Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education Career Track: Full level
This information is for the 2014/15 session.
Teacher responsible
Dr Claire Gordon (Teaching and Learning Centre)
Participants must be career track lecturers at LSE interested in developing their teaching practice and in exploring aspects of teaching and learning in depth.
As above.
Course content
This course is designed to allow maximum flexibility to academic staff who can tailor the work to their particular interests in terms of choice of projects and forms of assessment. Specific requirements are the completion of:
- a learning log; and
- two enquiry based professional development projects on particular aspects of teaching and learning of interest, such as assessment of/for learning, supervision and technology enhanced learning.
Participants have regular one to one or group consultations with advisers in the Teaching and Learning Centre and other members of academic staff at different stages of their projects. They can also attend workshops offered as part of LSE’s Academic Development Scheme.
Participants are required to submit their portfolios and projects at the end of Summer Term. Successful candidates will be awarded the Postgraduate Certificate of Higher Education Full level and are eligible for HEA accreditation at the Fellow level.