

Aspara, J., & Chakravarti, A. (2015). Investors’ reactions to company advertisements: the persuasive effect of product-featuring ads. European Journal of Marketing.

Aspara, J., Chakravarti, A., & Hoffmann, A. O. (2015). Focal versus background goals in consumer financial decision-making: Trading off financial returns for self-expression?. European Journal of Marketing.

Beyer, A. R., Fasolo, B., De Graeff, P. A., & Hillege, H. L. (2015). Risk attitudes and personality traits predict perceptions of benefits and risks for medicinal products: a field study of European medical assessors. Value in Health18(1), 91-99.

Bhargave, R., Chakravarti, A., & Guha, A. (2015). Two-stage decisions increase preference for hedonic options. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes130, 123-135.

Bogliacino, F., Codagnone, C., Veltri, G. A., Chakravarti, A., Ortoleva, P., Gaskell, G., ... & Rudisill, C. (2015). Pathos & Ethos: emotions and willingness to pay for tobacco products. PloS one10(10), e0139542.

Corti, K., & Gillespie, A. (2015). A truly human interface: interacting face-to-face with someone whose words are determined by a computer program. Frontiers in Psychology6, 634.

Corti, K., & Gillespie, A. (2015). Revisiting Milgram’s cyranoid method: experimenting with hybrid human agents. The Journal of Social Psychology155(1), 30-56.

Corti, K., Reddy, G., Choi, E., & Gillespie, A. (2015). The researcher as experimental subject: Using self-experimentation to access experiences, understand social phenomena, and stimulate reflexivity. Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science49(2), 288-308.

Dolan, P., & Galizzi, M. M. (2015). Like ripples on a pond: behavioral spillovers and their implications for research and policy. Journal of Economic Psychology47, 1-16.

Dolan, P., Galizzi, M. M., & Navarro-Martinez, D. (2015). Paying people to eat or not to eat? Carryover effects of monetary incentives on eating behaviour. Social Science & Medicine133, 153-158.

Galizzi, M. M., & Nieboer, J. (2015). Digit ratio (2D: 4D) and altruism: evidence from a large, multi-ethnic sample. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience9, 41.

Locke, C. C., & Anderson, C. (2015). The downside of looking like a leader: Power, nonverbal confidence, and participative decision-making. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology58, 42-47.

Reich, T. C., & Hershcovis, M. S. (2015). Observing workplace incivility. Journal of Applied Psychology100(1), 203.



Beckham, D., & Voyer, B. G. (2014). Can sustainability be luxurious? A mixed-method investigation of implicit and explicit attitudes towards sustainable luxury consumption. ACR North American Advances.

Klein, R. A., Ratliff, K. A., Vianello, M., Adams Jr, R. B., Bahník, Š., Bernstein, M. J., ... & Nosek, B. A. (2014). Investigating variation in replicability. Social Psychology.

Reader, T. W., Gillespie, A., & Roberts, J. (2014). Patient complaints in healthcare systems: a systematic review and coding taxonomy. BMJ Quality & Safety23(8), 678-689.



Beyer, A. R., Fasolo, B., Phillips, L. D., de Graeff, P. A., & Hillege, H. L. (2013). Risk perception of prescription drugs: results of a survey among experts in the European regulatory network. Medical Decision Making33(4), 579-592.

Beyer, M., de Meza, D., & Reyniers, D. (2013). Do financial advisor commissions distort client choice?. Economics Letters119(2), 117-119.

Chakravarti, A., Grenville, A., Morwitz, V. G., Tang, J., & Ülkümen, G. (2013). Malleable conjoint partworths: How the breadth of response scales alters price sensitivity. Journal of Consumer Psychology23(4), 515-525.

Reyniers, D., & Bhalla, R. (2013). Reluctant altruism and peer pressure in charitable giving. Judgment and Decision Making8(1), 7-15.