The Women, Peace and Security community has responded to the COVID-19 pandemic though research, commentary, analysis and advocacy calling on governments and policy makers to make gender responsive decisions in their response efforts and to acknowledge and respond to the gendered nature of pandemics.
Organisations and individuals globally have been quick to put together lists of resources, articles and upcoming events from the community. We would like to share the work the centre is doing to support the WPS community, women peacebuilders and advocates in their work, our work to bring an intersection of voices to the dialogue around the pandemic, and situate the importance of evidence-based research in decision-making processes.
“Waging war” against “a little flu” – Masculinities & COVID-19 - 30th July, 14:00 - 15:00 (BST)
This event will explore how individual and institutional responses to the pandemic have at times been shaped by stereotypically ‘masculine’ ideas of what catastrophes look like and how they need to be managed. We will consider if and how these responses have fallen short of recognising the reality of pandemics and understanding what is needed for communities to cope
Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in the time of COVID-19: A hidden pandemic?
Looking at the ways the global COVID-19 pandemic has impacted sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) from the perspectives of policy making, advocacy and practice.
Watch the event.
The COVID-19 Crisis Response: Putting Women at the Centre
Perhaps more than previous epidemics, COVID-19 has demonstrated that whilst outbreaks can affect anyone, women are often differentially affected – within the home, within the economy and within policy space. This seminar considers the role of women in leadership and the impact of COVID-19 on women.
Watch the event.
The Women, Peace and Security community has been quick to respond to the need for a gendered response to the pandemic. Organisations and individuals have put together lists of resources, articles and upcoming events from the WPS community.
We have listed a few of these resources here, and we hope you find them useful in bringing a gendered-lens to the pandemic, in holding governments to account and in offering support to those who need it most.