Advanced Qualitative Research Workshops

This information is for the 2014/15 session.

Teacher responsible

Prof Martin Bauer COL8.04


Research students only, with previous qualitative methods training (e.g. MY400 and MY421 or equivalent) who are undertaking projects using qualitative methods. The course is particularly aimed at second and upper year PhD students but may be undertaken by students at an earlier stage.


Students must have completed Fundamentals of Social Science Research Design (MY400) and CP-MY421.

Course content

MY530 is a series of workshop modules that provide hands-on, in-depth and advanced training for specific methodologies of qualitative data collection, analytic techniques and research design issues. Research students can sign up to as many workshops as they wish. The programme includes topics such as, discourse analysis, qualitative interviewing, focus groups, ethnography and participant observation, narrative interviewing and analysis, visual methods, classical content analysis, experience sampling techniques, rhetorical analysis etc. Each workshop consists of two sessions of two to three hours. In the second session, participants will bring in their own research data for discussion. These interdisciplinary sessions provide a space for students to develop advanced methodological skills and exchange ideas with peers.


Sessions to be held throughout the year; MT, LT and ST, on selected Wednesdays and Fridays am or pm. Participants will sign up via MOODLE once the programme is set.

Indicative reading

Each session will provide its own recommended reading list; no one

publication covers the whole set of workshops.


This course is non-examinable.

Key facts

Department: Methodology

Total students 2013/14: 5

Average class size 2013/14: Unavailable

Lecture capture used 2013/14: No

Value: Non-assessed

Guidelines for interpreting course guide information