Forthcoming Events

Lectures, Seminars & Book Launches

LSE hosts a wide and varied range of Middle East events, including public lectures, seminars, book launches and conferences. Events are open to the public and are free of charge, unless specified otherwise. This list of events includes all Middle East Centre events and other selected Middle East events at LSE.

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Almost all of our events are recorded. To catch up on the latest MEC podcasts and interviews, visit our SoundCloud and YouTube pages or subscribe on iTunes or Spotify.

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As part of the LSE MEC's Paper Series

Iraq’s Economy between the US and Iran: Perceptions and Realities

Thursday 6 March | 18:00 - 19:00 GMT | Ahmed Tabaqchali, LSE Middle East Centre

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Co-organised with the LSE Firoz Lalji Institute for Africa

Empowering Women in Agriculture: Navigating Peace, Conflict, and Food Security Conference, Saturday 8 March

This International Women’s Day 2025 Conference will platform the diverse voices of women who work or are involved in the agricultural sector in Africa, and who are leading the way within their own communities and internationally to make the sector sustainable.

Register here 


Understanding Hamas And Why That Matters (Book Launch)

Monday 10 March | 18:30 - 19:30 GMT | Catherine Charrett, University of Westminster; Helena Cobban, Just World Education; Jeroen Gunning, LSE Middle East Centre; Mouin Rabbani, Jadaliyya

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Co-organised with the Department of Sociology

The Time beneath the Concrete: Palestine between Camp and Colony (Book Launch)

Thursday 13 March | 18:00 - 19:00 GMT | Nasser Abourahme, Bowdoin College; Muna Dajani, LSE Middle East Centre

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Civic Death in Contemporary Turkey: Mass Surveillance and the Authoritarian State (Book Launch)

Tuesday 18 March | 18:00 - 19:00 GMT | Seçkin Sertdemir, LSE; Zerrin Özlem Biner, SOAS; Esra Özyürek, University of Cambridge

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Kurdish Studies Conference, Weds 11 - Fri 13 June 2025

This interdisciplinary event builds on the conferences held at Sheffield in 2024 and LSE in 2023, and is organised by the Kurdish Studies Series at the LSE Middle East Centre and the Department of Politics and International Relations at the University of Sheffield.

Register to attend