Journal Articles
Violations of the Heart: Parental harm in war and oppression, by Rebekka Freidman and Hanna Ketola (2024)
Reintegration of Amnestied LRA Ex-Combatants and Survivors’ Resistance Acts in Acholiland, Northern Uganda, by Grace Akello (2023)
The Right to Information and Transformative Development Outcomes, by Mario Gomez (2023)
Revealing the Relational Mechanisms of Research for Development Through Social Network Analysis, by Mazeda Hossain and Evelyn Pauls (2023)
The evolution of funding for the International Criminal Court: Budgets, donors and gender justice, by Eric Wiebelhaus-Brahm and Kirsten Ainley (2023)
How are Research for Development Programmes Implementing and Evaluating Equitable Partnerships to Address Power Asymmetries?, by Michelle Callander and Sally Theobald (2023)
Gender at the Intersection between the Armed Conflict and Peace Building in Colombia: A Balance, by Angelika Rettberg, Luisa Salazar and Maria Gabriela Vargas (2022)
Navigating colonial debris: structural challenges for Colombia’s peace accord, Clare Wright, Bill Rolston and Fionnuala Ni Aolain (2022)
The Limits of Equality and Gender Discourses in Counter-Terrorism: The Case of Women and Children in Syria and Iraq, by Fionnuala Ni Aolain (2021)
Violencia en América Latina hoy: manifestaciones e impactos, by Angelika Rettberg (2020)
Women, Peace, and Security: Mapping the (Re)Production of a Policy Ecosystem, by Paul Kirby and Laura Shepherd (2020)
Sexual violence in the border zone: the EU, the Women, Peace and Security agenda and carceral humanitarianism in Libya, Paul Kirby (2020)
Moving toward ‘home’: love and relationships through war and displacement, by Holly Porter (2020)
Violence in Latin America - a special issue of Revista de Estudios Sociales, by Angelika Rettberg (2020)
Colombia in 2019: The Paradox of Plenty, by Angelika Rettberg (2019)
Peace-Making Amidst an Unfinished Social Contract: The Case of Colombia, by Angelika Rettberg (2019)
Varieties of reconciliation in violent contexts: lessons from Colombia, by Angelika Rettberg (2019)
For the full set of publications, please visit the Gender, Justice and Security Hub.