In recent years many commentators have pointed to the presence of a ‘new’ state capitalism, in both the extent and form of state intervention. However, insufficient attention has been paid to questions of uneven geographical development, and to the multiple spatialities and scales at which state capitalism is produced, enacted, and imagined. In this roundtable discussion we introduced the Environment and Planning A Special Issue exploring the geographies of the new state capitalism through a roundtable discussion with the SI editors Adam Dixon, Ilias Alami, Heather Whiteside and Jamie Peck.
A video recording of this event can be found here. This event was held in participation with the Department of Geography and Environment, LSE.
Dr. Callum Ward, Uppsala University, Sweden
Callum Ward is a Postdoktor in Human Geography at the Institute for Housing and Urban Research (IBF), University of Uppsala.
Dr Adam Dixon, Maastricht University, Netherlands
Adam Dixon is an Associate Professor of Globalization and Development, Maastricht University, and principal investigator of the ERC-funded SWFsEUROPE project.
Dr Heather Whiteside, University of Waterloo, Canada
Heather Whiteside is an Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Waterloo and Fellow at the Balsillie School of International Affairs. She is co-editor of Alternate Routes and an International Corresponding Editor for Urban Studies.
Dr Ilias Alami, Uppsala University, Sweden
Ilias Alami is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie research fellow in the Department of Geography, Uppsala University, and Editor of Developing Economics.
Prof Jamie Peck, University of British Columbia, Canada
Jamie Peck is Professor of Geography at the Department of Geography, University of British Columbia. He is managing editor of EPA: Economy and Space.
Dr Yimin Zhao, Renmin University of China, China
Yimin Zhao is an Assistant Professor in Urban Planning and Management at Renmin University of China. He is an Editor of the journal City.
Prof Julio Teehankee, De La Salle University, The Philippines
Julio Teehankee is Professor in the Department of International Studies at De La Salle University. He is currently a Visiting Senior Fellow at Saw Swee Hock Southeast Asia Centre.
Dr Emma Colven, University of Oklahoma, USA
Dr Emma Colven is Assistant Professor of Global Environment at the University of Oklahoma.
Prof Hyun Bang Shin, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
Hyun Bang Shin is Professor of Geography and Urban Studies and Director of the Saw Swee Hock Southeast Asia Centre. He is Editor of the International Journal of Urban and Regional Research.
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