Allerton, Catherine. Being and not being Filipino: children of refugees, Muslim belonging and multiple refusals in Sabah, Malaysia. Sojourn: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia, 39 (3) (2024). ISSN 0217-9520
Laura Antona, “Geographies of Possession: Domestic Workers’ Shifting Owners and Ghostly Encounters in Singapore,” Annals of the American Association of Geographers, Volume 114, Number 5 (2024), pp. 943 - 957.
Neil Lee, Metta Ni, and Augustin Boey, The scaleup state: Singapore’s industrial policy for the digital economy (London: LSE Saw Swee Hock Southeast Asia Centre Working Paper Series, 2024.
Petchpilai Lattanan, Puttaporn Areeprachakun, Areerut Ptnukao, Pannee Cheewinsiriwat, John Barlow, Hyun Bang Shin, and Jonathan Rigg, “From Causality to Blame: Exploring Flooding, Factories and Land Conversion in Eastern Thailand,” Australian Geographer, Volume 55, Number 2 (2024), pp. 203- 227.
Sharmila Parmanand, “Shape-shifting and Strategic In/visibility: Comparing Sex Work Activism in Singapore and the Philippines,” Trans: TransRegional and –National Studies of Southeast Asia, Volume 12, Number 1 (2024), pp. 27-44.
Antona, Laura (2023) Cute face and quiet...but her look don't match her personality: commodifying flesh, shaping labour expectations, and domestic workers' treatment in Singapore. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 48 (2). 425 - 438.
Antona, Laura. Shelters and clinics: sites where care and violence are mutually constitutive for migrant workers in Singapore. Social and Cultural Geography, 24 (10). 1790 - 1807 (2023). ISSN 1464-9365
Antona, Laura (2023) Gendered disciplinary apparatuses and carceral domesticities in Singapore’s labour-migration regime. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space.
Catherine Allerton, “Discordant temporalities of migration and childhood,” Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, Volume 29, Number 4 (2023), pp. 763 - 783.
Do Young Oh and Hyun Bang Shin, “University as Real Estate Developer: Comparative Perspectives from the Global East,” Geoforum, 144 (2023), pp. 1-12.
Hans J. Steinmüller, “State, Mind, and Legibility without Writing in the Wa State of Myanmar,” Ethnos, Volume 88, Number 4 (2023), pp. 774-796.
Jürgen Haacke, “ASEAN and Conflict Management,” in Jörn Dosch and Frederick Kliem (eds.), The Elgar Companion to ASEAN (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2023), pp. 76-92.
Laura Antona, “Gendered disciplinary apparatuses and carceral domesticities in Singapore’s labourmigration regime,” Environment and Planning D, Volume 41, Number 6 (2023), pp. 931-1093.
Nicholas J. Long, “The Ideal of Intellectual Exchange: Study Abroad, Affect and the Ambivalences of Citizenship in Post-Suharto Indonesia,” in Jacob Copeman, Nicholas J. Long, Lam Minh Chau, Joanna Cook, and Magnus Marsden (eds.), An Anthropology of Intellectual Exchange: Interactions, Transactions, and Ethics in Asia and Beyond (New York: Berghanh Books, 2023), pp. 257- 279.
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