March 2025: Bingham Colloquium
The Bingham Colloquium was held on Wednesday, March 19th, in Parish Hall (LSE) to celebrate the 80th birthday of N. H. (Nick) Bingham. This event was a stimulating and intellectual afternoon for all attendees, hosted in partnership with the LSE Department of Statistics. The speakers for this event were:
Philip Ernst (IC), John Fry (Hull), Bujar Gashi (Liverpool), Ulrich Stadtmüller (Ulm), Rüdiger Kiesel (Duisburg-Essen), Adam Ostaszewski (LSE) and Bernhard von Stengel (LSE).
March 2025: Maths Alumnus Takes Seat in Dutch Parliament
Luc Stultiens earned a master's degree in Applicable Mathematics at LSE and developed a keen interest in discrete mathematics, probability, algorithms, and game theory. He has since transitioned from complex equations to national policy, taking a seat in the Dutch Parliament. After considering a PhD, he chose a path with direct social impact, leading him from the Ministry of Finance to GroenLinks (GreenLeft) as a tax and finance advisor and subsequently to his election to the House of Representatives in 2023. Read his recent insightful interview in Dutch media highlighting his journey and political aspirations here (translation required).
December 2024: MSc Prize Winners
Huge congratulations to Peach Goodey (MSc Applicable Mathematics) for winning the Haya Freedman Award for best dissertation, and to Marco Deken (MSc Operations & Analytics) for the Ailsa Land Prize for best overall performance! Well-deserved honours for both!
December 2024: Christmas Brainteaser
It's almost Christmas, so this can only mean one thing: brainteaser time! If you'd like to join in with some festive fun, send your answers via X, LinkedIn or Instagram or via direct message or email - Good luck! #LSEMathsBrainteaser2024
November 2024: New book out now!
The second edition of Professor Amol Sasane's book, A Mathematics Introduction to General Relativity is out now! This book aims to give a mathematical presentation of the theory of general relativity (that is, spacetime-geometry-based gravitation theory) to advanced undergraduate mathematics students. Mathematicians will find spacetime physics presented in the definition-theorem-proof format familiar to them.
Buy your copy here.
October 2024: Richard Rado Prize Winner
We're excited to share that Bento Natura has been awarded the prestigious 2024 Richard Rado Prize by the DMV for his dissertation, "Exact Linear Programming." This is a major honour recognising his outstanding work.
Read more here.
October 2024: Congratulations to Prof Olivier Gossner
A huge congratulations to Professor Olivier Gossner on being elected a Fellow of the Econometric Society!
The Econometric Society, founded in 1930, is a prestigious international organisation that recognises outstanding contributions to the field of economic theory in its relation to statistics and mathematics. Election as a Fellow is a significant honour, and Professor Gossner's selection is a testament to his exceptional research and scholarship.We extend our warmest congratulations to Professor Gossner on this prestigious honour.
See the full list of elected fellows here.
October 2024: LSE 100 Prizewinner - Mateusz Mikolajczak
This year, the Sir Robert Worcester Award for Exceptional Academic Performance was awarded to Mateusz Mikolajczak (LSE Department of Mathematics), who achieved the highest total mark on LSE100 across the entire cohort. Read more about this fantastic news here.
September 2024: Dr Ofelia Bonesini - winner of the Nicola Liberati Prize
We are delighted to announce that our new Assistant Professor, Dr Ofelia Bonesini has won the prestigious Bachelier Finance Society Bruti-Liberati prize for the best PhD thesis in Financial Mathematics. Read more about this fantastic achievement here.
July 2024: Class of 2024 Graduation
Huge congratulations to our Class of 2024! From our undergraduates to MSc Financial Mathematics and PhD students, we’re incredibly proud of your accomplishments.
July 2024: Farr Prize Prize
The Farr Prize is awarded to the best performer in final year examinations for a BSc student in the Department of Mathematics or Statistics.
This year, we are delighted to announce that Ines De Rivera Samper is the winner of the Farr Prize! Congratulations!
July 2024: Wynne-Roberts Prizes
The Wynne-Roberts Prizes are awarded to first and second-year students who have performed best in their mathematics courses.
Congratulations to Ishana Nirupama-Ramesh, a first-year BSc Mathematics and Economics student.
For our second-year cohort, our winner is Oscar Dun, a BSc Mathematics with Economics student. Congratulations!
July 2024: Cyril Offord Prize
A huge congratulations to Mahin Khandaker for his fantastic results and hard work!
The Cyril Offord Prize for outstanding performance in mathematics is awarded each year to a student(s) on one of the following programmes: BSc Financial Mathematics & Statistics, BSc in Mathematics & Economics, BSc Mathematics with Economics and BSc in Mathematics, Statistics & Business.
July 2024: John Ying Wah Gibson Citizenship and Voluntary Prizes
Congratulations to Eugene Shcherbinin, the winner of the Citizenship Prize, for all his hard work and dedication to society and the LSE community!
Also, a big congratulations to Ahmad Reshad Walizada, the winner of the Voluntary Work Award! We are so proud of everything you have achieved.
Details of the Prize and Award can be read here.
June 2024: London Mathematical Society Summer School 2024
Congratulations to undergraduate students Eugene Shcherbinin and San Cingay! We are delighted to announce that two of our very own students have been accepted to the prestigious London Mathematical Society Summer School for 2024! This programme introduces top undergraduates to cutting-edge mathematics and fosters future mathematicians. Find out more about the LMS Summer School here.
March 2024: Combinatorial Theory Seminar at the University of Oxford
Dr Robert Simon recently spoke at the Combinatorial Theory Seminar at Oxford University. His talk was on 'Paradoxical Decompositions and Colouring Rules' and took place on March 5 2024. Click here to find out more.
January 2024: New Program Director of the SIAM Activity Group on Financial Mathematics and Engineering
We are always delighted to announce good news in our Department; this is no exception. Professor Luitgard Veraart has recently been elected as the Program Director of the SIAM Activity Group on Financial Mathematics and Engineering and her term will be from January 1, 2024, until December 31, 2025. We are incredibly proud of Luitgard’s achievement and know she will do an excellent job! Click here to learn more.
December 2023: MSc Prize Winners
Congratulations to Orianna Akker, and Sean Wijesekera (MSc Applicable Mathematics), joint winners of the Haya Freedman Award for the best dissertation, and Nicolas Burger, winner of the Ailsa Land Prize for best overall performance by a student on the MSc Operations & Analytics programme. These are both fantastic achievements and thoroughly deserved!
November 2023: Dr Galit Ashkenazi-Golan - Discovering Academia
Dr Galit Ashkenazi-Golan was recently invited to discuss her research with the 'Discovering Academia' podacast, and we are delighted to say that we can now share this with!
Click the link to hear this fascinating podcast here.
October 2023: Winner of the EDI Poster Competition Announced
A huge well done to our EDI Poster Competition winner, Wee Jern and runner-up, Kate Barker!
Earlier this year, we asked all members of the Department to support our efforts in promoting an inclusive environment for all by designing a poster to reflect our values, and we are delighted to say that the submissions more than delivered. So, if you are visiting the Department soon, keep an eye out for our brand-new EDI posters!
October 2023: Mathematics Students Win at the LSE100 Awards
This year's LSE100 Awards Reception took place on Tuesday, 10 October 2023! The LSE100 team were joined by students and staff from across the School in celebrating the award winners from the 2022-23 first-year undergraduate cohort. We are proud to announce that amongst the winners were Lorraine Tan and Ewaensiha Aihie from the Department of Mathematics. Lorraine and Ewaensiha won the LSE100 Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement for their project "Development of a Wearable Driver Drowsiness & Alcohol Level Detection System".
Read more about the LSE100 Winners Reception here.
August 2023: Professor Végh Wins Award at The International Congress of Basic Science
Last month, our very own Professor László Végh won an award for his paper entitled, A constant-Factor Approximation Algorithm for the Asymmetric Travelling Salesmen Problem. Written in collaboration with Ola Svensson and Jakub Tarnawski and published in the Journal of ACM in 2020, it was recognised with a Frontiers of Science Award in Theoretical Computer Science at the International Congress of Basic Science. The event took place at the new Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications in July 2023, and the paper resolved a longstanding question by giving the first constant factor approximation algorithm for the asymmetric travelling salesman problem. Read more about this fantastic award here.
August 2023: Dr Marie Oldfield Awarded a SFHEA
A huge well done to Dr Marie Oldfield who was recently awarded a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Dr Oldfield also received high praise from the review panel for "her significant contribution to high-quality student learning" and "her profound insights into effective approaches to teaching and learning support."
Launched in 2006 and last revised in 2011, the Professional Standards Framework for teaching and supporting learning in higher education (PSF) has global recognition for raising the profile of teaching and learning in higher education.
Find out more about the award here.
July 2023: John Ying Wah Gibson Citizenship and Voluntary Prizes
We are excited to announce the winners of the John Ying Wah Gibson prizes! Congratulations to Wee Jern Wong for winning the Voluntary Work Award and to James Relf for winning the Citizenship Prize! Well done to the both of you, this is a fantastic achievement!
Find out more about the prize here.
July 2023: Joseph Abraham Prize
The Joseph Abraham Prize is named after an MSc Financial Mathematics student who sadly died in 2015. This award is given to those on the same programme who have shown outstanding achievement in their studies on the MSc Financial Mathematics degree.
This year's winner of the Joseph Abraham Prize is Marcus Piil Pedersen! This is a very special achievement and a reward for all of your hard work!
July 2023: PhD Prize for Outstanding Academic Performance
We are delighted to announe that the winner of the PhD Prize for Outstanding Academic Performance is Bento Natura! Bento graduated in 2022 with his thesis on 'Exact linear programming: circuits, curvature and diameter'.
Find out more about the award here.
June 2023: LSE- Warwick Workshop on Search Games and Patrolling
Search games are concerned with a game theoretic approach to search-and-rescue, search games have connections to resource allocation, patrolling, bounded-resource reasoning and scheduling theory. The workshops will feature a combination of presentations, and plenty of time for informal discussions. The workshops will take place at LSE, Vera Anstey Room, Old Building on Monday 3 July from 10.30am to 5pm and Warwick Business School Centre at the Shard on Tuesday 4 July from 10.30am to 4pm.
To register email
May 2023: Department of Mathematics New Teacher Prize and LSE Class Teacher Awards
We are delighted to announce that many of our fantastic class teachers have won awards in the Department and across the School! We are so proud of all their hard work and dedication to teaching at LSE.
Congratulations to Edward Plumb and Aron Fulop, for winning our Department's New Teacher Prize! Our winners at the LSE Class Teacher Awards are Calum Robson, Erin Hales and Niccolo Salvatori. Also, a huge well done to Tony Whelan, Yueying Sun and Ivan Solonenko for being highly commended. Find out more here.
May 2023: Vacancy in the Department of Mathematics
We are currently hiring for class teaching positions. Please see our Recruitment page for more information on the role and how to apply here.
April 2023: Xinyu Xu Awarded PhD!
We are delighted to announce that Xinyi Xu has been awarded her PhD. Please join us in congratulating Xinyi and her supervisor, Professor Jan van den Heuvel on this fantastic achievement! If you'd like to find out more about doing a PhD in the Department of Mathematics, click here.
March 2023: Prof Luitgard Veraart's work published in The European Money and Finance Forum
A huge well done to Professor Veraart for her Policy Brief on CCPs United: the dangers of shared clearing membership; click here to read.
March 2023: Congratulations to Dr Ahmad Abdi
We are delighted to announce that Ahmad Abdi has successfully passed Major Review and has now been promoted to Associate Professor. Congratulations, Ahmad!
January 2023: Operational Research Society Doctoral Award
The Doctoral Award is awarded annually to successful candidates at the OR Society's Blackett lecture. We are delighted to announce that Dr Edin Husic, who completed his PhD LSE, was recently announced as runner-up for his thesis, entitled; Nashelfare, valuated matroids and gross substitutes. Congratulations Edin!
December 2022: Ailsa Land Prize
The Ailsa Land Prize, which is awarded for the best overall performance by a student on the MSc in Operations & Analytics. This year, we are delighted to announce that the winner of the Ailsa Land Prize is Jinghan Yang.
December 2022: Haya Freedman Prize
Congratulations to Edward Plumb, winner of the Haya Freedman Prize. This prize is awarded for the best dissertation produced by a student on the MSc in Applicable Mathematics.
November 2022: Civica Research Project
We are delighted to announce that the LSE Department of Mathematics has won funding in CIVICA's third call for collaborative research proposals. As part of the CIVICA priority area "Data Driven Technologies for Social Sciences", the project "Multi-agent learning and equilibrium" will run from October 2022 to October 2023 in London, Milan and Stockholm. The researchers for this project from LSE are Dr. Galit Ashkenazi-Golan, Dr. Katerina Papadaki and Professor Bernhard von Stengel.
July 2022: Class of 2022 Graduation
Congratulations to our Class of 2022! From our undergraduates to our MSc Financial Mathematics programme, we're so proud of you all and your achievements! Find out more about your Alumni community here.
July 2022: IMA Prize
We are delighted to announce that Yiyang Hua, a BSc Financial Mathematics and Statistics student, has been awarded the IMA Prize! The prize, awarded by the Institute of Mathematics and its applications, awards students who display an outstanding performance in the final year of an IMA approved course. Congratuations Yiyang!
July 2022: Farr Prize Prize
The Farr Prize is awarded to the best performers in final year examinations for a BSc student in the Department of Mathematics or Statistics.
This year, we are delighted to announce that Yue Tang and Jake Webb are the joint winners of the Farr Prize! Congratulations!
July 2022: Wynne-Roberts Prizes
The Wynne-Roberts Prizes are awarded to both first and second year students who have achieved best performance in their mathematics courses.
Congratulations to Mahin Khandaker, who is a current first year student on the BSc Mathematics with Economics.
For our second year cohort, our winners are Shah Ishaan Elahi and Patrick Liu Ran Braun on the BSc Financial Mathematics & Statistics programme and the BSc Mathematics with Economics programme. Congratulations!
July 2022: Cyril Offord Prize
The Cyril Offord Prize for outstanding performance in mathematics is awarded each year to a student(s) on one of the following programmes: BSc Financial Mathematics & Statistics, BSc in Mathematics & Economics, BSc Mathematics with Economics and BSc in Mathematics, Statistics & Business.
Congratulations to our joint winners Haoyuan Ma and Zeng Zhang on their amazing results and hard work!
July 2022: Joseph Abraham Prize
The Joseph Abraham Prize, named after an MSc Financial Mathematics student who sadly died in 2015, is given to those on the same programme who have shown outstanding achievement in their studies on the MSc Financial Mathematics degree.
This year we have joint winners! Congratulations to Xueqi Wang and Luis Ramon Alonso Clavijo for your amazing work and achievements.
July 2022: John Ying Wah Gibson Citizenship and Voluntary Prizes
Congratulations to Jade Lee, the winner of the Citizenship Prize, for all her hard work and dedication to society and the LSE community!
Also a big congratulations to Grace Oswald, the winner of the Voluntary Work Award! We are so proud of everything you have achieved.
Details fo the Prize and Award can be read here.
July 2022: Catch-Up Graduation for Class of 2020
We were so happy to be able to celebrate with our Class of 2020 two years after they left LSE. Thank you to everyone who attended - it was lovely to see campus thriving and to catch up with everyone after so long. Keep in touch via our Alumni page here.
July 2022: PhD Prize for Outstanding Academic Performance
We are delighted to announce that Nóra Frankl and Weiguan Wang are joint winners of the Department of Mathematics' PhD Prize for Outstanding Academic Performance! Nóra graduated in 2020 with her thesis on 'On some problems in combinatorial geometry', and Weiguan Wang graduated in 2021 with his thesis on 'Statistical Hedging with Neural Networks'. Find out more about the prize here.
June 2022: Vacancies in the Department of Mathematics
We are currently hiring to faculty, professional services and class teaching positions in the Department. Please see our Recruitment webpage for more information on the roles and how to apply. Deadlines are fast approaching, so don't miss out!
May 2022: Research Excellence Framework 2021
We are extremely proud that the quality of our research, which was submitted jointly with the Department of Statistics, has been recognised by the assessors in the 2021 Research Excellence Framework (REF 2021). Overall, these outstanding results saw our submission to REF 2021 ranked joint 9th in the UK for Mathematical Sciences (based on Times Higher rankings). Find out more about our REF 2021 results here.
May 2022: Vacancy for Research Officer in Algorithms and Optimisation
We are looking to appoint a Research Officer to contribute to two research grant projects with Professor László Végh and Dr Neil Olver as principal investigators. Closing date 13 May 2022. Find out more here.
January 2022: New YouTube Channel
We are excited to announce our new YouTube channel is now live! It features videos of our public lecture events, research and other talks by the Department. Watch and subscribe here!
January 2022: Athena Swan Silver Award
We are delighted to announce we have been awarded the Athena Swan Silver Award by Advance HE! The Athena Swan Charter is a framework to support and transform gender equality within higher education. Find out more about Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) in the Department here.
November 2021: Haya Freedman Prize
Congratulations to our winner Guillaume Toujas-Bernate for winning the Haya Freedman Prize! The prize is awarded annually for the best dissertation produced by a student on the MSc in Applicable Mathematics. More information on the prize can be found here.
November 2021: Ailsa Land Prize
Congratulations to Kaiyun Wu for winning the Ailsa Land Prize! The Ailsa Land Prize is awarded annually for the best overall performance by a student on the MSc Operations Research & Analytics. More information on the prize can be found here.
September 2021: BSHM Undergraduate Essay Prize
We are delighted to announce that George Waters, who took our MA318 History of Mathematics in Finance and Economics course in 2020-21, has jointly won the British Society for the History of Mathematics Undergraduate Essay Prize. Congratulations George! You can read his essay, which has been adapted for our blog, here.
September 2021: German Operations Research Society PhD Prize
One of our new postdoctoral researchers, Dr Franziska Eberle, has won a prize for her PhD thesis from the German Operations Research Society! Congratulations Franziska! Find out more here.
August 2021: Wilkins-Bernal-Medawar Medal
We are delighted to hear Professor June Barrow-Green, a Visiting Professor here in the Department, has won the Royal Society's Wilkins-Bernal-Medawar Medal and Lecture for 2021! She was awarded the medal for her research in 19th and 20th century mathematics, notably on historical roots of modern computing, dynamical systems and the three-body problem.
July 2021: Farr Prize Prize
The Farr Prize is awarded to the best performers in final year examinations for a BSc student in the Department of Mathematics or Statistics. This year, we are delighted to announce that Natasha Tai is the winner of the Farr Prize! Congratulations Natasha!
July 2021: IMA Prize
We are delighted to announce that Hamish Lai, a BSc Mathematics with Economics student, has been awarded the IMA Prize! The prize, awarded by the Institute of Mathematics and its applications, awards students who display an outstanding performance in the final year of an IMA approved course. Congratuations Hamish!
July 2021: Wynne-Roberts Prizes
The Wynne-Roberts Prizes are awarded to both first and second year students who have achieved best performance in their mathematics courses.
Congratulations to Jacopo Chirico, who is a current first year student on the BSc Mathematics & Economics.
For our second year cohort, our winner is Haoyuan Ma on the BSc Mathematics with Economics programme. Congratulations!
July 2021: Cyril Offord Prize
The Cyril Offord Prize for outstanding performance in mathematics is awarded each year to a student on one of the following programmes: BSc Financial Mathematics & Statistics, BSc in Mathematics & Economics, BSc Mathematics with Economics and BSc in Mathematics, Statistics & Business.
Congratulations to Natasha Tai, a BSc Financial Mathematics & Statistics student, on her amazing results and hard work!
July 2021: Joseph Abraham Prize
The Joseph Abraham Prize, named after an MSc Financial Mathematics student who sadly died in 2015, is given to those on the same programme who have shown outstanding achievement in their studies on the MSc Financial Mathematics degree.
This year we have joint winners! Congratulations to Sam Adamson and Alex Thornton for your amazing work and achievements.
July 2021: John Ying Wah Gibson Citizenship and Voluntary Prizes
Congratulations to Celine Mano, the winner of the Citizenship Prize, for all her hard work and dedication to society and the LSE community!
Also a big congratulations to Emad Naghavi, the winner of the Voluntary Work Award! We are so proud of everything you have achieved.
Details fo the Prize and Award can be read here.