2020 marking the 20th anniversary of the UN Security Council women, peace and security (WPS) agenda, the momentum around the key principles and issues of the agenda is gaining attention globally. This renewed energy and focus is important, but it is only effective if the commitments made are realised and fully implemented. To do so requires significant immediate and long-term changes in the ways in which conflict and peace analysis is done, responses prioritised, and institutions and bureaucracies adapted.
The momentum and vision for this change has come from individuals working as peacebuilders, delivering development humanitarian relief, working for justice and security sector reform and the prevention of sexual violence and violent extremism.To honour these pioneers and share the extraordinary personal stories and experiences that are shaping this global agenda, and sustain the momentum for action beyond the 20th anniversary, the LSE Centre for Women Peace and Security is launched a ‘Dialogue with the Director’ series of events.
The events in the series aligned with key themes that are addressed across the 11 resolutions, and feature three guests who are active on the issues, interviewed by the director of the LSE Centre for Women, Peace and Security, Sanam Naraghi Anderlini MBE.
Watch our snapshot video of the 21 in 2021 series, honoring pioneering women peacebuilders.
The Coming of Age of The Women, Peace and Security: 21 in 2021
Watch this snapshot video of the 21 in 2021 series, honoring pioneering women peacebuilders. ICAN
Image credit: UN Women (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
The 21st Anniversary of the WPS Agenda: Progress or Regress?
Sanam Naraghi Anderlini MBE will talks with three generations of Women peacebuilders: Dr. Hanan Ashrawi, a pioneer, whose work is among the inspirational forces behind the agenda; Enass Muzamel, a humanitarian practitioner and human rights activist, spearheading civic and youth engagement; and Ahlem Nasraoui, a leader and influencer, embracing new methods and practices for peacebuilding.
Watch the event
Is Peace Just the Absence of War?
21 September marks the International Day of Peace, an opportunity to commit to building a culture of peace. But what exactly is a culture of peace and how do we build it? On this 40th anniversary of World Peace Day our world is far from peaceful.
This event is the 6th session in the Coming of Age of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda series.
Watch the event
Survival and Activism under Occupation
With a focus on Myanmar and Palestine, for our fifth session in the Coming of Age of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda series asks how do social activists survive and thrive under military dictatorships and occupation forces?
Watch the event
The 21 in 2021 series was co-hosted with The International Civil Society Action Network (ICAN) and The Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy.