Dr Ipek Gencel Sezgin conducts research on collective action and collective violence, religion, and politics, specializing in the politics and history of Turkey. Her focus is on the organizational and cognitive structures and mechanisms of violent and nonviolent collective actors, and how these interact with external opportunities and constraints, including political institutions, societal tensions and contingencies. She is currently co-leading the project Patterns of Violence in Provincial Turkey: Anti-communist Riots in the late 1960s with Dr Ekin Kadir Selcuk.
Whilst joining the Middle East Center as a Visiting Fellow, she works as a part-time instructor at Başkent University. Preivously she was a Researcher and Fieldwork Research Coordinator at the University of Vienna. She completed her doctorate on political engagement patterns of Islamist movements in Sociology at EHESS and in Political Science at Bilkent University in co-tutelle de thèse.
She has recently completed a manuscript under review titled Activists, Identity and Political Party: The Making of the National Outlook Movement in Turkey. In addition to book chapters, she has published in Turkish Studies and Birikim.