The political history of South Asia is amongst the most fascinating and complex in the world, animated by robust, self-affirming struggles for independence, partition and the creation of new nations won with non-violent means and violent exchanges. Four countries (India, Myanmar, Pakistan and Sri Lanka) gained birth and independence in 1947-48 after centuries of colonial rule, and one (Bangladesh) was born as a new, independent nation in 1971. The South Asia Centre has been privileged to celebrate the independence of 5 countries in the region between 2021-24.
Starting in January 2021, we are the only academic Centre in a Higher Education institution anywhere in the world to have marked each national anniversary over a period of 12 months with specially commissioned logos, regular events on a variety of topics, launching one-of-their-kind 'Big Data' Digital Maps,12 special blogposts representing the latest research and ideas from different perspectives from academics and thought leaders.
This uniquely curated academic attention has underlined LSE South Asia Centre's leading position as the hub for South Asia-related academic conversations in the United Kingdom, showcasing the interdisciplinary expertise of LSE's faculty and alumni and our committment to robust, multi-perspectival academic conversations.
The special '@50/@75' logos represent the national flowers of Bangladesh (Water Lily; Nymphaea nouchali), India (Lotus; Nelumbo nucifera [Gaertn.]), Myanmar (Padauk; Pterocarpus macrocarpus), Pakistan (Jasmine; Jasminum officinale) and Sri Lanka (Water Lily; Nymphaeaceae), framed in a graphic border design of sacral architectural and textile motifs. All logos have been designed by Oroon Das.