Coinciding with the US-North Korea Summit taking place in Hanoi on 27-28 February, the Saw Swee Hock Southeast Asia Centre will be hosting a Cove Session discussion on the implications of Korean reconciliation on geopolitics and the Southeast Asia region in particular.
The discussion will be led by Prof. Vladimir Tikhonov (Korean name Pak Noja) from the University of Oslo, who is also speaking at the LSE Festival event the day before, entitled "New Reconciliations: the Two Koreas".
As this is a closed session with limited space, attendance will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis: please send a request to attend to Centre Manager Dr Lee Mager (
The Saw Swee Hock Southeast Asia Centre (SEAC) is a cross-disciplinary, regionally-focused academic centre within the Institute of Global Affairs at LSE.
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