Your voice is essential to shaping developments within the Department. Your voice makes a difference and can lead to positive change.
Student Academic Representatives from each year are elected early in the Autumn Term to represent the views of their peers at their departmental Programmes Forum.
There is one Programmes Forum for undergraduate students and one Programmes Forum each for taught and research post graduate students. Each Programmes Forum meets once in the Autumn and Winter terms, and they are chaired by the Departmental Tutor (UG), jointly chaired by a student rep and the Deputy Head of Department for Teaching (PGT), or the Director of the Doctoral Programme (PGR).
Student representatives from each Programmes Forum are also asked to nominate a representative(s) to attend Department Teaching Committee meetings, to ensure that the student voice is heard at faculty level.
We collaborate with you, support innovative ideas and work to create change and lead improvements to your experience.
Explore the positive changes that you have helped innovate, create and shape on our Department Moodle page, and continue to feedback to us through your Student Academic Representatives, and Department staff so we can continue to enhance your experience.