Not available in 2014/15
Catalan: Level One (Fast Track)

This information is for the 2014/15 session.

Teacher responsible

Ms Roser Pujadas Comas D Argemir CMK.C804


No previous knowledge required. It may be suitable for re-starters. Demonstrate full commitment to regular attendance, completion of homework, completion of portfolio and all assessments. Dedicate at least two hours per week for coursework, in addition to classes. Admission into the course upon tutor's approval during the information sessions. Students should be able to demonstrate a successful track record of learning languages.

Course content

Course Aim:

  • To develop the ability to use Catalan effectively for purposes of practical communication in familiar work and social context.
  • To improve the 4 skills with special focus on listening and speaking.
  • To be able to interact in Catalan common situations.
  • To acquire a good range of vocabulary.
  • To have a good basis to continue in the study of the language at higher levels.
  • To bring the students to level A1/A2 of CEFR.

Communicatvie Content: From the beginning of the course students will be encouraged to use the language and to learn and practise vocabulary. 

  • Introducing someone formally and informally.
  • Asking and giving personal information.
  • Describing people and objects.
  • Talking about present actions.
  • Talking about daily routine.
  • Asking and giving information about learning, work and professional relationships.
  • Talking about hobbies, free time and holidays. Asking for and giving directions and information in situations such as town, hotels, airport, etc.
  • Talking about past events and describing what has happened.
  • Talking about future plans express likes, dislikes and opinions.

Structural Content: Personal pronouns. Definite and indefinite articles. Gender and number of nouns and adjectives. Present tense of regular and irregular verbs. Demonstratives and possessives adjectives. Direct and indirect object pronouns. Quantitatively adjectives, pronouns and adverbs. Interrogative pronouns and adjectives. Frequency adverbs. Time and place expressions. Introduction to past tenses.


12 hours of classes in the MT. 20 hours of classes in the LT. 8 hours of classes in the ST.

This is a 40 hour-course. Please refer to the LSE timetable for course teaching arrangements.

Indicative reading

Veus 1. Curs de català, Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat, 2005. Gramàtica pràctica del català, Editorial Teide, 2011


Continuous assessment (50%) in the MT, LT and ST.
Oral examination (30%) in the LT and ST.
In class assessment (20%) in the LT.

Key facts

Department: Language Studies

Total students 2013/14: Unavailable

Average class size 2013/14: Unavailable

Lecture capture used 2013/14: No

Guidelines for interpreting course guide information