Myanmar 1920 x 830


Survival and Activism under Occupation

Hosted by the Centre for Women, Peace and Security

Online public event


Dr Agnes Callamard

Dr Agnes Callamard

Secretary General, Amnesty International

May Sabe Phyu

May Sabe Phyu

Director of the Gender Equality Network

Lucy Geries Talgieh

Lucy Geries Talgieh

Palestinian Council member and peacebuilder


Sanam Naraghi Anderlini MBE

Sanam Naraghi Anderlini MBE

Director, LSE Centre for Women, Peace and Security

The impact of the February coup in Myanmar is ongoing, and we have seen yet another resurgence of violent conflict in Palestine and Israel. So, when the tanks roll in, the bombs drop, the raids and the arbitrary arrests begin how do social activists survive and thrive under military dictatorships and occupation forces?

With a focus on Myanmar and Palestine, for our fifth session in the Coming of Age of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda series, Sanam Naraghi Anderlini MBE will be in conversation with Agnes Callamard, Secretary General at Amnesty International and formerly the UN Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial, Summary or Arbitrary Killings; May Sabe Phyu, Director of the Gender Equality Network; and Lucy Talgieh, Palestinian Council member and peacebuilder from Wi'am: The Palestinian Conflict Transformation Center

The talk will Illustrate daily life under occupation, the risks and choices taken, the strategies of those fighting for change through non-violent means, and the personal cost of trauma and insecurity that prevails. The panellists will also discuss the role and obligations of international actors in supporting local peacebuilders and human rights defenders in preventing violence and finding sustainable and transformative solutions for peace.

Meet our speakers and chair

Dr Agnes Callamard (@AgnesCallamard) is the Secretary General at Amnesty International. She leads the organisation's human rights work and is its chief spokesperson. She is responsible for providing overall leadership of the International Secretariat, including setting the strategic direction for the organisation and managing relations with Amnesty International’s national entities. Agnès has been a prominent figure in the human rights world for decades. In 2016, she was appointed as the United Nations Special Rapporteur on extra-judicial, summary or arbitrary killings. As a leading advocate for freedom of expression, a feminist and an anti-racism activist, she pushes out the frontiers of rights through her scholarship and advocacy.

May Sabe Phyu (@GenSabe) is the Director of the Gender Equality Network, a coalition of 140 organizations collaborating to advocate for women’s rights and to end discrimination against women and ethnic minorities in Myanmar. She works in the areas of the prevention of violence against women, law reform and women's engagement to bring peace. Ms. Sabe Phyu co-founded the Kachin Peace Network and Kachin Women Peace Network and was honored with the International Women of Courage Award by the State Secretary of the United States of America in 2015 and the Global Trailblazer Award in 2017 by Georgetown University's Institute for WPS. 

Lucy Geries Talgieh (@lucygeries) is a Palestinian woman, activist, and passionate advocate for gender and human rights. She strives to eradicate extremism and promote a more peaceful homeland through her leading role in Wi’am Palestinian Conflict Resolution and Transformation Centre. She is a member of numerous national and regional networks addressing gender-based discrimination and violence. Ms. Talgieh participated in the 1325 national coalition, developed the national action plan, and served on the national committee working on the CEDAW shadow report. She led many campaigns to advance women’s roles in society and holds a MA in Democracy and Human Rights from Birzeit University.

Chair:  Sanam Naraghi Anderlini MBE (@sanambna) is Director of the LSE Centre for Women, Peace and Security and the founder of The International Civil Society Action Network (ICAN)

This event is co-hosted by The International Civil Society Action Network (ICAN) and The Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy

Image credit: Saw Wunna


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