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Sri Lanka

Special 'Sri Lanka @ 75' Blogposts

South Asia @ LSE’ is the Centre’s flagship academic blog, publishing cutting-edge academic ideas to foster informed debate and discussion. Since 2021, ‘South Asia @ LSE’ has consistently ranked amongst the top 10 (out of 40+) academic blogs at LSE, with nearly half a million readers every year.

We are the only Centre in a Higher Education institution anywhere in the world to have published a series of 12 special blogposts to mark the 75th anniversary of Sri Lanka’s independence (February 2023-January 2024), covering a variety of topics written by academics and thought leaders at LSE and across the globe. These have been widely read and greatly appreciated. All the special blogs are listed below in reverse order. 

January 2024: Farzana Haniffa, ‘Sri Lanka at 75

December 2023: Anupama Ranawana, ‘The Veddah and the Loss of the “kelle-pojje”: Sri Lanka at 75’ 

November 2023: Shamara Wettimuny, ‘True or False? “History” under Threat in Sri Lanka

October 2023: Indrajit Coomaraswamy & Ganeshan Wignaraja, ‘What Can We Learn from Sri Lanka’s Debt Default?’ 

September 2023: Ambika Satkunanathan, ‘The Shackles of Freedom: 75 Years of (In)dependence

August 2023: Dishani Senaratne, ‘Beyond the Slogans: How the “Aragalaya” was Characterised by Sinhala Buddhist Nationalism

July 2023: Graham Shaw, ‘Sri Lanka: The “Back Door” for Indian Nationalists’

June 2023: Sharika Thiranagama, ‘My Sri Lanka at 75

May 2023: Mick Moore, ‘The IMF, Humiliation and Sri Lanka’s Independence

April 2023: Thiruni Kelegama, ‘Development Gone Wrong: Sri Lanka at 75

March 2023: Luke Heslop, ‘Independence: Sri Lanka at 75’ 

February 2023: Jayadeva Uyangoda, ‘75 Years of Independence: Sri Lanka in the Jubilee Year
