Palm Jumeirah, Dubai, UAE. Jason Mrachina,, 2013.
The Middle East Centre carried out analytical work to help UNICEF unpack key aspects of the politics, economics and foreign policy of the GCC states. This research aimed to help UNICEF understand better how the GCC countries influence the operating environment for UNICEF country programmes in the region, and to inform programming, advocacy and fundraising approaches vis-à-vis the GCC countries.
Research Team
Steffen Hertog | Technical Team Leader
Steffen is Associate Professor in Comparative Politics in the LSE Department of Government.
Courtney Freer | Deputy Team Leader
Courtney is Research Officer at the Kuwait Programme.
Khalid Almezaini | Research Consultant
Khalid is Assistant Professor of Gulf Studies at Qatar University. Prior to joining Qatar University, he was a Visiting Fellow at the LSE Kuwait Programme.
Karen Young | Research Consultant
Karen was previously Visiting Fellow at the LSE Middle East Centre. She is Senior Resident Scholar at the Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington.