MPA Dual Degree

Page contents > Route 1 | Route 2

21 month programme.

Route 1

Year 1 at LSE

Students will follow the first year curriculum of one of the following programmes:
MPA Public and Economic Policy
MPA Public Policy and Management
MPA International Development
MPA European Public and Economic Policy
MPA Public and Social Policy

On successful completion of the first year of that programme at LSE, students who have accepted an offer of a dual degree place will transfer to the MPA Dual Degree. See the MPA criteria for progression from year one to year two. 

Year 2 at Columbia University, Sciences Po, the Hertie School of Governance or the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy

Students will follow the second year of the MPA programme at SIPA, Columbia University, the MPA programme at Sciences Po, the MPP programme at Hertie or the MPP programme at Lee Kuan Yew.

Route 2

Year 1 at Columbia University, Sciences Po, the Hertie School of Governance or the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy

Students will follow the first year of the MPA/MIA programme at SIPA, Columbia University, the MPA programme at Sciences Po, the MPP programme at Hertie or the MPP programme at Lee Kuan Yew.

Year 2 at LSE

Students must take courses to the value of four units as set out below:


Course number and title



Organisations, Power and Leadership (H)



GV4B3, DV4B3, EU4B3, SA4K3 MPA Capstone Project


Plus one of the following:


MPA Policy Paper (H) and two units of options courses or


MPA Dissertation and 1.5 units options course or


2.5 units from the approved MPA options list*