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LSE facilities and services

Discover what facilities and services are available to you while you're at LSE Summer School


4 min read

Can I use the LSE Careers Service?

Unfortunately, Summer School students are not entitled to use all of the services offered by the LSE Careers Service. However, Summer School students may use their open-access website, which offers a huge range of advice and information including job-hunting websites along with lots of information about CVs and employment sectors. There are also leaflets and booklets in the Careers Resource Centre on the 5th floor of the Saw Swee Hock Centre.

As a Summer School student, you will also have access to our exclusive professional skills programme: Spark. This programme includes extracurricular workshops and classes specifically designed to enhance your professional development.


Will I have full access to the library and its facilities?

All LSE Summer School participants have full access to the library and its facilities. Students are encouraged to make full use of LSE facilities and will be given a library card once they register. Photocopying and computing facilities are also available for you to use.


Should I bring my own laptop?

All students will be required to bring their own laptop to Summer School. Once registered at LSE, students will be given instructions on how to set up IT accounts, including an LSE email address.


Can I use the gym?

Summer School students will have access to the gym facilities on campus, at a heavily reduced rate. More details on this can be found in your arrival information pack.


Are there eating and drinking facilities on campus?

LSE Catering offers a fantastic choice of food and drink at its restaurants, cafes and bars. More details on this can be found in your arrival information pack.