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Course Spotlight - AC101: Managerial Accounting and Financial Control

Explore the student experience of AC101 with Tianna.


7 min read

We sat down with Tianna as she discusses her experience of studying AC101: Managerial Accounting and Financial Control at Summer School, from the course content to how it has helped her in her career. 


Why did you decide to attend LSE Summer School?

I was always planning to go abroad for my graduate degree and I thought it would be helpful if I could have a summer school experience to see what studying abroad would be like. I searched online and found out LSE Summer School has a good reputation. LSE had always been my dream school, so I quickly made the decision.

Why did you choose your course?

AC101 perfectly matched my requirements. I already had some knowledge in this field so it wouldn’t be too difficult for me to understand. However, the course would also provide some new information which would deepen my understanding of the subject.

Tell us about an average day as a student on your course.

After a full English breakfast in the canteen, I always walked about 30 minutes to school, crossing the famous River Thames and passing many eye-catching buildings. We had an hour and a half seminar in the morning, where we discussed materials from yesterday’s lecture in small groups. Afterwards, I attended a Spark event most days, or headed to the library to study. In the afternoon, there would be a three-hour lecture, where we would learn something new, and have the chance to interact with the professor and fellow students. After class, I usually hung out with my friends and enjoyed the nights in London.

What was your favourite part of your course?

I think it was the nice professors and open atmosphere. I wasn’t used to asking or answering questions during classes so I just kept quiet in the very beginning. But I soon found that the learning atmosphere here was much more relaxed and interactive. After that, even though I was not fluent in English, I dared to raise my hand to ask questions because I was pretty sure that the teacher would listen to my questions with a smile and answer them patiently. That was a big step forward for me.

What advice would you give to students considering your course?

I suggest that you download the presentations and case studies required before your seminars, and have a quick review of this content, especially if English is not your first language or you do not major in accounting. This will give you a general idea of what you are going to learn today. You can more easily keep up with the teacher, listen more efficiently and absorb more information with the structure in mind.

It is also important to review and consolidate after class because some concepts and maths problems are a little confusing. In all, I think the course is not very difficult but you must take it seriously to get a good grade.

What are your short-term professional goals, and how does your course contribute to these goals?

My short-term professional goal is to raise my GPA and academic standing, and to enrich my extracurricular activities as much as possible, to enhance my postgraduate applications. I think LSE Summer School is a perfect place to spend your summer. The course was not only helpful for my future study, but also made me more willing to communicate with teachers and classmates and become more confident. I can now perform better in future interviews or in international competitions thanks to this experience.

Was meeting and talking to other students on your course easy?

Everyone was nice and outgoing. It was no burden at all to start talking to people on my course. We all came from different backgrounds so we talked a lot about our past, our country, family and trips as well as our plans for the future. We also helped each other academically by sharing our notes and expressing our opinions towards the course content.

How has your course helped you in your undergraduate degree/career plans?

The brilliant experience of studying at LSE has confirmed my intention to study abroad. In the next three years, I will work to achieve this for my graduate degree, and start thinking about what is needed to make this happen. LSE Summer School helped me better understand what to expect from studying abroad, and gave me confidence to apply.

What was your favourite part of studying at LSE?

In addition to the courses themselves, LSE's online learning resources are also excellent. You can download all the materials you need for the course in advance, and access a large number of free library resources. All classes are recorded and uploaded to the learning platform. If you're worried you missed something in your lecture, you can always come back to it.

I also love sitting in the campus plaza with a cup of coffee or black tea, enjoying the summer breeze and the rare sunshine. The atmosphere is both relaxing and reassuring, full of people who are open-minded and sociable, and you will feel proud to be part of it

Would you recommend your course and why?

I am neutral on this topic because I think you will know what works best for you. AC101 is a good course but it’s relatively simple, suitable for accounting beginners or students with language barriers. If you want to go deeper into this subject or prefer more challenging tasks, I would recommend reading what others have said and choosing a course that is more suitable for you. In general, you should not worry too much about it because all the teachers are very professional and you will make the most of whatever course you choose.


This interview was written by one of our 2024 Student Ambassadors, who are here to share their stories and help you understand the summer school experience at LSE.