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Course Spotlight - MG110: The Science and Art of Decision Making

Dive into the student experience of Summer School course MG110 with Tommaso!


7 min read

We sat down with Tommaso, who took MG110: The Science and Art of Decision Making, to find out what he took from the course, and why it is relevant to us all, regardless of background. 


Why did you decide to attend LSE Summer School?

I decided to attend LSE Summer School to broaden my perspectives. Coming from an engineering background I wanted to learn more about business and management as well as behavioural economics.

Why did you choose your course?

The title of the course intrigued me because it seemed a unique course that mixed behavioural sciences and psychology with business and management. Coming from a scientific background, I was curious to find out about the bridge between behavioural sciences and management. I was always interested in psychology and wanted to know how it could be integrated with business and economics within the context of decision making.

Tell us about an average day as a student on your course.

My average day started with a 3-hour lecture in the morning with all my course mates. We would then go out for lunch – I highly recommend checking out Guido’s, an Italian take-away restaurant next to campus! Then we would usually have seminars in the afternoon, which were very interactive classes with a smaller group of students where we prepared our group project. The atmosphere was very friendly, so we really enjoyed both the lectures and the classes. After classes there were often events organised by LSE Summer School and we were balancing those events with studying in the library as well as exploring London. It was great fun whilst intellectually rewarding.

What was your favourite part of your course?

My favourite part of the course was the multidisciplinary nature of it. It would include and combine aspects of psychology, business and economics all within the context of decision making which was incredibly interesting. This topic was particularly relevant because we all face decisions both in our personal and professional lives regardless of our careers and backgrounds. A well-structured course that I would highly recommend to someone curious to learn something new and useful.

What advice would you give to students considering your course?

My advice to students considering this course would be to apply for it. The lecturers and teaching assistants were incredibly helpful and engaging. I would highly recommend this course, and LSE Summer School as a whole.

What are your short-term professional goals, and how does your course contribute to these goals?

My short-term professional goals are to gain experiences that would broaden my business acumen as well as managerial skills. Learning about the decision-making processes that we use on a day-to-day basis has certainly helped me to reach this goal.

Was meeting and talking to other students on your course easy?

Meeting and talking to other students on the course was incredibly easy. Everyone was open minded and wanted to make new friends. We all had similar interests, so it was very natural chatting to them and getting to know each other.

What would be your top tip for future Summer School students?

My top tip for future Summer School students would be to speak with as many students as possible with an open mind and make the most out of this unique and fantastic opportunity.

How would you explain your course to someone who has never heard of it?

This course helps you understand the science behind decision making. We are all faced with decisions in our daily lives whether they are professional or personal. This course will give you the tools to better understand your decision-making style as well as processes and apply them effectively in all aspects of your life.

Would you recommend your course and why?

I would highly recommend this course as it covers remarkably interesting topics that we may not normally or naturally think of.

Anyone could benefit from the contents of this course as it provides you with the tools to face various types of decisions that are applicable in a multitude of situations. The course also analyses real life examples and scenarios in a very interactive and fun way. The lecturers were fantastic in transferring the information to us in a very clear and precise way. I would 100% recommend!


This interview was written by one of our 2024 Student Ambassadors, who are here to share their stories and help you understand the Summer School experience at LSE.