Research theme: Behavioural Science for Health, Pandemic Responses, & Global Crises
Theme leads: Barbara Fasolo & Matteo M Galizzi
Behavioural Lab Affiliates: Hannah Chappell, Virginia Fedrigo, Benno Guenther, Ploutarchos Kourtidis
Together with collaborators at the University of Trento and the Technical University of Munich, the LSE Behavioural Lab has led projects on the behavioural aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic and related policy responses within the pan-European PERISCOPE consortium (Pan-European Response to the ImpactS of COVID-19 and future Pandemics and Epidemics) funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme.
As part of the activities within PERISCOPE, the LSE Behavioural Lab has contributed to the first book summarising the main insights from behavioural economics on the pandemic responses.
Selected Publications:
Kourtidis, P., Fasolo, B., & Galizzi, M. M. (2024). Encouraging vaccination against COVID-19 has no compensatory spillover effects. Behavioural Public Policy, 1-18.
Ruggeri, K., Stock, F., Haslam, S. A., Capraro, V., Boggio, P., Ellemers, N., Cichocka, A., Douglas, K.M., Rand, D.G., Van der Linden, S., Cikara, M., Finkel, E. J., Druckman, J. N., Wohl, M. J. A., Petty, R. E., ... Galizzi, M. M., Milkman, K. L., Petrovic, M., Van Bavel, J. J. & Willer, R. (2024). A synthesis of evidence for policy from behavioural science during COVID 19. Nature, 625(7993), 134-147.
Thomas, R., Galizzi, M. M., Moorhouse, L., Nyamukapa, C., & Hallett, T. B. (2024). Do risk, time and prosocial preferences predict risky sexual behaviour of youths in a low-income, high-risk setting?. Journal of health economics, 93, 102845.
Veltri, G. A., Steinert, J. I., Sternberg, H., Galizzi, M. M., Fasolo, B., Kourtidis, P., Büthe, T. & Gaskell, G. (2024). Assessing the perceived effect of non-pharmaceutical interventions on SARS-Cov-2 transmission risk: an experimental study in Europe. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 4857.
Attema, A. E., Galizzi, M. M., Groß, M., Hennig-Schmidt, H., Karay, Y., L’haridon, O., & Wiesen, D. (2023). The formation of physician altruism. Journal of Health Economics, 87, 102716.
Fedrigo, V., Galizzi, M. M., Guenther, B., Jenkins, R. & Sanders, J. (2023). Weakened weekdays: lockdown disrupts the weekly cycle of risk tolerance. Scientific Reports, 13, 21147.
Hodges, J., Stoyanova, L., & Galizzi, M. M. (2023). End-of-life preferences: a randomised trial of framing comfort care as refusal of treatment in the context of COVID-19. Medical Decision Making, 43(6), 631-641.
Galizzi, M. M. (2022). Behavioural public health? Experts’ biases and responses to pandemics. Sistemi intelligenti, 34(2), 371-401.
Galizzi, M. M., W Lau, K., Miraldo, M., & Hauck, K. (2022). Bandwagoning, free‐riding and heterogeneity in influenza vaccine decisions: An online experiment. Health Economics, 31(4), 614-646.
Krpan, D., & Dolan, P. (2022). You must stay at home! The impact of commands on behaviors during COVID-19. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 13(1), 333-346.
Steinert, J. I., Sternberg, H., Prince, H., Fasolo, B., Galizzi, M. M., Büthe, T., & Veltri, G. A. (2022). COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in eight European countries: Prevalence, determinants, and heterogeneity. Science Advances, 8(17).