Dr Isabel Shutes

Dr Isabel Shutes

Associate Professor

Department of Social Policy

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Key Expertise
Migration, Citizenship, Care, Inequalities

About me

Isabel Shutes is an Associate Professor in International Social and Public Policy. She is involved in a range of undergraduate and postgraduate teaching.

Isabel’s research interests focus on migration and social policy. Her research centres on inequalities relating to citizenship, migration and mobility; long-term care systems, migration and care work; transnational social protection and social rights. Her research engages with a range of actors in migration and social policy, including state and civil society actors, service providers and employers, and with the lived experiences of care, work and migration across different social groups. She has a particular interest in qualitative research methods.

Isabel has carried out research funded by the ESRC, the European Union Framework Programme, the Leverhulme Trust, and the Nuffield Foundation. She currently holds a Leverhulme Research Fellowship (2023-24) for research on the integration of care workers in labour migration systems.

Her research has been published in journals such as the Journal of Social Policy, Journal of European Social Policy, Social Policy and Administration, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Social Politics, Ageing and Society. Recent publications include: 

Shutes, I. (2022), “Immigration Policies and the Risks of Single Parenthood for Migrant Women”, The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 702: 1, 149-162.

Bruzelius, C., Shutes, I. (2022), “Towards an Understanding of Mobility in Social Policy Research”, Global Social Policy, 22: 3, 503-520.

Shutes I. (2021) “Gender, Migration and the Inequalities of Care” in Mora C, Piper, N. (eds.) The Handbook of Gender and Migration, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Shutes, I., Ishkanian, A. (2021), “Transnational Welfare Within and Beyond the Nation-State: Civil Society Responses to the Migration Crisis in Greece”, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 48: 3, 524-541.


Isabel is a Research Associate at the LSE Centre for the Analysis of Social Exclusion (CASE) and the LSE International Inequalities Institute



SP335 Migration: Current Research, Critical Approaches course

SP400 International Social and Public Policy course

SP410 Migration: Current Research, Critical Approaches course

Expertise Details

Migration; Citizenship; Care; Inequalities