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Executive Master of Public Administration

Programme Code: TMMPAEX

Department: School of Public Policy

For students starting this programme of study in 2020/21

Guidelines for interpreting programme regulations

Classification scheme for the award of a taught master's degree
Exam sub-board local rules

The EMPA is a 19 month programme. Students must take courses to the value of eight half units as set out below.


Course number, title (unit value)

Year 1

Paper 1

PP4G8E Introduction to Public Policy (EMPA) (0.5)

Paper 2

PP478E Political Science and Public Policy (0.5) #

Paper 3

PP455E Empirical Methods for Public Policy (0.5) #

Paper 4

PP4G9E Public Policy in Practice Workshop I (EMPA) (0.5)

Year 2

Paper 5

PP440E Economic Policy Analysis (0.5) #

Papers 6 & 7

Courses to the value of 1.0 unit(s) from the following:


PP410E Public Economics for Public Policy (0.5) #


PP421E Global Market Economics (0.5) #


PP454E Development Economics (0.5) #


PP488E Regulatory Analysis (0.5) #


PP4J5E Fiscal Governance and Budgeting (0.5) #


PP4V8E Policy Paper (0.5) #

Paper 8

PP409E Public Policy in Practice Workshop II (EMPA) (0.5)

Prerequisite Requirements and Mutually Exclusive Options

# means there may be prerequisites for this course. Please view the course guide for more information.

Students who achieve passing grades (50 and above) in at least 6 half units are eligible for the award of Diploma. Students can opt for this award either once they have completed six courses (i.e. all courses in Year One plus two further half units) or once they have completed the programme if they are not eligible for the award of the degree. The Diploma is classified according to the Scheme for the Award of a Diploma.

Students who have achieved passing grades (50 and above) in at least 4 half units are eligible for the award of Certificate. The student is classified on a Pass/Fail basis only. Higher marks in one course cannot compensate a Fail mark in another course. The award of a Certificate or Diploma is subject to the application of the General Academic Regulations and the Certificate/Diploma regulations and classification schemes. The Certificate and Diploma are final exit awards with no option to subsequently be awarded the degree of Executive Master of Public Administration or Executive Master of Public Policy.

Candidates who attain at least a Pass grade in each of the Year 1 courses PP4G8E, PP478E and PP455E will be eligible to progress to Year 2. The Year 1 course PP4G9E will not count towards progression but the grade will count towards the final degree classification.

Students wishing to defer the submission of one or more assessment components must seek permission according to the Regulations for Taught Master's Degrees prior to the assessment due date, except in the case of unforeseen and exceptional circumstances. Students deferring one or more assessment components in Year 1 may exceptionally progress to Year 2 and submit any deferred assessment at the next normal opportunity, if they complete and pass two of the three half units PP4G8E, PP478E and PP455E in Year 1.

Students failing one but not more than one of PP4G8E, PP478E and PP455E in Year 1 will normally be able to progress to Year 2, although this fail will count toward their degree classification according to the Scheme for the Award of a Taught Master's Degree. Students failing more than one of PP4G8E, PP478E and PP455E in Year 1 have to re-sit relevant assessment components and pass the required number of half units before they can progress to Year 2. Students are permitted to re-sit failed exams in line with the General Academic Regulations for Postgraduate Students.

The Sub-Board may recommend to the Graduate School Board of Examiners (GSBE) that a student can progress to year two of the programme even if they have not met the normal application of the progression rules. This can only be done on an exceptional basis where:

(a) the Sub-Board has determined that a student has demonstrated that their progression has been affected by circumstances beyond their control through the exceptional circumstances procedure and;

(b) the GSBE approves the Sub-Board's recommendation.

Note for prospective students:
For changes to graduate course and programme information for the next academic session, please see the graduate summary page for prospective students. Changes to course and programme information for future academic sessions can be found on the graduate summary page for future students.