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On this page you will find a selection of recent publications by SEAC Associates as well as the full library of SEAC Event Recordings.

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SEAC is delighted to have published COVID-19 in Southeast Asia: Insights for a post-pandemic world edited by SEAC Associate, Professor Hyun Bang Shin. This book features the work of 38 contributors, more than 30 of whom originating from Southeast Asia or based therein. This new edited volume compiles reflections on the following three themes: (1) Urbanisation, digital infrastructures, economies, and the environment; (2) Migrants, (im)mobilities, and borders; and (3) Collective action, communities, and mutual action. Read more and download your copy here.

Selected recent books by SEAC Associates


John T. Sidel. Republikanisme, Komunisme, Islam: Asal-Usul Kosmopolitan Revolusioner di Asia Tenggara. Jakarta: GDN Press, 2024. Translated by Keenan Nasution. 

Kirsten E. Schulze, Contesting Indonesia: Islamist, Separatist, and Communal Violence since 1945. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2024.

Shin, H.B. and Gimm, D-W. (eds.) The Political Economy of Mega Projects in Asia: Globalization and Urban Transformation. Regions and Cities Series. Routledge (due 2024).

Yin, Qingfei  (2024) State building in Cold War Asia comrades and competitors on the Sino-Vietnamese border. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781009426640


Shin. H.B. Making China Urban: Geographical Aspects of Development and Disparity. Routledge (under contract).


Shin, H.B., Mckenzie, M. and Oh, D.Y., eds. (2022) COVID-19 in Southeast Asia: insights for a post-pandemic world. LSE Press, London, UK. ISBN 9781909890763

Sidel, J. 2021. Republicanism, Communism, Islam: Cosmopolitan Origins of Revolution in Southeast AsiaCornell University Press.


Brickell, K. 2020. Home SOS: Gender, Violence, and Survival in Crisis Ordinary Cambodia. Wiley. 

Sidel, J. and Faustino, J. 2020. Thinking and Working Politically in Development: Coalitions for Change in the Philippines. The Asia Foundation. 

Smith, T. & Schulze, K. 2020 (eds) Exporting the Global Jihad: ‘Critical’ Perspectives from the PeripheryVolume Two - Asia and North America. London: IB Tauris.


Chen, Y.L. & Shin. H.B., 2019. Neoliberal urbanism, contested cities and housing in Asia. Palgrave Macmillan.

Rigg, J., 2019. More Than Rural: Textures of Thailand's Agrarian Transformation. University of Hawaii Press.

Sidel, J. & Faustino, J. 2019. Thinking and Working Politically in Development: Coalitions for Change in the Philippines The Asia Foundation.


Ortiz, C. & Lipietz, B. (2018) (eds.) Grounded Development: reflections on community based practices in Sri Lanka and Myanmar. The Bartlett Development Planning Unit, University College London, Asian Coalition of Housing Rights and Community Architects Network.


Brickell, K., Arrigoitia, M.F. and Vasudevan, A., 2017. Geographies of forced eviction: Dispossession, violence, resistance. Palgrave Macmillan, London.

Koh, S.Y. 2017. Property Tourism and the Facilitation of Investment-Migration Mobility in Asia. Asian Review30(1)

Koh, S.Y., 2017. Race, education, and citizenship: Mobile Malaysians, British colonial legacies, and a culture of migration. Springer.

Ortiz, C. & Lipietz, B.  2017 (eds.) Grounded Planning: People-centred strategies for city upgrading in Thailand and the Philippines. The Bartlett Development Planning Unit, University College London, Asian Coalition of Housing Rights and Community Architects Network


Brickell, K. and Springer, S. eds., 2016. The handbook of contemporary Cambodia. Taylor & Francis.

Chant, S. and McIlwaine, C., 2016. Cities, Slums and Gender in the Global South: Towards a Feminised Urban Future. Routledge: London

Haacke, Jürgen (2016) Myanmar and maritime security. Special Forum, 4 (1). ISSN 2288-5757

Lees, L., Shin, H.B. & López-Morales, E. 2016. Planetary Gentrification. Cambridge, Polity Press.

McKay, D.C., 2016. An archipelago of care: Filipino migrants and global networks. Indiana University Press.

Rigg, J., 2016. Challenging development in Southeast Asia: the shadows of success, London: Routledge, 250 pp


Lees, L., Shin, H.B. & López-Morales, E. (eds.) (2015) Global Gentrifications: Uneven Development and Displacement. Bristol: Policy Press 

Selected recent research articles by SEAC Associates


Allerton, Catherine. Being and not being Filipino: children of refugees, Muslim belonging and multiple refusals in Sabah, Malaysia. Sojourn: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia, 39 (3) (2024). ISSN 0217-9520

Laura Antona, “Geographies of Possession: Domestic Workers’ Shifting Owners and Ghostly Encounters in Singapore,” Annals of the American Association of Geographers, Volume 114, Number 5 (2024), pp. 943 - 957. 

Neil Lee, Metta Ni, and Augustin Boey, The scaleup state: Singapore’s industrial policy for the digital economy (London: LSE Saw Swee Hock Southeast Asia Centre Working Paper Series, 2024.

Petchpilai Lattanan, Puttaporn Areeprachakun, Areerut Ptnukao, Pannee Cheewinsiriwat, John Barlow, Hyun Bang Shin, and Jonathan Rigg, “From Causality to Blame: Exploring Flooding, Factories and Land Conversion in Eastern Thailand,” Australian Geographer, Volume 55, Number 2 (2024), pp. 203- 227.

Sharmila Parmanand, “Shape-shifting and Strategic In/visibility: Comparing Sex Work Activism in Singapore and the Philippines,” Trans: TransRegional and –National Studies of Southeast Asia, Volume 12, Number 1 (2024), pp. 27-44.


Antona, Laura (2023) Cute face and quiet...but her look don't match her personality: commodifying flesh, shaping labour expectations, and domestic workers' treatment in Singapore. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 48 (2). 425 - 438.

Antona, Laura. Shelters and clinics: sites where care and violence are mutually constitutive for migrant workers in Singapore. Social and Cultural Geography, 24 (10). 1790 - 1807 (2023). ISSN 1464-9365

Antona, Laura (2023) Gendered disciplinary apparatuses and carceral domesticities in Singapore’s labour-migration regime. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space.

Catherine Allerton, “Discordant temporalities of migration and childhood,” Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, Volume 29, Number 4 (2023), pp. 763 - 783.

Do Young Oh and Hyun Bang Shin, “University as Real Estate Developer: Comparative Perspectives from the Global East,” Geoforum, 144 (2023), pp. 1-12.

Hans J. Steinmüller, “State, Mind, and Legibility without Writing in the Wa State of Myanmar,” Ethnos, Volume 88, Number 4 (2023), pp. 774-796.

Jürgen Haacke, “ASEAN and Conflict Management,” in Jörn Dosch and Frederick Kliem (eds.), The Elgar Companion to ASEAN (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2023), pp. 76-92. 

Laura Antona, “Gendered disciplinary apparatuses and carceral domesticities in Singapore’s labourmigration regime,” Environment and Planning D, Volume 41, Number 6 (2023), pp. 931-1093. 

Nicholas J. Long, “The Ideal of Intellectual Exchange: Study Abroad, Affect and the Ambivalences of Citizenship in Post-Suharto Indonesia,” in Jacob Copeman, Nicholas J. Long, Lam Minh Chau, Joanna Cook, and Magnus Marsden (eds.), An Anthropology of Intellectual Exchange: Interactions, Transactions, and Ethics in Asia and Beyond (New York: Berghanh Books, 2023), pp. 257- 279.

Oh, D.Y. and Shin, H.B. (2023) University as realestate developer: comparative perspectives from the global east. Geoforum, 144, 103764.

Parmanand, Sharmila  (2023) Democratic backsliding and threats to human rights in Dutertes Philippines. In: Brysk, Alison, (ed.) Populism and Human Rights in a Turbulent Era. In a Turbulent Era series. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, 105 - 125. ISBN 9781802209532

Qingfei Yin, “Between the mountains, the city, and the world: the microhistory of a ‘Small Third Front’ Chinese arsenal during revolution and reform,” Labor History, Volume 65, Number 4 (2023), pp. 457-475.


Allerton, C. (2022) Discordant temporalities ofmigration and childhood. The Journal of theRoyal Anthropological Institute.

Antona, Laura. The new normal, or the same old? The experiences of domestic workers in Singapore. In: Shin, Hyun Bang, Mckenzie, Murray and Oh, Do Young, (eds.) COVID-19 in Southeast Asia: Insights for a post-pandemic world. LSE Press, London, UK, 141 - 149 (2022). ISBN 9781909890763

Natarajan, Nithya & Brickell, Katherine (2022) Credit, land and survival-work in rural Cambodia: rethinking rural autonomy through a feminist lens. Journal of Agrarian Change, 22(3). 473-488.

Brickell, Katherine, Lawreniuk, Sabina, McCarthy, Lauren, Chhom, Theavy & So, Hengvotey (2022) ‘Worn out’: Debt discipline, hunger, and the gendered contingencies of the COVID-19 pandemic amongst Cambodian garment workers. Social and Cultural Geography.

Forsyth, T., & Springate-Baginski, O. (2022).Who benefits from the agrarian transition underviolent conflict? Evidence from Myanmar. Journal of Rural Studies, 95, 160-172.

Koh, Sin Yee (2022) Emergent bordering tactics, logics of injustice, and the new hierarchies of mobility deservingness. In: Shin, Hyun Bang, Mckenzie, Murray and Oh, Do Young, (eds.) COVID-19 in Southeast Asia: Insights for a post-pandemic world. LSE Press, London, UK, 183 - 192. ISBN 9781909890763

Koh, Sin Yee & Sin, I Lin (2022) Race, whiteness and internationality in transnational education: Academic and teacher expatriates in Malaysia. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 45(4), 656-676.

Cheng, Yi’En & Koh, Sin Yee (2022) The ‘soft infrastructure’ of the Belt and Road Initiative: Imaginaries, affinities and subjectivities in Chinese transnational education. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography

Parmanand, Sharmila (2022) The many faces of care: a comparative analysis of anti-trafficking approaches to domestic work and sex work in the Philippines. Ethics and Social Welfare, 16 (2). 129 - 143.

Parmanand, Sharmila (2022) Macho populists versus COVID: comparing political masculinities. European Journal of Women's Studies, 29 (1_suppl). 43S - 59S

Shin, H.B., Zhao, Y., & Koh, S.Y. (2022) The urbanising dynamics of global China: speculation,articulation, and translation in global capitalism. Urban Geography, 43(10), 1457-1468.

Sidel, J.T. (2022) Crisis as Catalyst: Introducing Urban Transport Reforms in the Philippines Amidst the Global Pandemic. The Asia Foundation.

Steinmüller, Hans (2022) Sovereignty as care: acquaintances, mutuality, and scale in the Wa state of Myanmar. Comparative Studies in Society and History.

Steinmüller, Hans (2022) Grace is incommensurability in commensuration: the semantics of bwan among three generations of Wa and Lahu prophets’. Cambridge Journal of Anthropology, 40 (1). 104-120. 


Natarajan, Nithya, Brickell, Katherine, Guermond, Vincent, Lawreniuk, Sabina & Parsons, Laurie (2021) Challenging the Financial Inclusion-Decent Work Nexus: Evidence from Cambodia’s Over-indebted Internal Migrants. Global Public Policy and Governance, 1. 361–381.

Brickell, Katherine. (2021) Event(ful) spaces of organised legal encounter: Reflections from a client consultation competition on domestic violence law in Cambodia. Area, 53(4). 586-594.

Forsyth, Tim and Springate-Baginski, Oliver (2021) Are landscape approaches possible under authoritarianism? Multi-stakeholder governance and social transformation in Myanmar. Environmental Science and Policy, 124. 359 - 369.

Koh, S.Y. 2021 The Interurban Migration Industry: ‘Migration Products’ and the Materialisation of Urban Speculation at Iskandar Malaysia. Urban Studies.

Martin-Anatias, Nelly, Long, Nicholas J., Graham Davies, Sharyn, Aikman, Pounamu Jade, Appleton, Nayantara Sheoran, Deckert, Antje, Fehoko, Edmond, Holroyd, Eleanor, Jivraj, Naseem, Laws, Megan, Roguski, Michael, Simpson, Nikita, Sterling, Rogena, Trnka, Susanna and Tunufa’i, Laumua (2021) Lockdown Ibuism: experiences of Indonesian migrant mothers during the COVID-19 pandemic in Aotearoa New Zealand. Intersections: Gender and Sexuality in Asia and the Pacific, 45.

McCargo, Duncan (2021) Network Monarchy as Euphoric Couplet. Pacific Affairs, 94(3), 549-565.

Parmanand, Sharmila (2021) Regulating motherhood through markets: Filipino women’s engagement with microcredit. Feminist Review, 129 (1). pp. 32-47. ISSN 0141-7789

Parmanand, Sharmila (2021) Salvation as violence: anti-trafficking and the rehabilitation of rescued Filipino women into moral subjects. Journal of International Women's Studies, 22 (2). 78 -91.

Sidel, John T. (2021) Vannessa Hearman. Unmarked Graves: Death and Survival in the Anti-Communist Violence in East Java, Indonesia. The American Historical Review, 126(2), 779-780. 

Steinmüller, H. , 2021 Pioneers of the plantation economy: militarism, dispossession and the limits of growth in the Wa State of Myanmar, Social Anthropology.

Steinmüller, Hans (2021) State, mind, and legibility without writing in the Wa State of Myanmar. Ethnos.

Yin, Qingfei, and Path, Kosal (2021) Remembering and forgetting the last war: discursive memory of the Sino-Vietnamese war in China and Vietnam. TRaNS: Trans-Regional and -National Studies of Southeast Asia, 9 (1). 11 - 29.


Allerton, C. 2020 Invisible children? Non-recognition, humanitarian blindness and other forms of ignorance in Sabah, Malaysia. Critique of Anthropology 

Koh, S.Y., 2020 Disrupted Geographic Arbitrage and Differential Capacities of Coping in Later-Life: Anglo-Western Teacher Expatriates in Brunei, International Migration Review 

Koh, S. Y., Harris, A., 2020 Multicultural reflexivity: university students negotiating ‘pockets’ and ‘strings’ of multiculturalism in MalaysiaChildren's Geographies

McKay, D. 2020 Decorated Duterte: Digital Objects and the Crisis of Martial Law History in the Philippines, Modern Languages Open. 

Ong, A. and Steinmüller, H., 2020 Communities of care: public donations, development assistance, and independent philanthropy in the Wa State of MyanmarCritique of Anthropology

Shin, H. B., Zhao, Y., and Koh, S. Y., 2020 Whither progressive urban futures? Critical reflections on the politics of temporality in AsiaCity

Sidel, J. 2020 Averting “Carmageddon” through reform? An eco-systemic analysis of traffic congestion and transportation policy gridlock in Metro Manila, Critical Asian Studies, 52 (3).

Steinmüller, H. , 2020 The moral economy of militarism: peasant economy, military state, and Chinese capitalism in the Wa State of MyanmarSocial Anthropology, 28 (1)

Steinmüller, H. , 2020 The Golden Triangle is in the papersCritical Asian Studies, 52 (3)

Zhao, Y., 2020 Folding Beijing in Houchangcun Road, or, the topology of power density, Urban Geography, 41 (10)

Zhao, Y., 2020 Jiehebu or suburb? Towards a translational turn in urban studies, Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 13 (3)


Bateman, M., Natarajan, N., Brickell, K., and Parsons, L., 2019 ‘Descending into Debt in Cambodia’. Made in China Journal. 4(1)

Brearley, F.Q., Adinugroho, W.C., Cámara-Leret, R., Krisnawati, H., Ledo, A., Qie, L., Smith, T.E., Aini, F., Garnier, F., Lestari, N.S. and Mansur, M., 2019. Opportunities and challenges for an Indonesian forest monitoring networkAnnals of Forest Science

Cole, R. and Rigg, J., 2019. Lao peasants on the move: Pathways of agrarian change in LaosThe Australian Journal of Anthropology.

Forsyth, T., 2019. Who Shapes the Politics of Expertise? Co‐Production and Authoritative Knowledge in Thailand's Political ForestsAntipode.

Forsyth, T., 2019. Beyond narratives: Civic epistemologies and the coproduction of environmental knowledge and popular environmentalism in ThailandAnnals of the American Association of Geographers109(2)

Graham, N. and Brickell, K., 2019. Sheltering from domestic violence: Women’s experiences of punitive safety and unfreedom in Cambodian safe sheltersGender, Place & Culture.

Haacke, J. & Breen, J. H., 2019 From benign neglect to effective re-engagement? Assessing British strategizing and policies towards Southeast Asia since 2010 (Contemporary Southeast Asia Vol. 41/3 (December 2019) 

Haacke, J. 2019. The concept of hedging and its application to Southeast Asia: a critique and a proposal for a modified conceptual and methodological frameworkInternational Relations of the Asia-Pacific.

Haacke, Jürgen (2019) Southeast Asia’s Cold War: an interpretive history. H-Diplo Roundtable Review. pp. 13-16.

Huat, C.B., Dean, K., Engseng, H., Chong, H.K., Rigg, J. and Yeoh, B., 2019. Area Studies and the crisis of legitimacy: a view from South East Asia. South East Asia Research27(1).

McCargo, D., 2019. Southeast Asia's Troubling Elections: Democratic Demolition in ThailandJournal of Democracy30(4).

McCargo, D., 2019. Anatomy: Future BackwardContemporary Southeast Asia: A Journal of International and Strategic Affairs41(2).

McKay, D. and Perez, P., 2019. Citizen aid, social media and brokerage after disasterThird World Quarterly40(10).

Natarajan, N., Parsons, L. and Brickell, K., 2019. Debt‐Bonded Brick Kiln Workers and Their Intent to Return: Towards a Labour Geography of Smallholder Farming Persistence in CambodiaAntipode.

Natarajan, N., Brickell, K. and Parsons, L., 2019. Climate change adaptation and precarity across the rural–urban divide in Cambodia: Towards a ‘climate precarity’approachEnvironment and Planning E: Nature and Space.

Schulze, K.E. and Hwang, J.C., 2019. Militant Islam in Southeast Asia: new insights into jihad in Indonesia, Malaysia and the PhilippinesContemporary Southeast Asia: A Journal of International and Strategic Affairs41(1).

Schulze, K.E., 2019. From Ambon to Poso: comparative and evolutionary aspects of local jihad in IndonesiaContemporary Southeast Asia: A Journal of International and Strategic Affairs41(1).

Schulze, K.E. and Liow, J.C., 2019. Making Jihadis, Waging Jihad: Transnational and Local Dimensions of the ISIS Phenomenon in Indonesia and MalaysiaAsian Security15(2).

Steinmüller, H., 2019. Conscription by capture in the Wa State of Myanmar: acquaintances, anonymity, patronage, and the rejection of mutualityComparative Studies in Society and History61(3).


Allerton, C., 2018. Stuck in the short term: immobility and temporalities of care among Florenese migrants in Sabah, MalaysiaEthnos.

Allerton, C., 2018. Impossible children: illegality and excluded belonging among children of migrants in Sabah, East MalaysiaJournal of Ethnic and Migration Studies44(7).

Antona, L (2018) Making hidden spaces visible: using drawing as a method to illuminate new geographies. Area. ISN 1475-4762

Haacke, Jürgen and Breen, John Harley (2018) Steering UK–Southeast Asia relations post-Brexit. East Asia Forum. pp. 1-3. ISSN 1839-0242

Long, N.J., 2018. Suggestions of Power: Searching for Efficacy in Indonesia's Hypnosis BoomEthos46(1).

Long, N.J., 2018. “Accept and utilize”: alternative medicine, minimality, and ethics in an Indonesian healing collectiveMedical anthropology quarterly.

Rigg, J., Salamanca, A., Phongsiri, M. and Sripun, M., 2018. More farmers, less farming? Understanding the truncated agrarian transition in ThailandWorld development107.

Rigg, J., 2018. Rethinking Asian poverty in a time of Asian prosperityAsia Pacific Viewpoint59(2).

Rigg, J., 2018. From Traction to Friction in Thailand: The Emerging Southeast Asian Development ProblematiqueTRaNS: Trans-Regional and-National Studies of Southeast Asia6(1).

Schulze, K. and Hwang, J.C. 2018. Why they join: Pathways into Indonesian jihadi organizations, Terrorism and Political Violence, 30 (6)  

Smith, T.E.L., Evers, S., Yule, C.M. and Gan, J.Y., 2018. In situ tropical peatland fire emission factors and their variability, as determined by field measurements in Peninsula MalaysiaGlobal Biogeochemical Cycles32(1).


Allerton, C., 2017. Contested statelessness in Sabah, Malaysia: irregularity and the politics of recognitionJournal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies15(3).

Brickell, K., 2017. Clouding the judgment of domestic violence law: Victim blaming by institutional stakeholders in CambodiaJournal of interpersonal violence32(9).

Long, N.J., 2017. On the Islamic authority of the Indonesian state: responsibility, suspicion, and acts of complianceJournal of the Royal Anthropological Institute23(4).

McCargo, D., 2017. New media, new partisanship: Divided virtual politics in and beyond ThailandInternational Journal of Communication11.

McCargo, D., 2017. Thailand’s urbanized villagers and political polarizationCritical Asian Studies49(3).

Schulze, K.E., 2017. The “ethnic” in Indonesia’s communal conflicts: violence in Ambon, Poso, and SambasEthnic and racial studies40(12).


Brickell, K., 2016. Gendered violences and rule of/by law in CambodiaDialogues in human geography6(2).

Haacke, J., 2016. Myanmar’s Foreign Policy under President U Thein Sein: Non-aligned and diversified, ISEAS Yusof Ishak Institute, Trends 4/2016.

Haacke, Jürgen (2016) Myanmar and maritime security. Special Forum, 4 (1)

Rigg, J., Salamanca, A. and Thompson, E.C., 2016. The puzzle of East and Southeast Asia's persistent smallholderJournal of Rural Studies43.


Brickell, K., 2015. Towards intimate geographies of peace? Local reconciliation of domestic violence in CambodiaTransactions of the Institute of British Geographers40(3).

Brickell, K. and Platt, M., 2015. Everyday politics of (in) formal marital dissolution in Cambodia and IndonesiaEthnos80(3).

Gibson, K., Cahill, A. and McKay, D., 2015. Diverse economies, ecologies, and ethics: rethinking rural transformation in the PhilippinesMaking Other Worlds Possible: Performing Diverse Economies.

Haacke, J. 2015. The United States and Myanmar: From Antagonists to Security Partners? Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs, 34(2)

Koh, S.Y., 2015. Postcolonial approaches to migration in Asia: Reflections and projectionsGeography Compass9(8).

Koh, S.Y., 2015. Temporalities of citizenship: Malaysian-Chinese skilled migrants in Singapore and returnees to MalaysiaAsian and Pacific Migration Journal24(1).

Koh, S.Y., 2015. How and why race matters: Malaysian-Chinese transnational migrants interpreting and practising Bumiputera-differentiated citizenshipJournal of Ethnic and Migration Studies41(3).

McCargo, D., 2015. Readings on Thai justice: a review essayAsian Studies Review39(1).

McCargo, D., 2015. Peopling Thailand's 2015 draft constitutionContemporary Southeast Asia.

Rigg, J. and Oven, K., 2015. Building liberal resilience? A critical review from developing rural AsiaGlobal Environmental Change32.


Allerton, C., 2014. Statelessness and the lives of the children of migrants in Sabah, East MalaysiaTilburg Law Review19(1-2).

Brickell, K., 2014. “The whole world is watching”: Intimate geopolitics of forced eviction and women's activism in CambodiaAnnals of the Association of American Geographers104(6).

Brickell, K., 2014. ‘Plates in a basket will rattle’: Marital dissolution and home ‘unmaking’in contemporary CambodiaGeoforum51.

Rigg, J., Promphaking, B. and Le Mare, A., 2014. Personalizing the middle-income trap: an inter-generational migrant view from rural ThailandWorld Development59.

Rigg, J., Nguyen, T.A. and Luong, T.T.H., 2014. The texture of livelihoods: Migration and making a living in HanoiJournal of Development Studies50(3).

Selected recent book chapters by SEAC Associates


Long, N. J. (2022) Fieldwork, or family therapy? Kinship, status, and therapeutic ethnography in Sumedang, West Java. In: Haug, Michaela and Stolz, Rosalie, (eds.) Ethnographic Encounters: Essays in Honour of Martin Rössler. Rüdiger Köppe Verlag, Cologne, DE. 


Shin, H.B ‘Theorising from where? Reflections on De-centring Global (Southern) Urbanism’ in Lancione, M. and McFarlane, C. (eds), Global Urbanism: Knowledge, Power and the City (London: Routledge: 2021)


Schulze, K. and Hwang, J.C. ‘From Afghanistan to Syria: How the global remains local for Indonesian Islamist Militants’  in Tom Smith and Kirsten E. Schulze (eds), Exporting the Global Jihad: ‘Critical’ Perspectives from the Periphery, (London: IB Tauris, 2020)


McKay, D.  2019. The Philippines-Hong Kong Corridor. In: Bastia, T. and Skeldon, R. eds., The Routledge Handbook of Migration. London: Routledge

Shin, H.B., (2019) "Asian urbanism." In: The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Urban and Regional Studies.

Shin, H.B. (2019) Contesting Property Hegemony in Asian Cities. In:  Chen, Y.-L. and Shin, H.B. (eds.) Neoliberal urbanism, contested cities and housing in Asia. Palgrave Macmillan.

Chen, Y.-L. and Shin, H.B. (2019) Centering Housing Questions in Asian Cities. In:  Chen, Y.-L. and Shin, H.B. (eds.) Neoliberal urbanism, contested cities and housing in Asia. Palgrave Macmillan.


Haacke, J., 2017 ‘Regional’, in Adam Simpson, Nicholas Farelly and Ian Holliday, eds., The Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Myanmar Abingdon: Routledge, 2018.


Allerton, C., 2016. ' "Difficult" Children: Ethnographic Chaos and Creativity in Migrant Malaysia.' In Allerton, C. ed., 2016. Children: ethnographic encounters (Vol. 1). Bloomsbury Publishing.

Haacke, J., 2016. Myanmar. In: Bellamy, Alex and Dunne, Tim, (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of the Responsibility to Protect. Oxford handbooks. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK

Long, N.J., 2016. The edge of glory: theorising centre–periphery relations in and from Indonesia’s Riau Islands. In Rethinking Power Relations in Indonesia. Routledge.


Haacke, J., 2014. US-Myanmar relations: developments, challenges, and implications. In: Steinberg, David I., (ed.) Myanmar: The Dynamics of an Evolving Polity. Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder, USA.

Recordings of past SEAC events

 Roundtable Discussion on the Indonesian Elections: Process, Outcome, Implications

Wednesday 21 February

Transforming Rural Southeast Asia

Wednesday 14 February

Rama X: The Thai Monarchy under King Vajiralongkorn

Monday 12 February

Development in Spirit: Religious Transformation and Everyday Politics in Vietnam's Highlands

Wednesday 31 January

The start-up state? Strategic economic development in digital tech in Singapore

Wednesday 24 January

A Forward-Looking Conversation with Thanathorn Juangroongruangkit on Thailand’s Past, Present, and Future

Monday 22 January 2024

The Drama of Dictatorship: Martial Law and the Communist Parties of the Philippines

Wednesday 17 January 2024

The 2024 Presidential Elections in Indonesia: Do they Matter? (V)

Wednesday 6 December 2023

Some People Need Killing: A Memoir of Murder in the Philippines

Wednesday 29 November 2023

The Making of an Authoritarian Dynasty: From Hun Sen to Hun Manet in Cambodia (V)

Wednesday 22 November 2023

Consumer Socialism and Vietnam’s New Middle Classes (V)

Wednesday 15 November 2023

China, Japan, and the United States and Infrastructure in Southeast Asia: The Geopolitics of Transportation and Telecommunications Development in the Philippines (V)

8 November 2023

Rights Refused: Grassroots Activism and State Violence in Myanmar (V)

1 November 2023

Branding Authoritarian Nations: Political Legitimation and Strategic National Myths in Military-Ruled Thailand (Book launch) (V)

25 October 2023

Rendering the Southeast Asian smallholder ‘social’ (V)

19 October 2023

Malaysia’s rise as an Islamic financial frontier (V)

11 October 2023

Resource Nationalism in Indonesia: Booms, Big Business, and the State (V)

4 October 2023

Building Peace, Rebuilding Patriarchy: The Failure of Gender Interventions in Timor-Leste (V)

27 September 2023

Towards an Infrastructural Sublime: Recent Films from a Hub in the Global Supply Chain (V)

14 June 2023

The Ambiguous Axis; The Royal City in Contemporary Context (V)

8 June 2023

In the Shadow of the Constitution: the Micropolitics of Constitutional Contestation in Cambodia (V)

31 May 2023

Corruption, Property and Space-time in the Southeast Asian City (V)

22 May 2023

Fernando Amorsolo: Master Painter of Philippine Sunlight and Elite Conceptions of Nature (V)

3 May 2023

Modalities of Speculative Urbanism: Tales from Jakarta

4 April 2023

Outsourcing the Polity: Non-State Welfare, Inequality, and Resistance in Myanmar

29 March 2023

The Cutting-Edge Youth Movement in Thailand and Unfinished Democracy

23 March 2023

Seasonality in the Anthropocene: Understanding Transboundary Haze in Southeast Asia

8 March 2023

Urban Political Ecologies on the Edge and the Making of Manila's Resource Frontier

3 March 2023

Storefront Maids and Shopfloor Maids on the Global Labor Assembly Line: Control and Deployment of Migrant Domestic Workers in Singapore and Indonesia

8 February 2023

Roundtable: After Autonomy: A Post-Mortem for Hong Kong’s first Handover, 1997–2019

30 January 2023

Gentrification in Thai, Thailand, Thai land

25 January 2023

Urban Risk and Well-Being in Asian Mega Cities: Urban lower and middle classes in Bangkok, Shanghai, and Tokyo

18 January 2023

NARRATING DEMOCRACY: Peoples & Futures of Myanmar

23 November 2022

Authoritarian Nostalgia, Democratic Ambivalence, and the Marcos Political Comeback in the Philippines

23 November 2022

'Thinking about democracy in Singapore' Student Masterclass with Prof Beng Huat Chua

17 November 2022

Public Subsidy/Private Capital: Political Economic Contradictions in Singapore's Public Housing System

16 November 2022

Justice After Carbon Workshop

10 November 2022

Interconnected Worlds: electronics global production networks after the pandemic

9 November 2022

Saving our Sisters: Exploring the politics of anti-trafficking and sex work in the Philippines

9 November 2022

Decentring Critical Urban Scholarship: Conversations with IJURR

3 November 2022

Urban Salon: Gentrification and Public Policy: Comparative Perspectives

1 November 2022

Does State-Sponsored Violence Lead to Democratic Erosion? Evidence from a List Experiment in the Philippines

26 October 2022

Governing the Gig-Economy in the Global South: Examining Southeast Asia in Comparative Perspective

18 October 2022

Scrutinizing Nusantara: The Fallacies of Indonesia's New Capital

12 October 2022

From Red Revolution to Red Solution: China and the Cold War Endgame in Indochina

5 October 2022

'Making space for the new state capitalism' A SEAC-IBF Roundtable Discussion

3 October 2022

ECR Event: Opportunities in Asia for Southeast Asia focused PhDs

28 September

Counter-mapping in Southeast Asia: Mapping With and For the People (V)

22 June 2022

Sociological Portraits of the Indonesian Office Corps: Introducing the INDOMAG Dataset (V)

15 June 2022

“Don’t Always Blame Climate Change”: The Political Ecology of Uneven Development and Vulnerability to Flooding in Southeast Asian Megacities (V)

1 June 2022

Electoral Dystopias in the Philippines: From Colonial Democracy to Duterte and the Return of the Marcoses (V)

25 May 2022

Expanding transboundary water governance: A mobile political ecology of sand and shifting resource-based livelihoods in Southeast Asia (V)

18 May 2022

Doing Research in Cambodia: Connecting the Dots, Spotting the Interlinks (V)

11 May 2022

Muslim parliamentarians and the allure of socialism: the case of Indonesia's Masjumi, 1950 – 60 (V)

4 May 2022

Let It Burn Out: The 1957 Flu Pandemic and Decolonisation in Singapore (V)

6 April 2022

The importance of humiliation: 1974, Vietnam and the South China Sea (V)

23 March 2022

Urban Waterscapes and Global Climate Justice: Views from Jakarta (V) 

16 March 2022

Community-Led Development as Pathway to Urban Equality: Perspectives from the ACHR Network (V)

9 March 2022

FinTech in Southeast Asia: Observations across consumption and production dynamics (V)

3 March 2022

COVID-19 in Southeast Asia: insights for a post-pandemic world (V)

23 February 2022

China's Belt and Road Initiative: the impact on sub-regional Southeast Asia (V)

9 February 2022

The Sino-Soviet Split from the Periphery: The Philippines as Case Study (V)

2 February 2022

The Urban Agency of Global China: Tales from Four Cities in the UK, Malaysia and China (V)

25 January 2022

Cultivating migrant-driven diversity and the production of difference in Singapore (V)

19 January 2022

Critical Voices from Myanmar: Contexts and Concerns after the 2021 coup d'état

13 December 2021

Roundtable: Living Heritage and Urban Informalities: Perspectives from Southeast Asian Cities (V)

6 December 2021

Southeast Asian Waters Series: Property, Profit & Risk: Jakarta's Real Estate Industry and the Ongoing Water Crisis (V)

24 November 2021

Southeast Asian Waters Series: Ghosts in the Machine: Technology and Imperialism in Maritime Asia (V)

17 November 2021

Roundtable: Southeast Asia's Contentious Polls: Electoral Management in Comparative Perspective (V)

10 November 2021

Society and Economy in Southeast Asia: Presentations by LSE PhD researchers (V)

29 October 2021

Work and Life in the COVID-19 Era: (Preliminary) findings from the SEAC Undergraduate Research Fellowship Projects (V)

28 October 2021

The Role of Philanthropy in a New Social Contract (V)

27 October 2021

Roundtable: Comparative Urbanism for Southeast Asia (V)

26 October 2021

Environment and Politics in Southeast Asia: Presentations by the awardees of the SEAC Research Fund (V)

25 October 2021

Book Launch: Republicanism, Communism, Islam: Cosmopolitan Origins of Revolution in Southeast Asia by Prof. John Sidel (V)

20 October 2021

With, without and/or against the state? Exploring the (re)production of space in the Global South (V)

13 October 2021

The Colliding Emo-Scapes of Indonesia and Malaysia Affecting Migration Governance: Emotional Connectivity and the Counter Narratives of Migrant Domestic Workers (V)

6 October 2021

Digital Interventions on Urban Societal Challenges in Southeast Asian Communities

16 June 2021

Military Myanmar: Fearing Freedom

27 May 2021

Southeast Asia Digital Summer School

20-26 May 2021

Land, Ladies, and the Law: A Case Study on Women’s Land Rights and Welfare in Southeast Asia in the Nineteenth Century

13th May 2021

Urban informality at a crossroad? Dynamics between inclusion and exclusion in Bangkok

31st March 2021

Solidarity and Polarisation: Centripetal and Centrifugal Forces in Southeast Asia
24th March 2021

Getting Developing Asia Back on Track
18th March 2021

Spatial Politics and Transient Migrant Workers in Global-City Singapore
9th March 2021

Life in a Post-COVID World: learning from Southeast Asia
1st March 2021

Urban Salon: Theorising urban studies on/from China/Asia
25th February 2021

Book Launch: Thinking and Working Politically in Development: Coalitions for Change in the Philippines (V)
10th February 2021

Flooding and the Politics of Property Rights in Jakarta (V)
27th January 2021

Roundtable on Postcolonial Urbanism and History of Southeast Asia (V)
25th November 2020

Nalehmu Urbanism: The informal, intimate and relational economies of Yangon Street Vending (V)
17th November 2020

Theorising the City in and from Southeast Asia (V)
11th November 2020

LSE Southeast Asia Week 2020: Environmental Resilience and Southeast Asia (V)
30th October 2020

LSE Southeast Asia Week 2020: Politics of City-Making in Southeast Asia (V)
29th October 2020

LSE Southeast Asia Week 2020: Whither Southeast Asia Research?: Roundtable with Centre Directors (V)
28th October 2020

LSE Southeast Asia Week 2020: Migration and Mobility in the COVID-19 Era (V)
27th October 2020

LSE Southeast Asia Week 2020: Politics and Economics of COVID-19 in Southeast Asia (V)
26th October 2020

The Experiences of Southeast Asia’s Migrant Workers, Asylum Seekers, and Refugees During Covid-19 (V)
21st October 2020

Marginalised and Vulnerable Groups and Strategies for Mutual Support During Covid-19 (V)
19th October 2020

The Production of Jakarta's Water Crisis: A Political Ecology of Speculative Urbanism (V)
14th October 2020

Everyday Justice in Myanmar: Informal Resolutions and State Evasion in a Time of Contested Transition (V)
9th October 2020

Mapping Transdisciplinary Data for Spatial Justice: Migration and Urbanization in Vietnam and Beyond (V)
7th October 2020

Decolonising Higher Education Roundtable (P)
30th September  2020

Public Lecture: Post COVID-19 Futures of the Urbanising World (V)
3rd June 2020

Public Lecture: Diminishing Globalisation, Rising Digitalisation: Central Bank Policy Responses (P)
10th February 2020

Public Lecture: Less Poverty, More Precarity: Squaring the Circle of Southeast Asian Development (P)
30th January 2020

Southeast Asia Discussion Series: Enclave Urbanism and Transnational Zones in Southeast Asia (P)
28th January 2020

Public Lecture: Who is the Middle Class, and what are they up to? Reflections from Jakarta (P)

28th November 2019

Algorithmic Enclaves: Social Media and Politics in Southeast Asia (P)
7th November 2019

Southeast Asia Discussion Series: Land sharing experiences in Thailand and Cambodia: What lessons for land and housing policy for the urban poor? (P)
17th October 2019

South-South itineraries: alternative routes for mutual learning between Latin America and Southeast Asia (P)
1st October 2019 

Automation and the Future of Work in Southeast Asia (P) 
30th May 2018 

Unlocking Poverty Traps: what could 'Graduation Packages' change for Vietnam's ethnic minorities and Cambodia's ultra-poor? (P) 
20th March 2018 

Circulations of Urbanism and Real Estate Capital: the case of Korean and Singaporean developers in Vietnam (P) 
20th February 2018 

Red North, Blue North, Yellow North, Whose North? Contesting Thai Nationalism in Shinawatra Country (P)
6th February 2018

Was the ISIS Threat in Southeast Asia Overblown? (P)
17th January 2018

Disavowing Liberalism: the political legitimacy and longevity of the People's Action Party in Singapore (P)
5th December 2017

Bringing Institutions Back In: ASEAN's institutional logics and effects at a time of great power transition (P)
20th November 2017

Indonesia in ASEAN: reconciliation, active engagement and strategic reassessment (P)
17th October 2017

Armed Groups, State and Society in Myanmar (P)
13th October 2017 

Civil Society and Shrinking Political Space: the future of human rights in Southeast Asia (P)
3rd May 2017

Sharing Sovereignty: peacebuilding and the UN's joint ventures in Timor-Leste and Cambodia (P)
25th April 2017 

Is Regionalism Passé? Infrastructure for Integrating South and Southeast Asia (P)
22nd March 2017

Myanmar's NLD-led Government: one year on (P)
21st March 2017 

Islamisation Through Democratisation? Deciphering Calls for Islamic Law in Contemporary Indonesia (P)
14th March 2017

Vietnamese Trajectories: negotiating refuge and belonging through forced migrations (P)
26th January 2017

Religion and Nationalism in Southeast Asia: conflict and contestation in the conception of nationhood (P)
16th January 2017

Who Developed Vietnam? The Role of International Donors (P)
30th November 2016

Sex Trafficking in Southeast Asia: the context of desire, duty, and debt (P)
23rd November 2016

Duterte's Bloody Democracy in the Philippines (P)
25th October 2016 

South China Sea: salient aspects of the arbitration between the Philippines and China (P)
12th October 2016

LSE Southeast Asia Forum 2016 (P)
13th May 2016

Rebranding ASEAN as a New Global Player (P)
27th April 2016

How Did Aung San Suu Kyi Win So Big? (P)
25th April 2016

Borneo Burning: Deforestation, El Nino, Reforestation (P)
3rd February 2016

Australia's role in Indonesian independence - liberal internationalism in action, or the realpolitik of regional security? (P)
20th January 2016

The Material Culture of Japanese-Held Captives in WWII British Asia (P)
13th January 2016

ISIS in Southeast Asia: The Apocalypse, Just War and Pragmatic Jihad (P)
7th December 2015

Trading Places? Muslim modernists and traditionalists in Indonesia since the Reformasi (P)
2nd December 2015

Myanmar on the Brink (P)
5th October 2015

Dealing with China (P)
11th May 2015

Rebellion and Foundation: Southeast Asia, the UK, and 50 years of development (P)
28th February 2015 

Hong Kong: the struggle at the end of history (P)
10th February 2015 

AEC 2015: A Perspective From Business (P)
28th January 2015