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LSE WPS regularly publishes policy briefings, reports and academic papers. You can find an archive of the Centre's output, as well as audio recordings of events, below. 



Policy Brief Series

The Centre for Women, Peace and Security Policy Brief Series presents policy analysis and recommendations arising from academic research and practice in the global field of women, peace and security.



WPS Policy 2025

The Borders of Solidarity: War and Displacement of Ukrainian Roma Women Refugees in Poland

Iliana Sarafian, Agnieszka Caban and Alice Robinson (01/2025)

With special thanks to the following contributors: Roksana Mroczek Wajs, Karolina Kwiatkowska, Karol Kwiatkowski, Kamila Fiałkowska, Ignacy Józwiak, Maksym Nakonieczny, Agnieszka Koscianska, Helena Patzer and Elżbieta Mirga-Wójtowicz. 


The Future of the UK’s Women, Peace and Security Policy

Paul Kirby, Hannah Wright and Aisling Swaine (07/2022)

This briefing evaluates the UK’s contribution to the Women, Peace and Security agenda over the last fifteen years. Addressing strengths and limitations, it analyses successive thematic priorities, maps WPS spending, and considers common criticism. It draws out recommendations for future plans on infrastructure and monitoring, domestic applications and policy ambition.

Image credit: Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

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Criminalising the sex buyer: experiences from the Nordic Region 

Niina Vuolajärvi (06/2022)

This brief examines the effects of criminalisation of sex buying on sex workers and people in the sex trade, especially on their vulnerability to violence and exploitation. Because in the Nordic region, as in many other countries, many of the people in the sex trade are migrants, this brief also examines how the policing of commercial sex under the ‘Nordic model’ intersects with immigration policies and their enforcement. 

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An inclusive and sustainable approach to relief and recovery

Our Generation for Inclusive Peace (OGIP) (05/2022)

This policy brief provides tangible recommendations
to power holders, including multilateral organisations, governments and INGOs, with the goal of generating radically transformative and truly inclusive policy interventions to ensure that relief and recovery is meaningful, just and sustainable. 

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Gender Mainstreaming in Peacebuilding

An Jacobs and Katerina Krulisova (04/2021)

This brief outlines the key challenges to the operational implementation of gender mainstreaming in operational contexts through interviews with peacebuilders deployed to EU and UN missions in Mali, the Central African Republic, Niger, Kosovo, and Georgia and makes policy recommendations to help overcome these obstacles for successful implementation.

Image credit: UN Women (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

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Defending the Future: Gender, Conflict and Environmental Peace

Helen Kezie-Nwoha, Keina Yoshida, Hannah Bond (03/2021)

The year 2021 marks the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of Parties (COP26) which is set to take place in Glasgow in November. This brief centres women and girls’ lived realities of climate change to call for transformative change for a greener, safer and more equal world.

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Women Human Rights Defenders: Left behind in the women, peace and security agenda

Amy Dwyer (02/2020)

Twenty years on from the UN Declaration on Human Rights Defenders, and 10 resolutions later, woman human rights defenders (WHRDs) continue to face gendered obstacles in their work. This policy brief outlines how the UN Security Council, states and donors can deliver on their commitments to protect WHRDs more effectively.

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Multiple Deployments, Cross-Border War-Women and Implications for Building Stronger Military Institutions 

Grace Akello (01/2020)

Frequent deployment of Ugandan military personnel simultaneously contributes to improved security in the immediate sense in some countries, but when protracted, deployments can have complex social, economic and psychological impacts. This brief explores these impacts and makes recommendations to mitigate these protracted challenges. 


Women, Peace and Security blog

The LSE WPS blog aims to make a gender analysis of peace and security available in an accessible way for a wide readership. We welcome well-argued, evidence-based submissions that can improve public debate and that explore contemporary issues relating to women, peace and security and women’s human rights in conflict-affected contexts:


External articles by LSE WPS people

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Defending the Future: Gender, Conflict and Environmental Peace

Hannah Bond, Helen Kezie-Nwoha and Dr Keina Yoshida

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Drawing on the continuum: a war and post-war political economy of gender-based violence in Bosnia and Herzegovina

International Feminist Journal of Politics, Vesna Bojicic-Dzelilovic, Marsha Henry & Denisa Kostovicova, 2020.

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The Futures of Women, Peace and Security Special issue of International Affairs, featuring articles by Paul Kirby and Laura J  Shepherd, March 2016.

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Velásquez Paiz et al v Guatemala 2-part blog on the Oxford Human Rights Hub by Lucia Mazzuca and Keina Yoshida, August 2016.
Part I: Gender Stereotypes and Lack of Justice I Part II: Femicide in Guatemala.

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Why Hasn’t the British Government Taken This Vital Step Against Gender Violence? Christine Chinkin on the Istanbul Convention, in The Conversation, June 2016. 

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Can gender training change military culture? Aiko Holvikivi, March 2016.

Reports and Briefings

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Implementing the Women, Peace and Security Agenda in the OSCE Region by Henri Myrttinen, Laura J Shepherd, and Hannah Wright

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Closing the Protection Gap for Children Born of War: addressing stigmatisation and the  intergenerational impact of sexual violence in conflict by Joanne Neenan, June 2018 Read the Report


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'I lost my dignity': Sexual and gender-based violence in the Syrian Arab Republic A commentary on the Conference Room Paper of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the the Syrian Arab Republic, by Christine Chinkin and Madeleine Rees. With  WILPF Read the Report

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Displacement and Women's Economic Empowerment: Voices of Displaced Women in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq by Zeynep N. Kaya and Kyra Luchtenberg, April 2018  Executive Summary I Full Report  With Women for Women International UK and Gender Action for Peace and Security

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Stigma and Children Born of War. Centre for Women, Peace and Security, October 2017. Read the concept note and workshop overview.  

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Preventing/Countering Violent Extremism and Women, Peace and Security: Concepts, Practices and Moving Forward. Centre for Women, Peace and Security, August 2017. Read the Key Issues Report

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Recommendations for the UK National Action Plan on women, peace and security. Centre for Women, Peace and Security, May 2017. Read the recommendations

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Experts' Meeting: Sexual Violence in Conflict and the UK's Women, Peace and Security Agenda. Centre for Women, Peace and Security; Women for Women International; Gender Action for Peace and Security; 31 October 2016. Read the Chairs' Summary

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Women, Peace and Security in Iraq. Zeynep Kaya. LSE Middle East Centre, August 2016. Read the report.

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Regional Approaches to Combating Violence against Women: The Istanbul Convention Christine Chinkin's speaking notes for a talk delivered at LSE WPS workshop, 4 February 2016. Read the notes (PDF).

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Women, Peace and Security: What does it mean in the contemporary world? Christine Chinkin at PRIO Centre on Gender, Peace and Security  in Oslo, Norway. 15 February 2016. Read the transcript (PDF).

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Towards a Fuller Implementation of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda Lucía MazzucaRead the briefing (PDF).

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No Shame in Justice: Addressing stigma against survivors to end sexual violence in conflict zones Hilary Stauffer and Erica Hall. Read the World Vision report (PDF).

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What next for the UK Women, Peace and Security agenda? 9 November 2015. Read the summary report (PDF) I Storify of the event I Social media round up from Women for Women International.

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Report to the UN expert panel reviewing the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 Read the report  (PDF).



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Centre for Women, Peace & Security, London School of Economics and Political Science, Houghton Street, London WC2A 2AE

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