New terminal, Kuwait airport /
This research project analyses the emerging ‘New Kuwait’, with particular focus on the role of the private sector in the post-oil dependent Kuwaiti political economy. It seeks to empirically examine how the government is attempting to encourage the private sector to spearhead the country’s economic diversification efforts, especially towards it being ‘Knowledge Based’. Moreover, this research also seeks to address the role of migrant and national manpower and how the national citizenry are being prepared to successfully participate in the private sector labour market and contribute to the successful implementation of the new development agenda. By analysing Vision 2035, labour market governance strategies and obtaining empirical data from key stakeholders, this study shows how Kuwait is preparing for the impending post-oil era, whilst highlighting the challenges they will face as they end their oil addiction.
Principal Investigator
Sophie Olver Ellis
Sophie is a Research Officer at the Kuwait Programme, LSE Middle East Centre.