UK-Thailand joint Research Project
In May, Prof Shin worked with colleages at Chulalongkorn University (a team of geographers led by Dr Pannee Cheewinsiriwat), the University of Sussex (Dr John Barlow and Dr Yi Wang), and the University of Bristol (Prof Jonathan Rigg) on a new Research Project: Modelling Flood Risk and Community Resilience in Rayong Province, Thailand. The time in Thailand involved a series of training workshops at Chulalongkorn University for faculty and students, and a visit to local villages and government offices in Rayong Province as part of field visits, concerning the issues of flooding risks, measures to curtail such risks, and the lived experiences of local villages. A second round of visits to the study sites will be planned in coming months.

Research and Academic Activities
In Singapore, Prof Shin participated in a roundtable discussion with researchers and academics affiliated with NUS Asia Research Institute (ARI), moderated by ARI Director Professor Tim Bunnell, which was followed by lunch together. Prof Shin was also joined by Dr Yi Jin, who is a former SEAC Postdoctoral Research Assistant, and Dr Ofita Purwani, a forthcoming SEAC Visiting Fellow.
Prof Shin also undertook a series of invited lectures and talks including: an invited lecture at the School of Public Administration and Policy, Renmin University of China, hosted by Dr Yimin Zhao, SEAC Associate and Assistant Professor at RUC; an invited talk in a colloquium hosted by the Graduate School of Environmental Studies at Seoul National University; acting as discussant to the Governors Association of Korea Webinar on Housing and Regeneration; and acting as discussant at Stories of Spatial Violence in Asian Cities a virtual event at the Bartlett Development Planning Unit organised by Dr Catalina Ortiz, SEAC Associate and Associate Professor at UCL.
Prof Shin undertook a visit to the School of Global Studies at Thammasat University, and met with faculty members including: Dr Prapaporn Tivayanond Mongkhonvanit, Dean of the School of Global Studies, and Assistant Professor; Dr Napong Rugkhapan, Assistant Professor, Programme Director of PhD Programme; and Dr Bharat Dahiya.

SEAC Donor Engagement
Prof Shin met with SEAC Donor Arvind Khattar, and was delighted to update Mr Khattar on the Centre’s past academic year, its plans for the future, and the impact of his support for SEAC. Prof Shin met with Ms Patricia Yeo, of the Singapore LSE Trust, and Prof Saw Seang Mei, daughter of SEAC’s founding donor Prof Saw Swee Hock to pay tribute to her father and update her on the work and progress of the Saw Swee Hock Southeast Asia Centre.
In Korea, Prof Shin met with many Academics with shared interests in Southeast Asia Studies, and/or Geography. In particular, Prof Shin met with Prof Suhyun Park, Director of the Asia Center, and Prof Suhong Chae, Director of the Southeast Asia Center, both at Seoul National University. In Singapore, Prof Shin met with: Prof David Taylor, the Head of Department of Geography, and Prof Henry Yeung, Distinguished Professor, both at the National University of Singapore (NUS); at Singapore Management University, President Prof Lily Kong and colleagues including Vice Provost Professor Archan Misra, Dr Fiona Clare Williamson, Dr Orlando Woods, and Dr Winston Chow; and Dr Kaewkamol Pitakdumrongkit, Assistant Professor and Head of the Centre for Multilaternalism Studies at S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University.
Prof Shin met with SEAC collaborator Rita Padawangi, Associate Professor, Singapore University of Social Sciences, and co-coordinator of the Southeast Asia Neighbourhoods Network (SEANNET). You can read Dr Padawangi’s work on the Southeast Asia Blog and watch her SEAC Seminar: Theorising the City in and from Southeast Asia. In addition to academic colleagues, Prof Shin was delighted to meet with friends of SEAC including Mr Tan Chin Hwee, CEO-Asia Pacific, Trafigura Pt Ltd, and Mr Lutfey Siddiqi, (Visiting Professor in Practice at LSE IDEAS), alongside Dr Yuhyun Park (founder of DQ Institute), and Ms Pamela Qiu (Partner at Control Risks Group).
In Thailand, Prof Shin met with SEAC collaborator with Dr Supitcha Tovivich, Lecturer at the Faculty of Architecture, Silpakorn University. You can watch her Roundtable: Living heritage and urban informalities: perspectives from Southeast Asian cities

LSE Alumni Engagement
Prof Shin met with regional alumni including the LSE Alumni Association of Singapore, and the Thai Alumni Association to discuss SEAC's and the LSE's upcoming engagements with the Alumni Association, and Singapore and Thailand more generally. Both the Alumni associations of Singapore and Thailand hosted Prof Shin for dinners to better get to know alumni in the region. Prof Shin was further hosted by Thai Alumni Association co-chair Waan Napawong Snidvongs and Khun Sirin Phathanothai for a dinner including: H.E. Mr. Moon Seoung-Hyun, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea; H.E. Dr Chirayu Isarangkun na Ayuthaya, privy councillor; Dr. Piyasvasti Amranand, Chairman of PTTGC; Dr Somkiat Tangkitvanich, Thailand Development Research Institute Director; Prof Thitinan Pongsudhirak, ISIS Chulalongkorn University and Prof Pavida Pananond, Thammasat Business School; alongside other prominent LSE alumni and Thai business people.
Prof Shin also had individual meetings with regional alumni including: Mr Suchad Chiaranussati, Chairman and Founder of SC Capital Partners Pte Ltd. and LSE alumni; Mr Andrea Ossi-Perretta, Programme Management Officer at UN Environment; Mr Krit Muangsiri, Royal Thai Police; Prof Thitinan Pongsudhirak, Faculty of Political Science and Director of the Institute of Security and International Studies, Chulalongkorn University; Mr Dominic Chakrabongse, Director of Precious Plastic Bangkok. Prof Shin also met with five young LSE alumni in Singapore: Dr Yang Yang (NUS ARI); Ms Junianti Lim (Ministry of Trade and Industry); Ms Anita Sin (Ministry of Education); Mr Ian Lo (National Heritage Board); Ms Ili Kaiyisah Rahan (Eco-Business).

Meetings with SEAC Affiliates
Prof Shin met with several SEAC Associates, including Professor Chua Beng Huat, SEAC Advisory Board member and Professor in the Department of Sociology at NUS, Prof Danny Quah, SEAC Associate, former director of LSE SEAC (2014-2016), and Professor of Economics at NUS, and former SEAC Visiting Fellow Dr Junjia Ye, NTU. You can learn more about Dr Ye’s work at SEAC here. And, read her recent working paper Encountering migrant-driven diversity: Producing difference in Singapore. Prof Shin also met with SEAC ECR Network members Ms Wenn Er Tan, (PhD Student at NUS Sociology) and Ms Rachel Bok, (PhD Student at UBC Geography) Dr Yi Jin. Prof Shin further met with Dr Yi Jin to discuss the progress of revising a joint paper for resubmission to a journal.

Prof Shin charied and participated in a number of online events including: chairing a SEAC joint event with the Cambodia Development Resource Institute (CDRI) on Doing Research in Cambodia: Connecting the Dots, Spotting the Interlinks; co-convening a group discussion as part of RC21/IJURR Virtual Doctorate School; and chairing the Southeast Asian Waters Series: "Don't Always Blame Climate Change": The Political Ecology of Uneven Development and Vulnerability to Flooding in Southeast Asian Megacities (