This exhibition has been designed to stimulate interest in the often-neglected stories around women, weapons and disarmament.
The topic has been the subject of study by researchers on the Feminist International Law of Peace and Security project who have asked:
- How, if at all, can war be prevented?
- What have weapons and disarmament got to do with conflict prevention and advancing peace and security?
- How might feminist approaches to international law provide different answers to age old problems?
The exhibition reflects the intellectual journey of the researchers who have been involved in this work and integrates archival material together with the research outputs generated through hyper-links in the text.
The exhibition is structured around four sub-themes:
- Conflict prevention & investing in peace
- Feminist activism
- Reframing the discourse
- Rethinking international law
You can access these pages by clicking on the boxes to your right, along with work produced by team researchers on these topics.
This exhibition is funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council and the European Research Council.